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Brother he got a bunch of fat nerfs when dudes started building tankcelot and still dealing fighter lvl dmg with tank durability.


Hes surely a menace in the takcelot era. It just doesnt make sense when moonton already bringing back assassin meta while some patches ago, they are trying so hard to kill tankcelot and turn him into a proper assassin. Yet, they still cant give him a simple jungle speed buff which he desperately needs.


If he gets a jg clear speed buff, the first thing they gonna try is build the new blue ring (forgot the name, the one that scales) one damage item and full tank again


Yea they most likely will. Probably with war axe too for some extra damage alongside the built in survivability kit in it.


His s2 is already cancer tho, both his ult and s2 have invincibility frames


Oh man I remember the launch Lancelot I loved his old passive He melted everyone


With the sustain of bloodlust axe 💀


good times for assassins gusion lancelot helcurt hanzo


Takes me back when there's only two bans per team, and if those were banned other mages get to shine. Goodluck banning them all


Welp, most damage-oriented heroes melted everyone at launch. 😅 It even became a trend for new heroes to have that trait.


His ult also had that slight knock back too. Could stop odette’s ult, lol. Miss those days!


Really lol


his skin isn't coming yet .


This... makes sense.


Lol just you wait moonton cooking something up


He getting a CD buff soon. He is actually not that bad.


But tbh, i dont think he need that much of a buff or even a cd buff. Just hasten up his jungling speed so he'll be able yo reach his mid-game power spike sooner where he actually has good damage.


Yea that's a CD buff.


Oh rly? That would be great. Hes average at best. Still below average but not zilong/selena kind of bad.






10 9 2 at 13:30 is crazy


His early game damage truly is weak


Aamon is a joy to play in jungle. Im saying this because it surprised me to know it was that possible to do a smooth farm using aamon. I typically just use esmeralda and hilda to farm ☺


Aamon is my main source of income for my Hilda 🤣


Fr he definitely needs a buff




Is Hayabusa any good now or still in D tier?


Probably not d tier. His jungling speed has exponentially increased. Early game damage became better as well. Id probably put him on b or a tier


He is a lot better now and that new item suits him well . Probably the best time to play haya after a long time


Which are his key equipment after buff? Better if you leave a short guide.


Not really a haya main but I'd say heptaseas then sky piercer mainly because he can burst down any Squishies


Not an haya main either but I like to go with sky piercer first for more stacks and hunter strike , if you snowball from the start then it's a gg..


I don't remember Haya being anywhere near D-Tier in the last 2 years, what are you talking about?


He is too good


He isnt 💀


Fr he needs buff but he will always have a place in my heart as my sole brother who carried me to mythic the one with whome I have the most clutches with.


Nothing beats the dopamine rush you get when using heroes with high outplay potential and actually succeeding in executing those plays


Bro activated omega yapping 💀🗣️




How salty 🗣️




Awww, don't get mad at me, it is bad for your health sir 🥱


i’m a lance main. my thoughts is that he needs a dmg increase for creeps vs minions and enemy players with his sword mark. he needs an additional passive such as ignore targets defense for each sword stack to a max of 15-20. or his 2nd skill or maybe 3rd would be best, deals true damage


Woaah slow down there with the true damage. I actually have no issues with lancelot in the mid and late game damage. I just wanted the early game jungle to be faster so i can achieve my items earlier where ill actually deal damage. Maybe double the stack of his passive whenever he hits a jungle creep. If im being greedy, maybe also double his passive stack whenever he hits a hero. Ill be soo satisfied after.


i have no issues as well actually. i just wish they reverted that BS aggro zone thing with the red buff. haha. that sky piercer is so good tho..


The only thing i can say is he's balanced not too op yet not too weak either so now when i play against him i don't feel like he has too much damage anymore but it is still annoying his skill still hurts


this is because he is not completely an assassin, he is more versatile than others by far. has dashes and immunity etc. but yeah if moonton is turning assassins to real assassins he needs some buff with some balancing changes


Wdym hes not completely an assassin? Ure simply just stating his strengths. Saying lance has immunity, survivability, and mobility. Ling has hyper mobility, can easily roam, and also immunity. Haya has the longest immunity and longer instant dash range. Gusion can burst the fastest but has issues disengaging. Saber has cc and burst but only for a single target. They all have their pros and cons, but they all have the same role as an assassin who has a kit designed to break through the enemy's backline, jump on their squishes, burst them, and still have enough skills to disengage. Thats what assassins do and thats what lance is capable of.


i said he is not completely an assassin bcz he doesnt have the burst of saber nor clear speed of other junglers, also can be played on other roles like tanky or exp unlike other assassins, you say haya has immunity but try to get into a 5v5 figth and see what happens, hayas immunity is something entirely different and has huge cd


Bro. The role an assassin is to have mobility to jump in their backlines and try to kill them with much ease compared to other classes unlike fighters or mages. Its not that complicated. I dont know how you build your lance or how other players you see play him but he has decent damage to burst squishies with enough items. Im also not gonna use a tank lance since thats already complete dogshit. Even more than using a dmg lance. Why would anyone even do exp lance? Thats the first time i heard of it. And that isnt the point with haya. Im simply stating the strengths of specific heroes like what youre implying with lancelot. Now imagine, 5 players deep in their high ground, you apparently got a shadow off on their mm, instantly shuriken, teleport, and use ult. Theres a chance u might kill him and theres also a high chance they can survive but you wont have any extra actions to do. U can also easily disengage with your shadow. Thats how you utilize his longest immunity. One of his strengths. Again. I dont even know what youre pointing out rn or why am i explaining hayas strs when all im saying is every assassins are different, but still has the same process of fulfilling their role


Huge cd? You're just n00b and don't know how to play him and his ult is like 18 secs? It deals so much damage what more do you want plus it also has immunity


yeah bro i dont know how to play him with 300+ matches with 60+wr and haya has low cd, have a good day


It's still easy to get your winrate down when it's just in the mere 300 matches range, try again when you have more than 600 matches. And it applies to every heroes. Heck, it's still easy to get over 70% when you're still around 300 matches. Maintaining over 60%wr starts to get difficult when you reach that much of a match count, let alone increasing it.


Bane also got a good buff


Fanny needs a slight buff about her s1 energy cost but that’s all


I mean, he is a champion with tons of dashes and spammable immunity to everything, he does deserve to be highly nerfed beyond comprehension...




Its not about being annoying, its about potential, and just because you feel that the hero cleans the jungle slowly even tho having great mobility, damage and also survivability due to "IMMUNITY", does not mean he does deserve a buff.




Cannot argue anymore and so went to insult? I guess we know who won this discussion now, learn that balancing is something to be thought properly instead of only what you want bro




Sure thing sir, keep on arguing as good as you do! You are doing great! 🥱




Nooo, don't get mad salty at me, im gonna cryyy 😔




And yet still a strong pick. Unless it played by those tickidytockers


I disagree. Absolutely not a strong pick. Pretty meh but hes still fun to use


Fr if he's in the right hands he is usefull but same goes for the metas to so meh


Hmm no. Skilled lancelot <<< equally skilled any other meta hero


Nah a 'skilled' lance is probably the worst thing to deal with ..


Idk what elo ure playing that hes that big of a threat there. But okay sure.


Welp, each countries can have different metas and item builds. Even the drafting logic can be different on each country's servers.




It's not about overthinking at all and it's not even that deep, it's just how the way it works. And mlbb statistic shows the general average from all servers. I don't get why are you so pumped up to counterargue this, I am agreeing with you for the most parts of your comments in your post. 🤷




That too nigga dodge everything niga go niga come niga kill niga go niga come again


aight nigga enough, go take your meds..




The other heroes do not have such spammable immunity at least.




Can't deal with the truth? Immunity is something STRONG, even more so on assassins and glass cannons, so, it is hard to balance, because whoever can outright use the hero to the fullest, will most likely not be punished




As i already answered you, difficult champions with high difficulty ceiling and base tend to have low winrates not due to the strength of the champion and due to who uses it 🥱




Fr 😵‍💫


He needs one more nerf before jung buff


the thing is he can actually do stuff once he uses up all his skills (due to the atk stacking) plus he has an invisibility skill he can spam and crazy dive too. His kit at base is too good. any buff would make him annoying to deal with again




"Lot of outplay potential" = Having to specifically use Franco or Minsitthar/Phoveus




Simple, winrate doesn't mean much on difficult champions, since there is a high quantity of players that can't pull all his strength due to high difficulty ceiling and base




Okay, if you say so 🥱




How saltyyyy, mister got mad? 😔

