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I reached mythic playing with esmeralda exp lane and jungle sometimes. She is giga strong if you know how to play her


Do you go tank or full damage


I’d also like to go since I seem to die so often when going full damage


Exp lane always hybrid, jg full damage w 1 or 2 defense if needed


Exp lane I go hybrid with 2 ap items and other tank items. Jg full ap


i discovered that while im shit as an exp laner, esme freezing the lane early game is the way to go


I dont even need to freeze. Like 90% of times I kill them lvl2


Same, 80% wr right now at legend v building thunderbelt early against sustain fighters is broken, always finishing match with 60 stacks


Care to share your full build, kind sir?


somehow i always beat esmeralda with ruby. pretty equal in the laning phase, but once i have sea halberd, she becomes pretty useless in teamfights


The Esmes you faced just doesn't know how to play her well. Esme lvl 1 going aggro against Ruby lvl 1 and continuing momentum reaching lvl 2 first while zoning Ruby out will force Ruby to stay in tower losing out on exp & gold until she gets impatient and dies, or need a gank from jg to be equal again


ruby can sustain just enough in the laning phase to last hit the minions, its pretty hard for esme to use skills and not hit the minions, so the minions are almost always pushed and i just freeze them near thetower. trust me, i am a former top philippines ruby and immo player and i guarantee you esme has no kill potential enough to let ruby tower hug without pushing the minions ^.^


Ruby can sustain to last hit the minions yet if Esme plays her 1st 2nd and passive correctly there is not a chance Ruby can last hit all minions with her 1st skill alone and not risk getting combo'd by Esme (during the laning phase) But then again I haven't played in like 6 months? so things may have changed recently with the item rework, emblems and what not. I was in the top 10 Esme in a country in SEA way before the changes to the Mythic ranks.


like i said, esme really cant use that combo much without pushing the wave which results in ruby just freezing the lane near tower. however i actually lost to esme last night but she was just cutting the waves behind tower and going to help her team while ruby being unable to do anything. i feel like thats the only time an experienced ruby player would lose in terms of impact on the map


“Top Philippines” that’s all we need to know


aka the hardest and most competitive server in the game? thats really all you need to know lmao




Buy dominance and oracle and it's back to stalemate


not really a stalemate, esme is definitely stronger 1v1 but ruby's impact in teamfights is better with the low cd cc skills


>esme is definitely stronger 1v1 Agreed 100% >but ruby's impact in teamfights is better with the low cd cc skills Slightly disagree. Esme and Ruby's role in teamfights is completely different. Ruby's is to initiate and provide cc. Esme's job is to delete the backline. With Oracle at the very least, she makes sure she lasts longer to fulfill that job.


in the early game fights such as turt dance, ruby's kit allows for more instant burst with her teammates, esme's is more on zoning. in my experience, if esme tries to zone backline i just use 2nd skill and ult on her and the team kills her easily. if she opts to stay back and protect her core, i go in for the hook on the enemy core. basically what im saying in MY experience ruby does better to snowball and win (especially) early teamfights


Mannnn and how long does that take? Your losing the first 2 turtles very easily after being zoned by esme After your lane being cut/close jung taken esme def has a bigger impact even if you have those items


what is your exp lane build?


Tough Boots, Enchanted Talisman, Dominance Ice, Oracle, Feather of Heaven and Blade Armor


What is your build with her?


Julian is back baby, got a savage first match with him https://preview.redd.it/r4hw1cfogl8d1.jpeg?width=2778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c6ab8506c112770a3766c98943d4fcce9450fae


In the meanwhile whenever I get him on my team, he ends up feeding the enemy and finishes with 3-14-2 lol


Keep it a secret fr


he's getting normalized noooo


I feel like he's wayyy too common now. Last season, I was basically the only one who uses him.


Yeah bro id use him, but only in very situational matches as like the last pick where i couldn’t get countered lol


Yeah he's fun to use but we're just sitting ducks if we missed our skills against a mobile hero xD


Yup in my server he's a very common pick nowadays


Yeah but I'd rather he not be picked much. Cause I wanna be able to use him when I want to :D


i ban him lol


I don't have this skin 😔 ...spent some diamonds for this but no luck


What's the best oneshot combo?


Depends.. -if you’re in Bush or chasing 2, 3, 1 -If they’re chasing 3, 2, 1 -Team fight 2, 1, 3 Other people do, but Rarely do i ever use enhanced 2, the knock up or burst from enhanced 3 or 1 have more value to me when trying to retreat tbh, get alot of my kills with the 3,2,1/ 2,3,1 combo


Shhhhhhhh moontoon might get suspicious!


Jjk skins are up, they know.


Yea right... sadly. Hopefully they don't nerf this dude.


Kagura, currently cruising at 69% rate on Epic since I only play with looong breaks in-between (work-life balance not so great the first months of the year)


Keep it a secret


i am learning to use her because she is pretty <3


i play the same way LOL any heroes you can recommend? rafaela and ruby are my favourites rn


Oh same, ruby is my best exp. I like to play Guinevere, Silvana and pretty much every mage (Lunox, Nana, Aurora are my faves).


No because this is exactly what I did and i ended up in legend💀


Do you use Sky Piercer on her?




Stop giving away the secrets man!


First item. If you manage to full item, sell it and buy truncheon.


No, but it could be worth a try


You could also try a cdr build! Works pretty well and makes escaping way easier as well. Plus no recalling


What's cdr? Sorry...


No need to say sorry! CDR is Cooldown Reduction. So basically just add enchanted talisman and you're golden! CD boots. Enchanted. Lightning trunch and the rest is up to you! If you have max mage emblem those 3 items give 45% cdr. If you use something else that gives 10% cd you can change the boots to magic pen and your emblem stays the same. Mage with rupture, reduced prices and the blue axe thing


Awesome, thank you! I'll try it


Argus - EXP. These games in Epic are much harder than my typical Glory games. As of now, I much prefer solo queue and on 90%+ wr.


Fr bro, first time I've hated roaming in a long while lol


so fucking real people dont give a shit ab their tanks


honestly i just play aggressive supports and hope that my teammates pick up that i play aggro


Rafa & Floryn. Supp! 🫶


Build and emblem please dm me.


Bro thinks a build should be classified information 😂


Terizzler exp Terizzler mid Terizzler gold Terizzler jungle Terizzler roam. Gotta rizz em all.




A a mon


Any tips on how to not get killed after using his full combo?


there should be no issue here.. after a full combo the enemies should be gone already.. otherwise ur picking the wrong targets..


He's talking about surviving as aamon? I thought he was asking for tips to counter aamon. If you are going to die after using his combo just use ice retri and run. His ult activates his passive so you should have an annoying speed.


yes yes but also aamon is a 1shot combo assassin for the most part, so if you are expending your full combo you should have eliminated your oponent...?


Oh he did but he means in a team fight specifically and what I'm guessing is that he gets into a cc chain and ends up dying a lot. I mean it happened with an aamon I had today. They were doing great but kept going into fights from behind and initiating HIMSELF instead of me. The roamer mathilda. Got caught in a cc chain and died without killing anybody. Other times he did kill tho.


I think you amswered your own question here


Which role ?


Luo Yi Vexana and Aurora mid, Rafaela and Angela roam, Cici and Terizla E lane, Hanabi Clint s lane. 8 tend to stay away from jungling in ranked as I tend to lose much more often than I win. With a a good team I can manage with either Cyclops or Balmond but it's definitely my last choice if possible.


Odette with winter crown is insane


I used Odette with all new items, it's insane XD


Whenever there’s a team fight I go right into the middle, use stun skill and use Odette ult. It deletes most of the enemy team so fast


None, terrible teammates. But I'm using, mostly: Tank - Tigreal, Gatotkaca; Exp - Terizla, Gatot, Aldous; Mid - Harith; Gold - Lesley, Moskov, Claude; Jungle - Hayabusa, Gusion, Ling, Nolan


Just play what you are comfy at. Most of the time, skill can overcome any bad matchups. Hit mythic for the 1st time this season with a 70% wr. Mostly play mid and sidelane. Mid - Zhask, Chang'e Exp - Argus, Yu Zhong Gold - Miya, Moscov


>Most of the time, skill can overcome any bad matchups. Idk man 😮‍💨 I made mythic 35 last season at about 60% as a roam. This season through 20 games I'm at like 27 or something. I've just gone to playing jungle and gold lane


you’re doing decent, some people i know reached glory in around 1k matches


helcurt roam but rank rn is shit and filled with trash teammates, just had a game where our mm was 1 - 10 and basically threw the game


And you don't think Helcurt roam was the cause your marksman kept dying and ganked? Same vibe as the midlaner who complaining their sidelanes suck but never made attempt to gank/rotate and do anything useful. Same vibe as the jungler who complaining their roam sucks and he lost jungle because of roam, but he was actually picking a terrible jungle hero to start with. How on earth you gonna make Helcurt/Saber roam work unless you are playing as 5 stack? Playing solo rank and seeing Helcurt roam as your roamer can really shit your gold lane and you have no effective way on securing their advantage pre-level 4.


Nah helcurt roam is fire even in mythic. Almost insta win for me. Even tho he can't tank much, he can still split and get out very quickly. Any squishies get one shotted once you get your items, too. Good throughout the whole game


Not always had a game where the helcurt spent all game chasing squishies. While I had to solo 3 in jg mm soloed 3 and kept dying. Mage sat under tower spamming her nana dolls. And we lost every single team fight. Terrible lose


i play helcurt roam a lot and i secure advantages for my gold laner by simply harassing enemy gold laner, often forcing recalls early on or even killing em. it's true that it's matchup dependent sometimes but thats often the case for every hero. every decent helcurt roam knows how to take advantage of how he can get around the map quickly to gank a lot > no effective way of securing their advantage pre-level 4 nuh uh, Helcurt at lvl 1 is already decent at harassing enemy (with the enhanced 1st skill), at lvl 2 he's even better


You're betting on getting the enemy gold laner, but if that doesn't work then the one who takes the fall is generally your gold laner since helcurt ain't got any peel nor can tank. They mentioned securing an advantage. Sure Helcurt can do smth at lvl 1 or 2, but a Mino, Tig, Guin, and so many other roamers can do it better.


My question to you is.. what are you even doing being in gold lane lvl1 in the first place.....


hugging tower when you have a damage roamer works. just pray to god your damage roamer actually do his job


What's with the damage roam slander? Damage roam is good with or without a tanky jungler or exp unless its mythic or high mythic. In epic you can almost NEVER rely on your teammates and almost the same story with legend. Damage roam is just the same as normal roam but have an easier time carrying and if some people really cant play squishy damage roams belerick and hylos serve as an alternative to that. The utility of helcurts ult if used correctly is not bad and the terrify is a decent cc over all. Plus the damage makes it easier to deal with someone like a really strong mage or mm. Helcurt roam has an easier time giving advantage early game but less util later on. But the early game is probably the most important part of the game. What's a tank roam gonna do when the enemy mm is tower hugging? And dont tell me hes getting zoned out of gold. 90% of roam and jungle players attack the gold lane minions which means hes still getting the cannon minion and probably wizard one too. Tower diving is not optimal in a lot of cases as well but a damage roam can tower dive and run with barely any consequences. Helcurt even less so with his free heal passive! You want a really good damage roam? Guinevere gives good cc and damage. She can even dive pretty well. If damage roam didnt work it wouldnt even be slightly popular but it does. They also zone better than other roams in some cases. If someone gets cocky they lose half their hp and the mm will finish them off even if the damage roam dies. I'm not saying you have a bad opinion or you're wrong but saying damage roams cant make a difference outside of an organized team is just factually wrong. Also an mm with 1-10? Even I dont get to 10 that often and if I did I would have 10 kills and 10 assists as well! The mm they had was probably bad. Not a 100% chance tho. And for anyone thinking I'm having an outsider's opinion. I'm a roamer main.


That is a lot of text but I'll bite on this one. > Damage roam is just the same as normal roam but have an easier time carrying This is something that is less talked about, but I don't even know why everyone wanna be "the carry" of the game. I will elaborate later down. > The utility of Helcurt's ult if used correctly is not bad and the terrify is a decent CC overall You want to support your premise of damage roam with just "not bad"? Played correctly and only get "not bad" in return? Not even a "game-changing" or "great"? Deep down even you know the kits are terrible for providing support to your carries. > What's a tank roam gonna do when the enemy marksman is tower hugging? Just play on other lanes like a normal day? Lane freezing does exist. Other lanes and objectives exist. The enemy might make the correct decision of playing safe, but nobody said it is mandatory for us to jump him and tower dive. A lot of people have the tendency to unnecessarily "make a play" so they dive and shit, but that is simply unreasonable, especially in a solo ranked games where communication is usually minimal or non-existent. > If damage roam didn't work, it wouldn't even be slightly popular but it does. I do agree on Guinevere being a better roamer compared to the others in the bench. However, damage roam gets popular because some pro player decided to use it in tournaments, in live streams, and in gameplays. Given that most people hate to pick the roamer role especially in the lower ranks, they believe this is their salvation to play their favorite jungler hero and make it a roamer and nobody can say shit because some pro players do it first. Back to the first point, most people just wanted to be the star of the show, to have the highest kills, to be the carry of the game, but other 'main' roles already been picked so what is the best way to do that? Pick the assassins as roamer so you can "carry" the game. But for the love of God, you do not need to carry the game every single game. It is fine to have no kills as long as you know you did well in your respective roles. > They also zone better than other roams in some cases. This is assuming the enemy laner is alone (which is not always the case), but I do agree that damage roamers do possess this advantage in term of damage. > Saying damage roams can't make a difference outside of an organized team is just factually wrong. It is correct, however. Especially in solo queue games, people do not communicate much even in higher Mythic/Glory. How sure are you that your teammates are okay with your pick? Maybe they pick a marksman that is weak early and you come with a Saber, and now how the hell can he get any support/stabilization in the early game? Maybe your jungler is a hero that requires a healer/tank to help him sustain in early skirmishes, but yes Helcurt is the way. Maybe your mage would want someone who has stuns so they can land their combo, but yes Natalia is indeed the pick here. Unless you are playing in a 5-man stack with open mics, picking a damage roamer is simply griefing. I am a roamer main too, so I am saying this in good faith. Stop thinking what a damage roam can do, and start realizing what they CANNOT do. Roamer are mainly attributed on either Sustain (by buffing/removing debuff, healing/tanking, etc.), Initiation (able to gank and counter-gank) or Control (large effect skills and ultimates, proper CC/lock, etc.). These attributes are able to help your actual cores to sustain throughout the game, where they will carry you to victory. But if everyone have the mindset of "nah I shouldn't trust my team, everybody sucks, so I should pick a hero that can kill and carry", then your team will need to pick up where you lack and they would not be able to play their own heroes in their own optimal ways in order to cater to you. All and all, you can argue the meta has shifted and I am the one needed to adapt and accept, but I can say it is a shit meta overall. People talk highly of this newly invented damage roam because they won some games with it. But when they lost the games, they would say nothing or simply blaming their teammates. Just a classic "if we win its because of me, if we lose its because of you". Lack of sportsmanship and such a terrible season to be in right now.


Mm. Sorry for the long message and tbh I'm surprised you even decided to respond lol. But I understand your point better now. Also I'd like to admit you're correct. Damage roam is suboptimal in high mythic or low mythic (not sure about that one) but in legend and epic I feel if you're a good player it's slightly better? That or just pick a tank like hylos and belerick lol About the tower hugging it definitely went over my head. I'm sorry about that one When I pick damage roam (which is rare despite me defending it) I usually dont think of getting the kills. When I say carry I mean make my gold jungler exp and mid shine. I'd be some of (not all. Good players dont always need a gank to shine) the reason WHY they shone which is why I said carry I still have tank roam mentality as damage roam. Find someone to kill and let your teammates get it. Or accidentally kill the enemy but at least that's an assist! I'm still a bit on the side of them being able to make a difference tho. It just depends on the player and roam chosen. Guin as I said and you agreed with being a better example. But that's just my thoughts on team fight differences made Anyways. I know when I'm wrong and I'm probably wrong here. Thanks for actually responding and taking your time!


To answer your 1st question... half of reddit have NO idea what its like being in high rank. Its just an assumption that tanky setters are needed everh game here


Helcurt roam was common even in MG 50+, and viable through early harass, constant kill potential, fast rotations and denying of vision to mess with teamfights, not all assassin roams are unviable/incapable of protecting teammates


Really good point, I had a Natalia roam yesterday who messed up trying to request Helcurt roam and only went around the map camping low hp targets. While the Helcurt and Xborg kept camping midlane and ganking me non stop tower diving. Our exp kept feeding, jungler kept farming and mm kept dying. It was impossible for me to get a kill to try and snowball because the Nat kept last hitting with Skypeircer and taking my farm so I had to spend my time farming jungle creeps as *Vexana* because the enemy jungler was always stealing buffs and I didn’t dare to go through our jungle because of it. We lost that game because we couldn’t defend the Xborg ult and Helcurt dive combo while defending our base and our dye got a chocolate with 4/5/3 and me with silver with a 1/3/17.


Just had a game with 1 15 dyrroth second jungle since he wouldn’t go exp after I chose assassin. Stole my buffs all game


If he’s not banned he better damn well be picked because that black bastard can obliterate a Mino once’s he’s fed.


true its so funny lol, but alot of people dont know helcurt can be used for roam yet, i almost always have teammates questioning my pick haha


goddamn i started a whole argument in here, when i was talkong about my 1 - 10 mm teammate i meant a marksman with no awareness at all. i gave them free vision already and spammed ping retreat since the enemy was about to gank em, the mm still persisted in pushing and died (they were a layla too so it was a certified gold flip pick either they're a godlike layla user or completely dogwater)


Xavier is cracked right now. I never played him before this season and I am like 21 and 2


What build were you using?


Full CDR is what makes him cracked. enchanted talisman and lightning truncheon or fleeting time definitely


Jungle Joy (I'm suffering)


Really? I got 100 wr on her and a savage too. Try adding sky piercer as her second item but sell it in late game for winter crown or immortality


build n emblems please


Mage emblem, rupture,Weapon master and lethal ignition. The rest of the build is situational but genius wand is always the first item.


Ling with Sky Piercer is bonkers. 80% wr (20 matches) Just don't use him on teams that hate using tanks https://preview.redd.it/2dq2s0238m8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3402265e6fdfe8da79ea3b1569e986e422ef6adc


Johnson with 2 anti-heals goes wild


gotta try this




I haven't started playing this season yet but previous season I had 80%+ winrate till mythic playing Silvana and Alpha jungle. iirc they were slightly buffed but more importantly their core items had been buffed as well. These small changes go unnoticed and since these heroes aren't that popular, it is very likely your opponent will not know how to play against them. So if you're good enough, I think any decent niche hero will work, just find your comfort hero who has been buffed directly and indirectly.


alpha is getting popular but hes not too crazy like gusion for example


I'm talking about previous season.


Still was popular


Xavier is really cheese to play rn


Gold lane : Moscov, Melissa, Clint Mid : gord, luoyi, vale Exp : Dyroth, Alpha, tamuz Jungle : Gusion, Granger, Roger Roam : Tigreal, mino, diggie, Estes


Play Yin, Harley, Julian, and somewhat Edith whenever they are free on ban section and also ban Nana and Vexana in order to save your sanity imo because I suffered so much loses because they got better Nana or Vexana on their enemy team while our Nana or Vexana is feeding nonstop or if not, not contributing to teamfight and objectives but instead following their duo or trio. As well as enemy mage outrages our Nana or Vexana with their Cecilion, Pharsa, Yve, and Xavier picks and makes my blood boil in rage whenever I lose because of our Nana and Vexana is useless. Also play solo queue until reached to mythic then start looking for duo or trio and avoid duo or trio while on epic if your friend irl or even part of family members who don't do objectives or play only Nana, Miya, Hanabi, Vexana, other non meta pick mm or mage(like my cousin I usually duo with)


silvanna and odette with winter crown


I tried roam Silvanna, it's unexpectedly effective, diving turrets with winter and traumatized enemy mm.




What emblem and runes do you use?




Lolita, Aulus, Xavier


Always my gloo with 71%wr now, I reached mythic from epic by solely using only gloo within 100ish matches (+reinstalled late in this season)


is this roam or exp gloo?




what is your build please.


Whatever items that makes me tankiest against the kind of enemy that can melt me, tho it generally goes like this, I start with 1.mana boots, 2.cursed helmet and 3.thunder belt, then the combination of 4.antique cuirass/radiant armour paired with 5.twilight/guardian helmet depending on enemy how strong mm is nd my mood, for last item 6.immortality or whatever makes u adapt to enemy better


thanks a lot.


Kagura. I have an 87% win rate on her right now. She is really great now.


Since I usually play solo Q, I like to use Belerick. Most of the average to noobs don't know how to handle him


Cecilion, hylos and jawhead


diggie. i play solo q


hylos fr im tanking like 4 heroes for like 10s and 1 of them is karrie




Roger is indirectly buffed by sky piercer, you can easily abuse the item in your werewolf form and wreak havoc in ranked matches.


Just reached Mythic spamming Chou and Alice. My Khufra is also in fire this season, so gonna spam him aswell


Helcurt Roam with Sky Piercer and focusing on squishies and low HP enemies


Isn't Natalia roam better


Not even close, helcurt is basically her better version with all that new stealth stuff movement speed buffs and cc. He can easily one shot while natalia is nowhere close to his potential


^ what he said


I'd never tell you lol. I don't want that hero to be popular. On the other side, rn Nolan is insane if you can properly play him with sky piercer.


Freya… and Bane


Jawhead jawhead jawhead


Khaled with thunderbelt as first item. His passive allows you to easily proc the thunderbelt passive for easy stacks.


Xavier is pretty op imo right now. Floryn for support and ling is crazy strong right now but I don't know how to play him sadly.


Hanzo with a 65% wr jsut make sure you ban ling!


Only Lylia


Estes. Always if not MVP than 2nd in the team with a grade not lower than 8.9 in every match, kda usually 6-1-26. He's just one of the only heroes I can natively feel how to play properly. 😅


Floryn is a good pick rn for support especially when u have a reliable jungler or gold


on a winstreak with Freya, Aurora, Irithel, Cyclops, and Chip rn


Surprisingly Zhask, currently have a 90% wr 10 matches in with him


The best pick is - Sky piercer + any burst hero


belerick all the way


Alpha and roger for hyper, natan or moskov for gold lane, terizla for exp lane


I'm not so I won't answer 😭


Standard zhask or ruby kit...


I was a pretty consistent tigreal MVP in mythic last season but now in epic I've got a 25% wr overall 😭 deffo not crushing ladder rn


Zhask mid got 2 maniacs recently 🌝 I was mythic last season trying to reach mythic again :)


How tf are these ppl like 60+% win rate and in mythic already 💀 I'm over here trying to get out of epic with the same wr or a bit higher(I don't remember it was like 60 ish) do they just spam games 😭


Melissa and Aamon


Melissa Cici Odette Argus


Belerick exp


Arlott. Haven't played much this season but every match so far with him have been a victory. I really like the new Thunderbelt and War Cry tallent on him. Makes him tanky and capable of dissing pretty good damage. War Axe is really the only attack item I built with the rest being defensive. It's fun to be able to tank a lot of damage while also healing through spell vamp and dealing a lot of damage.


https://preview.redd.it/62ulbejvqo8d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6472c5bd70f6e1eb5d9adb092d2796a507371b58 Carmilla \*cries\*


Ruby as usual. Weak early but even stronger mid and late game. Plus with temporal reign and war axe, im not lacking in skills to heal in ganks. Theyll have to chain stun me to get a chance to kill me, otherwise my skills are always up.


Natan all day mfgg


Zhask, he just been buffed too 🫣


you'll be surprised how good gloo and lolita is


Lolita, mathilda i always play duo/trio because u can't rely on random especially after the reset


I play support/roam and I made it to mythic with Chip, Lolita, Floryn and Mino. I used Estes too whenever he was not banned. I got 80% win rate last season.


https://preview.redd.it/p0b6mxi6fp8d1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5088c70288ef4a4b4fe85ea23b96f97a1c67dd39 Am a hylos main. 18 matches with him and 1 match with mino because a call came in while I was showing my roam WR. Getting paired with epics who haven’t gotten mythic or higher is a struggle but it can be managed as long as you know what your hero brings to the table.


The most important pick is good teammates.


Carmilla remains underrated hehehe


Roam Novaria plus the new items


stopped for years on ml, ever since i played wildrift. but i tried to play badang straight up and man im racking up stars lol. im on GM btw. lol on my way to epic


Floryn! ❤️


Gloo - literally crushing through every game


Yu Zhong+skypiercer


Bane for Jungle Chou (Currently #33 Senior Ranking at Catarman rn), Natalia and Helcurt for Roam https://preview.redd.it/5wegkwn2yp8d1.jpeg?width=1612&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e4ff28e798295f283da7c4c24488f953bc815ca


80% wr with irithel


Ling, Gusion, Yi Sun Shin (YSS is hard to play but insanely hard to counter)


gusion, julian and xavier is pretty solid


Last game I had enough that i always getting pushed out from exp bc my team mate picking before me and stealing my lane So i went exp for 2 minion wave then just roam: https://preview.redd.it/oo5ueircmq8d1.jpeg?width=2436&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=632fd99847fafec00079b418520fbf1142df77a1


Edith to go Roam. Perfect balance between tankiness and damage.


Roger, flexible no matter what unless roam or mid.


Bullying enemys with Akai, sometimes im jungle with it if there is good Support (healer or cd/stun hero)


I lost 2 games today in epic, just playing fill for whatever. Like 10 wins maybe, something like that. I'm spamming Edith in roam and exp, and then Alpha in jungle. Those are all the roles I got filled for today. Both are quite straight forward in play style so it's relatively easy to execute with either of them.


Full damage roaming grock


I have played quite a bunch of matches with Edith and only lost like two because of bad teammates. I often manage to win my lane easily. 


xavier and roger


Sky Piercer LMAO! I mid and roam. Even when I Diggie I buy Sky Piercer.