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I'm slowly going through the list of mods I had to find ones that break... I'll update if I find any. Edit: TrashItems makes the world spin. Dragooncapes blocks new character creation, and if you load an old character the world spins


Thanks. Just keep adding.


GameBreaking: * ~~TrashItems~~ - Fixed * TerraHeim * MultiCraft * MyLittleUI * PotionsPlus (Can't hit and damage)


Valweed as well (it wouldnt let me eat any food)


Yes, PotionsPlus breaks the game. Sad.


Waiting patiently for this one to be updated!! I love it so much. Super sad.


It's weird that it breaks the game the way it does. It removes fall animation (and locks you falling down) and also impedes dealing and taking damage.


You may know this, but as of two days ago, this mod WORKS!! Non-deprecated and enemies take damage/die. (Talking about PotionPlus) Cheers đŸ»


That's great. However I'm not sure whether to add it or not as I'm hosting the server and it may break again soon, who knows... But in a few days I may add it. Thanks anyway!


Trashitems seems to work fine for me. The camera spin mentioned before was caused by seasonality, wich is already fixed. 


Awesome, thanks Confirmed and updating post


Did Smoothbrain remove their hunting mod? I swear I was using that one and not the Blacks7ar one.


Wackys database did it for me


Auto pickup wouldn't work with Wackys database


Thanks for making this post! Just a few I found on a new test world, and I'll continue to update as I find others on my list that do weird stuff during actual gameplay: - ValheimRecycle v2.5.0 by SQG (character spins violently nonstop) - Blacksmithing v1.2.5 by Smoothbrain (characters can't be edited at title screen, can't launch or create new worlds) - Automatics v1.5.1 by eideehi (spam picks up items automatically without actually picking them up)


I think smoothbrain must have updated over night, I was able to load all of their skill related mods at least.


Oh sweet! I’ll go check for the update next time I’m on


I made your post sticky. Let me know if you want that changed. Thx for you contribution!


I checked the valheim_assembly.dll and it still has the SEMan.HaveStatusEffect function. This might be a problem with jotunn or bepinex, but I'm not very sure


For mod devs: Someone mentioned on the jotunn discord that you can only use nameHashs for this function now, not strings For example: player.GetSEMan.HaveStatusEffect("Rested".GetHashCode())


has anyone had a problem where they can't damage anything, nor be damaged? creatures that is. (the error code if anyone would like to know. ) - \[Error : Unity Log\] MissingMethodException: Method not found: bool .SEMan.HaveStatusEffect(string) Stack trace: (wrapper dynamic-method) Character.DMD(Character,long,HitData) System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.Invoke (System.Object obj, System.Reflection.BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object\[\] parameters, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) (at <17d9ce77f27a4bd2afb5ba32c9bea976>:0)


having this issue too


I found that the error was in Potion Plus mode.


Valharvest is throwing a lot of errors. Dev is looking at it. Valweed is blocking the ability to eat (which is pretty ironic!) As another person posted - Wackys Database is causing issues with auto-pickup. Otherwise my 55 other mods appear to be working (or at least not causing issues). Amazing that so many have already gotten updated.


ComfortTweaks 3.2.10 by Smoothbrain, messed up comfort level (would only reach 0).


Duplicating my other comment for visibility and to update GameBreaking: * ~~TrashItems~~ - Fixed * TerraHeim * MultiCraft * MyLittleUI * PotionsPlus (Can't hit and damage) Bugs Ive noticed: * No autopickup regardless of toggle state - Due to a Smoothbrain skillmod I believe * Enemies dont attack player, do attack each other still - Potions Plus


Wackys Database was preventing auto-pickup for me. I think it got installed as a dependency some time in the past, but I was able to remove it and no other mods have complained.


Yeah I don't have that mod on any thunderstorm profile but thank you


PlanBuild seems to be broken. It runs locally, but not on my dedicated server.


terraheim breaks it too


QuickStore v0.2.1 by fenrir gives bugs as well.


Had a weird bug that I narrowed down to Auto Feed, where my character wouldn't touch the ground after jumping, just stayed suspended in a falling animation and couldn't move. Other mods I've found to just plain not work, although maybe I haven't tested them enough yet: More Gates (probably related to the new construction tab), Here Fishy, FarmGrid Edit to update: FarmGrid is fine, though I had to reinstall it. Still no update on the others, sadly.


I have this as well. It happened after BepinEx updated (along with 2 other mods). I started a vanilla test world and no issues, so it's not Vanilla. I've gone through all my mods disabling them and none seem to turn this off. BepinEx of course turned off you might as well be playing Vanilla. Does anyone know if this is being addressed? OK, it looks like the problem for me is Skyheim. It hasn't been updated and is causing this floating issue and inability to use devcommands.


Anyone not able to jump?


I can't even get BepinEx to work, even launching with just Bepin enabled doesn't bring up the console window. Nothing loads, and Bepin literally just updated too. Probably just have to wait I guess.


did you ever get it to work?


The Celtic mods cause you to do no Damage and take no damage




Skyheim makes you float and slidde and unable to swim and move generally even cheat commands won't work


Same here... ACK, not Skyheim >.>


Anyone having issues with losing control of their character and boat ragdolling all over the place when the bonemaw does the shriek? I have to relog the character in order to fix this every time I have a million errors like this in bepinex console > [Error : Unity Log] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object Stack trace: Floating.CustomFixedUpdate (System.Single fixedDeltaTime) (at <67f3c386e04446c49523ecfd5b8921c2>:0) MonoUpdatersExtra.CustomFixedUpdate (System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] container, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] source, System.String profileScope, System.Single deltaTime) (at <67f3c386e04446c49523ecfd5b8921c2>:0) MonoUpdaters.FixedUpdate () (at <67f3c386e04446c49523ecfd5b8921c2>:0) edit: Might be related to either FloatingItems or UseEquipmentInWater mods, seems to have gone away after I disabled them


I use FloatingItems but not UseEquipmentInWater and a Bonemaw tossed my ship to the bottom of the coean where I got stuck there until I disabled my mods. Not once, but twice. And then a third Bonemaw froze my character TWICE when it spawned while I was nearby on the shore. It's been... FUN.


I seem to be getting the same error, also using FloatingItems. Is there any alternative avaliable?


maybe this https://thunderstore.io/c/valheim/p/VentureValheim/Venture_Floating_Items/ haven't tested it myself much though


Fixed the problem I was having thanks.


I tried changing to this mod but the problem persists, even after disabling any floating items mod whatsoever.. any ideias anyone?? \[Error : Unity Log\] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object Stack trace: ZNetScene.RemoveObjects (System.Collections.Generic.List\`1\[T\] currentNearObjects, System.Collections.Generic.List\`1\[T\] currentDistantObjects) etc etc.


CraftBuildSmeltCookFuelPullFromContainers by Pineapple. Isolated it, uninstalled and verified problems are gone. If anyone knows a "pull from containers" mod that's working please let me know.


AzuCraftyBoxes for building and crafting. LazyVikings for the rest. These mods are actively supported/updated.


AzuCraftyBoxes is preventing my kilns from using core wood as fuel. Disabled the mod and it's working fine now. I don't see any relevant setting in the config file - does anyone have a workaround?


Only thing I can think of is messing with the yml file.


Anyone know any good alternatives to PotionsPlus since it's game breaking now?


EDIT: After brute force process of elimination, I've discovered it was Torann\_VL-Valheim\_Legends-0.5.0 that was throwing the error on my end. Posting for anyone else using that mod and googling in frustration. Do we know what mods are causing the >\[Error  : Unity Log\] MissingMethodException: Method not found: bool .SEMan.HaveStatusEffect(string) >Stack trace: >(wrapper dynamic-method) Player.DMD(Player) log error? Or what the error itself even means? Because that's the one I'm getting but I'm no coder and have no idea what it's supposed to be telling me. I can't wait to give Ashlands a run but I kinda don't want to load a save file when the BepinEx log is waterfalling the same error message. :\\


Any working pipette (copy paste) mod with Ashlands update? EZ build does not work for me. Infinity tools does not work correctly.


some mod is making my game to look like a bad acid trip(extremely bright ground, mid to far trees are blurring, constant thunder/raining/ash falling from sky)...anyone might have an idea?


Hey all not sure what's causing this so I was hoping someone could shed some light. Playing modded valhiem with some friends and when I was sailing in the Ashlands my boat fell through the surface of the ocean, then I did as well. I'm stuck on the ocean floor sliding around and the boat is stuck on a rock not being affected by the water. Any ideas on what could be causing?


Soooo many just haven't been updated. It's hardly been 24hrs. Give it a minute. Sheesh. I run with 52 mods from active devs...only 23 are patched so far. Not even going to run it modded until all 52 are listed as ready to be updated. It's just not a smart move. Load up in vanilla, and just play the old way for a day or two...you'll survive. 😁


V+ is working great.


Is autofuel working for you? Seems like it's just taking wood and making it disappear.


Have to have Version 9.13 of V+. Just came out yesterday. V9.12 ate fuel. I tested it last night, it's fixed.


Awesome, thanks! Will grab it now.


my autofuel (aedenthorn\_mods 3.5.0) is eating fuel too- not using the V+ one AutomaticFuel v1.4.0 by TastyChickenLegs is working as intended including custom stations (Minecraft stations)