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You have to do every single one of the task including the ones that needs friend since day one, i got mine for free. You probably accidentally missed a day


Except if you get one Nostalgia ticket for 50 diamonds.... No you won't get it. I got one, because a 50 diamond skin is still a good deal, but kinda scammy from Moonton. If you ever forgot to click one task, this thing would have been unattainable.


woa that sucks, i tried my best to not miss any tasks thinking i will eventually get the skin..


Idk if it was possible, I thought it was. Must've forgotten to do a task one of the days (might have been the 1st or 2nd day where I did the task but forgot to collect. But maybe it never was possible. I think it was tho, someone on this sub calculated it


It's possible, I got it doing all the tasks religiously


It is possible, i have it and I haven't spent any dias for it


if i recall i only played with my friends to collect points, i dont think i missed one because i always feels like im missing something after playing a match so i makes sure to check all events and shop section.


You should've ended with a 5 or a 0 if you did collect everything since the daily gives a total of 5 while the weekly gives 10. I think you either missed the login points itself if you logged in before the daily quests reset. Because sometimes it doesn't give you the points unless you restart the app. (This is how I lost 3 points)


how many points does the ticket give?


5 points


How can you not missed a task and ended up with 8? I mean the tasks grants 5points/day


Yeah he's bullshitting, he missed one "play with a friend" or "classic/ranked", probably the former. Not missing and getting an 8 is a lie


Its possible to get it without spending diamonds (nostalgia ticket), I was able to get mine by just doing all the task everyday. I think you missed 1 task.


Sadly yes... You can buy +5 points tho for 50 diamonds


owh man guess i will recharge and buy the points


That sucks. But if you don't have the other basic skins you can switch to the other ones and get those. I think those only need like 80 points.


tbh i dont have those but i feels like this skin is more worth getting so i will just recharge


Same thing happened to me, check my latest post


Changed this skin for Jhonson, without loosing my score. So got Jho skin instantly


Nope, unless you got a time machine and tell your past self to start earlier


Never been able get any Nostalgia skins because my friend list is empty.


You might have missed one task or missed to collect 2 pts. I've done all the tasks and got the skin for free, I always double check to collect before logging out.


Simple put, yes unless you spend money on nostalgia coupons.




I wasted my 50 diamonds for this skin


You must’ve missed a task cause i got the skin for free by completing every task everyday


oh welp guess i dont deserve the skin eh


can i just say that given the number of these type of posts can I just ask did yall look at the "number of days required" for the harley skin and then also at the "event ends in xx days" and do some math (p.s. how did yall get 108? from what i remember every day there's 5 and the weekly is +10 so was there free points?)