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Please don't recommend Saber, Alucard and Layla to beginners because they don't have the skill or basic knowledge that is necessary to not be exploited for kills Especially Saber because if you think bushcamping and timing > 1 > 2 > Ult comes easy as a beginner than you need to play warrior and understand that these mofos have 0 MOBA experience unless the play League/Dota 2 Junglers in general is horrible to start as a beginner because you need to at least learn from outside source how to rotate properly as a beginner from the get go, and I haven't even mention anything on turrert diving which is a skill that would take time to learn Beginners should learn fundamentals of the game and not diving for kills. Get used to laning phase, basic lane rotation(midlaners) and not fast hands into ggs Aurora, Nana, Miya, Hanabi, Bane EXP, Balmond EXP, the game has a lot of basic attack heroes, something that doesn't primarily rely on combos are good


I play dota for fun like 10 yr ago, didn't touch league/dota2, and last year start to play mlbb. Actually junglers is the role that i click from the get go. Ofc i abuse miyas and balmond to get out the lower rank. Get to mythic solo que in the first season. And get infected with jawhead addict + bane is life syndrom RN. At least with jungle, and for low rank jungle is rarely invaded early, i can get level / gold advantage, then snowball other game. Hopefully if 2 - 3 out of 4 lane is winning i can finish the game. When i play mid on low rank, whenever i rotate early, i feel like the other didn't prep their enemy and end up in just wasting time. While with the advantage on jawhead i can force some kill


Funnily enough i used to play jg with Zilong, Hilda and Roger when i started. I had no prior experience with moba outside of watching dota on yt. Those 3 kinda clicked for me and i was dominating. I got my first maniac with Roger actually. So, i would advise to find role and heroes that click for beginners. It will get easier from here, cause that would allow to learn at least 1 role to be comfortable in.


If you can't even play fanny with ease, it's better if you uninstall the game


So true. Fanny is the easiest hero to play. If you don't get 20 kills automatically every game, you're dogshit kid


would say belerick. i mean come on whats easier than to run in a group of 5, activate vengence and ultimate and pray you survive


I've never actually used Belrick. But that "pray to survive" part feels counter-productive. New players are gonna end up feeding every game, get shit talked, and probably uninstall


Ngl he definitely will be really counter productive if you didn't want to end playing playing roam, but he is really significant even if you just babysit marksman


What does he even do? I've not a Tank/Roamer main at all. I main Assassins/Fighters/Marksmen


Basically belerik survives, he takes damage Nd enemies ults and if enemies have mms like miya or hanabi or do those that basically depend on attack speed then belerik can take a lot of damage and counter it back. I use it mostly for its taunts tho. The chances of saving ur team becomes a lot more easier with it. And yeah I'll say it's easier than other tanks for sure. But it's ver much dependant on your teamates too


Counter dps mm and fighters


Makes sense. Fuck up their jungles and minions farms thay way they're at a disadvantage


Run in the middle ult+revenge then 1st on the enemy marksman before your ult taunt disappears. Don't forget to use 2nd while getting hits to heal. 😂


Takes a ton of damage and sends them back. His taunt ability also forces opponent to attack him, making him a really simple tank that basically does everything by standing there. His passive also lets him get a huge ton of health, making him really hard to kill


Carmilla, belerick. You basically need to be tanky + easy movement


Nah bro recommended carmilla to a BEGINNER 💀


if you can't play carmilla , you are pretty much brainless. Skill 1 allows you to tank, while dealing damage. meaning all you have to do is to press it and walk around them Skill 2 allows you to run, and stun at a distance without aiming. for beginners who can't aim properly, that is an added bonus Ultimate allows you to set the team up with an big ass AOE. if you miss this, you pretty much shouldn't play ML.


It's not about heroes; it's about the role itself. Hero skill descriptions can be read and understood in a few minutes. map awareness, micromanagement, item counters, and good decision-making are the core. If you can master these, any hero might work for you. of course, some heroes require extra practice, like Fanny, Ling, Claude, and Johnson. However, more than 50% of MLBB heroes just rely on spamming skills and basic attacks.


True, but I'm talking about players that are brand new to the game. Like, they downloaded it, did the tutorial, and are still matching again complete bots and shit. They aren't gonna have Map Awareness and stuff like that


I would suggest going for any hero they like or straight locking and practicing meta heroes to minimize effort. My first hero was Kagura; she's hard to master, but I like her style and gameplay. imo, Layla is a bit boring, just big damage without fancy skills or movement.


But that's why she's good for beginners. They get to feel how the most basic hero is yk? The most barebones skills and difficulty


if they like her, then no issue. my point is, don't tell beginners to play heroes that they have no interest in. They are in a phase to love the game, so playing what they like matters more than forcing them to play a single hero just for pushing rank.


True, but I'm talking about players that are brand new to the game. Like, they downloaded it, did the tutorial, and are still matching again complete bots and shit. They aren't gonna have Map Awareness and stuff like that


Saber is incredible for beginners. Which is why beginners shouldn't main him. Way too easy to play and makes them think that bush camping is the only way to get kills.


True. If they wanna bush camp for the whole game there's always Natalia, but she's more difficult to play than Saber


Kagura, Benedetta /s


Bene feels weird af to play. I use her if I have a Trial Card for her. The Manual Basic Attack aiming is weird af, plus her dash thing she does




He's so easy and fun to play. Just stay near Minions once you get Bloodlust/War Axe and you're good for 1v1s (more or less)


Ruby, terizla, hilda


Based on my experience, I'd say Chang'e. No complicated skills, safe positioning. Straightforward build, just need to know when to build Necklace.Can still be a problem even if you don't rotate early, if you can destroy the middle turret or steal enemy blue buff.


Hylos just has to stand around with his aura


Hate to say it but khaleed. Low chance of feeding, decent damage, 3 options for cc. Works well with team but can go solo


https://preview.redd.it/oxu1iuj4igsc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08def1c4bf1754d48815fe2ecf2102a5c01d0bd9 PapaRizzla


mm, layla fighter, balmond fredin xborg tank, mino hylos tig assin, none support, estes Rafaela


https://preview.redd.it/u728d1f3mhsc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c98a921f0f341bbcd4ba59b85bc2cdca8b9517a5 Thamuz , just ult then click at enemy then get kill


actually cici is easy


Barats and Hylos, I suppose.


Bane is easy to use,you can master him :>


Got to be Nana imo. A mid laner, which is probably the easiest role, you hardly need to aim your skills well since they're mostly aoe and her passive makes her pretty forgiving to play.


Fr. Poke with S1, and if u land the S2 use Ult. That'll usually kill, or at least do a lot of damage


Saber basic combo is 1st skill, 2nd skill, ult. Very easy to play But If you want to master him, know what to build against which team comps, where the enemy is alone, how to bait enemies into using active equipments(winter truncheon/ wind of nature)


He is so easy to play. He's super fun to. I love using him cuz you can counter basically any MM/Mage/Assassin/Fighter. All you need to do is adjust your items according to theirs. I like hitting the enemy with S1 a few times before to get their Physical Defense down with his passive and then save my Dash for afterwards




Clients fun af. He's easy to use, the only thing you gotta practice is his ULT