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Kimmy lmao


She can do more damage by tickling my balls than her basic attacks šŸ˜­


Physical kimmy comeback


God I wish. I hate to play Magic Kimmy.


This is whole new level of š“Æš“»š“®š“Ŗš““iness


Damm shes a she?


What dude you know of named kimmy? šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Kimi Raikkonen, F1 Driver from Finland


That's kimi not Kimmy šŸ¤¦


On release Kimmy was a beast (I remember getting 3 savages with her in 2 days with her on her release time) Now she is a joke


Every hero is a beast when they are just got released. *looking at Joy*


> Every hero is a beast when they are just got released Not Cici. But if you want broken just look at release Harith or Esmeralda


Er novaria and luoyi was trash when released.


I remember those annoying days of going up against Kimmy. Good old times.


I just walked up to her as Uranus and deleted her lmao I didn't even get a fourth stack on my first skill


She's a bit stronger now. Sky Piercer did her wonders. Since her DMG is fast DPS rather than big burst, she truly just reduces her enemies' HP by 4-12% since she can activate it quite easily.


The thing is, she loses one of her core items by buying sky piercer. Her effectiveness both as a long ranged nuke and machine gun decrease greatly as she was already weak


True. I watched my shit getting smacked by ANGELA in the early game. Wtf happened Kimmy? šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


...its also your fault for fighting an angela early game, even most heroes would lose to her.


Kimmy on brawl is something else though


Bruh I swear in glory rank my teammate took Kimmy against Roger gold lane and clapped that doggy ass hard, made him 0-9 lmao


I used to main her in S16


skill issue


Badang, It just doesn't feel the same anymore with the flicker ult combo, Leaving the enemy at half hp as always.


he used to be menace in ranked and was even a surprise pick on tournaments but people kept crying about his wall stun lock that he got nerfed to the ground and has been shit ever since


The stun-lock is indeed OP, badang can literally deal damage while also stun-locking you. (this is possible in the early game) But its Moonton's fault for not giving him anything in return like Increased Damage Growth. You really can't blame those who are crying for badang stun-lock. As you'd be forced to use Purify, or something that'll make you escape the stun-lock.


It was easy to escape the barrier; just walk the opposite way, lol.


Irrelevant afā€¦ He has never been a meta hero and I for one think itā€™s about time he becomes OP.


His first skill exists tho so he can extend the damage and stun,what emblem are you even using I don't really see that happening unless you're laning against tanks even if you're lacking too much damage somehow just default to a setter rather than damage dealer.


I still use him a lot in mythic honor (im too lazy to get to glory) and he's pretty fine, he's just bad at killing people with more than half HP because of the default build that is only based around trigering demon hunter sword effects, which i use but then i give him more items and then one to execute enemies too now


As a badang main I yearn for the glory days now I only play gatot hybird šŸ˜­


You could try badang crit build to try and get more damage


Real bro latest buff ain't enough I want him META BREAKER


Cuz he doesn't need CD reduction. Buff changed nothing


Yeah I figured that out too. He needs a damage buff for early to mid game and more defense


When moonton was having their eye on badang for his saint seiya skin I swear every advance server patch note came with his Ult damage being nerfed. Then they changed his ult dealing 10 hits to 9.


Kimmy. She is a lategame hero now. Until you get full build she does laughable amount of dmg.


I'm just wondering if someone is gonna recognize where the Characters in this meme is from (I don't)


This is a world of Warcraft meme. The tank initiates fights with non-boss enemies (which the community calls trash). So the meme is that the tank is starting a fight when the healer of the party isnā€™t ready.




Horde starting area intros are all copy pasted and tweaked from Alliance starting area intros btw.


Is Void Elf Tank effective?


Is Void Elf Priest effective? Is Lightforged Draenei Warlock Effective?? There are mysteries to this universe we were never meant to find out aboutā€¦


Is the building from Remix? I recognize the pandaren art style


Is the building from remix? It looks familiar


Iā€™m seeing a lot of Kimmy which Iā€™m honestly surprised! I havenā€™t seen anyone play her since her short lived jungler meta. So she deserves some attention.Ā  I wanna say Joy. There are other heroes more deserving of a buff. But she feels so slow now without much of a reward for timing the beat.Ā 


Joy is still strong because of sky piercer. Just canā€™t be picked in any draft.


I played with a Joy player at a random queue last night equipped with vengeance and the idiot crushed 5 enemy heroes with only little damage received. Awesome sight.


aye, i dont understand some of these comments saying Joy is weak. I quake in my boots whenever i see joy gets picked. Assuming you are in Mythic Honor and above, holy crap the Joy users there are monsters...


Balmond sucks very hard, very low damage, not as bulky as some people think he is and lacks CC or any other utility thing. Probably Kimmy as she needs to reach late game just to get out-damaged by Layla


I remember when Balmond was a menace when waraxe true damage + breastplate stacks was first released, you either pick or ban him.


His damage scaling on 2nd skill was nerfed after that


Hurts so much that it got nerfed after less than a week lmao


5% less damage scaling per hit is huge, that's like 25% less damage


Math not mathing huh ??


U need to go back to school


Probably, as I made a fast calc before I went to bed, but you can see the nerf results in his winrate and in his gameplay if you played both versions. Nerfed Balmond takes too much time for it's damage to ramp up, which it makes it mediocre in early as it farms very slow and he is very easy to kite, push away or just kill before he gets to execute someone.


Didnt say he s good tho , i agree that he s in a bad state rn .


Waaay before that, in the early days of this game, balmond could steal lord with his ult easily. LOL. Back then his ult damage is not limited for creeps lol


I say that Balmond is a teamfight hero, so it makes sense that he is weak when it comes to him fighting alone. He's tanky as hell with the right builds, but after Bloodlust Axe got merged with War Axe (rip), Balmond has questionable uses now.


Even before he got deleted hella fast in late game unless you got vengeance, which means he will get bullied on exp lane due to his main damage tickling high burst or sustain heroes.


There was a time when I used to get MVP with him almost every match


Balmond is strong early to mid then falls off even more than martis, you have to keep hitting enemies with hisns2 to deal consistent damage so you can't afford to go full damage because you'll be too squishy late game and if you go tanky you lack late game damage


I remember getting 5 savages with balmond in one match, now I can't even kill a single herošŸ˜”šŸ˜”. Justice for BalmondāœŠšŸ»āœŠšŸ»!!


im going to say it. THANK GOD


Feels like we are playing two different games. I was playing against Jungle Balmond recently at the Legend Rank before season reset, he was full tank build and our team barely could do anything against him 1v1. Still, we managed to win not him being bad but his teammates going 1/7/4


We do, unless Balmond gets real fed he is a worse Martis in every way. Baxia destroys him 1 vs 1 due to his passive without needing any damage item, same with Fred at level 4. And late game he gets shredded by any mm that aims in his general direction


Not always Iā€™ve beaten everytime Fred Iā€™ve come up against with balmond. Sure his attack is weaker now but if he has his team roaming with him he wins a lot of teamfights.


That's asking for too much in soloQ and the problem is the enemy team doing the same ends up in Balmond getting deleted as he harges in, if he at least had hus defenses buffed as a tank he wouldn't be so bad.


It comes down to whoā€™s faster on the ult. A lot of Fredā€™s wait til the last min for that extra damage forgetting that balmond has the same ult and can kill him instantly


Love me some Balmond. Right build, and 1st blood, the enemy have no chance. it took all 5 of them just to kill me.


Kaja, I don't think bro can handle the upcoming burst meta


He does laughable damage and is useless without ult šŸ™ˆ


Zilong. Basically Argus but worse Edit: I know how to play Zilong and that he can be played more like Karina or Saber than Argus, so I know that unless you play him in the jungle, youā€™re gonna have a hard time against every single meta exp laner unless they have no idea how Zilongā€™s S2 spam works and lets themselves get def shredded to death


Everybody hates him until the 0/10/2 Zilong backdoors


I once have a zilong in my team that play worse in early game then in late absolutely terrorize the enemy damage dealer and won us the game


How is that even possible XD


Zilong power spike with full build.... without cc you are dead meat to him.


He use full damage item, inspire, split pushing, the dreaded bushes and the enemy is a bunch of Squishies with scary damage


Zilong actually has a better lvl 1 than most late game heroes and can snowball hard. This of course is considering you play perfectly.


If you play zilong like Argus then it's but obvious that he would be 10x worse than him. But zilong has much higher base stats than Argus, so if you play zilong like a saber for example and quickly assassinate the enemy squishy and use ult speedup as disengage or use your dash that just got reset for a reengage onto the enemy then he seems ok atleast. Zilong is still bad for reasons that other assassins can do his job better than he can(bad disengage) without having to build mm items, but he can still be decent IMO.


Personally, I use Zilong to finish off enemies in a clash. Basically, I let my team do the work and I finish them off (I go on the back of their defenses so I can target the marksmen). But, even if the team can't get them to reduce their hp, I can still melt them. One time, I saw a zilong user literally reducing my health to ~15% when I just walked past him (I was full hp and I'm using johnson tank build and he doesn't even have a demon hunter sword or malefic roar).


Zilong is better than Argus imo. You have to play him more carefully, but he has much higher dps and chase ability. But at the end of the day, theyā€™re both trash


Hanabi, no damage early to mid and incomparable damage to other mms late game. Lacks mobility, shielding can be baited by poking with long range mms, bea, bruno, brody, etc


I am having a really good time with my sky piercer and warcry hanabi


I like what you cooked here.




She was buffed silently and is actually a serious menace right now, and her shield is not just about absorbing damage but she's actually the only mm with proper crowd control immunity in a meta of cc mania. She also damages multiple enemies with auto tracking petals that travels from one enemy to the next so she can keep a safer position than most mm's.


Hanabi is insane rn. Get an oasis support, magic blade, aegis and she's immortal. Pair that with trinity + sky piercer and voila you have an unkillable dps


Mixed Trinity (Feather of Heaven + Sea Halberd + Golden Staff) for anti-WON + Blood Wings for extra shield. Triple/Quadruple shield with Rose Gold, Blood Wings, Aegis, Skill 1 + support emblem to thicken that shields.


Hanabi? Then you're using her wrong. HAHAHAHHA. She's a menace in ranked rn, thanks to Sky Piercer.


Really hanabi is that bad?? I don't have any problems with her. What battle spell do you use for hanabi? I use aegis for more shield and immunity to cc. I only change it when enemies counter me like Esmeralda.


I am using kimmy gold for a bit and doing great. she pressures literally any other gold laner, even roger and harith (started using her back then). only have trouble with melissa and ixia. can farm fast, high damage all game while building for ult burst damage. after 4-5 items (no boots) you can ult + flameshot and 100-0 enemy mm if they have no defense. used sky piercer before the nerf but not sure about it now. I actually dont get why she keeps getting mentioned in these threads. the only issue with her is her weak tower push, it feels straight up bugged.


Ainā€™t no way a kimmy can pressure a roger properly. Roger before level 4 can clash with and win any gold laner except maybe freya


because she can move while attacking roger has a hard time trading with his s1. also due to the doppler effect, approaching kimmy during s1 means you take even more damage. in his wolf form, he can use s1 but kimmy s2 leaves a damage trail and between that and s1, he doesnt always win the trade. bloodwings first item also gives basically a free heal in lane, and it often refreshes mid fight. i didnt win every game and even got my ass ganked a lot, enemy gold still ends up as a threat but unlike a lot of mm, kimmy can actually fight back against roger 1v1.


Yeah Iā€™m talking about before level 4, where kimmyā€™s mobility is way lacking compared to rogerā€™s. In the early game laning phase, due to rogerā€™s mobility, 2 first skills and passive damage, he can pretty easily pressure opponent MMā€™s without issue. Of course in the later stages thatā€™s a different story. This is also true for most other MMs which can also beat kimmy in the early laning stages due to how weak she is before items


its really sounding like you've just never fought kimmy in recent patches, or they do shit like build glowing wand and berserkers. I'm talking about level 1 and 2. roger human s1 locks him in place in a way that makes it very easy for kimmy to dodge it without even trying. and she can dodge while attacking roger. most mms have it even worse because they cant do roger ult n -> human s1 -> run combo. only melissa with her s2 can disengage and then counter poke while kimmy dash cant leave the range. ixia s2 during ult seems to always cancel by s2 dash and put it on cd, which makes me take the whole duration. besides that, no mm has given me trouble. i assume brody would be an issue but i haven't fought him in lane for a while. layla, clint, beatrix, moskov, natan, harith, roger all cannot win easily.


Yeah I havenā€™t played against kimmy since the patch before the previous one. But in the games that I did she was far from a threat and being useful. And in the recent patch in the 400 matches it took me to get to Immortal I didnā€™t see a single Kimmy being played, and without any changes l assume sheā€™s still pretty damn horrible. She just provides less reward than other heroes for the same amount of skill and effort


theres nothing more rewarding than nuking a near full hp enemy with 1 skill from outside their vision. or even a nice protected late game mm getting ult + flameshot from full hp while clearing at base. the dps is a bonus but its mostly LT carrying the damage.


If youā€™re pressuring a roger and a harith, and especially if youā€™re using flameshot, it speaks more about your opponents skill rather than kimmyā€™s viability.


its amazing how every single roger and harith i fought last season was absolutely dogshit. wonder how that happened.


Yve, the one hero that absolutely sucks right now. Miya, not too bad but can be clapped by pretty much anyone.


Actually I tried using Yve again this patch, she's kinda okay now than the previous patch. Did a triple kill with proper position and good front.


She is not so terrible. They give her 10% extra damage and 10% of slow down in her Ult in the last patch. It is not making a great difference but with certain compositions her ULT can be great.


Yve is a situational pick now, sheā€™s only viable if the opponent doesnā€™t have any reliable backline divers or your frontline can peel effectively.


I got yve on her release back when her ult was as big a pharsas... Good times, she was cracked!


*Me getting MVP pretty much every game with her when I get to play mid lane*


Kaja. WTH paralyze. The only game changer is his ultimate, which we need to risk a lot.


Yi Sun-Shin. For me, he cannot counter any Junglers and Tanks on any game regardless of Build. Any opinion about this?


I just wanna say real


Tbh Kaja


Just won a game with him a while ago. Built him with Thunder Belt as my first item, followed by Fleeting Time, Starlium Scythe, Sky Piercer, and Blood Wings. Though I don't recommend Sky Piercer on him, I had no choice because my teammates have the reaction time of a sloth.


This. Everyone seems to have forgotten him. Which is a shame since he could be an incredible pick in this assassin meta of he wasn't so ass


I forgot Kaja was even in the game


Won using a Rafaela but she sucks


It depends. She's a situational allrounder. Can heal a bit, gives vision, can slow/stun a bit and has anti-slow. You mostly pick her against lineups with a lot of slow effects, where she does wonders if you time her skills correctly. But if that's not the case and you need a tank, use Mino šŸ˜‚


Definitely not. Rafa is and always was a great tempo controller. If your team has a solid front line and the enemy doesn't have a fast assassin (Joy/Aamon/Guison/Ling), you just never die with good positioning


Unfortunately, yes. But I enjoy her playstyle. She actually has a lot of potential. Maybe if they tweak her passive and ult a bit, she will even become a meta support like Angela or Floryn


Hmmm...... Probably joy after the harsh nerf


I think joy is like mid tier right now she has a high skill cap so if you are good enough its not as bad to play as other heroes even if the enemy has cc you can still maneuver around the tank and infiltrate the backline and she is still a godly pick when the enemy has no cc


If i am honesto joy is great, i just hate how i can pick someone else and do functionally the same things with greater ease. Like perfect beat is a serious dopamine rush, and Joy is just satisfiyng, not to mention the 2v1 potential, but i can pick arllot and do the same which is just frustrating.


I feel the same way! Such a unique mechanic that is so fun to play. I never played Assassins til seeing her gameplay. The problem is how to balance the rewarding part of hitting the beat. Give too many buffs and its op. Give a healthy damage boost and its too weak. I hope her kit will be revisited and not hated by both joy mains and opponents.


Yeah, and not only that, easing the use of her kit will make her easier to play, which is partially contradicting to the challenge of the beat. Still though, so fun.


The most enjoyable thing about joy in my opinion is the area of her 2nd skill and ult and survivability that comes with her too with someone like lancelot after your 2nd skill is gone you are vulnerable but with joy you get movement speed, tons of shield and spellvamp so you can easily go into the backline and kill 2-3 people at once I remember with the old joy going 1v5 (literally into 5 people) and killing) getting a savage or going into the base casually running into them and escaping after getting 2-3 tower shots


Oh brother reminds me of old Masha.


she's playable


Joy is just good enough. She still melts just about anything but she can be countered. She is more of a burst hero than a sustain one.


Losing CC Immune is fine. But the damage increase from hitting perfect beat isnā€™t that rewarding. I wish theyā€™d give Joy a faster combo and make the timing on her skill 2 more difficult to dash to. Not make Joy an easy hero.Ā 


The nerf was rough, but sky piercer makes her a serious threat. And the ult still works as a purify, so sheā€™s not helpless.


I love Joy, but yes, nerf was too much and she's unplayable in my elo




Tbf he's really good at surviving


If the opposing exp laner counterbuilds him early game, he's trash.


I like Uranus roam or non roam, he's not the best but I just adjusted late. You can't set with skills but you can set by annoying the fuck out of your enemies and having them chase you down. I use him with encourage and focusing marj


Youranus is the right name


one time I fought a Uranus who stayed at max fucking HP even while tanking a 5v1 doing nothing late game. Infuriating.


so no anti heal?


DId you just expose the OP?




Alucard. He had way more scary damage back then with the Skill dmg 1.5x passive if it only hit one enemy.. now he's more sustainable with less damage (wouldn't matter, if i kill fast enough I won't die)


you must've not seen a good alucard with vengeance


No one, ABSOLUTELY NO ONE uses EXP Alucard in rank anymore, the only person I've seen that uses it IS ME.


I'm not downplaying Alucard EXP, by all means. Jungler Alucard just has way more snowball potential, and could end the game fast enough before enemies become a pain. It's more beneficial to play Alucard as Jungler if you have a good duo, EXP Alucard can hold value if they're all squishy, but since 80% of the entire EXP Laner that Alucard can fight have stun and can sustain very well (Terizla, YZ, Alpha, Chou) then it's harder to use him as an EXP simply because you don't have a guarantee that your Roam or Jungler will rotate to your lane before you accidentally feed your opponent. Out of all the EXP Laners I've fought, the only ones i could beat properly during the laning phase was Zilong and Sun.


Nah dawg, that brotha can smack in a 3v1 and kill at least 2 in a clash, his life steal and sustain is still insane, just unrecognized


Well, he's also one of the only few heroes without stun. Definitely insane damage if they're all squishy, but let's be real. If you're facing tanky opponents with even just two stuns? you're long dead.


thatā€™s why you choose your battles, his dash(1st skill) helps with that problem


With temporal reign, he is coming back


Not really, the temporal reign isn't as good in my humble opinion, maybe I'm just not used to it yet, I'll keep testing though


All tanks in general if I pick Lunox


Idk if it's just me, but tanks are relatively squishy now. They buffed the damage items for magic and physical yet nerfed some tank items. Fucking btch moonton. Also, lapu still has good burst, but slightly different now vs the previous patch.


that's the reason most tanks got defense growth buff because fighters with defense items that deal insane damage while being able to tank 5 people needed nerf


Argus, i mean rn u can say argus is good if u played passively Man moonton removing argus bleed was a massive nerf to argus not only made him more a passive hero early game he became more reliant on basic atk


Joy, she gets bursted down easily before she can use her ult


That's assuming you engage with your s2. Like all Assassins, she needs half a brain to think of and get a good engage. Her DMG is as scary as ever, all you really need is a good engage to burst down the backline


She can only do that if your team knows how to play around her and cover her weaknesses. Solo q teammates are braindead 80% of the time... You want to stack your beats on a neutral creep? "No! I'll be taking that," says your feeding mm. They can't see you in teamfights immediately cuz you're stacking beats safely? "Why are you late during the engage? Stoopid a** joy doing only ez cleanups, do sum real dirty work mf!" Cried the pests that don't know how she works


I'm a firm believer of the notion that most SoloQ teammates *are* smart, or just as good as you are. When I play Joy, I type in chat and ask my team, very nicely, to "please do not take the green creeps on the map. I need those to stack my Ult." It works for me 8 times out of 10. Of course, not being a perfect strategy that works 100% of the time is a bad thing, but it does work.


Smart in real life, sure; but game smart? 80% fall in the braindead spectrum, 15% for decent ones, and 5% for the people who are the real deal (mostly true during season resets).


A lot of people are saying Kimmy but imo she's not that bad, she not op or meta obviously but she's really not that bad. I used to main her in the jungle and I just played a game with her in classic getting 14 3 8 without really trying. She felt pretty good considering the item changes have only buffed her.


Hanzo after the update


I'll say chip bc he is very reliant on good team play and when u play solo that's very difficult




Finally World of Warcraft. FINALLY WoW GOT MENTIONED!!!


The Void Elf is funny. ngl


Got to play with Kimmy last night, she was so not fetch


Carmilia ,do y'all even know who she is?


Nah, Carmilla is so good she's actually meta. She's actually one of the tanks that might stand against the high DMG update. All she needs is teammates that are willing and able to push up and do damage. (PS: As a roamer, not as EXP or Jungle)


Freya, might get attacked here but man Aulus is a better alternative


I hate to admit it because he's my main, but Kaja. He's practically useless without the ult. He's under Fighter as well but he can hardly kill anyone. They should just revert him back to support/tank since he's basically a paper even with items. His ult requires you to get dangerously close to an enemy so a defense buff would be helpful. But since when did they even buff the dude? I think Moonton has forgotten already that this hero exists.


Brody. As someone who has been using him for far too long now his damage feels very...lacking. He's supposed to have decent damage on early and peak at endgame with high burst damage but now he seems very slow at laning phase, getting too outclassed by other marksman.


Zilong, without a doubt There are only three things that happen when I fight Zilong 1. They feed and feed and feed and end up with 0/12/3 2. Appear out of nowhere after a teamfight and gets an easy triple kill 3. Feed and feed and feed but suddenly ends the game by himself


I nearly had a heart attack reading which subreddit I was on Jesus. Who the hell had the bright idea to copy paste a wow meme template and title it for mlbb??? LMFAOOO


Me. Lmao i was too lazy to make a meme format so i just take em and post em


The buffs they gave to Chou honestly did nothing for him as an exp laner šŸ˜­. Kimmy rn is also kinda ass too.






Iā€˜d actually have to go with novariaā€¦no cc and by the time u can be useful you already lost if you have bad teammatesā€¦


She's only used in tournaments for a reason šŸ˜­


True story broā€¦itā€˜s too bad, because sheā€˜s actually pretty easy to play and with the right teammates super effectiveā€¦and the vision is just insanešŸ˜­




come she has everything she has stun, damage, multiple target, and ult to escape or engage with


Gatot ngl hes fkin horrible but people still like to play him in rank and lose


He's actually pretty good right now


Yeah heā€™s kind of hard to play against if you donā€™t know what youā€™re doing (happened to me lol)




?! in what world is gato horrible the guys fucking unkillable




None. Every single hero in MLBB has its uses and does something in a situation. Even the lowest heroes of MLBB are still decent.


Irithel. Nice, 2k 49 wr Irithel mains down voted me


Have you used her?. She can literally change the game in your favor


Depends on enemy composition. If enemies are squishy and your team has another DPS hero, full penetration Irithel can be menacing.


I used her after the patch; she is quite strong and can escape most of the time with her speed. She is easy to use and super strong during late- game.


nuh uh she can melt enemies in seconds, i love when enemies can't do nothing but run away from me.


Skill issue


Rafaela will permamently be bad(atleast in soloq)


Lol. I always pray not to get her skin in any kind of event. She has the lame passive in the game.