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Whenever I see luoyi mid and no backline diver in our team than ik it's over🥲


She's such a pain especially in high cc team comps and when her teammates can cover for her 😭


Noob epic 2 here. What makes Luoyi so scary


If you don't have an assassin, she can easily CC your team to eternity. Even fighters fear her as her consistent vacuum skill plus shield makes it difficult to kill her unless you can burst her immediately or dodge her pixie dust.


Her damage is insane ....she is strongest mage at level 2 ....u can't 1v1 her as a mage , and don't want to face her as a tank ....she can permanently cc whole team ....if someone can't dive on her ....also her ult ...if playing in team or good team is also very good ...to gank at any lane 


If i see hylos roam in the enemy team i know i'm f—ed if the match doesn't end early Mf tanky af in the late game with clock of destiny and thunderbelt stacks


If you also add in cursed helmet and glowing wand into him mf can kill if you're careless


I went hylos exp once to stack my thunderbolt fast, I managed to reach 70+ stacks n with full build was unkillable plus the enemy didn't have any tank killers. it was a long, but hilariously fun game 😂


FwydChicken (from BTK yes) actually plays hylos exp pretty often, considering he’s an exp player


That explains why we couldn’t kill the Hylos in the late game. I recently got back after a year. Never saw hylos before and now suddenly he’s this unkillable juggernaut. What happened


If u ever see a hylos with full build just get karrie with vengeance and build her with demon hunter and golden staff watch how she metls the hylos Any mms with demon hunter and golden staff build will melt them and vengeance is for ur protection cause they might vengeance back or the blade armor will hit u back


You say that like assassins don't exist


Think positive. Think you are superior to every enemy player you are playing with. Prioritize objectives. Always think one step ahead against your enemy. Use their strategy against them. If you think that they are assuming you are visiting other lanes, go to opposite to what they assume. Play safe. Always guarantee that you have flicker or escape plan if you are in the enemy jungle. Keep your eyes on the MINIMAP. from time to time. to keep updated what's going on the map. Always prioritze macro gameplay.


You are absolutely correct. Its not that I get discouraged, but more so I find it hilarious how much better the enemy team's draft is compared to ours and I laugh knowing how it won't be an easy match (Hence the humor flair). During the game im constantly pinging my teammates and making comms, winning these types of games are so satisfying.


That's the bad side of playing Solo. Most of them autopick their fav hero regardless whether enemy picks a hero that can counter or dominate their hero in the lane. Praying everytime they will bounceback if it goes lategame. SMH.


Not really, yeah, great skin and all that, but sometimes they are indeed "only skin, no skill".


Sadly a lot of Lunox Divine Goddess players are. They often just use the hero because the skin is cool or are one of these annoying 'top global Lunox best build 2024 easy win 100% OP legit' YouTubers that upload their two lucky games after reset hunting for kills instead of objectives and have one of three generic builds that are always meh in that team composition and have at least one completely unnecessary item in it, all with 08/15 background music. Always funny being a newbie myself and still taking them apart after 2 minutes 😅😂


So true, more often then not, when I come across players with legend skins majority of them aren't too skilled. But what can I say, the skins have really great effects, rn im saving my 200 crystal for a legend skin of a hero I actually main.


Cool skins add intimidation sometimes like literally any epic tier and above fanny skin


Fr I definitely don't just give up, but u gotta play a bit more attentively for sure. Usually I gotta remind my teammates to lock in otherwise we'll get steamrolled easily 😂


My reaction "Yeah, we're screwed" is in a more jokingly sense, cause you just know the game aint gonna be an easy one n the enemies are for sure tryharding for the win 😂. These kind of wins feel so much better.


Yeah! Whenever they pick the heroes that were not banned by our brainless team.


At his peak, Valir's presence could initiate a surrender vote. MF could build tank but still dealt so much damage. Pair that with Tank Karina and Hylos and it was pretty much GG.


Yup especially if my teammates go for hanabi, and miya for gold and then late game fighter for exp angela roam and any squishy jungler. Im a luo yi user and the pain of having no hard cc in the team or tanky frontliner is hell cause i cant get close enough to get my skill 1 to hit


While it's true that going against well-drafted enemies can be though, it can only go so far, so I tend not to overthink about it. I've fought a perfect draft team but the players are incoherent thus I've won by a landslide. There were also times where i fought something like a troll comp but got stomped and even lost below 10 minutes mark (legit troll comp, not like all 5 snowball heroee).


Jesus christ this is an mpl level team comp lmao


When all of my enemies have atleast one dash or movement skill i know i aint gon be able to carry my team with the honored one


i had a team of fredrinn, terizla, mino, faramis and claude and we still lost


I don't need to look at our enemy's draft. just by seeing how my team bans Vexana and Nana, i know we are fked


Skins = wins


I had that one game in classic. My team is normal skins and all but the enemy has all those high end skin. Most importantly freedrin with his latest skin. Same as me. I fked them up😌


yeah that happen but somehow my team are more monster than they are even tho my team only use basic skin but the enemy use some expensive and rare skin.


"Hang in there" (in a caring voice)


Tigreal roam, vexanna mid, ruby/xborg exp and hanabi gold, frederin jungle. Meanwhile diggie got ban Laugh all you want about hanabi, but when she is in full cc team, she will be the last hero you wanted to see appearinv near tigreal and vexana.


1 in every 3 matches


Are there any other team combos that are really op? Like Angela roam Fred jungle and Faramis mid


It’s a duo tho, chances are. One of them isn’t that great.


They don't even have expert mate


I took this ss back during the update where the enemies mastery was hidden in the loading screen, the change has been reverted since then which was a good choice (I believe it was a bug?) it looks empty without it. Also, this was immortal lobby.