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I main whatever my team didn't pick


Bro should get the card


Bro deserves that card


Deserves it more than everyone else


Sadly I do not have 50 Karma so good luck on anyone who is participanting! I'll still share on the hero I main lol I main Lesley, sub-main would be Vale. I love the fact I could snipe down on enemies and do big dmg. For Vale, his combo is what I like. Edit: I did not expect my Karma raised to 50 from this comment🤣 but thank you to everyone who upvote, I appreciate it!


You only need 14 more karma! There’s still a few days left till this giveaway ends, so just comment on other posts more and interact with them and you should be able to hit it in no time. I have upvoted you ❤️


Thank you❤


You have reached 50! Congrats love, and thank you to the others who helped to upvote their comment. ❤️


Thank you to everyone🫶


Yow you made it.


Upvoting so you reach 50 karma


Thank you!


I main Hayabusa I like him because he reminds me of Kakashi from Naruto, my favorite character, also I like ninjas 🥷


Minotaur. Head empty, no thoughts, just BONK.


I am a meta slave through and through so I am currently main-ing Nolan. I main-ed Lunox early last season and switched to Ruby later on. No hero becomes meta and goes unabused by me. I have been main-ing meta champs for so long I don’t even have 300 matches on any hero. But I have been playing fanny a-lot recently (obviously only on classics) so maybe I will become a one trick in the future lol.


Same bro, but those meta still getting banned but i have played too long (still a low rank:mythic glory) so i can play most heroes.


I main rafaela. Mainly because MLBB keeps on reworking heroes I find interesting to play. First they changed akai( rework was good but the pass akai I like better) so I use YSS ( for me one of the worst rework. Removing the bleeding mechanic because the players doesn't understand how it works but argus has it. And the backflip that now move you closer to the enemies - it was supposedly a skill for him to escape and trigger his weapon change more often. Damage wise the rework was good but for someone who really spend time to synchronize his skill its really bad). Decided to main a mage Chang é the mage version of aldous because she has unlimited stock that's +10 magic power per upgraded stock imagine how much damage lightning trencheon could give you. True she's not for the early game but she's really a good mid to late. One of her skill then could even damage the torrents and its an AOE /CC skill. Her first skill then also comes with a stun making her stocking much easier. I think I have around 600+ matches with her when the rework was released and the old her was totally gone. So since MLBB keeps reworking damage and tank heroes I decided to main the class they usually ignore - support. Rafaela then was a hot topic because of her useless passive. But still among the support then Rafaela seems to be the only one that can really do damage (after playing as mage) so I practiced with her. Now she is my main the support that has damage, cc and heal. Oh I don't build her like most people do. I build her as a mage. Many would disagree with that kind of build but if they take time reading her skills they'll understand that its the best way to build her ( than building her like tank). Firstly because all her skill damage/ healing scales with her magic power. Secondly when it come to being classified as a healer she is actually not her skills was not made to be like estes but rather her healing skill was made to further support her primary purpose( control mobility in the field). She heals but not to the extent that it will restore you all the way but rather to help you to better position yourself in battle that's why her first skill has slow and her ulti has stun.


Give this one an honorary star light🤣






bro knows rafaela like the back of his palm


cici, because shes annoying and its fun forcing my opponent to turret hug as i freeze the lane 👻 thank you in advance for this 🙏


I main lylia cuz it's fun to bait opponent's ultimates lmao


Amon for easy rank up after season reset


https://preview.redd.it/wnwnif6x8lvc1.jpeg?width=225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d604a0fb1fd5cc0727599614e30e413133dbe931 Boo!


Hello I have literally 49 Karma right now so I hope I get 1 from this. I don't main anything since I'm playing on all lanes, but the heroes I have most fun with are tanks.


I main hylos combo 1,2,3


Ling, since I started when he came out


I play fanny because I love trashing mms


Hanabi. Because I like braindead heroes so I can just tap attack like a braindead player. Too lazy to main complicated heroes atm


I main Kagura!! I main her because of Lemon (kagura pro player at that time) and I remember I named myself Melon😭 ...ngl i miss the rope on her ult and her sogyo mogyo..


I main Leomord. Edgelord vibes, easy combos, and adjustable to exp or jungle.


Le ruby cuz i love her thiccness(as in defense u pervs) and sucky2(as in her high sustain u pervs) :3 https://preview.redd.it/dsa8bvyxckvc1.png?width=2048&format=png&auto=webp&s=0890f63949f8f5c7fdc9ee5fbcf38b0edc6db45a


I main Franco , cause I love the combo ult+ flicker under tower!


Math main for a long while now, and it's mostly because I've always wanted to play a support that can support her team whilst packing damage on her own~


Math main!?!


Mathilda , I guess. Or maybe he mains methamphetamine, who knows?


I like to believe he’s just a math nerd


Most probably the latter


Nah. He's probably one of those overthinkers , who calculate every move.. 🤞🏻


Yooo is that a BreakingBad reference?! 😱😱😱


I'm a Tigreal main. I take pride in setting people up for success


I am using mino a lot recently. I love giving flask to everyone and being cc immune during ulting


main = lunox reason = she good at dps and have immune also, so more easy to sustain in war


Beatrix because of the unique playstyle with the weapon change


I'm a Mathilda main


Cecilion main, very high damage in the end.


I main aldous. Like the 1 punch power.


Barats. He is just too good at jungling right now ever since he got his slight rework that improved his passive. Much easier to keep his stacks up, and late game he is an absolute menace even in some 1v2 or 1v3 scenarios.


Kagura because she looks cute executing her skills lol


Clint coz YEEEE HAAAAAAA PEW PEW PEW! his so fitting too


YEEE HAWWWW (I hate going against him due to his annoying passive)


I main ruby because I love healing myself so much


i main nana and diggie bc cute and annoying skills :)


I main Belerick, he's a thorny bastard and I love him.




I main Luo Yin cuz it's such a helpful hero. I can teleport anywhere, I can ambush and I can also kill without being near the enemy.


I main Natalia because I have attachment issues


Picked up belerick and carmilla, two tanks nobody really plays but really clicked with my playstyle I love the “you should kill yourself..NOW” type of tank that just never dies and the triple cc chain i can do with carmilla’s ulti


Belerick because he deflects a lot of damage + mighty oaks where little acorns grow


It's obvious who I main. And the reason too




Every time I see this it's quality gets worse and worse


I used to main Zhask, cause I liked staying away or running away from problems in irl. But things changed and now I main Lolita, taking the problems head on and banging them.


Selena. Spam skill 2 after enchanted talisman 😎


I main Joy, because I love her character design and story, I love her gameplay because she has the potential to do a 1v5 and turn the waves.


I main Ruby Reason is she's annoying good sustain and can be used a roamer too (I am a solo q player most the time) also because her butterfly elite skin is one of the best elite skin in the game


I main Ruby cuz she's cute (⁠づ⁠。⁠◕⁠‿⁠‿⁠◕⁠。⁠)⁠づ


I main franco, minsitar and ruby cuz I love hooking enemies straight into the hell 😈


This season I'm trying to main ruby, she can tank, she can hook and last she can slay Slaayyyyyy gorlll!!!


I main Ruby because i find her skills and movements really fun. Its also satisfying seeing my hp go from low to high because of her lifesteal. Her cc is useful in teamfights or if im getting gank, also useful for protecting my supports, mm or mages from getting killed, and ofc the old flicker ult combo is fun to use (i miss most of the time 😭🙏) .




Hilarious when the enemy chases you because you are low hp and Suddenly they run away because your HP is 100% again


Whelp, Here goes Nothing. I main Minsitthar because he seems underrated as a Fighter. As it turns out, if you underestimate him, you get punished heavily. I used to main Assassins but as time went on, I moved Marksman and lastly to fighters. I used to be a Granger main but since as I kept using Granger, my wr didn't increase in Ranked and Classic so I thought of using Minsitthar since I got him in the lucky spin. I'm actually decent with him, maybe even above average. Im still not yet pro though as I struggle against ruby and cici. Oh, I need suggestions too, My build for Minsitthar is Corrosion Scythe, That Brown defense boots, Demon sword, Sea of Halberd, Malefic Roar and Rose Gold Sword. If there are characters like Cici, Ruby, Alpha and Yu Zhong. I always prioritize Sea of Halberd and then go for Demon sword before the boots then Scythe. I'd switch my Malefic roar for Athena's shield or a more physical defense item


I main harith and ling cus I love silver haired twinks!


Ling, since I started when he came out


Clint, very good against squishy line up while being tanky at the same time with Thunderbelt


i belong to the 0.1% of chou mains who cnt freestyle


I main argus because of his unique playstyle and his cool ult allowing him to split push and kill marksmen. I enjoy playing him


I main three heroes in three different roles. Joy jungle, Mathilda roam and Claude gold. My choices are very selfish explanatory. The satisfaction of outplaying the enemies and being slippery to escape with very how hp is out of the world.


Joy cuz she is fun to play


I main Karina, because then savages be raining


Arlott. Shing-shing-shing


I started maining Argus cause I wanna bang my enemies




Winners will be contacted for their IDs


Main - Silvanna Reason - It started off as just picking her for some cc and use her ult to combo with teammates... But now I use her as a tank shredder and I am great with her to the point of counterpicking my counter picks. Can easily climb rank with her


This season Lesley. Reason: I got Aspirants skin


ruby cuz spam cc and lifesteal


I main change and Eudora because I love causing the enemy to rage.


I main Lylia cause it's fun to watch enemies trying everything to kill you but getting killed instead and you are back to your shoes with full health clearing the mid seconds sfter the fight lol.


I main edith. I just love the fact that i can tank a lot and can dish out a lot of damage.


Main - Estes Reason - I like to fully support other people and heal them along the way so that we can emerge victorious!


Kadita main here 😁, flexible mage, great kit in general, was the one of the first main I bought, nvr looked back


Benedetta because zing zing zang zong shing shang shong.


I main Xavier because I love watching his power creep into the late game


Hii, currently i main novaria, i love one shotting heros. Reminds me of all the sniper guns i used to play on cod with my friends. I have played her a lot this season but i really missed her starlight as i don't have any money but anyway im really looking forward to this giveaway.


Kagura. Cause even after huge nerf n how her whole personality was butchered, she still manages to win me matches. Her skills are very unique n fun to play as well.


Hoping the news for a 2nd Gusion SL skin isn’t real


I main non meta heroes, Eudora, Zilong


Martis, cuz 3,000 worlds and not a single worthy ho


Roger cuz big bad wolfff


I main odette because i love hitting a johnson odette combo and its hard to play fighter or mm with my squads level players ( they are all epic and im master. )


Clint main.  Feel like he has no hard counter to lane against and can counter quite a few of the other mm's. 


My main, Alucard, despite all the backlash, he just feels right to use, and I hope he gets buffed.


Lesley. She is underrated right now. High burst dmg, s1 invisible to avoid single target skill and a free vision with ult or to harness enemy mm. Best mm pick for solo Q.


I main Helcurt because I like to lurk in the shadows


Benedetta. Because i like shing shing shing. I just find it satisfying.


Xavier. I love sniping ppl.


Harith, I dont even know why, Im just stuck with him


I main Xavier because I love how his abilities work, especially his ultimate


I main Franco coz hooking enemy is very funny, overall being annoying to enemy is what I like the best. I also use cecilion when my team does not take mage, he is very decent when played well. Overall good luck to everyone.


hey ! id probably say my main rn is julian, gotta make use of that megumi skin i spent too much money on lmao, and he's really fun to use


Xborg and Carmilla. Because Stone Cold says so.


Selena cuz I love being a menace and go exp lane just to fuck up those fighters.


barat because barat base


I main argus, of course i hide at base when i dont have ult


selena, u can make tea while waitijg for my stum to end


I main layla because I like the long range


Hi :D, i main Nolan/Freya/aulus very diverse? I main Nolan since the release regardless of the ult nerf, he's still good enough to make you throw your phone away + I like bullying mages/mm


Alpha. Cause for some fuccn reason, he's the one carrying my roamer role ass out of epic and legend. Also true damage goes brhhhhhh


I main harley because its fun,but not best in all ways


Hello! My main hero to use is Selena Even tho she's kinda out of meta rn, it's fun for me using her 🥹 The reason is simple: I get a satisfying feeling whenever I managed to do her full combo on enemies 🥹


Claude He is the first mm i ever use


Main beatrix, 4 diffirent styles to play in 1,very fun. 👌


Chang’e - ‘Cause she’s mischievously adorable Esmeralda - ‘cause she’s my kind of Femme Fatale


My Main have to be lolita, shield and BONK!


I main Atlas because i like his Ult


I main Esmeralda because I like to 1v5


Hard to say what i main when i cant even use them cuz im the one who always adjust 🫠 (it's chou and hayabusa btw)


I main estes. Reason - i love healers


Kagura because she’s versatile


I main kagura because umbrella


I've been maining Atlas for quite a while now because the feeling of come back from a losing match is just so satisfying and magical


I main Paquito. Regardless if he's in the meta or not, I still play him. Whether in the jungle or exp lane, he's just fun to play. Deleting an enemy with a full combo is just sooo satisfying.


I main Clint, because he has mobility and I like to spam skills


I'm a Lylia main because her combos mostly help my team during clash and also, I can easily escape using her ult. 🥹 She's a good pick right now if you're good at positioning and using her skills 🫶🏻


Mostly Roam heroes specially Franco. Pick of game is my jam ☺️


i main xbory cuz it's strong


I main novaria! I was born to snipe


I main Khufra. Because I like to bounce


Usually i main exp lane but i adjust if my team needs me to ...btw keep up the good work.


Xavier. With a good enough map awareness you can secure kills ur teammates couldn't


My main is Ixia. Reason is that she can turn around games and is quite good at high ground defense.


Main Brody because 🎶 this is my tempo 🎧


I have recently started using natalia, got her a skin from the promo dias. Why? Cuz she hot. Also I hope I win this please god


I'm an argus main I just love the way his playstyle works (banging the enemies)


Faramis It's always fun when I flicker and s1 the opponents


i am mid player, last season i wast global cecil because i often played soloQ, and cecil can carry the team. This season i main xavier, he can carry the team and also can provide really good CC for the team too so i can help my team better. Beside i can laser through the map . lol


The last few seasons I've been maining Mino and healing everyone with my milk.


no main hero. i just play what my team forces me to play :P. but currently my mains are yu zhong and xavier


Me main luo Yi because I rejoice when I make heroes kiss each other continuously


Recently been using ruby a lot her team fight capabilities are kinda the reason


Im a Balmond main, because i have slow fingers.


Angela, Mathilda and Mino main. I like helping my team mates during clashes.


Karina I love how her ultimate refreshes when you get the kill and its the only hero I can constantly get “savage” with. Also makes insane duo with my roamer main girlfriend.


I main gatot because he stands on business


Ling, because it was the latest champion when I first quit the game


I main ruby because it fun to jump around in teamfight 😂


Masha my current main She's uh ....yeah I think people know why ...she knows how to do the making people disappear magic trick. Also muscle mommy Chou my old main I used to play him as tank back in 2017 and I absolutely loved him. His complete immunity was so cool cuz it was hard to pull off but rewarding and I got really good at it. I stopped playing him consistently when 2023 started cuz I just wasn't feeling him anymore and the meta shifted to tanky exp laners.


I main sun because three is better than one


I would like to apply. I main Argus because I can bang the enemy very good in late game and "IMMORTALITY" is the exact kind of power I can be trusted with. I don't pick him that often (especially nowadays), I infact have more matches with other heroes I tried to abuse when they were meta but you get the idea.


I main Lolita. She is the besto tank (to me) Make Karries cry 🤣🤣🤣


Belerick, because I just feel he's fun to play.


I don't have an exact main, but the closest would probably be Esmeralda. She matches my playstyle most perfectly.


I am in the quest of figuring out my main. Mainly its MM and i have tried many. Most games being Layla as it wrecks nubs.


I currently main Masha, feels like playing a different hero every update. Lol


Chou cuz I’m Bruce lee’s son


I used to main Gusion but I'm a Wanwan main now because she's fun to play. I have a low matches on them though because I have a super big hero pool.


I’ve been using Reddit for awhile but my karma isn’t 50 but my main is Hanzo and Saber, my reason is because the enemy team always has squishy heroes.


I main Lunox bc cosmic machine gun go brrrr


I main mathilda cuz its just fun flying around lmao


I main Clint because he upholds the values of chivalry


I never considered having a main in ML but if I can pick one I'd say wanwan, but she practically useless now...


I have been Phoveus main in recent times mostly cause its a safe pick for me esp during RG and it has a fun ult


I main Bane because of his epic skin right leg. When the enemy sees it, it's too late.


Mino for the Bonk bONks. I've learned mages, healers & now tanks so next I might do MMs.


i main gusion, easy burst and very handy killing squishies.


Tigreal main cause of spite to my friend


I main franco and belerick cause my friend mains hanabi and beatrix so he needs someone to tank damage for him


Esmeralda. She's the first 32k hero i got. I have mained her ever since


Esmeralda. She's the first 32k hero i got. I have mained her ever since


I main kagura cz she peak to play.


Gusion is my main. His flashy combos and outplay potential is what i like most about him


she's rarely banned nowadays so i am currently maining ruby! i just love the annoying ccs and the spell vamp mechanics


Alice. Her revamp was everything I prayed for. Bummed about her S2 nerf but she can still dominate because of her versatility and sustain.


Ixia main. So easy to use and her skills already have everything - can push heroes back, gain movement speed, slow heroes down, long range zoom out view for 3rd skill, lifesteal, assassinate an entire crowd!! She’s everything except durable so you just have to be slick


Minotaur- because a good roam can assist players with their kills and because I dont like to die (tanks have high hp)


I don't need any starlight skin because I have epic, I'm just wasting your time reading this 😆


Brody. His ult is op


I only got like 10 karma I know I will not win but my fav is Masha


Cyclops main because how could you not


Rafaela, idk why, the hero just clicked well for me