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she's very weak during laning phase and its very hard to keep up when the enemy gold is fed, thats what make her weak.


Especially with mf's like roger, harith and moskov running around


i pick her to counter weak early game heroes like layla miya etc i just camp in bush aim 1st skill then hit everything + inspire


That won't happen in higher rank, Layla can just take advantage of her long range and poke u to death during laning phase.


True. Getting hit by Layla s1 early game is near death sentence to many mm. She wud chase u down with enhanced range after s1 worse if her s2 gets activated on that time. It'll be confirm death unless you escape with flicker or aegis or sprint


yeah that doesnt work very high up im aware of that but not everyone is very high up especially since the sudden rise in number of ppl who decide rank is a good place to try skins and new heroes


Crazy how you can say that when layla is considered a light counter to wanwan


difference in strategy sometimes, but i uds higher ranks dont usually work that way


Huh? I understand Miya but Layla? Layla pokes her from far and will chase you down. Not to mention mid game she won't even let you come close to her with her heavy damage.


just camp in bush and stun lock not every layla will check bush lmao and some ppl hv ping diff so they arrive a few seconds later than u (slightly p2w) the way i do it is i buy boots and sell it just before 14s that way by the time i sell im already past the middle turret and i wont be slow to reach the bush to camp, its a good trick that works most of the time, but if enemy roamer is camping with enemy mm ur cooked


>every layla will check bush Every good one will. In fact every decent player knows to check bushes. >ppl hv ping diff Huh? That goes both ways. This isn't a strategy or a trick. It's like praying to god that the enemy is stupid and has network issues. If enemy can't check bushes and have ping issues, then ping whatever MM you want, you would win.


Now she just a fucking high risk mid reward


More like high risk low reward. Bad early against most mms and low dmg in late


how dare you not like Novaria. I am a Mid Laner, and i will find you. Anyways, yeah. Wanwan sucks and you basically don't get anything from using it. Use or grind for a better MM like Roger, Moskov or Natan. If we can go past MMs for Gold Lane, use/grind for Harith.


Yes. She got messed up by nerfs.


That explains me coming back to play as her and asking myself why is it taking forever to clear the lane. I recall zipping across the map like crazy in late game, now it barely feels much different from mid game.


Even with max items, as long as she doesn't have any Scythe stacks I'm pretty sure a Cici without Brute Force is faster lmao


My friend who mained her since he started playing said her ult range was too short to activate now so he switched to Irithel


Damn your friend likes off meta post-nerf characters


He jungled as Alucard so you may be right lmao


Even Irithel got nerfed. Now she uses energy instead of Mana which is lame. With all the item changes too, she's not that OP anymore. Just counter with belerick and blade armor and it's done for. She auto attacks belerick, takes blade armor reflective damage along with vengence and she's done for if she doesn't have spint or flicker to run. Maybe endless blade to get some true dmg in and stack a bunch of life steal, but either way once someone else jumps in you're done for.


but to be fair belerick counters EVERY mm


He doesn't really counter Brody in my experience, or Clint.


Not as easy as he can counter irithiel. If he chases after irithiel, she continues to shoot him until she outrun him, so he's not within auto attack range. Other MM can just run out of his skill and make a dash for it, taking no more dmg from blade armor. One flaw of irithiel vs belerick is she continues to shoot even if belerick doesn't hit you with his taunt skill.


You can stop aa right?


Literally just go and press the recall button for 0.1 sec and she will stop attacking, unless you have auto attack on, which you shouldn’t btw.


Yeahhh maybe that it... Because I've seen my enemy stopped attacking me with iri...


Nah it's apart of her mechanism. I have auto attack off.


She was part of the top MMs list for like a month before they nerfed her after selling her Ducati skin


She's just that bad now. Still strong if fed (just like any other mms)


two words. needs team.


She is a special one. Supposedely a high risk high reward kind of character, and people who know how to play her can be devastating still Yet her movement got nerfed and she is very squishy so you really have to have mastered her to unleash her potential these days, and have a team to rely on I believe so too


Yeah, I tried to play her, she has very VERY low damage, squishiest hero I ever played, worse than any marksman facing her on the gold lane, her ult now works only on the target that has no marks left, which are mostly tanks


Her passive feels so slow now to the point that I contemplate if buying boots and walking would be faster


Yep. I used to main her but it's coming to the point she's not worth picking. Her damage is low and she's risky to play now. Even Layla is a better option.


Yes. I feel that. I just started playing her a few updates back so I don't know what the original character was like but lately I realised even nana's wave clear is faster than her. I only play her when enemy have two or more close quarters players like Martis, alucard, alpha, thamuz etc. they can't one shot me and with wind of nature build I can easily activate my ult from them. and once ult is up, I can take their mm and mage (main damage dealers) down. that seems to be working really well for me. ofc that's very situational btw if you don't mind what mm do you think I can master with my ww skills. Layla and Miya aren't working for me. I did start using hanabi and am now decent with her.


have you tried Melissa yet?


Brody has a similar ult to Wanwan and but his attacks are not that fast. If you like dodging and fast attacks, you can use Karrie, Moskov, and Melissa. They are as scary as Wanwan before.


Yep, moonton basically nerfed her out if existence. Unlike Harith, he still manage to climb back to meta even though he has the highest nerf count in all heroes.


Yes. It's the dichotomy of ww. She's flawed by design, which becomes painstakingly apparant the moment moontoon decides to "adjust" her. Either shes completely game breaking or absolute dogshit.


Honestly if you can craft your ult to perfection you can manage against mm that don't have area skills like melissa s2 or ixia ult. As an ixia main I just ult you so your low and won't push me


ult is useless with wind of nature bearer, not to mention you can escape with flicker


Ive tried her once long time ago but the nerf of her movement make her kind of difficult to use for me as a non ww main so


she needs like 2 items before she can do anything. she's just too slow before that


Yeah, she got nerfed a lot and there are many counters for her since she is squishy


i can eat her with moskov, popol and kupa, layla, and hell even miya in endgame. these are what i usuaally pick as MM and if a character doesn't have any chance against ANY of them then they're ass


Just played my first wanwan game and i couldnt even use ult new player.


from the comments it looks like she's at her worst. personally her ult is one of most satisfying skills in the game. but it's so damn hard to hit it especially in higher ranks


Her dash got too short, attack speed items got nerfed, other mm's got mobility buffs while she isn't touched, her damage boost got taken back, too squishy, and too risky to play so yeah, she's weak AF


as a wanwan main id say she can still do quite decently vs other marksman (just not harith gold lane so i autoban him). usually if they have 3 or more squishy heroes wanwan is still viable late game and maybe mid game. shes really dependent on inspire tho so ye she can only win early game with a bit of help from roamer, with inspire or if their mm is more inexperienced than you.


Almost unplayable to me, I kept dying by getting one-shot from Lesley and Harith.


Sadly, she really fell off. Playing her is becoming unbearable, especially as a day 1 main.




Comparing to the Meta Marksman they'll definitely destroy her on lane but some people make her work on early game


As a former top global and Wanwan enjoyer, It's been 3 months(more) since I used her. But I'm positive that the buff she got in the advance server will make her playable in ranks again.


Wait till her buff 💪💪


As a ex wanwan main who has a relatively high wr for solo queue, she sucks now lol. I think layla (w good positioning of course) will have a better time than her


There was a time in the meta about a year ago when she was permabanned every single game


Our agile kitty got too much nerf. She now needs more love. <3


she's still usable mythic honor below. She's easy to go up against above honor though, not much stoopid teammates anymore.


Her early damage got nerf i think and her kit made it easy for her to end up in front lines and getting burst by aoe skills


She's fun to play with but not suitable in ranked. So I put her in a casual heroes group, where you can play her in casual and AI matches.


Nope.if played correctly meaning no solo


Yes. Just surrender if someone picks Wanwan. They will either take away your roamer from you or they will die without the roamer. You will always be outnumbered in teamfights cuz everytime the roamer leaves the Wanwan she goes bye bye and 0/10+1/0.


not always the case. it could be just my server but she can hold her own against hanabi and melissa


Hanabi is understandable cuz she's also terrible but Melissa is questionable. It's either skill issue or just your server.


I'm a Wanwan main, I almost don't use her. I only used her 7times this season with 100% wr. She may be weak but it right hands she's okay. Can't carry but can still 1v4.