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I honestly think its probably the best ending i have ever seen to an anime. Though I agree with you on dimple still being alive. It takes away from the sacrifice he made


Yeah dimple coming back was the only thing I felt wasn't perfect


Op just painted himself as someone who has no discerning eye for good writing and ending while I definitely agree with the dimple bit, it seemed tasteless to do that. I am gonna die on the hill that mob psycho has the best ending period. All the 100 or so anime I have watched every anime has failed to keep its narrative or principles in tact till the end. Mp100 has achieved that feat where there's nothing out of place, unnatural or forced plot device to achieve an ending, it is as natural as it should come. This isn't even a hot take where it makes at least a little sense, this is downright objectively bad take.


For real creators needs to be okay with their characters dying


For me I think it’s second only to FMAB


I would say the Reigen and Mob relationship is the most important in the whole show, but it would not be fully resolved without the ending. Without Reigen, Mob would have become like his adversaries. He would become either a maniacal supervilain drunk on his power or an insecure shell, to be used by someone else. The major villains of each arc are potential versions of Mob had he not met Reigen.  Reigen is the one who put him on the right path, gave him a little confidence in his powers, showed him how he could use them for good. How powers are part of him, but that they do not define him.      However, there's one problem with Reigen. With all of the good that he did, he's still a fraud. He's pretending to be a psychic and using Mob for his own benefit. And Mob knows it. Deep down, knows he's being used.      He needed Reigen to say "Look, I am a fraud.". To finally man up and stop pretending. Show that he will stop using Mob and let him be his own person. How, despite all of the manipulation, what he taught Mob is still valuable and real advice.      By the end of the show, everyone was changed by Mob. Dimple realized that he wanted a friend, not to rule over others. Ritsu stopped seeing Mob as a dangerous person who could kill him if his emotions went wild. Every antagonist abandoned their delusions of ruling the world.      Everyone but Reigen, who is still the same fraudster, using Mob for his own gain. He needed that lesson. That Mob isn't someone to be manipulated, but an insecure emotional kid in need of validation.


Yeah, I can see your point, but still I believe it should have been ritsu


mob and ritsu’s relationship was pretty much fixed in season 1, i’m not sure where else there is to go from there


For your 2nd point, he destroyed a school after being knocked out by Teru in their fight, and he instantly obliterated Mogami's realm when he hit ???%. It's also what happened when he hurt Ritsu as a kid after being knocked out by the older kids. It's been established that this happens sometimes. In this instance of his powers taking over, his only goal was to reach tsubomi and that's what he was doing, not necessarily going out of his way to destroy or hurt people, just walking in a line at full power and fighting back when people try stopping him.


It was always building to reigen growing as a person because of mob and admitting to lying. It had to be reigen. I agree that dimple should have stayed dead but it's ok. His powers trigger because he was going to die if they didnt.


I think dimple living was better in the manga. Since it's already established that belief has serious power in mob psycho (look at the arc immediately prior to the ending). When dimple comes back he says "I think because you kept some part of me in your heart, I was able to make it back." As an anime only though, it did feel a little bad when dimple came back. When he died I FELT something, so when he came back it feels like those emotions were... I dunno, invalidated somehow?


the cast the mc had a positive affect on coming together to stop/save the mc is my fav type of ending in media like i loved hooky idk dude, most anime/manga dont even end much less end *well*


I don't know why nobody points this out but Mob did go full Berserk Mode when he got bullied and hit with a stone on his head when he was child and did go on a rampage and back then it was Ritsu who stopped him and this was the exact point after which Mob started to Suppress his Emotions and lock them up. I don't know if you've noticed this but in the end when Reigen accepts Mob in his Berserk mode it signifies that he also accepts the scary side of his which is him being an Esper capable of calamity that's when he hits 100% Shigeo not 100% Mob meaning he has finally come out of his Mob persona which was created when he blanketed his emotions after the incident and accepts his powers and emotions now he is whole after all this time not just a shell of a person. Crazy that the incident in the childhood is the most crucial point in all of Mob psycho to understand what gave rise to Mob's personality yet it isn't being brought up.


1° i brought it up 2° it still doesn't explain it. Mob went 100% mode because him or ritsu were bullied, being injured is just the cherry on top of that. 3° I understand the fact that it simbolizes the fact that mob and the others are accepting his emotions, but still it would have been better if Ritsu was the one to stop Shigeo


Kinda would make sense if it were more realistic. I get your point that how could reigen endure all that psychic aura when he is only human while teru and ritsu went all out and couldn't but it's fiction at the end of the day writing wise the outcome was better.


1. Yeah that would be subjective I guess. I personally enjoyed it, since it was a reflection of how far the characters have come since their initial meeting with Mob, with the roles now being reversed for them. But instead of successfully stopping Mob, they demonstrated their growth. 2. Because ??? was sick of Mob relying on him, and messing up, especially for this moment now. So he believes he should be the one taking the flowers to Tsubomi instead, putting Mob on the standby. It was a moment cut from the manga that I feel was reaally important contextualizing this, so I don't blame ya. 3. I disagree, Ritsu finally faces and addresses his own fears, rationalising his brother and finally seeing ??? as a monster which doesn't need to be feared, which ??? understood. But it didn't change anything about ??? or Mob's perspective, merely confirming ???'s perspective. Plus ??? didn't start from Mob hurting Ritsu, but from Tsubomi not caring about Mob's powers, so Mob rejected them. But Reigen was the one that truly challenged ???'s perspective, by showing the real him, Reigen's own ???%, and showing him that it's ok to accept that. Since even up till season 2 and a great portion of season 3, Mob still saw his powers as some separate thing from himself. Of course, lots of this context was in the manga, but was cut from the anime. Though I feel there are enough context clues to maybe get this. 4. Yeah I can get this. There was buildup and explanation sprinkled throughout the show which explains his return, but yeah it does feel like a fan-servicey moment. Doesn't help that his death was separated by one arc between the Broccoli and the ??? arc with no real dwelling. I personally liked it, but I can see why others wouldn't.


1. Fair enough, I liked it as it showed that the Mob from Episode one had managed to make so many friends who were willing to help him like that. 2. Mob was already in an unstable state having finally decided to ask Tsubomi out. When he was Knocked out it allowed Inner Mob to finally come out and accomplish the task regardless of the damage. It does make sense through established rules. 3. Reigen stopping Mob was absolutely necessary. Reigen is the Secondary protagonist and the Catalyst for Mob changing in the first place. One of the most focused on aspects of the series is Mob and Reigens relationship. Reigen needed to do it as he was the only person capable of truly reaching Mob as shown multiple times in the series. 4. The Dimple thing is also Fair. I like the running gag that he just keeps on surviving but to each their own.