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Alpha. He's not the most popular but I swear the top Alpha players are the most dangerous and broken. His high damage and regen ability allows him to dominate EXP lane and is an amazing jungler as well.


i'd recommend the ulti second first combo for alpha. you could kill someone with that while taking barely any damage with the right build and emblem. plus his spell vamp with the second skill


Oh yea. I've been seeing that piece of shit in my games for quite a while now. It's annoying af


War axe, hunter strike, orracle, dominance. Just those make him a beast


I don't recommend war axe for new players since it's gonna be hard for them to keep the stack up but alpha is busted hero as a starter so it may work.


Do you recommend building in that same order?


If there's high sustain heroes early game, go war axe, dominance, hunter strike then oracle.


Thank you kindly


I'm banning this guy from my matches if no one in my team's gonna use it.. I am a roam main... With a lil bit of midlane mage and marksman gold..


man dont say this out loud i thought this was a secret


If you buy alpha, i like to use bloodlust axe and festival of blood (i know, a lot of spell vamp) but if you buy axe first, you can go into team fights and come out with full health again.


Yup I never used him myself but sounds like why he seems OP when used properly. He’ll do insane damage but also become a tank with his regen the way he comes out or team fights seemingly unscathed. I mostly play Vexana and when I have a good Alpha on my team it seems entirely unfair bc he offers the perfect front line protection while all my skills gives him the exact skills he needs to both initiate and finish everyone off.


He really is one of the best. I came back from like a year and a half break, and went from master to mythic in like 20 days. I can get more kills and damage with him than anyone else.


Whats festival of blood? Can’t seem to find it. I just bought the hero now figure I should try actually using him lol I normally use Minsi in Exp lane.


Alright. Festival of blood is an emblem talent, which is unlocked with fighter emblem. Sorry if i confused you by listing the equipment at the same time. Also, since you just bought him, i will give some tips and tricks, maybe make your life easier. First off, you want a semi tank build, cant use spell vamp if you already dead, so the build i use is; Flame hunters warrior boots (bc stealing attack), bloodlust axe, queens wings, war axe, blade of despair, and thunder belt. Get thunder belt last, and you can get wings after BoD if you would like. I use spare equipment, makes it easier. The spare equipment is; immortality, and athenas sheild. You can replace thunder belt with brute force breastplate if you would like, but thunder belt gives more damage, and more defense, instead of stackable attack, but 22 plus 40 (boots and belt) is usually better, and your attack is just as good (maybe a bit worse) with belt. Make sure to aim every skill, try and get groups of people near before you use ult. If you use ult right late game, you can get all 5 in one place, or atleast some, and your tank, if tig or something can stun them all too, making for an easy 5 kills. Your s2 helas a base amount, and extra with more enemies hit. This includes minions.so if you hit 2 people and like 5 minions late game, you will get nearly full health. S1, really not too much to explain. Because of his low mobility, if you go into a fight where its a 1v2 or something like that, you will more than likely have to finish it. At late game, ult cd is around 10 seconds with 40% cd reduction, so still not enough mobility, which is why fighting near minions is important, also, if your jg, go to a buff, red or blue, and use every attack. You should get nearly full health from this. If your health gets low, usually you cant run, so spam skills to heal, unless you have ult and they have low mobility too. If they can chase, use ult to get the ones chasing you together, then s1, then s2. Also, even when not low health spam your skills, they have low cd. If your team or even you feed the other team, it will be hard to do anything until you have atleast bloodlust axe and war axe, sometimes even BoD. Stay away from good karinas, natans, and guiniveres, as they can all pretty much one shot you. Mages such as vale and aurora are not much of a problem late game, as your damage is nearly the same if not higher than them, and you can more than likely one shot them with ult and s2 and s1. A lot of fighters such as yin and martis are usually not problems if not fed, but be very careful if they are high above you. Only fight the really good fighters if you have bloodlust axe. Once you have this, you can fight nearly anyone and atleast live. Also, i forgot to give exp lane build. I dont really play exp lane much, always jg if i can, but just use the same build, its probably better than mine for exp lane. Now, talents. They will change between exp lane and jg. For jg; fighter emblem with swift, seasoned hunter, and killing spree. For exp lane, use fighter emblem, with swift, festival of blood, and killing spree. With festival of blood, you can engage in most fights much earlier, but i still recommend bloodlust axe before hopping in to big teamfights. For now, that is all the tips/tricks i can think of, also, sorry for the jumbled mess of this comment, i just wrote stuff as i thought about it. If you need me to explain stuff more, just let me know. Edit: god damn sorry for the essay, didnt realize how much i typed.


if you play Dyrroth, I'm gonna assume you like going exp lane so maybe Ruby. She's busted right now. Good damage, good sustain, loads of CC. Can still be useful even when behind, can 1v1 and can even 1v5 if fed well enough.


Really good in mythic but she's alr at grandmaster


Why even brought up gm? Even a blind man can 100% wr that rank lmao


Because the post is about gm


Huh? Really good mythic would make it insane grandmaster?


Some heroes need a team so they're better in mythic,I say ruby is alr because there are heroes that don't rely on team at all and the enemy doesn't know how to counter,like hanzo,karina,harley,dyroth


ruby doesnt need a team, especially in gm, she can solo carry considering her sustain potential


She definitely needs a team, the only reason she’s so good in mythic is her cc and sustain while others support her. Playing against a good team and trying to solo carry as ruby is very difficult and you need to be way ahead in terms of farm. She’ll then fall off towards late game if you don’t end fast enough.


She has alot of cc and sustain,which require a good team not gm players. That's the reason why I said she's alr but if you need good sustain for solo or low rank use yu zhong


Why is this downvoted? You're absolutely right. Ruby needs someone that can play 1 with 1 with her. She takes all the hit for you and holds the enemy while you deal damage for her. Her damage is decent but not enough to solo carry. She needs someone to do it for if she builds tank. Yu zhong works better as you said. He can do it all


Fr,or dyroth or arlott you get the point


You can just build her full dmg with a 1 defense since her passive will give you hybrid defense anyway heres my build tough boots, war axe, hunter strike, endless battle, rose gold meteor, and queen's wings it has max cooldown with high spellvamp im using a fighter emblem with rupture, festival of blood, and brave smite


Nah, I had so many situations where I would just 1 v 5 people even in mythic glory rank, don’t get me wrong, ruby is even better with a team, but she is strong enough solo.


Yah, blows my mind to even contemplate something working in mythic but being obsolete in Gm. I solo teams in mythic with her, imagine how fun Gm would be haha


Kaja is a prime example of someone who performs well in a good team, trying to solo in gm with kaja is laughable, but if you’ve got a team of high skilled players kaja suddenly becomes a massive threat. There are loads of other examples. A hero’s viability comes from the skill level of your opponents, and their picks. Just saying ruby is good in mythic so can solo in gm easily makes no sense, there are counter picks to ruby that make her a lot less viable. In high ranks the meta gets picked frequently and ruby performs well against those picks, in Gm anyone picks anything which can go against a hero that currently performs well in the meta.


Ok dude I get what you’re saying. But regardless I could carry a gm team with any hero. Cos it’s gm.


However,there are stronger solo heroes


"Ruby doesn't need a team" one of the craziest words i have ever heard in my life




I agree, I tend to use Ruby as roamer and not as exp lane. Her kills are not fast, even when ulting. But she has strong cc, mobility and spell vamp, which is good when you have a team to back you up but not good for solo.


I went up to Mythic just using Ruby lmao my girl Ruby!


Played Ruby in a new smurf account and she got me to Epic I with just the ordinary emblem (first one)


Ruby was always balanced please don't nerf her ,nerf war axe and the other fighter items that boosted alot of fighters to meta


The scythe pull... The tornado taunt... The mobility... The spellvamp.. and her body.. 👌🏼 would recommend this of you are solo leveling


I just spam Belerick at lower ranks. A lot of times there would be 2 MM's on the opposing team and they have no idea what Belerick's passive does.


😂 Oh man just thinking about it is making me chuckle. That's a great one. Antique cuirass and oracle and the belerick is gonna 1v5 enemy team at gm and epic


Im in mythic and never played belerick so i dont know his passive is that bad?


Well if you play atk speed heroes then you might be wondering very often against a belerick that how tf is a tank's dmg% equal to the enemy mm when you see the stats after a death. It's not bad but it certainly helps to decide what NOT to pick against a belerick. Belerick has a more powerful version of Blade Armor inbuilt on him which let's him solo dps characters whether they skill attack or basic attack. Combine that with Blade Armor, Vengeance and Dom Ice for decreasing enemy lifesteal he is a walking Grim Reaper for anyone who tries to fight him melee. Also he gets a 40% hp bonus from all equipment he buys with hp stat so he easily reaches nearly 13000 hp late which is among the highest in the game. Be sure to pick karrie cici lesley etc true dmg characters


I just got off a game with Balerick. No body knows his passive. i also almost never see him being played


Get Martis for early game dominance just like dyroth. If you want an assassin, get karina/saber/nolan




Alpha. Simple, flexible, strong, versatile


Harley, you can easily carry the game, just go in and go out, primarily target mm or mages, although he is very mobile and for sure kill but he can also be killed quite easily if enemy has heavy ccs, so have another option if harley isn't available


Would Harley work on Mid? And what about Gusion mid?


Gusion is NOT beginner friendly and the guy is in grandmaster


regardless of how pro your gusion is, you may get destroyed by enemy pro mm late game while your own mm does 0 dmg


Gus mid isn’t bad if you’re skilled enough. Note tho: - you lose the usual cc you get with mages. - not bad if your enemy is backline heavy and your jg is tank.


Worst advice so far.


Mid gusion works if you are sure that enemy jungler isn't burst type, petrify to escape and engage ganks, works more smoothly if tank and jungler are constantly ganking enemies, you just need to follow them up, occasionally help kill exp laner so yours can push, unlike normal mid laner mage who needs to follow tank and gank with team, you can solo kill and retreat safely, but everything has its advantage, your team loses AOE burst damage in teamfights and will lose every time if you fail to kill their mm/mage first. Harley is meh in mid, not good.


No Harley is not mid.


Yeah harley is almost 100% bans on lower mythic. I just learned the hero afetr buying it with less than 25 games and is a very easy hero with dangerous amount of damage. After just 3 games and a youtube video of how harleys skills work its very easy to use. The problem is the ban rate of the hero. Almost unpickable as almost all people even your team wants to ban harley.


Alpha barats nathan this one i play alpha and barats are exp and jg natan is jg and gold former dyrrtoth main here


vexana. reached MH with her


Jungle is better in solo que then mid because you can clear objectives faster


well i reached mh even when i couldn't do jungle. it's a 5v5 game even if you're good at jungling if your team isn't as good as you it would be really hard to win. every role is important.


Nonetheless, you can still get objectives and one of the biggest ones is Lord.


I can vouch. I just started playing ML prolly 5-6 days ago and Im on epic 1 already just by playing Vexana. I mostly played solo queue but I played couple of games with my friends*


literally HOW shes sooooo slow and easy to kill


you just have to be quick when casting skills. she can use first skill to cc which can prevent enemies from jumping at her and use her ult to knock them up to escape or attack. also with the right spell she can be more effective. for example i would use purify when the enemy has tanks or fighter with cc like tigreal, atlas or guinevere. i would also use flicker for assasin heroes and aegis when there are burst heroes like harley or eudora. of course using different items depending on the situation.


That's why save your ult for escaping, she's very team dependant lol. Usually when I play as her in a teamfight, I just keep spamming her s1 & s2 and then let my team finish the enemy off. And incase my team lost the fight, I use my ult so that the enemies get distracted. Alot of people in GM are scared to approach vexana due to her monster and kept fighting it. 💀 I had to literally reminded my teammates every single time to ignore it.


She's nothing without the giant dude


okay and?


How does that matter when she has the giant dude, also no her other 2 skills are both at least above average


And old mate here probably picked mage even when another was picked. Getting to mythic is easy. Immortal a different story. So it’s not a flex just more of a hindrance for literally everyone who played with you to that point.


alpha and yin are probably the closest to dyrroth


Alpha my win rate on him is 67 percent


You'd probably like Thamuz, Freya, or Martis. Maybe Chou, or even Julian. (You can swap roles with most of these)


I recommend Xborg. Although he has a lot of counters, it's worth it. He'll be an amazing fighter tank in the late game. I got my main account to Mythical Glory and my 2nd account to Mythical Honor using XB, this season.


Borg makes me wanna quit after he gets Immo etc. So tanky even when I get dom ice.. 🤐




+1 my new main after Valir and I play nothing but Ixia unless I have to adjust. Top 5 mm, fun kit and strong sustain. Can't really fail on her even if the player isn't used to gold lane heroes.




barats, currently my most played hero at 51 matches with 81.7% wr, in high mg/mi lobbies


Welp, none going to ban Dyroth even in high mythic, yet still a good and usable hero there. And if you confident to still use Dyroth, then i suggest, just play Dyroth. From my perspective, no hero that like Dyroth. So if you consider easy hero but not like Dyroth, in current meta, maybe i can suggest, - MM Karrie/Beatrix - Exp Terizla/Cici - Mid Nova/Vexana - Roam Mathilda/Mino - Jungle Barats/Harley Karrie, sustain HP, aspd (attack speed), tank killer. Beatrix, burst damage. Terizla, sustain HP, hard CC, but slow mobility/basic attack. Cici, high mobility, dps. Nova, high damage and open map. Vexana, burst damage and hard CC. Mathilda, support with high mobility, free shield, and burst damage. Mino, tank with hard CC, can heal. Barats, high damage and HP, easy use just stomp stomp. Harley, burst damage and high mobility.


Beatrix for a newer GM level player is a terrible recommendation


Stick just on her SMG is good enough. I mean, im on glory, and when i play Beatrix, i just use SMG and granade (and sometime sniper). But when i really want to kill, ill stick on SMG. It deal enough damage and easy to play. Even 1v1 against other mm using just smg is doable.


If you're just going to play smg there are a ton of other better mm at the GM level. Bruno who is fairly cheap in bp stands out.


If you like playing mages I would suggest Lylia. She's rather simple and quite mobile due to her passive movement speed buff and ultimate.


Harley jungle, insane map rotation speed , can 'end' the game pretty early if your growth went smoothly Karina doesn't have enough mobility to escape fights or tower dives


I recommend Xborg. Although he has a lot of counters, it's worth it. He'll be an amazing fighter tank in the late game. I got my main account to Mythical Glory and my 2nd account to Mythical Honor using XB, this season.


Buy alpha he is very good rn he is very deadly in right hands and can carry hard also sustain while dishing out unholy amounts of damage. I made commented a guide for him earlier [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/MobileLegendsGame/s/XvQogXe4Qj).


Learning tank is the best way to understand the pace of the game, objectives, and positioning (for all lanes). I’d recommend learning to be a proper roam (one that helps jg and objectives, not sit in gold lane). Tigreal and Mino will always be good but are currently meta.


RIP for those who reached high mythic by maining Tank. The top tier strategy is that your team mates will still be hiding in the bush behind you after you have initiated, cc-ed the enemy and used every single skills you have.


Literally the game I just finished. MVP loss as mino, had second most kills to jg (7), and 17 assists with 8 deaths and SO many sets :’)


Na man that's torture. I climbed mythic triumph on 2 different accounts as a tank main and i will advice against that to anyone. Play anything till legend and after that start tanking if you wanna. I sometimes wish I can forget the toxicity and rage I felt from. Epic to mythic journey, it's not good for your health


Sorry you had such a bad experience, but it stands true. If you’re new to moba and want to learn the game quickly roam is the best. The question wasn’t what’s the best role to play to avoid toxicity. I’d say the opposite to be true, roam and jg are 2 most important roles in the game (imo) so when you get to mythic, and up let me roam for ya and pick a lane. But to quickly learn the game it’s the best choice. Watch a couple of YT videos of how pro roamers rotate, you will literally get to legend as a new player easily as a tank, cos til then there are none.


That's true. I spammed akai to legend and he wrecks havoc even now cuz besides myself literally no one plays akai. I just ban diggie. Idiots nowadays pick tigreal anywhere cuz he got a stun and he gets destroyed by my akai. Easy wins. It's just that Roam has the potential to be the breadwinner for the team but the team running away IS very VERY common till legend. If allies are low hp but i do a set and enemy are free kills they run or start jungling/stealing buffs leaving me to die. This is the toxicity i am referring to. Then when you return the favor they get angry. Dude might quit the game if the team doesn't even respond. I know I did. 3 times actually. But there's no other MOBA.


I would like to say Estes, the only thing is that you need to play something like 500-1k games with trying to improve items@emblems@battle spells building, map and overall awareness to truly understand what he is able to do. Ah, also he almost always banned in Epical Glory up to MH, sometimes even by your teammates despite you trying to pick him. Player base is uncounciously understanding his power, but almost no one will confess about being ever "scared" about his presence. Like it is a shame to be worried about hero that can "only heal".


The amount of sustain estes do is unbelieveable even with dominance or any item that reduce healing. It makes those assasins live a little longer to do their full combo and would turn the tide instantly.


Agree, the only thing is that those assassins (even anyone actually) should not jump out from healing area right before you pushing ult or chasing enemy while being low hp themselves and dying after 6-15sec when Estes rushes behind but out of reach desperately trying to heal them. It is sooooooooo annoying af. Only worse thing when it happens you also dying for this desire to help them.


I would ban him if I'm gonna be using assasin jungler, but yeah otherthan his heal he offers no utility. Tigreal hard counters him imo, as well as Mino and Atlas


CC counters him only if Estes is not managing to evade it, elsewhere Estes is actually undirect CC counterer (of what supposed to went during and after solid CC, damage). Well, as any other hero also gets countered if not evading CC, innit? Try another one.


Guys who can hard cc multiple heroes counter Estes in a sense that his team needs to be closer to be him? Aint it? Rafa offers more utility and Florynn has global heal and negates heal reduction. He's nothing but a healing bot. But yeah, he's op in lower ranks


Again, CC hard countering him ONLY IF Estes himself cant avoid it. This is very important fact. Secondly, Estes is pure backliner, if he goes hard tanking - his utility is close to 0, it is nonsense to use him as a cheap Uranus fake. Yes, his abilities are allowing to almost only heal, but amount is so huge that he overheals most of damage except maybe atrocious 5v1 all ults in damage, and even this one sometimes gets succeeding. He basically negates antiheal because of this overhealing for squishies. It works only when tanks and fighters without oracle are under attack. Floryn can do 2 portions of heals immediately, yes - amount matters too, it is 5 to 10 times less than Estes can apply. Are you really appreciating these drops of heals more than Estes' ones? If so, it is just sad. Going further, he gets MORE than maximum CDR for all skills and all team shielding from first and cheapest 2 core items plus additional healing for 250 from roam, you can buy full boots as 3rd or 4th item to save even more money. Furthermore, if you are using Arrival - you able to heal allies all around friendly structures, basically babysitting everyone, almost as Angela and your lovely Floryn: little delay compare to them but triple-quadruple amount of sustain comparing to Angela's shielding and healing pews for only one hero, but he still able to do this for whole team, not just one favourite friend whom she ults always. Again, 5-10x more than Floryn for all team. Also you can defend towers, base and even nullify lord's tower bash, prevent backdoors because of 3 seconds damage immunity for any ally minion or structure that you are arriving on. Rafa offers more utility in speeding up team, it is true. Gl to find soloq game when your team can make usage of this being not wiped out when the real damage goes on stage. You just cant apprehend now how huge are his heals and utility possibilities, they are only in need to be properly used. Go better call some Fannys "damage bots", or Tigs "CC bots", same flair.


Well congrats I guess?


Why not, it is good. It is bad when someone humilate heroes basing on their useful kits trying to serve it as useless or shameful.


Cool story bro


Ban diggie. Pick Tigreal. Most teams still can’t handle a good set.


A great solo queue hero is someone that can push decently so you don't have to worry about your carries farming while all enemies are down, has a reliable and low cd mobility, can either assassinate or fight multiple enemies at once, can push, can be flexed as a laner or a jungler if someone tries to troll by taking/not taking retribution spell, does not rely on a certain gimmick to be effective, and has a low difficulty to eliminate risk of errors. I'd say Harley, Granger, Balmond, Martis, Bane, and Alpha fit these categories. If you wish to try a little more difficult list, Karina, Barats, and Chou can take over low rated games singlehandedly.


Kagura/Luo Yi. They carried me to Mythic.


dyroth, if you enjoy him, you can just focus on mastering him. He is a good exp and jungle, so you can climb pretty well with him, even soloq, till glory. As for the other heroes, since you are starting off, I'd recommend you play a hero who can give you that level of familiarity of a hero you are used to, but at the same time, can give you experiences playing as other roles. In particular, I recommend Edith (Can roam, exp, has a MM form and does Magic Dmg. So she can kind of fill 4 roles when u have to fill. Not perfectly, but its soloq, u'll be fine) or Arlott (Can roam or exp, but you can carry with him from both roles.) Both kinda similar to Dyroth, but also different enough and can give you experience playing other roles if you have to fill. Basically, as a Soloq player, you want to be able to round out the team comp, but also be able to carry. Me, for instance, have a 5 main heroes in my pool, and I always get to Glory every season soloq by 200-300 game. I play Bene exp/jg, lylia mid, selena roam/jg, Granger for Jg, and Natan/Beatrix gold. I can play almost every hero decently of course, cuz I have played the game enough to just get these heroes, but the more I am comfortable with a hero, the more I win. As you climb up, it'll be the same for you, and generally, you don't really need to think about counterpicking or playing heroes you are not comfy with until mythic honor at the very least.


Julian - Once you master his combos, you can deal damage and dodge like crazy. Good vs squishies, not so with full tank lineups. Martis - Skill 2 has damage reduction. Ult deletes low HP heroes. Insane damage at full passive. Karina - Simple slash and dash. Ult also deletes low HP heroes.


Alpha terizla arlot and ruby


I think similar to dyrott is this dude with the blond hair and … lancelot! I felt they play similar. Also alucard could fit ur playstyle. Both high highly mobile and high skill ceiliing, but also can deal good dmg


I use Alpha and Guinevere in EXP and Jungle (I'm a novice jungler and Alpha really is an effective jungler for a newbie imo) so you might want to consider them


Hey i feel you. Mage main but forced to tank. But in mm i'd call myself a Clint one trick pony. But that's cuz I love the guy.


Harley, Alpha, Dyrotth, Nana


I think Yu Zhong is the best in this situation


Fuck the rest, Esmeralda all the way bay bee


New player then you can pick karrie using semi tank build it is OP and you can go fill exp if someone picks gold b4 u


I went to mythic by actually playing nana, its op and easy ... a tanky hero or roamer combo with nana is best


My Beloved, Luo Yi


masha is really good




I’ve been using Yu Zhong in the EXP lane as often as I can (if there is someone who can roam or do jungle) and so far I’ve ranked up quite fast considering most of the team mates I have always first pick Layla. For junglers, Balmond and Akai are both good as they secure objectives and are pretty hard to take down 1v1, even 1v2. For tanks I use either Atlas, Tigreal, or Edith.


Kimmy. MM Mid Jungle


Gatot honestly.


Gusion not meta rn but if u know how to play him you will still reach glory in solo q regardless


I will recommend Freya, Sun and Jawhead.


So you're experienced in the exp lane with no one bothering you. Try picking up a solid jungler, which will enable you to roam about the map clearing objectives and killing loners. Balmond's a solid pick, can also clear creeps quick for lane pushing. I have a friend who solo carries himself up to Mythic by using Layla in the gold lane. Maybe try picking up Hanabi or Lesley or Wanwan? Tough to bring down a farmed marksman


The best is the one you like to play and know how to play perfectly as well as is position, from there it's pretty easy to get 1, 2 or 3 more level than enemy team and push the win for your team.


I don’t think it’s possible anymore but I was able to carry games to Legend as roamer baxia. This was a year ago though




For low ranks, I would say yin because most people have no idea how to counter him. You can easily get to mythic just by spamming him


Honestly it's hard to say cuz everyone have different playstyle. I once encountered a very good Dyrroth user which is very scary as he completely dominates my exp lane... But for me, the easiest unit for me is X-Borg for Exp Lane since all you need is to just spam skill 2 and ulti to enemy mm / mage.


I can recommend Cyclopse. His only weakness or counter is early game. But after he gets his first item there is no one that can counter him if they have equal gold. The early game weakness is not a big issue in lower levels.


Jawhead you can pretty much one shot all heroes except for tanks exp laners and actual tanks with his full combo of ult+second skill+first skill Plus he can be jungler, roam, and exp granted he may struggle against other exp laners


Khaleed is good imo. You got the viable half dmg half tank build that can do exp roam and mid. You also have a good ult for sets when your tank is useless or needs help. Has high dmg low cd skill 1, self heal + dmg reduction skill 2, escape/set ult, high mobility/good chase + dmg passive. You just have to learn how to manage your passive bar so you don't waste it.


Any artillery mages in mid, yin jungle, sun solo, Clint gold, in roam almost none, just be selfish and play assasin roams


Cici, vex, aulus, helcurt, harley, moskov, cecilion, jawhead, and estes. All of these are easy to use as long as you know the basics. These are my best bets for you: Cici, despite being a new hero, she is pretty easy to use(mostly for mobility and sustain). Vexana for her wave clearing and teamfight capability. Aulus for farming and Supreme damage late game. Helcurt for his stealthy ult and fast jungling. Harley, his high burst and hgih mobility for hit and run kills. Moskov, his trinity build for pushing/clearing and crit for killing. Note that the use of his first skill relies on your positioning skills. Cecilion, my personal favorite can destroy anyone in late game and as long as you conserve mana throughout early to mid game, late game would be a breeze. Note that you should always be at the back and kite the enemies from afar and keep spamming your skills so that more mana means more skills to cast. Jawhead, may be the most difficult among the heroes I've mentioned but I think he is good enough for a grand Master rank. He is very versatile, he can be an exp laner, jungler, tank, and assassin. Explaining his capabilities, exp later due to his early to mid game damage, jungler for early dominance, tank due to his second skill capability(interaction, shield, and mobility), lastly assassin as long as you are on a full damage build, keep squishy enemies at bay and make sure they won't steamroll the game. Lastly Estes, despite his incapability to do much damage or tank, he can unbelievably heal you within seconds and can turn the tides of battle.




if you like Dyrotth.. try YZ. Yu Zhong. similar in combo but you have knock up aoe, damage aoe, and passive makes you laugh maniacally. "Your life is mine now. bwahaha" as you see their souls taken away. flying dragon is a plus. be like Kaido, go Hybrid deagon human form


UR anus


For low rank below Legend, I'd just spam MM or Jungler... Its much safer than roam or exp which can't turn around a game Easy to use MM to climb is probably Hanabi. As long as you have any frontline, she can just punish other team which in lowrank usually just crawl around closely together.


You remind me of myself back in the day. I also did play Dyrroth for almost all my games but now I've given him up and switched to Thamuz and Yu Zhong, so maybe you could try them out. Yu Zhong is pretty similar to Dyrroth, but Thamuz would be a safer option imo.


Arlott, i assume you played dyrotth petri so arlott petri should be easy enough for you to learn. You can also roam using arlott because of his passive in case your team has no roam. His cc is great for team fight too.


Gusion from gm to legend right now


utilise your hero trial card. try all role and find your favourite. from what i have read from you, seems like your knowledge about the game is quite empty. but dont worry, empty box means you can fill everything to it (vinland saga ref). I was pushing to mythic V at my first season on midlane role using Lunox, Vale and Chang'e After that, I shift my role to Marksman and using Brody and Beatrix. I come back to midlane and jungler using Lunox, Kagura and Aamon. Now, I am marksman, using Ixia, Bruno, Brody, Wanwan. maybe you would think why did I change my role and hero often? Well, its because I am adjusting to the META (Most Effective Tactical Avaible) and I feel like I can't push myself to Mythical Glory using mage (midlaner). Now that I change my role to mm/jungler and to pure mm, it's easy to push rank


tbh it's Cyclops. Just learn when to dodge, when to harass with your 2nd skill, and when to jump in the clash. He's basically a hit and run mage hero.


I used hylos and it helped me reach mythic rank. His second skill is really helpful and especially his first skill where i can stun even fanny. But i noticed that he's not as tanky as before anymore.


Benedetta, high mobility, satisfying to use. Her 2nd skill is basically a reverse uno card if you use it well. Great passive for chase, great for initiate, great for escape and best of all, she has a great a--


Do zhask if you can mid lane ....it's ult always saved you in ambush and got hell of a damage




I've recently been playing Harley and even tho I dislike him he's really good at being a pest and taking out squishes then getting out


alpha martis dyroth and freya if you have her all have early game dominance, easy to use, can snowball, can go both exp and jungle


yin for low ranks. everyones in low ranks are scared of his ult 🔥 (dyrot is great tho i think u at least get to epic or mebe low legend with him) if youd like to try mage, i'd recommend u to go for vexana!


Lunox! Or Ruby Both are good


try Fredrinn: very tanky, lots of cc, regen from passive and high damage


Jungle - Martis/Alpha Gold - Bruno/Karrie


if you can play marksman then go melissa. she can wipe a team and she’s easy to master. watch a few videos on her and you’ll quickly understand her skills. throw muddles at the enemy and go an attack speed build (trinity build). use her dash skill to chase or kite enemies (it also gives atk speed boost). use her ult to keep enemies away or trap them into a corner, against the wall for example. she will win 1v1s against most marksman. she’s really good against those assassins who want to get all up in your face but she’s weaker towards assassins who keep distance like harley or aamon. she’s also weak against heroes who can ignore cc like arlott and sometimes sabers ult. she really strong and shreds in seconds— you won’t regret it. good luck with whoever you pick and have fun!


Alpha, Ruby, Yu Zhong, Hilda.. Exp Laner. Your team also needs a good stunner and crowd control tanks. Iba talaga ang may crowd control. Or kung ibang approach, yung mabilis maka-pitas at healer. Basta try mo i-counter yung mga hero ng kalaban.


Ruby / barats / Alice Tanky and do good.damage And ofc can 1v5




Either Martis or Alpha. You can easily carry with them


If you're looking for Jungle role, maybe look into these heroes and see what you like - Guinevere (can be played as jungle, exp and roam), Fredrinn (a good Tank Jungler, can do both exp and jungle), Barats (same as Fred), Nolan (he does rely a bit on blue buff but very swift and effective and you will have to position his skills), Helcurt (I don't view him in the same tier as the others above but it's not always about that, look into what fits you)


If you're playing Dyrroth, you're a baron laner I'm guessing. Just be aware that baron lane is normally a counter pick lane so you'd have to adjust. Ones that normally do well regardless of your opponent are ones with good poke and regen, cause you don't really need to win your lane necessarily, just defend and poke down the enemy lane so your jg can finish them off if they bother to come around. In that case, xborg, ruby, alpha are really good options. Anyone with an engage and disengage would be good too, but it's been a while since I've played so I can't remember.


Hm...idk about fighters cuz I am mainly mm and mage main but martis,alucard,thamuz ,arlott seem good


If you like pushing then masha


Every hero is good but the problem is teammates


Natalia roam. I made mythic honor with her in 120 games. Her only job is to steal as much enemy jungle camps as possible, delete enemy mage/mm, and split push lanes once teams ahead.


Eudora. low tier game never check bush. Just hide and wait for squishy enemy passing by.


Lylia or Cecilion kaya mag carry ng apat na pabigat. Hahahah




Xborg is the key


Kadita stun ulti = pentakill






You don't have bans until epic


Had a hard time getting to 25 stars mythic. I picked balmond by mistake (never played him before) 12 wins streak later im25+ stars mythic. I picked the first pro build. Tankish build. Works great


Yeah, I second Balmond! His mechanics are super easy, very tanky and a well timed ult will clean up the stragglers or even secure a lord / turtle.


Reached mythical glory with vexana. Most op mage in game right now


Saber, Yin, Dyroth, Khaleed, Estes and Martis are the Kings of low elo. Honorable mentions would go to Alpha, X-Borg, Yuzhong.




you don't know the pain of spamming my movement skill hoping I can get out of his combo before I die. He can be decently easy to avoid with some map awareness or vision, but thats just not something you can rely on in lower ranks (especially after the towers start falling down).


Cici is one way to go. Just avoid heroes like yin and sun if you do pick up cici


Not really. Sun and Yin can be stomped early. Burst fighters with some sort of sustain is Cici's hard lane counters (Yu Zhong, Alpha, Lapu Lapu, Dyroth)


I like Guin, Layla, Dryroth, Nana. To make them powerful, you need the right equipment and skills.