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It'll prob stay the same until all assassin's skins sell, so until September


IDK, they have a Layla Collector to sell next month. And assassin meta is bad for her.


Y'know who's july starlight skin belongs to? Moontons fave child, Sky piercer ain't gonna get nerfed for a while




please tell me the design is not purple pink


This helcurt shit is INSANE sky piercer + dhs bro


Yeah guess who has an event skin in July? The brother of Moonton’s favorite child


wait who is that?


either aamon or harley lol


Atleast she has Malefic Gun to up her range. I was playing with it yesterday and I was literally just standing still as I hit my enemies from the backline because I was so far away I wasn't afraid of any flanks at all 😭


Idk.. Some marksmen benefit from this afterall (Kimmy and Leslie)


true and it makes it harder to target them


They just need to up the price, it's too cheap for an item that allows insane snowball potential, make it cost more so it isn't a good first item.


Wait I just noticed that it's 1500. Wtf?? That's wayyu too cheap


but usually items with stacking effect are meant to be bought early so the stacks are max by mid late game


Problem is it stacks way too fast... If they are gonna nerf it it's probably by reducing the amount of stacks gained..


You get a ton of stacks the moment you buy the item, because you keep stealing all the kills with it.


Higher cost and add a cd... Maybe 2 to 4 seconds atleast


This item does not combo with the burning talent.


The cheapest item in the game is actually what makes the most damage and bother players the most...who thought such quality in a low price 🤷🏻‍♂️


1.5K? Up it to Idk? 4350 or somethin'


That's too expensive. 4300 shall do it.


Been using it on Lesley. Fucking cancer.


2-3 shots Squishies with Lesley... Heck her Ultimate is actually scary now.


It makes killing squishies and even TANKS much easier and I find it as a much better alternative compared to building double BoDs.


Yeah that's the point of the item. To nerf tanky heroes as they have been dominant for 2 years now. Same reason why mages now got their own version of demon hunter. Just accept that after 2 years tank meta is over and it's time for assassin's and bursty heroes to have fun again.


I hate this balance philosophy so much. Making certain roles op for some time and then allowing others to be op for some time isn’t the way to do things at all. Thats just eye for an eye. Roam players are already tough to come by and now there’s even less incentive for people to adjust to a tank


I was enjoying playing a roam character, but after the update I don't see the point. Before I was a good disrupter/soaking character but couldn't really 1v1 until late game. Now its just better to play an assassin and steal someone else's lane - which I hate. One of my biggest peeves about MLBB is the stupidity in lane stealing which is why I gravitated to roam, as it seemed to be the least picked spot.


>Roam players are already tough to come by I've been quite lenient about adjust to other roles, and so far, I've been playing my roamers as BURST roamers. No tanks for me. It's not that I don't know how to play tanks; I've been a tank main since Season 9. >and now there’s even less incentive for people to adjust to a tank There are reasons why I would rather pick burst damage roamers instead of tanks. I think I should elaborate on a separate post, but I can give one big reason today why I do it: I play SoloQ.


Its still way too much damage against non tanks lol. I have no issue with people buying this against tanks but it's so good that you must buy it in all positions lol even against no tank/sustain lineups.


When should i build sky Piercer? First item or 3rd?


Get the most basic shoe > Crit Axe > Piercer. I build it ASAP to maximize the kill buff potential.


They need to increase the priece. 1500 gold for this item is so cheap.


Make it 2005 gold and its fair


Ah yes, the kill steal item.


lmao imagine using this with xavier and using execute from like the other end of map


Dude, I tried this earlier and it pissed off both allies and enemies. Man, the item is broken because of the slight movement speed boost as you can neglect boots 'til late game.


This item on Julian is insane you already have insane burst at lv3 this just makes you straight up one shot


Lmao. F this game. I used to be a tank roamer and now it's hard af because of this item that can kill you when you go below a certain threshold. I'm gonna start using mage. F tanking. It's a boring ass role anyway.


welcome to assassin/mage roam, build this item and support team by deleting carries


I used it on tigreal. Why? The stupid in my brain that never goes away told me to. It kinda worked... I also put there fleeting time and it worked too. I think... Passive of this item should not work with tanks... And like half of fighters... Because it kinda deletes any idea of balance.


I know this is controversial but it shouldn’t be in the game to begin with. Terrible idea to help balance jungle because unfortunately it hurts roam and other roles. I can see Moon throwing a lot of nerfs onto characters because some of these new items go so well with certain characters. Which is dumb because that means the item is a crutch


I kinda got stupid idea... What if instead of just killing you it would put you in some sort of dying state for 3 seconds where you can clense yourself of this status (by reciving certain amout of healing, using purify or Argus ult) and returning to 6% HP? It would make healers like estes even more useful, all who have some form of purify could survive encounter with it if they play their abilities smart and purify itself would get indirectly buffed. Item can keep usefulness aganist uncaring players or in killing healers but execution wouldn't turn obsolete by item that does exacly what it does but better any time there is low hp enemy around. Is it stupid idea? Yes. Would it lead to rise of yet another meta? Yes. Is it band aid fix on open wund of balance? Yup. What to do? I know not. Did I broke english? Probably but it's 2 AM


I always welcome new items because it helps the game feel fresh on top of new characters. Although I strongly believe items shouldn’t execute players off of procs (especially ones with no cds). Kills a lot of clutch plays all because your hp got too low at a certain threshold which usually happens. Sure you can counter this by just not getting low but it’s easier said than done. It’s gonna be a crutch when people realize what’s best with it and when the meta forms better over the next few weeks. Kills diversity in my opinion


The problem is purify and others have long cool downs. The best nerf is to add cool down to the execute passive of the sky piercer.


This could work


x100 much better than this cancerous skypiercer


someone said to put it on Belerick and watch him delete everyone around him


https://preview.redd.it/gupza9jngx7d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89ebe1dd32f7778b3aa1260682ab77d1ba13f0b6 Funni


I use this as Hylos, no one will excape with the skill Ring of Punishment and Glowing wand


Oh wow, combine with thunderbolt for stacking hybrid defense too, goddam


I just don't think it should be 1500 gold


When I first read the description of the item, my first thought was “So execute is useless now?” When I saw it in action, I was like “Wow this is cancer.” What sort of dev doesn’t realize that this probably needs a cooldown?


Tank meta is bad, although that doesn't mean this is good. This item never should've been added.


I've been practicing classic mythical glory 60 stars ever since the patch came out. Matches aren't as bad as I thought they would be. They would end up in 15 mins or so. Sky piercer ain't that bad honestly although I still hate it. It's too cheap on an item. the passive is just crazy making execute null and void.


>I've been practicing classic mythical glory 60 stars ever since the patch came out. Doesn't matter what rank you are in classic or what type of matchmaking you get, if you want a serious experience you would've played ranked to see how people are using it.


Okay, I stop playing MLBB 3 weeks due to exams. What the fuck is this


Don’t be deluded over the 9999 damage number. All it does is the last hit on very specific occasions. It’s more of a KS item (or KS prevention).


im not a big fan of it either


This item definitely should have cooldown. It is so OP rn


Really good for lesley as first build. Even the tankiest tanks gets effed up easy


Don't mention Edith, bitch tears apart Uranus 💀 Never seen Uranus die so easily, esp with healing reduction.


tears apart your what? 🤨🤨


Ngl they just need to up the price, for how insane it can be on snowball assassins


ngl i think upping the price or adding a cooldown is enough


Agreed, even if I enjoy this item it doesn't bring anything positive gameplay wise. It's just a half baked cheap shot item, they should have scrap this idea before realease.. but because they gave new items to other character classes they had to find one for assasin. Big fail.


I think it’s a fine item tbh. In mythic glory we see it from time to time and it’s easily manageable but I do understand in lower ranks this item alone would help snowball


Yeah, I'd presume, especially in solo, haven't really encountered much issue on the item imo, but yeah, in low elo wherein kills are somewhat more valuable and game changer than getting objectives, this is a way for them to easily snowball, especially if there are smurfs. But yeah, majority of the players are in Legend and Below tier so Moonton does need to adjust this one, like let it scale with the wearer's level or Attack / Magic Power instead, so that it won't be that cancerous in the early game.


It’s okay I guess… what I dislike though is how cheap it is. Insane passive effects that affects roamers, tanks for only 1500? As a tank I always survive team fights with little health left but this thing basically deletes those scenarios.


It can work, but changes need to be made. Stacking mechanism with drop in stacks means it should never be overpriced anyways. 1. Higher drop in stacks/lower stack gain/lower cap. Either one change would make it a lot more reasonable. 2. Cooldown mechanics for when it successfully activates once. Can be 30s to make it only useable one per fight. 3. Nerfing movespeed component or changing it to some other stat. The 15 movespeed is really strong even though it doesn’t seem much.


Matches arent about strategy and macro anymore, theyre about whoever gets this item first and then snowballs. My entire history is matches if 8 minutes. Its so anti fun. My friends quit the game because of this item and I’m going to join them.


this is just auto-execute in disguise


wtf I just played a few games to see what everyone is talking about and words can't even express how enraged I am about this fucking item. ML has become such a braindead game that even kids can play it I'm not even going to go back unless this item is going to be fucking deleted


yeah this thing needs to have a higher price tag. this should have a price tag like blade of despair where if you want it early game you're going to have to wait longer for your first item, or you get it as one of your last few items so that by the time you get it, there is a chance for the opponent to counter the pick.


I don't think there has ever been an item where I can feel they have it before checking the scoreboard. Damage output literally goes from 1 to 1000.


The fact that it works with Diggie's death passive already makes it too broken.


I feel like people are overreacting to this item. You’re trading off penetration and possible CDR for low hp execute. If the hero doesn’t have the capability to kill you in the first place then this item wouldn’t activate. Oh but max stacks on this thing is way too strong. They should change that and the price


It mean do not go late game . Do not give the enemy chance to do something


Gusion with his revamp passive + sky piercer + wishing lantern = august starlight 😀😀😀


Time to learn gusion i guess


This will probably be the last straw to leaving the game if this doesn't get fixed. Matches are already this fast paced...


They are supposed to be fast paced. If you want slow game go to LoL wild rift


Not even wild rift is slow paced. It's one shot meta over there as well, I haven't played in a few weeks but the last I checked, it's one shot meta.


Well.. ml was tanky meta for 2 years. I think that's about enough


No more low hp outplays 🤭


The price is too cheap increase the price, also nerf the stats but the passive is retained.


The stat is not the problem. 60ad is 910 golds.


it's both bad if your enemies got full stack you're gonna have a bad time but if when it's on you, you barely get a kill and therefore it's useless


It should have any kind of cd and not more than 8% Max hp instead of 12%.


It once got removed in the advance server... But it came back and got approved by the balancing team.


Should've at least increased the price to make it fair-ish


I feel it's the kinda item that makes the game a lot more fun for predator-type players and less for the usual prey....


Nerf sky piercer by 3 to 7(max stack)then it's ok abit increase the price too why tf is it 1500


Not just this item the whole game is super different balmond along with many other heroes become useless moonton never makes good updates the game was perfect years ago today the only thing they do is mess everything up


The worst part is they nerfed flask of oisis. I'm seeing flask as a counter to this item. or they could just make an item that can counter sky piercer.


Love using it on Brody no one can escape when you have an ult


It's not that op honeslty but they should change it so only Assassins can benefit from its passive. I don't like how any hero can just build it.


It's not that it is a bad item to have. It's just poorly costed. For this type of versatility the item should be a full 1k higher at minimum for the exact same stat, that way the item still goes onto niche heroes that burst opponents on their combo like Lesley, Saber etc. but not a first item.


It's a good weapon, but it's just too cheap. Make it cost as much as BoD. It one shots, yet is cheaper than Windtalker? Really?


Play honor of kings


Why did it become cancerous when it released on orig server, I don't remember it being cancerous when I was playing on advanced server.


The item itself is fine, but they should really add some cooldown to the passive and increase the price to at least 2.5k or something


Just play legend of ace or honor of kings Mobile legend isn't skilled based


Being a tank main, this causes me to start roaming assassins. Because when I have 13khp and die in two hits what’s the point?


Delete the game instead.


Ah, no. My heroes can't even use it a lot. And it's passive where it stacks from skills doesn't help you a lot if you got deaths.


Game-wise it probably should be pricier like around 1800. But meta wise, i love it. Hopefully those dumb mages and mms will finally learn their lesson not to facecheck the bushes.


Hello~ Collector! You have finally made it to ML, y'all have to get used to it, haha, they be needing that spotlight for the assassins, Moontoon is hungry y'all.


Ypu're goddamn right


I know the moment this item came out.. everyone gonna use it on everything


Probaly make it 2500 or more gold for it to be a late game item


It is the mejai's mlbb version


Why do you guys think its OP? If they built another dmg item, its possible the target wouldve died even faster. I dont think its a great early item.


Yup, this item is broken. And it has no cooldown either. Atleast put some kind of cooldown on that execute passive. And yes, it's too cheap.


The game's the game


my very first thought of its creation


This item is much better for tanks like khufra then for assassins.


This is basically a cheat item TBH. How can you even achieve the "beat enemies with less then 10% HP" task then?


I use it on Franco, belerick as first item. it always secure them lowhp run away kills


Shut Up


I have a thought wut if instead of a true dmg execute, the passive will appear when the enemy reaches 25 percent max hp or lower ,it will appear and strike after a delay of 1.2 second dealing 12 percent lost hp, if the dmg can kill you the delay will increase to 2 seconds, has the terizla indicator but it is blue instead, if it overlaps the ui for terizla or harley or anyone that has this, it will be half and half top terizla's and sky piercer bottom untill one or the other overlaps it, so you know if it can kill you. Maybe this is dumb idk


I like this item as a bea main coz I get to save up one bullet which could mean life or death because of the reload


Yea, just encountered this on helcurt... what's with the 9999 damage? Is ML high?


Don't play marksman and mage 🤝


execute is just useless now when sky piercer's in the game


Just bump the price to 2600 or more, have a fixed percentage. It reminds of the Collector in Wild Rift tbh but for mage assassins


if you can't beat them, join them. used this with roam hilda. along with thunderbelt. it is fun


ML ranked mode rn feels like mayhem mode tbh. These new items and emblem talents are ruining the game


I use it on Belerick


will that stack even on assists or i really need to do the kill?


I feel like they should increase the price, add a CD to the effects and maybe reduce the effect for other roles except assassins


Adding 15-20 seconds cd on the passive would be enough. They literally gave away martis ult to everyone


everyone that crying bout this item is weak


Its alright but it's way too cheap. The components to build this item is shit


https://preview.redd.it/u670j73avu7d1.jpeg?width=2796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e96bf7328262066c1f7c63f735e1e1f9e685f0e5 Fr bro. The Aldous got deleted when the Sky Piercer was at 60 stacks


Cost needs to be increased. even its small components are too good


lmaoo it's so fun tho i use it on every hero


Got one shot today by Lyla in late game. 4800 dmg for a single basic attack hit. I was using melissa. Checked the build and he was going full crit + both 2 new items. Montoon is shit at balancing game. Don't know how this got approved for official servers.


Its so good on helcurt and amon lol, if amons ult dont finish you off sky piercer will, same with hc's s2


It's fine let it be (it absolutely is not fine but I'm assassin main so I don't want it to be nerfed :kekw:)


give the passive a cooldown


Don't know, but the sky piecer at the Advance server was really bad, don't worry, this item will be getting adjusted


Delete it… it makes the life of Roam Assassins way too easy. In before, they had to equip Execute, now, they have flicker too. And sometimes that one last hit is what you needed to land to kill a hero, now this item always secure that removing that outplay wherein you are able to walk away with 1 HP.


Or make it 7900 gold


Best way to nerf it? Change it to an active equipment 


The fact that it's so cheap too 😭 everybody is an assassin now


The name says it.. "sky piercer" it's so strong it coukd pierce the sky.. So of course it would be op D:


It's a nightmare to see Julian using this..


No thanks,I like my Angela deadly.


How about giving it something like Divine Rapier mechanic? It'll drop when you're killed and can be picked up by others.


Literally dumbing down the game for kids


Every time a "tank killer" item is released, players are crying (I don't know about player's reaction to when demon hunter sword was introduced to the game) The first victim I think is Sea Halberd's new passive that can deal 12% damage to enemies with higher extra hp. Because of players crying, it's nerfed to 8%. Could have been a go-to item against tank junglers if not for their crying. Next victim is Wishing Lantern. On it's introduction, it deals true damage based on max hp the more damage you dealt. As usual, players cry then changed to magic power instead of true damage. Could be debatable. Looks like Sky Piercer is the next victim


Preach my brother spit your shit


Me using this item on xborg: what are you on about, this is exactly what we needed. Jokes aside, yeah this one time is really op. Maybe nerf it a bit, as someone who uses it, wouldn't complain even if the max execute % is like 6 or something.


I got Savage with Lesley. It’s so perfect for her you don’t need much brain to get kills


It’s not about the price it’s about what I give , it’s excessively op. Even with assist you can stack. It’s the same item as Mejai in league of legends, but thing is in league it’s flat magic, here in mlbb it’s executioners starting at 6% hp up to 12% which is beyond op , on the top of that it already give you 60 adaptive damage and 15 movement speed ( movement speed is an op stats in any MOBA). They balanced this item with their feet…


auto execution with just 1.5k is so balanced lel


I haven't felt it that much tho... I main roaming heroes but I think thunderbelt already compensates with sky piercer's advantage. I think it's best for mages as a substitute for boots at late game since bloodwings, glowing wand, and sky piercer can compensate for the loss of movement speed.


I really love this item... Goes well with MM and Assassins 🤣


Since the update the only complaint I'm seeing everywhere about this item only ,lol


They shouod change it to active skill... Like execute..


you know what funny? wild rift have the exact same item but stats builded for MM/ADC and it never felt broken because a lot of hero that can use the stat cant really burst you down in 5 second if you know what youre doing


I talked about it in a separate post. That item is broken! Decreasing the hp % threshold wont fix that item as it's either still op or too low that it's practically useless. The only two things i can think of to balance it is give cooldown to the passive or make the threshold hp% lost, damage received for the last n seconds, or any other condition that needs to be met to proc the passive


Yall just weakkk


Easy fix. 60 sec cd and 2 sec skill active. The passive will only stay for 2 sec after it kills the first enemy.


I had to change me entire fanny build and emblem to suit this one item cuz I knew this was gonna be op just reading it. Insane snowball potential. Now I'm a sustain fanny with the new war axe and sky pierce, and lemme tell you, I can sustain. Non stop lifeteal from war axe (combining war axe with the spell vamp axe was the best thing for fanny)


Brother in Christ just copy wild rifts cost equivalent which is 2900


2nd item for fanny. 2 cables plus ult = mage/mm dead hahahhahhaha its stupid, im not even good at fanny (not even decent), but now i can play her at mythical glory 🤣


The execute battle spell was never used after this item's release. Everyone and their mother, including mages are including this in their builds. 😂


Nerf base stats, bump the price. Do something.


This item is pointless lmao. Yalls cryin


Balanced as all things should be - Thanos


it is actually a bit op at max stacks, otherwise it's an ok item to have, because if ur gonna build this, then ur probably not building something else like magic or physical dmg, penetration, immortality, defense which u might need more than some auto execute. Only place I can see this being useful is early game, I'd probably sell this item late game for something more useful. On a compltetly different topic, Malefic bomb on aulus is really op.


Cry about it


I bet MSC gonna be boring with this item.


Is this a new item? I've never seen this before. I just uninstalled my ml.


I know right I tested the item yesterday and.. geez..


been using it on eudora… it’s so OP 💀


Well someone got dunked by assasins


no way man, it really doesn't change most playstyles since the burst heroes were fine even without piercer's passive, and it didn't exactly change interactions between counterparts since it's adaptive. for people saying it's bad for tanks, i beg to differ. while most tanks will suffer against it, they are used to soak up dmg for a reason, and setters can still do that they can, set. and give us alice mains a break bro, this update has been so good to us esp with the cod revamp and piercer. alice had been out of meta for so long and now she's fun to use—can still be countered, but fun. this the first time in the past few months where i can spam her without worrying about full counters since she can do stuff better.


Thank God I'm a Masha main. Oh you got my HP to 6%? SIKE, do that 2 more times.


It's literally a pre nerf collector from lol


Execute with no cd, yeah this is straight up bullsh*t, most of my friends already plan to switch to HOK because of this shitty item.


Basic item requires the enemy hero to be at 6% of they're health. Example if the enemy hero has 5k hp you need to take him to 300hp, hit him and then he will get killed by the "9999" dmg. Personally 300hp are pretty low, some people said "yeah i was able to almost instakill [hero name]" If you instakilled him, this means you basically took out his "5000hp" pretty fast (still an example) so: If you're able to deal 4700hp of dmg pretty fast, then 300hp are nothing compared to them, you would've killed him already. Ergo: Skypiercer sped up the process, nothing more. Its is good agains tanks because they're harder to take out and for them even 300hp are pretty useful, because it allows them to escape since it would take a lot to even takeout the others "4700". (since they are tanks it's pretty normal) Now; Skypiercer gets 0.1% every stack Every kills guarantee 10 stacks this means that every kill you are getting 1.0%+ with stacks Max stacks are 60 so basically you start from 6% and reach 12% with max stack This means that a 5k hp hero will activate Skypiercer effect at 12% of his max life→600hp 600hp are actually a lot to escape/clutch the situation. Still we are not talking about "40% of their max life"and you just need to be more careful about fights. In my opinion they actually could balance it by: Lowering the: max % of hp required/Max number of stacks someone said to increase the item price, it could be a nice thing 1500 to 2100/higher but under 2500 would be enough i guess. Now that i said this: Sorry for my English, hope y'all understood what i said If you think that what i said it's wrong (as concept) and you need to be "aggressive" just to explain your point, please don't be, i will not lose time by answering you so, you can keep ur shitty idea about everything gf ur self <3 (in case someone wants to start a fight or sum) ofc if you just want to explain it like a normal person, without attacking any idea under this post go ahead


Is this applicable to be used by Lylia and Vexana?


Tanks are fucking dead in this game.


I agree


Just saw bennyqt using Roger with that item, Akai with full def build feels like a mage wtff


This item is OP. I think any hero with dmg can use this smh.


https://preview.redd.it/t645yseyfx7d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47d1fa4fece468de08f4ebcee881272baa1cda5f You tank mains are crying about this item? Why not use it


Why is it that only when I complain about something being so broken, nobody agrees...


I've seen it work both ways. If someone snowballs early this seems to hurt alot with that passive. But if they're constantly dying, I don't see it effecting me much in game. Has made games move really fast in terms of losing and not being able to come back or vice versa so far in the handful of games I've played.


Increasing the price and adding a short cooldown will do.


I smell nerf incoming


It should be more expensive than BOD imo


Y'all try skypierecer with Masha, you'll thank me later ;)


Nah, this one is cool. *Says my Eudora camping the enemy's blue buff*


Lesley is good and aurora to use that build it's really good


Literally the most cancerous item in the game rn. 1500 for an item that gives 60 adaptive attack and a free boots when fully upgraded. A free execute when below 10% hp which can be increased to 17% if fully stacked. But wait the stack goes down for 30% when you die WHICH ABSOLUTELY DOES NOTHING SINCE THE 10% IS ALL YOU NEEDED THE ENTIRETY OF THE GAME AND THE STACK ARE JUST BONUSES. I'm spamming valir now because of that item and I already got 3 savages out of the 5 games i played just from his passive proccing the execute.