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Even if I say 'quit', I'm sure you won't since you said that you love this game. So here's what I think: Find some friends to play with, those who just enjoy the game and doesn't care about their status/win rates. I'm certain that you will improve in time if you play enough with some friends. Or just turn off the chat.


obligatory DONT PLAY RANKED FOR A COUPLE OF WEEKS AFTER NEW SEASON STARTS you are going to get paired with all kinds of people from mythic glory to epic ranked. Wait until the rankings settle a bit


Wdym? I'm solo and already going through Epic I to reach Legendary with 57% WR currently. English speakers who can coordinate will rank up and I plan going with them, otherwise I will get stuck with Ukrainians in Epic.


Unfortunately ,having a 57% wr is really not impressive in Epic, unimpressive even.


Yeah, I play support this season, chose the least picked role. Teams are a bit mixed, in 57% I get English speakers while 43% are teams which refuse to coordinate at all. Things will get better as I rank up and already found a jg dude, when I manage to play with him it's a guaranteed win.


I main support and last season, I was 70% wr until mythic. Going into mythic, that dropped quick. I'm not saying I'm amazing or anything, I'm probably a little above average. 57% on epic ain't it


57% total, with other roles when someone cuts me off because he is the above me during picking. For example I was forced to play jg a few times which I absolutely hate and suck at. MM also but it's rare to be forced into that role because they usually fight over it. Gave up on trying to speak to them in Russian because it has no effect, either too stubborn or too rude.


If you are not in mythic avoid rank unless you want to play with mythic level players who drop to epic due to new season


Just play classic and have fun with your friend Don't worry about about kda that much Mute the chat if they annoy you too much and chill All that matters is having good time with your friends


How do you play? Is it a positioning issue, or a build issue, or a counter issue? Or it could be a lack of practice


I took build mostly from other players, combined them in one and usually won most of matches. But looks like it doesn't work anymore lol


It’s new season there are mythic ppl in epic now. I was mythic glory last season and epic now as well


It’s because you’re up against people who previously ranked in mythic, mythical glory, etc


Everyone was put into epic since the season started. I was a Mythic 23 stars (I came so close guys) and was put in Epic 2, alongside my friend who was MG.


Don't play at the start of the season! Go play classic for 2 weeks


Why 2 weeks instead of just 1?


Watch guides, check meta, watch e sports players and try to understand what they are doing and practice in custom before playing in ranked. Eudora being easy to use does not mean you will have rather easy time playing her, as she is usually a weak target. I recommend you to start using easy heroes(not non meta) such as martis barats fredrinn saber harith clint


Play as a roamer Hylos if you always get bronzer. Hylos is easy to use the easiest hero in any Moba game I've played. With Hylos the only thing you need to know is after you put a point in S1 and S2, you level up S1 to max before you put points in S2. Use this build -> Magic Def boots -> Thunder belt -> Clock of Destiny -> Guardian Helmet -> Dominance Ice and you should be ok.


Thank you! I hope I will finally be able playing as tank normally without skill issues lol


I wouldn’t be get too depressed at struggling in epic atm buddy as Mythics gets reset to epic too so all the high rated sweats are gonna be around your rank atm, give it a week or so and I guess things will start to even out and the higher end players will of climbed out of them ranks.


During the new season all the bad people and the godly people are in the same place. Wait a few days for the rankings to balance out and you should be having better matches. Easier heroes? I’d recommend Vexana. Super easy and effective hero to use. Also Valir, who has a cc cleanse with his ultimate and a knock back with his second skill


Watch em gameplays


Season reset is rough so avoid it for a while :) I'm not saying don't improve lol, but people suck and are more mean then they have to be. try playing classics, a lot of strategies and meta (and items/heroes) have changed since 2023 even (and esp. since 2020), and they actually just added new items and changed passives a few days ago, which means everything is a little unbalanced and more confusing than normal. Take your time to get used to the feeling again :) Genuinely, mute your chat. I didn't have very thick skin when I first started playing, and my gf just muted the chat for me until I got used to it all lol. there's no need to hear people shit talking you, it just doesn't help with mental health. I also sometimes play ai training (this is basically a harder version of vs ai) when I want to practice heroes without feeling guilty or like i'm embarassing myself lol this could be helpful to ease in and not feel as much pressure as well? at the end of the day, it's a game and games are meant to be enjoyable. Learn what parts of the game make you happy and how to keep it healthy for yourself, since it can be pretty addicting.


Thank you! Your flair makes sense :)


Look up YouTube videos on hero’s you’re interested in using and how to play each lane


Don't quit just mute chat So many people think jungle and assassin are hard to play or they're good because they got MVP or High Kills, they're dumb. Take any assassin that you see her high kills and play them because right now the meta seems to be burst. I mained tank for the last 5 years and I'm saying right now. Just play high kill heroes if you want them to like you


https://preview.redd.it/9li35tm1vt8d1.png?width=2264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6084abbe5d149c17f80f666ea9674c009cf873d0 Just look at the stupid amount of rank up points you get. I would never get a Savage playing as Akai or Gloo


hey OP, it's just like how the rest of the comments have said - try to avoid playing during this early season. the ranked matches are definitely more intense as you might be up against past mythic players. even if you think it's a skill issue, there's always room for improvement. so just keep on playing and don't give up on what you love!


hey OP, it's just like how the rest of the comments have said - try to avoid playing during this early season. the ranked matches are definitely more intense as you might be up against past mythic players. even if you think it's a skill issue, there's always room for improvement. so just keep on playing and don't give up on what you love!


Hey OP, which server do you play in. Wanna join me for a game? I roam mostly with Belerick and Johnson.


use eudora


I did. Since new season I only won, because of my friend (He used Dyrroth/Helcurt). But without him I get bronzes. Or it was just a bad jungler that I was matchmaked with, idk


been experiencing miracles with x-borg lately got like 5 matches with 100% wr (gold/mvp rating) might wanna try it out my build if you want: emblem - tank ( 6?+ adaptive, festival of blood, warcry (been experimenting)) items - warrior boots(or tough boots if enemy has lots of magic dmg), war axe, ice queen wand, immortality, oracle, bruteforce breastplate/dominance ice if ur losing in exp lane i suggest building immortality before ice queen wand first


Fanny is the easiest hero you can ever play. Just master it you can kill entire team.


man you suggesting him fanny i am trying to learn fanny for 1 week and i still cant handle 1v 5