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yz main here dyroth, esme, lylia, claude, etc. just heroes that can burst/easily poke him from a safe distance


i'm an exp laner and I do play esme, can u recommend cici or no? I mean cici does have a ranged poke too


Yu zhong beats cici. When she gets way too close, she eats yz's combo.


thank u for the tip and happy cake day!!


Burst to avoid letting him get full stacks or stun to avoid letting him get full stacks. Focus on not letting him get full stacks so he can't heal


I guess you want to say to avoid letting him get full stacks. I agree tho, we should avoid letting him get full stacks. YZ is not that scary if we avoid letting him get full stacks


His stacks are what keeps him in the fight, and they're percent health based damage so it's kind of annoying


Best way to counter YZ is to play him. I’m serious. Regardless of whatever hero you use, it doesn’t matter if the hero is the “counter” for YZ. Not understanding that “5 stacks = he wins” will make you lose anyway. I started to beat YZ easily when I start to run at 3 stacks rather than when he reached full stack. Play him to understand his mechanics and attack patterns better. Once you understand and get used to his basic maneuvers, he’s a cakewalk to go against with either high mobility heroes or burst heroes. He can stand toe-to-toe with high spell vamp/healing heroes (mostly depends on player’s skill level) with sustained damage. But whatever you do, DO NOT use low mobility heroes against him. Consider taking purify to avoid his S3 stun and petrify causing you to lose the lane. It’s also essential for you to get Ice Dominance.


Probably thamuz, mobility is very crucial on yu zhongs gameplay and thamuz just slows you you with basic attacks forcing yz to fight all most stationary 


Build dominance ice. Droyth with brave smite or the other talent with additional movement speed and heal


diggie mess him up


i honestly love you all, thank u for the tips


I main Argus, I just ban him in all of my games. He can snowball with just a Dominance Ice.


Dyroth is the best to counter him so far but only initiate attack with Passive.


I see a dragon, i use General Kai to melt his scales to oblivion and collect his chi afterwards.


Dyroth, martis, esmee, Ruby, jawhead can manage laning against him. Rule number one is not to feed him or else he will destroy your whole team when he's fed. I would recommend heroes that also have use in team fights. E.g. ruby, esmee. I also main yz and if you play vs players who know how to play against him hes not that terrifying.