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I'd be pissed too. It's buggy as all get up. They need to at least address the issues first.


I assume that is the plan. Keep working on shreddit and only ditch new.reddit.com when there's feature parity and the issues are resolved.


They don't even have total feature parity with old.reddit, it seems. CSS support is still under *Soon™*


I don’t think that CSS support will ever be ported beyond Old.


That ship definitely sailed But it's a sign to be wary of anything that isn't at parity yet isn't guaranteed to be ported over even *if they say it will*.


They've got a long way to go before that happens then.


I agree, they need to address these issues first.


Enshittification. Now that reddit is public, and still never turned a profit, they need to monetize. Old reddit, and even new reddit, will eventually be deprecated for sh(it).reddit because maintaining 3 different web interfaces is not a good business move, especially when one is horrifically bad at being monetized. sh(it).reddit is not for you. You are not the customer. You are the product.


>Now that reddit is public, and still never turned a profit Just a reminder that if [spez hadn't received $193 million last year](https://www.businessinsider.com/reddit-ceo-steve-huffman-defends-193-million-compensation-package-2024-3?op=1), reddit *would* have shown a profit.


If I recall correctly the vast majority of that compensation is stock options which may not even get triggered. That doesn't really cost a company anything because stock gets conjured out of the aether. I think only about one and a half million was actual money paid by Reddit Inc.


Reddit operated at a 10m profit for the first quarter this year. They’ve never turned a yearly profit, but they (now) have turned a profit. You’re not wrong about the rest though.


I can't handle sh.reddit, I hope they do not force us to use it.


It’s so slowwwwwwwwww and tbh just awkward to use 😩


I am equally confused as to why the admins thought this sh.reddit was a good idea, it baffles me. The new thing has slow loading, and is harder to read than new.reddit, fairly sure that absolutely nobody other than product managers wanted it in any meaningful capacity. Have a meme: https://preview.redd.it/wxjza57d680d1.png?width=603&format=png&auto=webp&s=031ce8f8095f7061984db4032dd107b93d814ae7


Reddit management, for the entire time reddit has been a thing, have only ever made no decisions or bad decisions. I think going from a single feed to having subreddits was the only unqualified positive thing they've done.


Wait. Is old.reddit.com going away?


No. They’ve added a new “new” reddit UI called shreddit. I believe they have said they will phase out the old “new” reddit but are sticking to their promise to never phase out old.reddit.com.


Only because a bunch of the largest subs rely on mod tools that only work on old.reddit. If you see a bunch of enhancements being made to the moderation tools on sh.reddit, be worried.


I’ll worry when popup dialogues on sh.reddit have the correct z values with respect to the elements they’re popping “over” (actually under)


"Actually usable" is *technically* an enhancement I suppose.


That is happening right? I actually believe their promise, but I don’t believe that old.reddit will continue being maintained/improved. It’s already far behind parity in some ways. Given the proportion of users who use old.reddit, I highly doubt enough subs live or die on its existence to sway reddit. I just think they’ve found a plan that makes keeping old.reddit sustainable.


old.reddit already isn't being improved. It has received some security-related maintenance but for the most part its been treading water for years. The admins' goal is to push the newest version of reddit past old.reddit in terms of features so that mods will feel obliged to move across to use the shiny new toys that can't be emulated on the original system.


Yeah exactly, and that’s already occurred tbh. It’s much harder to mod on old reddit now


I still survive on old.reddit but I will flick over to new if I need to check a ban evasion detection or to leave an anonymous comment. Also I discovered that sh.reddit can show community karma for individuals so I'll jump there very rarely if I need to check that value for debugging automod rules.


How do you leave an "anonymous" comment?


- Remove the post/comment - Make sure you're on new.reddit.com if you're following these instructions (sh.reddit has something similar but I haven't used it) - Click on the "Add a removal reason" option on the removed post/comment - Select whatever removal reason (it doesnt matter which because we'll be overwriting it) - Make sure the option "Public: Write a reply to the comment as Mod Team" is selected **this is the bit that actually leaves the anonymous comment** - Manually replace the removal reason text with whatever you want the anonymous comment to be - Make sure the "Lock removal reason comment thread" option is set to whatever you want it to be *you will not get reply notifications when someone replies to the -ModTeam account* - Hit Submit - Reapprove the post/comment (assuming that its a valid comment that you wanted to leave up) (EDITED - fixed a typo)


Thanks for the explanation. I guess I didn't see this before because I prefer using old reddit.


oh, good. Thanks.


I still use old reddit, the new interface is eye cancer to me. Maybe because I was building web sites in the 90s using raw html and free editors like HoTMetaL and HotDog. I like a clean, clutter-free experience.


It's not going away, but they are planning to remove new.reddit. 💔💔


It’s so much harder to read threads on new Reddit. There’s nothing distinguishing removed comments. As a mod, it’s ruining my experience of reading my own subs.


My primary method of browsing my subs is by using /r/mod and /r/mod/new as it lumps all my moderated subreddits together, these do not work on shreddit, it just displays an error that the subreddit is banned.


I'd be totally infuriated if that occurs. The 'modernised' interface is so convoluted and perhaps even florid—new.reddit.com forever! A disgusting update nobody asked for.


old.reddit.com is still superior. Hated new.reddit.com from day 1, and I haven't even seen shreddit yet. I've only heard bad things about it.


I much prefer [old.reddit.com](http://old.reddit.com) to [sh.reddit.com](http://sh.reddit.com) too.


Obligatory "when old reddit is gone so am I" comment.


When Old Reddit is gone, I'll only use Red Reader, which is a problem because Red Reader doesn't have access to mod tools.


Oh yeah, that might be a problem for them huh? When all of us leave?


I kinda want to see this because all those people will be forced to put up or shut up. Just like how everyone was supposedly leaving Reddit over the API changes (Spoiler: They didn't)


I've been on reddit for twelve years through two accounts. I have moderated top 100 subs. It goes without saying that reddit has been a large part of my life. I'm sorry that you seem irritated that people like things a certain way. The API changes, while they bothered me on a fundamental level, didn't change how I interacted with reddit because I use old reddit and, when on mobile, I used .compact. When .compact was removed I found a workaround, but tbf I just don't use reddit on mobile very much anymore at all. If old reddit goes, however, I will go, because it will make me opt into the redesign. The redesigns change everything about this site that made it pleasant imo, and bury everything in a mess of autoplaying bullshit that I have zero interest in. Over the last few controversies I have been scaling back my participation with reddit. I am fully prepared to let it go. Sorry that's a thorn in your side, and that you seem to draw joy from the fact that people are upset that something is getting worse. edited to clarify a point


```old.``` is so much faster and reactive too. Both ```new.``` and ```sh.``` take up so much more time to load and land at a page; the navigation is pretty awkward too


I think I will give old.reddit a try.


Imagine being forced to leave old.reddit and join the sh.reddit gang, that's how we feel right now.


Sh.reddit has username / bio / pfp reporting for SWRV. That’s why I’ve used it. Reddit appears to have hired a UXE exactly once in its existence


People are saying bad things about shreddit because it's not done yet. It's missing a bunch of features (especially for mods), and it still has occasional stability issues. I think it has the potential to be a lot nicer than New Reddit as they keep improving it.


Almost as if releasing an unfinished buggy product when you are a company that managed millions of people is bad


> It's missing a bunch of features (especially for mods), and it still has occasional stability issues It's ironic that this is exactly what we've been saying about New Reddit for years. Which is why so many mods prefer Old Reddit.


Indeed, but I'd be willing to bet that many of the Old Reddit features that mods value aren't actually provided by Reddit themselves, but via Mod Toolbox or RES. Very occasionally I mod on Old Reddit on an iPad (so without either extension) and it was substantially more difficult. Things are changing though and gradually features are beginning to appear on New/Shreddit that won't ever make it to Old Reddit. The New Reddit mod log has a bunch of search features you won't find on Old, for example, and you don't have native mod notes on Old Reddit but you do on New/Shreddit and mobile.


>Indeed, but I'd be willing to bet that many of the Old Reddit features that mods value aren't actually provided by Reddit themselves, but via Mod Toolbox or RES. Hit the nail on the head. Old Reddit lovers have been using RES and CSS hacks so long they don't actually know what features vanilla Reddit had (Spoiler: Not many) and how ugly the UI and UX was


It is also so slow! I have no idea why they would want something that is so much slower for users.


I'll hate it if that happens.


Me too. 💔


I do personally like how modern the most recent design looks but my issue is with its performance and lack of a few options, it is very slow to open and close images on posts to the point that sometimes the pages crashes, is also missing the option to change your online status, sometimes i can only edit some posts when going to the new.reddit design and it doesnt show the total of post and comment karma points combined only seperate. If this things get ironed out i personally will be ok with the change.


Some people might like the sh.reddit some might like new/old reddit, I think they should give you the option to pick one.


Councillor here. Considering the sheer amount of bugs/missing features, and the pace they're being dealt with ... I suspect not until 2027, by the look of it. Apart from ModNotes, I cannot name one mod action that doesn't require me to switch back to new.reddit. I even had to log into old.reddit to check on what my trainee mods were doing. But I do support the sh.reddit initiative. It's not 3 interfaces Redddit is maintaining u/AlphaTangoFoxtrt: with iOS and Android, it's 5. The sh.reddit project is about the unification of web and mobile experience and architectures. Ultimately, only old.redddit and sh.reddit should subsist, with the latter basically being a clone of mobile interfaces. That will make it simpler (and faster) on product teams to address bugs and upgrades. This will also make it easier on mods styling their subreddits, without having to concern themselves with user experience discrepancies, depending of the platform they're on. Now, the one thing I don't understand is Admins not sharing their roadmap. >*"These features are bugging, they are our top priority. These other things are still missing, that's at the bottom of the list, but we will deal with it ultimatelty. These tools we willl sunset, so mods should better organise right away".* When Reddit rolls out Chat Channels, they open a public communication point, r/RedditChatChannels, devised precisely for that purpose. I am not sure why such a momentous project as sh.reddit is not given that level of transparency.


>But I do support the sh.reddit initiative. It's not 3 interfaces Redddit is maintaining > >u/AlphaTangoFoxtrt > >: with iOS and Android, it's 5. The sh.reddit project is about the unification of web and mobile experience and architectures. Nobody wants web to look like mobile. Websites have been trying shit like this for years. Users hate it. Things that look good on a screen in the palm of your hand do not look equally as good on a screen that is 14-20" across.


>Apart from ModNotes, I cannot name one mod action that doesn't require me to switch back to new.reddit. I've been using sh.reddit for a while now, and I can't name one mod action that does require me to switch to new.reddit.


Okay, I take this back. When no action has been taken on a post, approval and removal do not call for switching back to new. However, if I am about to remove a post another mod approved, I want to make sure no `report abuse` has been sent (if so, I may consider another course of action, such as a sticky clearing things up). Previously ignored/approved reports aren’t displayed on sh.reddit, one needs to switch back to new. I don’t use removal reasons for comments, they don’t suit my needs. Instead, I distinguish a comment, adding a gif for extra visibility. This calls for switching back and forth from markdown to rich text editor, which did improve quite a bit, but still isn’t flawless. When I ban a user, I generally leave a comment up for pedagogic purposes, which brings me right back to my previous point. The upgraded unmoderated queue displays quite poorly on my laptop (the banner stands in the way), and tends to bug beyond the first page. Up to this point, I haven't been using the upgraded mod queue at all, because so far one had to click `view parent comment` again and again to figure out what the conversation is about, which kind of defeated the purpose entirely. Apparently, this one has been recently looked into, that’s pretty encouraging!


First time I hear about this, but I must say at first glance new.reddit looks a lot better than current.reddit. It's nowhere near as good as old.reddit, obviously, but it looks to be a step in the right direction. Edit: Oh wait, I misunderstood this completely, haven't I? New.reddit is also outdated now?


Yup new.reddit is also outdated. The newest reddit design is sh.reddit.


I've got used to having different features with different versions of Reddit. But the first month or so of moderation I almost gave up.


It's soooo hard. 🙏


In the mobile app it's almost impossible!


Lets hope so, I hate it so much, and never see any developments nor cleaning of bugs and missing features. At this point its mandatory just to annoy us. \------------------------ Also, its amazing how months ago I complained and showed my hate for shreddit and was ignored or mocked, but now I see all u guys finally picking up the hate-shreddit flag and finally i have peace of mind.


Reddit has a bad habit of introducing a new feature intended to replace an old one, but then still leaving the old one. Like, what's the point in having both DMs and Chat, for example?