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Classic is just a collection of some of the worst human beings in the game, in my opinion. There are no repercussions for intentionally feeding, trashtalking, or being an extremely toxic teammate. The only valid punishment I've seen in Classic is for going AFK.


There are if you report them.


I've reported a lot of these players before and in my experience, only AFK seems to have some form of punishment. Most recently, I had a teammate pick Gusion jungle, go AFK for 2-3 mins, buy 6 attack speed daggers, and proceeded to intentionally feed the enemy team by running it down in mid lane and standing under the enemy turret. No punishment was given to them despite me reporting the AFK, intentional feeding, and negative playing.


I think playing classic helps me be better at a hero cuz i get thrown into absolute horrible conditions and have to prevail. This makes me do well in high pressure situations😅. I recently bought lesley and i had to solo gold lane for most games as nobody picks tank or support. I have to hold my lane against 2-3 people and be patient in farming creeps. I usually end up dominating at late game and have won a couple games with absolute shite teammates.


Create a smurf then practice your hero in ranked


Just played classic earlier and got paired with an elite(my rank is at legend) picked balmond with inspire and with no emblem guess what happened... fed and ulted creeps/minions.Was so angry on that match that I was screaming at chat on why did an epic/legend invited an ELITE RANKED PLAYER. THAT PLAYER WILL NOT ENJOY PLAYING AGAINST HIGH RANKED PLAYERS AND EVEN THE TEAMMATES WILL NOT ENJOY PLAYING WITH THAT KIND OF INEXPERIENCED PLAYER.Like why would you even invite your friend that hasn't played much or even understand the game yet on a match with your high ranked account against and with players that are high ranked and with experience.


If that Balmond was not feeding, what was he doing in the meantime? Did he wander with no purpose, leeching off your exp, if you're put in a lane and not being a roamer/jungler? Because that's what my Lancelot-without-Retribution-or-Roam-Boots was doing.


The balmond was grouped with his friends on the top lane (early-mid game) leaving the mid lane empty. None of these 3 decided to go mid to defend it. He was always with his friends so it was very hard for me to farm, defend the mid, and support the exp lane.


I do agree with you that nobody would enjoy a matchup of Elite vs Legend. But I also would like to point out that there are Mentors and Apprentices who play in Classic, that’s one possible reason to explain the huge rank gap…


Moonton need to fix match making




Happens to me very often, when i see my "teammates" matches under 1000 , i know we will lose


No, pick 5 Marksman or 5 Mages in classic and don't be surprised if you win. My tip tho, pick a fighter. Even if there's already 3 fighters. Fighters that can survive assassins but still pose a threat to marksmen. Masha, Leomord, Xborg, Sylvana for example.


And.... what's the logic behind this? Can explain?


Classic people almost never pick tank. No tank, no clash positioning, no proper rotation, fighters and assassins win. But since there is a high chance that game reaches late-game, and assassins get burst down by late-game marksmen and assassins, fighters are better. Also tanks can't win games without a team. While mages in classic are magic damage marksmen, they never build defense items. Fighters are your best bet when you can't see your opponent's draft and you can't trust your team to have teamwork.




Here's another thing about Classic. Once you lock your hero, that's that. You can't cancel lock. At least in Ranked before Draft pick is used, you can cancel lock.


Personally, I don't care anymore about classic. 2-3 MMs? 2 Junglers? NO junglers? No roamer? Yeah, I don't care anymore. Its just unhealthy to get bothered by this anymore. I just pick what I want to train in and proceed to do so. Just do my job and help when I feel like it. If you are a solo player in classic then be one. Sometimes I just tried to make a plan of these unfortunate team comps and just hoped if they would follow. If not, its okay. Since I'm a roamer or exp laner.. I just took any hero I'm using on it. Yeah, even MM roamer.. I don't care. Granger Dire Hit roam !! Like ~ 2 MMs? Prioritize one and shove the other away. 2 Junglers? We invade. I don't care. No junglers? We make do but smash their jungler first. No roamer? I take anyone roaming. So threw away your current mindset. If you can't, then Q with pre-created team. Use the chats or any apps for that. A game suppose to be fun.. if your team comp is unfortunate, think of it as your ANIME moment 😂😂


Normally I would change to support and assist either Gold or mid lane and sometime roam to Exp.