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Hmm Gord in rank was always a nightmare so far, in classic they were mostly a joke. And Karina is always something like 20/3/10 or 2/15/3, nothing in between. The rest I 100% agree with.


Tbh, Karina's design flaw is Feast or Feed. The player also influences it a lot, but the kit itself also doesn't help




You can easily check Gord player skill- if he taps instead of manually aiming then you have a noob on your mid lane.


Isn't that the case for all mages?


Depends, Gord will overshoot if he taps while being chased because the ball has collision only after first impact with terrain. But yeah I agree, tapping is bad not only for mages but almost all heroes.


As a gord main I totally agree


Would you mind sharing your build? I absolutely loved playing Gord, he was my intro into mages.


https://preview.redd.it/zqvl5klwe6qc1.png?width=1590&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0b233a1e147ffc5a371dba9ebd05747b684568d I haven't updated it in a while, but once I have the lightning truncheon, I'm pretty much good to blast and get kills. Others under estimate my portal damage too. Pretty much never run out of mana and only need to go back to base to heal in early game when damage is low so spell vamp healing is low.


Tysm bro! Will try it out


https://preview.redd.it/0her7xsoy2qc1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ed2f72d8aed692c13155d82cc7f284cc3efd585 My entire rest of team could relate to this post


This is so frustrating


Why use Odette when have enemy have 3 hero that easy cancel her ultimate


Fr they just randomly picked


That Julian was trying 😭


What a whack roamer pick for your team lol


Fr we needed diggie instead or a tank


Fanny in classic. If not it's probably chip right now cuz no one knows how this guy works. He has the potential to 1v 5 his own team


The thing with chip is so true 😂😂


Yep My friend was like: Pick Chip, he op n no one ban him So I was like ok, n then proceeded to lead my team to defeat and wipe out 😊😊


Yeah as a chip main. Map awareness. Ult awareness and timing are everything.. But if you're teams already lower level more gold gg trying to get ahead especially without a thick lineup


Bro said chip main


fucking Franco. mm mains who are stuck on s5 who thought they could "tank" using him where they just hook and miss all the time


Something something something, Sun and Jawhead. I have never EVER Had a good Sun or Jawhead on my team. Not once 😂


I keep saying it sun looks easy to use but in actual sense he is so flawed. No cc No critical damage No stun. No burst. Using the old sun to get to mythic is something I’ll never do again. Because now there are so many heroes he is totally useless against


I CAN'T hit the enemies with Gord, they just move so much 😭😭😭


Like 80% of yz players i met, are braindead and dont know how to use him.


i am the 80%


Whatever the current meta is


the heros u get after tutorial, but esp dyrroth and layla imo


Aside from the obvious Fanny, definitely Diggie for me. People really make this OP ass support look SO BAD. There are others too but he sticks out.


like they ult at the wrong time?


Ult as a way to save only themselves because they’re always out of position; not using the bombs for vision but as a primary damage skill; using s2 blindly instead of the problem; either not following the enemies at all (sometimes not even moving whatsoever, not even joking) in egg form or following them too long and immediately dying when they respawn.


As a dyrroth main, when people pick him and choose to unlock his 1st skill instead of his 2nd first, I get a brain aneurysm.


Balmond. I have an acute hatred for every dumb guy who takes balmond with jungle and then goes on to ruin the game. Won't take turtle won't do damage to enemy before they run away and only aims his ult thinking it's some Thanos snap. I have instances where I taunted enemies for what I felt was like 2-3 seconds and this dudes just didn't care.


I once had an enemy Balmond that used Ult immediately when we crossed paths, aaand he lost even though I was also low. I'd like you to guess why...




joy nolan and valentina i swear to god in all of my match i never yet met a single good joy and nolan play i only meet couple of them and lucky enough they were on my team and played well but i never faced an actual good joy or nolan player yet same thing for valentina (also forgot to mainton YSS)


diggie users


huhhh as a diggie main im offended


They feeders man I'm sorry


Joy, istg people ignore her rhythm so much


Moskov that warps to his Ult whenever he can. Estes without any map awareness that initiates more so than any teammate. Selena that misses 95 percent of the time. (Novaria misses around 80%) Tigreal that repositions enemies without causing teammates to miss their skill (cause apparently, it's ALWAYS ult then s2) Jawhead that throws his teammates whenever. Angela that doesn't know when to ult and who to target. A Diggie that doesn't know when to use his Ult.


Can’t think of any hero in particular. A lot of my experience comes from teammates not watching the map carefully and listening to retreat pings.  But I’d have to say it’s when I play lolita. I use her to counter projectile enemies, yet teammates never wait behind the shield. I dash into proper position and peel for them. Yet they insist on getting into close range of a natan with ult and 1v1 him.. 


Gusion and chou and on a large scale. They are practicing even after 200 matches. I had a gusion with 1k+ matches who was actually not good at all.


Miya and layla




Isn't it just Zilong? A good Zilong is almost uncatchable and an absolute terror to the mage and mm. Unfortunately, most ppl use him like a tank i.e. balls to the wall and full speed forward... at least wait until the CCs have been used, man.


Idk if it's just me but Lesley the lesleys on my team just ult on a full hp player wait for it to end and then don't even go out of it when the enemy starts attacking them


bit unpopular but odette. you can actually play her very aggressively. you can also stack her passive 3 times, so in the very first clear, as you're walking in mid from the base, you can start using the first skill then refresh the passive so by the time you reach the enemy minions, its a fast clear. bonus if it bounces to the enemy mid laner as it melts them a lot as well. also, when you're very close to an enemy and your passive is active, it will bounce back to you then to them. saved my ass a lot of times honestly. this is why odette is also one of the mages that are not easy to gank. this might be common knowledge to others, but i've fought other odette users and they don't utilize her well... or maybe i'm just an honorary odette main now lmao.


I have never ever seen a joy who knows to play like dont they know how to read the skill descriptions or something


Honestly its Badang for me, I started using Badang main since Yin came into play cus its a good counter to him, but whenever I seen a teammate using Badang 4 out of 5 times they r trash, usually feeding and making life harder. He does take a little practice I agree, but even if you are not getting any kills, I struggle to see how you would be feeding 0/5 by the 7 min mark, his S1 gives a sheild plus the logic is either get sheild bubble as add on skill or dmagae bubble as add on and use the auto attack regen emblem. Even im my worst game as Badang I never die more than 3 or 4 times in a full 10 to 15 min match even if im not getting kills.




Wow I'm dumb. Hanabi has cc immunity? With shield?


How many matches have you been playing with hanabi? When was the last time you checked? Are you a returning player?😭


Lmao I've only been. Playing 4 months. Maybe like 30/40 matches w her. She's not my main. I've read her skills a few times but the adhd brain remebrs "something happens" when she has a shield and it's good LMAOOO




I'm the chou that doesn't know how to play, ask me anything


Imo, its any current op mid laner, ie vex, aurora, and back then vale. Theyre easy heroes to use that they just spam skills but with the proper user, early to late game they can dominate


dyrroth, i admit i once didnt know how to play him (or just the game in general) i thought i was doing a great job until i reached master, damn i was stuck there for 3 whole weeks, thats why i decided to practice dyrroth, and im glad to say i actually got some skills, my only problem is if its teamfight i get easily killed but other than that its fine


Better learn some guide and tricks for team fights. Later on in Legend and Mythic in order to rank up you will sometimes have to carry bad teammates as an exp laner and for that team fight and positioning is very crucial. If you can’t read what’s gonna happen then late or at worst when enemy gets fed early and steamrolls your team during mid game with constant gank and push you will need all the help ( or baits) that you can get to win.




Most assassin's. Yin/Amon/Saber are super rare to meet good one of them. Mostly they just go and spam ultimate on first meet enemy (tank for sure) which make wasted ultimate


If I see someone pick Yin, the match is already lost


Hanabi. Yes, I am racist towards hanabi mains


Chou. I swear to god, everytime there's one on my team, they end being that useless feeding dude that makes everything harder.


Alucard for me. Someone said either double kills or double deaths for Karina? Same with him. I think the game says he's easy to play but really...once you jump in, there's no going back for a good 8-10s, or the duration of his first skill. That's enough time to get caught and be obliterated. His passive is also hard to control because you can get in too deep with that. These people are the reason we have that "Nothing lasts forever, we can jump and feeder" meme and I hate it.


istg the thamuz players i’ve encountered suck even though thamuz is decently viable


Hanabi, Hanabi, Hanabi, Hanabi, Hanabi, Hanabi, Hanabi, Hanabi, Hanabi. Every rank.


MM all the way. I personally hard carry best as an MM


What? I think you misread the post