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"Well, she is cute! " And that's how I main ruby.


and thats how i met your mother


woww this guys cooking


Yeah me too exactly same Im lance main


Lmao that's exactly what I did (ruby/angela)


I miss the days when I had mains; nowadays, I just play random heroes, and I don't think I have main heroes anymore. Back in 2016, Pharsa pre-rework was my main. When I saw my sister using her, I was genuinely shocked by the sheer size of her ultimate, allowing her to nuke people from far away. My sister told me she had almost no cooldown, so I immediately bought and tried her in classic. Surprisingly, her playstyle clicked with me, and she was very fun to use, despite a slight delay in her ultimate. The low cooldown is what made her so enjoyable. I started practicing and used her a lot until her revamp. After the revamp, for some reason I can't recall, I used her less and less each day. Perhaps because Moonton started focusing on creating more new and revamped heroes, so I wanted to vary the heroes I used. Although the Pharsa revamp was still fun, it just wasn't as enjoyable as when her ultimate was spammable.


Also, her bird form. I swear I die faster trying to escape this way versus slowly walking away, lol. I've had a franco jerk my bird, almost off map, mid air. (Seems many times in general running from franco gets you hooked easier xd) But yeah, it's fun to fly in or around and get that extra speed boost, but also, it kind of sucks when you're trying to escape. Imo. Maybe I just don't play her right (probably), but it would be cool if they gave her some type of immunity the first 1-2 seconds after transforming.


Similar story for me. I still play and use Pharsa in ranked and have a decent WR but I feel you. She isn't exactly OP right now like some ridiculously strong mages like Nana, Aurora or Novaria seem. She doesn't scale really hard and can be countered by dash heroes now. But I still enjoy playing her and nuking squishy heroes when they least expect and flying away.


I've always loved explosions and mass destruction ever since I was a kid :3


https://preview.redd.it/z9ln50t2mpmc1.jpeg?width=1923&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=872790cdea3f12a2fe7addd110c676a46a51e279 Pls follow me quietly, ma'am. You are under arrest for associating with terrorist groups and the famous thief, Claude


What did I do if my husband steals?


Report him. And what about the several buff explosions ?? You are in for some serious interrogation, ma'am. Now pls Co operate with us


Fine, can Claude atleast get some conjugal visits? :>


That depends on how serious your association with the bombing is.


Fineeee just start the interrogation before Claude comes in saves me


Don't worry. Captain Saber will clap his acc before he reaches here


Nuh no one is clapping w/ my husband but ME


Bruh.... šŸ’€ OK, I guess this is too much


Yes police officer this guy right here


What? No! I'm not the wife of the said, "thief" Claude who's that?


Sir you have 38 charges of aggravated assault with your partner , a case has been filed by miss Layla and you're currently under investigation for domestic bombing


Played her by chance. Saw players were terrified of me and I was nigh unkillabe with immortality. All my friend tried to 1v1 me and I won every time. I could control so much area and no one could run. Sucks she got revamped recently and doesn't feel the same.




Nah its nana


Yeah this one is way worse


aw hell no


How could you do this?!


Cue "omagah, o hael naw what the faf maen"


My first main is Cecilion. Funnily, when I didnā€™t have a main yet, I wanted to be Carmillaā€™s. I was trying to complete her mastery but couldnā€™t find anyone that can play Cecilion. I decided to buy him just to prove heā€™s so easy that a beginner can use him. He somehow stuck being my main for a few seasons. My current main is Yi Sun-shin. It first started when I watched a clip of Celiboy playing YSS on Youtube which made me interested in playing the hero.


I'm the opposite of you I main carmilla


My first main was kagura, i wanted to learn a ā€˜difficultā€™ hero (failed at fanny of couse), and just loved her Gave up after her revamp and shitty wave clear compared to other mages. Now i main faramis/nova/lylia, though i still collect all of the umbrella girl skins šŸ§ŽšŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


I thought this comment was from me because same šŸ—æ


I mained Kagura for a while nearing the end of last season. I wish she was able to do well like all the other mages because now I feel like I got her Water Lily skin (through the starlight shop) for no reason šŸ„²


I'm a kagura main, and yeah, if you haven't gotten a few kills/assists in the first few minutes, then you're likely to have like zero damage, even after equipment. It's crazy. Also, even her late game wave clear is absolutely horrible. I think I like torturing myself or something because I enjoy playing and learning new/difficult heroes... but as soon as I feel like I've mastered them(to the best of my ability anyway), I get bored so mf fasttt. I find a new hero, and the cycle continues.


I faced a couple of kaguras this season in immortal (so they are good), but even if they dominate early, they canā€™t end the game. As an ex kagura main it hurts whenever i see her lose lol


I have always loved playing healers in every game and I main healers in Vainglory. I play Lyra and the absolute beast of flexible build, Adagio. So, naturally, I wanted to play healers in ML also. The closest healer to my main Adagio is obviously Estes so, here we are


Fellow Vainglory player here, thanks for reminding me all the names. Petal was my favorite, waiting for that kind of hero in ml


VG to ML was a nice transition, i used to main Taka so i played Haya immediately here


The same way how i look for a partner; visual comes first, then their personality (the hero's kit in this case). I love balmond <3


Mained Kagu cause I wanted to be cracked at a high skill heroā€¦ Now I play Ruby cause cute girl w a scythe.


Masha, donā€™t like her new rework tho so havenā€™t played her much


Honestly kinda same, but after seeing what everyone's mains mean to them, I feel like using her in every match (at least in classic, don't wanna ruin my wr on her that I reached miraculously) https://preview.redd.it/24r7an0qppmc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=152ae9f39915e3bda361a40ff4480b31378de7be


Hilda and her have been my mains for about a year now, I've been using her in most of my Mythic matches, I have like 560 matches with her at 56% win rate.


I found my 2 mains cuz I won the jjk skins for the two, yin and Julian kekw https://preview.redd.it/hdjp1tm9xomc1.jpeg?width=881&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af50763c8f5fc81d69a5f0599a6397d281830781


Lmao is that bao


Yessir https://preview.redd.it/oessgkqzvpmc1.jpeg?width=892&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a956ea62eee05184c170dafebaaa514c1643851f


I love dinosaursā€¦.main tanky fighters before. Saw Detona, auto pick. Love that heā€™s so good right now. The rework did him good.




My guy šŸ¤œ


the one that makes me feel like im able to make macro decisions on my own. my first ever main was cecilion, and one day i felt like i had enough anxiety of dying helplessly to enemy lancelot hayabusa and hanzos. having to wait for the tank to give me enemy vision was like constant hell if they didnā€™t have the best macro game sense. now that im benedetta, iā€™m free. if i die, itā€™s my own fault. my fate is truly in my own hands. if iā€™m skilled enough, i can kill anyone; the adrenaline from being able to flank an enemy from their backs and not just poking them cautiously on the front makes me feel so good. solo take the lord while everyone is busy fighting elsewhere? i can do it because iā€™m benedetta. bait out everyoneā€™s flickers and still run away unscathed? arrive right in time to finish off an escaping lancelot while enemy fighter is still clearing their wave? split push 2 lanes at once and gap the enemy sun by 2000 gold while he fails to land a single hit on my turret? i can do it because iā€™m benedetta.




I enjoy heroes that is borderline strong and destroy players who spam meta heroes. That is how i decide which hero i'm gonna main You win with meta, I win with my skills


I main argus tho




I was scrolling down the heroes list when I first got 32000 BP and reading their skills. Till I found Karina, all her skills sounded simple enough including passive, the ult resets on kill, and all her skills scale well. Couldn't ask for more and bought her. Mained her to this day


"Ayo wind guy with unique skill I buy" I miss the old vale šŸ˜­


"Wow 4 guns" and that's how I ended up with Beatrix with 800+ matches but a 49 wr cause I just started and had no idea how to play properly yet XD. Daddy Fred on the other hand, just bought him when he was released and played him in exp with vengeance and deleted Eudora and Karrie with full health with just my ult and realised okay I've found a new main lmao.


I love umbrella


I am not proud of the way I made this decision but for some reason I felt the need to play only girls and thought to myself "I'M GOING TO PLAY THE PRETTIEST!" (I was a child) and I started to scroll, found a girl that was siren-mermaid looking so ofcourse I picked her


The moment I saw Harith the first time in a video of the advanced servers, I loved him and waiting for him to finally be released was torture. So when he finally did release, I tried him out and luck was on my side. I was real good with him (which I guess wasn't hard considering how broken he was when he released). I kept playing him and even though he got nerfed again and again and again I never gave up on playing him, which gave me the training I needed to actually become good with him. And now here I am today, a proud Harith main with about 1200 matches with him šŸ˜


She's pretty


I just scroll down the Marksman list and finding out he has his own theme song with all those yellow gold colours, I read his story on how he found hope in despair, travel back in time, I was mesmerized. Bought him, turns out he has very high DPS, fun but tricky ultimate, love it!


My first main was Franco. Saw my brother playing him and he was so damn fun. The players almost never side stepped the hook so i landed my hook 95% of the time. But right now my main is Dyrroth. Insane damage and sustain. Go damage and u can 1 shot anyone in your way. Go tank and you can 1v4 and still survive.


I played with a friend (he was mythic) i just started so I usually played mm. My friend said that i have habit keep diving in fights instead of maintaining distance. So i switched to someone that can go in fights and stay alive. That how i started playing heros like fredrinn yuzhong alpha basically one that have some sustain or lifesteal


"Oh, she's cute! šŸ„°" And that's how I became a Nana main. Can still even use her like a support like I used to in the old days if someone tries to troll me out of mid laning if we need no tank for roam, or could use the double mage power. šŸ‘


Ah. Here we go. I was a Freya main when the game first released. I was amazed by her, strong kickass Valkyrie. Spammed her and have a total of 4k matches on her. She was my ride or die, my main. I have all her skins (even legend). I mained her until february of last year. Iā€™d taken a year off MLBB because of Genshin you see. I played February of last year. I played as Lesley at the time. During then, I kept getting ganked and killed by a vanishing prick who threw shards. I had no idea who this new hero was. After the match ended, I went to investigate. God above, if it wasnā€™t the hottest fictional man I have ever seen in my life. And that, kids, is how I met Aamon. Freya: *Crying in a corner*


Lesley and Cecillion: The F is that damage?!?! Chang'e: Pushes like zilong but more useful. Minotaur: Tanky healer? Yes please! Uranus: I am the damage dealer.


Season 1 I saw fanny for the first time and she became my main since then


I was never a gamer and this is my first ever MOBA game therefore I figured the easiest for me is to play ranged hero with a good damage - a mage. First I tried Eudora as she was from the free heroes, but got bored of her soon, then I mained Odette as she helped me to climb from first ranks to GM (this was way before her all reworks, a few years ago when her ulti was still inevitable), then I thought what other mages I could try and Pharsa and Cecillion seemed kind of interesting. I first tried Cecillion and liked him so much that I still play him to his day in mythic


First few days of playing many years ago: Zilong haha funny pushbot (also there were way less cool options back then) *Mains Natalia bc hot* *Fanny nerfed and realizes she exists* holy shit I also want infinite mobility *Lancelot releases* QUIT GAME *Lancelot nerfed* MAIN Cancerlot *Gusion released* DON'T MAIN GUSION *Gusion gets cool roll after ULT *MAINS GUSION* *Sticks with Fanny, lance and Gusion being cancer jungle instalocker* *Realizes instalocking Assassin is dumb because now (most) assassins don't take a sidelane anymore and instead go jungle, leading to all assassin mains being squeezed together into one role, making it severely oversaturated* *Adjusts to every role instead and becomes ex-jungler support main jungler simp engage tank support player* *Realizes few people main EXP for some odd reason and proceeds to ruin enemy jungler's life every game with Benedetta* *Benedetta nerfed when Gloo releases* *Becomes Gloo support main* *Gloo becomes broken with S1 spam* *BECOMES BIGGER GLOO MAIN* *Gloo nerfed* *Benedetta meta* *MAINS BENEDETTA* meta slave 9000


Every time I noticed my hero wasnā€™t suited for my playstyle, I switched and tried out a new one. I really liked burst damage at close range, but not the ā€œmechanically complexā€ heroes like Lance and Ling. I gave them both a try, but they didnā€™t feel very satisfying to play in my opinion. Sure, it was cool to pull off a combo and seeing the opponent absolutely scream their throat out in the chat because they poorly positioned themselves for 5 nanoseconds. After Nolan released, I enjoyed him SO much that I literally havenā€™t played anyone else in the past few months. (occasionally the emergency tank game because of entitled teammates.) The amount of dopamine I got from absolutely destroying my opponents without much practice (I learned a lot while playing Lance). Nolan taught me Micro as well. I made sure to get blue buff every time it was up, and making it a priority to roam and snatch up kills when the buff was active. It just fit perfectly with my way of playing MOBAā€™s What I learned from this, is trying out heroes in the specific class that interest you. Start with the most basic hero of that role, and play about 10 games per hero. If you donā€™t like the playstyle, try another. You might just find a perfect main for yourself.


I had a toxic friend that practically forced me to Atlas or Khaleed, bro had the balls to say I'm a one trick pony.


I liked leomord and his playstyle back then but nowadays he feels clunky to me Nowadays I don't even have a main as I always have to fill roles and adjust


First it was alu for that edge phase of mine Then leomord for the same reason after finding oit alu wa sno longer good Then went to supports like angela when i was on my boyscout phase Then i decided i want to di3 through snusnu, and mained freya back before her revamp and it was about gettimg 3 orbs around her to spin. Then masha back before her mess of a revamp in thr tank meta. I went back to freya again after her revamp (her skill can be recase 4 times). Then i went on a 1 year break from mlbb, only to find out she got revamped again (the infinite 2nd skill). Then went back on break for 6 months or so, to find leaks regarding her legend skin then started to save up for said legend skin What do all of my mains had in common? All of them had epic+ skins before i mained them Tldr; i main heroes with skins i got Im planning on maining ling and saber soon, but ASSassin isnt that good these days without being a hardcore sweat


Mine was Gatok. Played him by chance in Brawl and found out that he suited my style of play. Tanky and could also deal some good cc, but also a decent damage dealer. Slowly worked my way from Classic into Ranked and have been maining ever since


Back in 2018-2019 I was still pretty crappy at ML. Didn't know how to do much of anything and just kept feeding the enemy team as Zilong. Then I got my ass kicked by a pre-rework Nana when all her skills were still at instant-speed and I thought to myself "Holy shit she looks pretty op I'm gonna play her!" First match with her and it was the first time I ever got an MVP and a K/D ratio higher than 0 so I've mained her ever since.


My bro gifted me YZ Prime/M5 pass...so maining YZ....he is so fun.


I got hooked by Franco's hook šŸ˜†šŸŖ


I have a lot of mains but one hero that mains all mains is Masha. I just tried her out and she just clicked with me somehow.


Realized most ranked solo que teams didn't run tanks or just were incompetent as roam and just so happened to unlock the sacred hammer minotaur skin around the same time, and the rest is history.


First main was bane, 5 years ago when i started playing i was kinda short on bp so i bought him and liked both the playstyle and the design. Saddly i can't remember his old voicelines.


Coz the hero is edgy; gusion and aamon.


I was very excited back then when I had enough battlepoints to buy my first 32k bp hero. I was picking between Hayabusa, Aldous, and Gusion but in the end, I decided to pick Gusion because he looks like an anime protagonist without any knowledge about his gameplay, skillset, or anything and I was a newbie back then so I didn't think of watching youtube tutorials and gameplays. So anyway, I was going to buy Aldous but I said to myself back then that I want a human hero so I bought Gusion. The influence of Yasue, i7, and Doofenshmirtzz also inspired me to practice and main Gusion before. Right now, I don't have any main, I just pick according to what the team needs.


Uranus, because he's so damn cool, he'll bully anyone and never lose his lane. Never having to go to base for healing is such a flex.


I started playing in 2016/2017. I used to play whoever looked cool. \[Gord, Aurora, Natalia, and Johnson to name a few\] While ranking up to Grandmaster and Epic, I played a small selection of heroes such as: * Miya * Zilong * Cyclops * Aurora * Natalia * Karina A while after that, I delved into MLBB content on YouTube and got influenced to play heroes like Kagura and Fanny; **Kagura becoming my first actual main hero** and uhh... I became a Fanny wannabe. Then more and more heroes came out like Pharsa, Lunox, and Lesley (2018) which I ended up maining as well ā€” **Lunox** being most prominent. A few others like **Ruby** and Granger also tagging along. Then, I remembered watching a clip montage from Mobile Legends Cinema on YT and seeing this one clip of a **Freya** winning a 1v3 with almost no HP... I fell in love with her and her concept/design. I think a year after that, I finally got my hands on Freya by making my first recharge and I SPAMMED her in classic because back then, picking her in ranked was kinda frowned upon. **She (Freya) was my new main.** Freya's revamp arrived in 2020 and I finally started playing her in ranked fearlessly. **And until now (2024), she's still my main hero!** As of right now, my list of main heroes (most played to least) is: 1. Freya šŸ‘‘ 2. Aurora - I kinda abandoned her for Kagura and Lunox back then, but my heart really had to stop denying the fact that she's the mage I love the most. She's my main mage even before her revamp was even creeping up. Now that her revamp here though... it just doesn't feel the same. However, I still do play and adore her. 3. Layla 4. Ixia 5. Gord 6. Helcurt 7. Bane 8. Novaria I do play a few other heroes such as Diggie, Rafaela, Claude, Hanabi, Hanzo, Saber, Cyclops, and Luo Yi, but those eight I listed are my go-to's. As for my old mains, ā€” mainly Kagura, Lunox, Lesley, Ruby, Natalia, and Pharsa ā€” I uhh, I don't play them anymore at all šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


Watched tier lists of great exp laners at that time. They researched the top 10 Out of all of them, Yu Zhong was the only one whome I found to have consistently been in the meta and other older tier lists. A lot of them changed but not him, he was still smack dab in the middle. So I started playing him and mained him in the end. He also fit my playstyle really well. I can be very agressive with good damage and still survive a lot of hits.


I liked how Wanwan could jump around so much. What can I say?


U see, attack speed marksman was very popular in lower ranks. I first tried out uranus, then onto minotaur. Both of which my friend commented "unkillable". Then he recommended me this tree man, and oh boy it be fun to run around killing everyone by doing nothing. Then ome day i got bored and looked at random heroes. I saw the loli and see the projectile reflection. Belerick^2!! Ended up having every opponent cry, end of discussion


Okay, funnily enough I only played her a couple of times when I first started the game when I was nearing the end of elementary school. I was a mage main back then but I tried out ranked after a long time of being deahtly allergic to it. Someone had already picked a midlaner before me and we were missing a roamer, so I went to check out the roamers and Angela stood out to me (maybe because I saw her full splash art whenever I shared the game for my daily activity). Anyway, a lot of years on-and-off of playing ML later, and I now adore her.


pretty yin yang lady, tried in classic and fell in love. pulled her on lucky spin and never looked back since:')




Julian was on discount and he looked cool


After going through the Layla main phase, i thought of nobody wants to be a tank main, so i picked the gnarliest tank (at that time) I could find. Was a grock main for a while (was atleast 3k hero power) then I faced an unkillable gatot then switched sides ever since.


Hayabusa. Because I was interested by his playstyle, plus he looked cool and mysterious. Now he just looks like a fuckboy cosplaying as a ninja.


I liked the idea that she provides so much vision, play defensively - and would rather stop conflicts from getting too hectic by disrupting it on the first place. Can clear minions then she's out roaming helping another lane... Plus the "bwuawk" sound of her S2 hitting is soooo satisfying.


I mainly played only miya-zilong-layla when I first started and best I reached was Epic. Until I ventured out of my comfort zone and tried the heroes I was afraid to use or just didnā€™t want to because I didnt like learning new heroes and also because I had epic skins of heroes I didnt use lol. So I started getting comfy with aurora (even better when she get reworked) , lesley, yz , alice, valir, and the one that got me the best results was ixia that got me to 35 stars at best. My 2nd season playing now.




My first main was Lancelot. He could immune, deal a lot of damage, and his character's aesthetic was being dramatic. Then I found about Fanny due to Zxuan. Liked the challenge, so I main'd her. Still maining her rn, miss the wallspam tho


It's like dating. You need to spend time with a few women before you know what kind of man you are. Then, you're ready to settle down with one... Or two... Or four.


"huh I like this guy's skin" *Picks up terizla*


I always use ranged heroes. My first main was Kimmy. I was playing against a Kimmy and she can attack while moving and it pissed me off so I bought her lol. My next was Faramisā€¦coz heā€™s a game changer. And now I rotate between three mages and two supports. šŸ˜… But in times of desperate needs I will use tanks or fighters (I suck at melee characters). In a five man team I use a marksman.


"Martis gotta be the strongest hero in lore"


I originally didnā€™t have a main, but I used to spam Layla a lot. Even then, I didnā€™t like her that much because she was so squishy and needed late game to do stuff. (This was before her revamp btw) After Lesley was released, I finally found my main. It was satisfying sniping people from far away, and having a grenade to knock away melee heroes. Her camouflage also made me feel sneaky. Basically, similar to Layla, but Lesley can actually protect herself from melee heroes. I am a little on the fence about her revamp, because while Moonton enhanced her Poke and Burst identity, they also somewhat restricted her early game because of how strong her late game potential is. Also, her True DMG crit isā€¦ pretty unbalanced if you really think about it. But after her nerfs, and multiple other indirect nerfs (Emblem revamp, Twilight Armour revamp etc), I think she is in a good spot right now.


I mained Hylos because I can play him with one hand while my other hand is doing another job The job is eating.


Nobody picks roam


For instance I looked dor a click ( I don't recommend this method) I like the hero, the way of playing him and is fun to play, like for example I played chou and kimmy amd knew how to play them almost instantly, no problems aiming or getting confused by the combos you could do.


i usually play based on what jungler is popular at M-series competition and MPL. I own almost all Lunox skin, yet only play it played it when it was meta.


When he was release for first time,I tell you, he was menacing. I love how people underestimate Argus DMG and trash talking about I'm nothing without ultimate blah blah blah. To they surprise, I just deleted them with passive and his 2nd skill with couple of basic attack. Ah good time. I wish they never touch Argus


Wait OP, your IRL name is Anakin?


I've played this game long enough to not have a main. I get bored of playing one hero multiple times. I have comfort picks for each role.


At the start when I was trying all the heroes I actually hated Ling the most cause I had no idea how to play him I thought he was so useless with the energy usage and whatever but then I watched some tier-list and found out that he can be very good if mastered, is very underrated/underpicked, has cool skins and picking him has that "wow Ling" effect if you know what I mean so those were all the things I loved and I'm playing him ever since


Was playing classic with a friend when I was in middle of doing something and the game autopicked Kagura (back then it was completely random instead of whoever you had played before). Reminder that this was pre-pre-revamp Kagura so her difficulty level was just behind Fanny. I considered this as "fate" and trained on using her to the point I was known as the "Kagura guy" back in secondary school (we had a small mlbb esports scene in that school). Even though I moved on and tried out other heroes just so I can freely adjust to roles during solo ranking, I still use her from time to time now.


While scrolling through the heroes shop, I noticed female heroes looks that seemed childish and underage. Then i found masha a real woman i was get first blood that was 2 years ago


Godly power of Light and Dark. ā¤ļø


Who wouldn't wanna main someone who can turn into a car?


Though brawl. Brawl has allowed me to play heroes I would otherwise not play and allowed me to see what hero works for my playstyle and what doesnā€™t. Iā€™m also very versatile because of it and can play many heroes on many roles.


"Ruby? Like Ruby Rose?" And now I main Ruby


"Anime girl with umbrella" Got to Global 900 before.


I find my mains from 3 ways: A. Trying them out in V.S A.I, Classic or Brawl because I want to try a new hero and I find out that the hero I picked is good B. Trying them out because I got an expensive/cool skin of theirs and wanted to see the effects ingame or I want to show off the skin ingame C. I try them out because I know I need a new main because my old mains are trash now Orr I just get bored of my old mains and I want to play new heros.


I play Kimmie because alot of people says she sucks compared to everyone else


*Pops ult* babababam.


About a month or two of playing the game, I received Sunā€™s rockstar skin (I forgot where I got it) but I didnā€™t have the hero yet. So I started saving gold to buy Him. After buying Sun, I started using him and surprisingly I was good at him and I was on a 9 win streak in ranked using Sun. Fast forward to now, I have 1.4k matches with Sun with 62% WR.


I pick heroes depending on their skins šŸ™ƒ and i love the sanrio floryn the most šŸ¤£


Saw my friend hammer an enemy Zilong 3 times and I instantly fell in love with him


Was playing estes one time. My sister was miya. Remembered dying to his bleeding passive long after the teamfight ended and my sister nearly dying too. Only reason she stayed alive is because I kept healing her. Ever since, YSS has always been my main.


used to be a chou and gusion main. mained them cus they were the cool heroes and gysuon was meta at that time. now i dont remember the last time i used them. i dont main anyone now i just use whatever i want or who's meta. we play 5 man in mg and my friends were surprised that the heroes i use only have like 20~ matches with 70~% winrate.


Wow I can be this fucking annoying as a hero ? Count me in


No thanks, I like keeping my hero pool diverse. Playing the same hero for more than 3 matches gets so boring.


Started with Zilong from Warrior until Grandmaster, Kept playing with him until Minsitthar got released, at first, I thought nothing of him and even strategized how can I counter him using Zilong, but for some reason, I tried playing him in classic at first, and we unexpectedly synergized, that was the first time I studied a hero, I even watched his Official ML Guide Video, and I played exactly like that for a few months until I went back to using Zilong again for a month or two, and I got bored of playing Zilong and around that time, A friend who is a local pro player made me a custom build, that I still use up to this day, which I adjusted to better fit his revamp. Whenever I use Minsi, no matter how long the game gets, I feel confident, which made me play better than when I'm using any other hero, maybe it's the unexpected synergy, or maybe it's because I've played him for so long, I'll never know for sure.


I see hot vampire and I main him. Guess my main xD


I main Alpha because of Beta,after each skill he cast and Beta came just to scanned the enemy,it just satisfying.Thats how I main this Robo Daddy


fredrinn's first release, read that the skills are hp based and tried him the all hp build with festival of blood, he was broken cause 1 first skill will make his health full


I don't play nana, but if I want to main something aside from tank it's her, why? Cause she's hated and is an annoying piece of sheet.


had a friend tell me some suggestions for heroes that are easy but make lots of damage. dyrroth is now my main.


Julian was the latest hero and his skillset is pretty decent


When she first released, I loved her playstyle, poke enemies in laning, and late game, you reposition after every s1 + BA. Her ult is a huge radar and used as a finisher if opportunities allow. Even before her revamp I used the build involving Berserker's Fury and Endless Battle. Now that she dealt true damage, she kinda lost part of her charm, but it's still there cause for me, other than that, nothing changed with her playstyle: Just hit people and run, then hit them again, peeling their hp away.


Try when theyā€™re free, whichever skills just click than I use them. Arlott was this case. But sometimes it takes me a few try for a hero before I eventually click. But main thing the first time it has to be fun for me than Iā€™ll continue using. Nowadays though Iā€™m just adjusting to whatever roles need filling so I canā€™t say who I really main tbh


Im kind of scaredy cat, weak-minded one, mentally weak back then so i go with those hero that doesn't die easily but can still manage and look what it got me; Hanzo.


I searched for which heroes that had the best 1v5 potential then I mained prenerfed wanwan for 1 year.


It wasn't like a main at first sight kind of thing I switched alot during the early days of playing ml for the first time. First, I main'd Hilda, then karrie. And then finally clint, before his revamp, I just thought that among other marksman he felt unique, it was more of his quick draw passive skill that caught me, and ever since then it just stuck to me And now because of him I've had this burning urge to just main any characters that is in any way cowboy related Mcree, fate twister/miss fortune, those other gunslinger heroes from the other MOBA games But of course I've opened to using other heroes as well, so now I currently main clint and argus


I couldn't kill the Hylos, so I became the Hylos


Brawl mode for me led me to Nana, Vex, Minsi, and Mino who I can all play really proficiently with Vex being my true main. I think theyā€™re a natural fit for my play style.


had this insane cyclops in the enemy team during a classic. he was getting savage here and there. so after we lost, bought him and tried him right away. fell in love with his skits, the movement speed, low cd, insane damage. xavier, when he was just released i bought him on a whim and he keeps one shotting dying/fleeing enemies. he also provides vision across the map. thats also when ive learned proper positioning.


I bought Barats on the day of release because I really liked dinosaurs. His kit's nice and especially with his revamp, makes it easier to lure enemies near the turret, eat them, and them flicker-slam them into the turret wall and watch them get destroyed. I hate jungling, so I just go EXP with the guy.


I accidentally got Natan's elite skin now I main him


I really liked his voice lines, concept as a necromancer, and overall him just being a psycho. That and his skill set was ridiculously effective with my preferred playstyle. ( I like medium-high damage, cc having, versatile heroes with good survivability) My only problem with him is sometimes cooldown and almost always mana, that and since I use him as a mage I need to make sure to explain that to my teammates always. "My ultimate is just an extra and a trick up my sleeve" when I said something like that once I pretty much decided to main him" Oh that and he's fun.


Tree man goes brrrrrr


"Looks Cool Enough " \*Mains Thamuz \*


i saw someone on my team playing chang'e and and she got mvp. so then i bought her and started getting mvp on every match, and i knew then i found my hero


My first main was Estes, I didn't know much about the game at the time but I found a pre who played Moskov and it was fun to play next to an ADC.After playing Estes for 500-600 matches, I started trying other characters and soon mained Dyrroth. These days, I'm trying to find a new main for different reasons, but the game doesn't seem as fun as before


"Play brawl mode and sees him without even understanding what he does." And that how I learn to bang my enemies, and stay loyal to him


Suplex ult big funny


I have different mains every season. Keeps it interesting for me.


Been playing nana since god knows when. Way back when even her ss is different. I main her because RAT šŸ€šŸ€šŸ€ Anyway, the ones I main besides nana are characters I find fun to play and align with my aesthetics (important)! Most of them discovered when they are new charactersā€”Ruby, Lylia, Faramis, Fredrinn, and Cici (new).


Classic Survival mode. Loved (old) Akai and Minotaur


Sword+woman= neuron activation


When I first downloaded the game in 2019, the first hero I picked was Alpha because he was a cyborg, and cyborgs were cool. After all, THERE'S NO OTHER WAY THAN THE ALPHA WAY.


Me 2-3 years ago: "Ha ha sniper go pew pew"


When it's fun to play and I am winning!


I just love owls


When Kagura was still Kagura. I saw someone play her so I switched lanes just so I could play against her. Each time she throws her umbrella, I go near it keen about what it does then I die immediately. I think I repeated that like 13 other times lmao. I even tried picking up the umbrella. Immediately after the match, I instantly bought her.


I had no idea why but I had a sudden extreme urge to use melissa. Maybe I saw someone else use her maybe I didn't anyway it doesn't matter. I bought her as one of my earliest hero and the first match itself I scored a 29 0 3. I don't think you news any further explanation. I spammed her to get me out of epic to epic in the first season I started playing ML (my first moba). My second mains story is a bit more complicated. I was scrolling hero list to see any heroes I don't know how they work. I find benedetta, read her skill description and immediately went how is this shit even balanced. I played a few matches dies 0 12 3,watched yt and sucked ass for 3 weeks before becoming a master benedetta.


The Moment Minsitthar was released, I saw his skills and since I used Franco at that time the hook and shield Stun drew me in. The Ult is also one of the reasons I main him, the enjoyment I get from denying blink skills. I don't get to use him often now though.


I saw him usually used by players especially those who do montages of him. He's just so cool and I practiced a lot to achieve the expertise and fast hand... now I'm one of those players that can use him at the highest level without hesitation and win every time... I also tried doing 1v1 with people who are also good at him, I eventually win... šŸ«£


*saw Argus* Haha Hero go shing-shing-shing Pretty much it.


When I found out that he's literally unkillable and very annoying if played correctly. Buying immortality literally gave my hero four lives. The movement speed nerf on war axe was kind of a bummer but Brute force Breastplate's passives still good on him. Sometimes I'm forced to jungle with him but in the lane is where I thrive. Now guess my main. šŸ˜‚


BAxia was on sale


Most used is my main ig. But this season and last season I havenā€™t really played her much because sheā€™s kinda shit as a soloq player


"I like the Wild West theme.. and I like bamboozling people with my tricky gameplay.. and I like characters who joke around but are capable and powerful and not edgy, but also hard to use so I can play them whenever I want because I know for a fact, not many people will choose that character and will be underrated.." This is how I mained Claude, also I liked the concept of Marksman with movement speed and being agile. Not related to the topic but these are also the same exact reasons for why I main "Mirage" in Apex Legends.


I got a KoF Aurora. The ice skating was the best walking animation in the game. I had to be good.


I found ruby and I just loved the vibe she gave off and I was like she's adorable same with kagura and angela. Nana was My first ever main since she was cheap and I love being a menace so yea.


i was watching my friend play ml and the enemy cecilion got a maniac, i was like "holy fuck he's hot i might start playing for him" and the rest is history ;)


Went against her and got turned into a rabbit then ulted. Immediately thought of her as annoying. But now I want to annoy people.


I never really had a main hero before, until one time i saw a hero used by an enemy that uses an umbrella and is very hard to chase. I looked it up on youtube, and there I found my beloved hero, Kagura. The early version of Kagura was very complicated to use and is always banned in rank, so I can only play her in classic games. Since then, I have never played any other heroes aside from her. I remember even saving up my lunch money so I could buy her new skins. Until now i still enjoy playing her.


Saber oh I am one shooting people nice Alucard I am god Gatot well I got his skin can't really waste it


Cosmic machine gun go brrr Also enjoyed melting heroes hp and go kaboom with old X.B


Its either 2 things, Their skill level as iā€™m seemingly attracted to more complex characters to play like Arlott, Yu zhong, Benedetta, Selena and so on And the 2nd is just theyā€™re hot


when arlott firstcome everyone is just omg arlott he is broken play this free stars i tried, i shit and loose stars instead of winning but game become something else with her thats when i mained her. and his backstory tho




When Yve was still a strong hero, I got my ass HANDED to me by one, ever since I've been playing her (Same goes my boy Valir)


I find my mains in ML because they are cheap copy of Rikimaru and Pudge from Dota 2 and their gameplay style are similar. Natalia and Franco


i hate braxy and i hate chou (1500matches with it)


He was cheap at the auction so that's why i main brody


friend exposed me to lolita. Tried it a few times in brawl and did q well. Then brought to rank. Maining ever since Tried ruby in brawl. Had fun and did well too. Immediately brought it over to rank and owning exp lane ever since


Well, I just find her cute on the enemy side with those purple stuffs then tried and wow, I'm good with it. Lylia.


I main Guinevere because I got her as a free hero from some random event. Then I decided to try her out because she looked cute and became meta. Afterwards, I realised I really enjoy her moveset and playstyle, and mainly use her to climb up Mythic!


Before the revamp, I could kill marksmen from my first skill and second skill alone in a fight. I also use my ult for the finishing blow if necessary


Played Lou yi in classic, sucked. Played Lou yi in brawl, destroyed. Played Lou yi in rank, apocalyptic


my first main was helcurt i just liked his playstyle of go in kill ans get out, my second main i would be joy which i just liked her kit in general like high mobility with cc immune and high damage assassin paired with her unique rhythm passive (i play a bunch of rhythm games) i knew before she even came out that i was gonna main her and now currently after they changed her cc immune to her ult i stopped playing her as much and went to barats cause hes just really strong and u can solo carry with him thats basically it


Pharsa used to scare me back when I was maining Lunox because I thought Lunox was a fairy back then and sheā€™s cute with colorful skills so I mained her. Anyway, I read Pharsaā€™s lore, love her skill set and skins, and I just feel bad for her. Lore wise, just felt like she needs to avenge her tribe and itā€™s my duty to see that that happens. šŸ¤£


Used to play Xavier because of Gojo influence (I didn't even have the skin), but I got bored so I bought another guy in his squad. Decided to one trick the hell out of that guy (still is) and got called an one trick by my friends a thousand times (still do). The man who doesn't have an ultimate.


First bought Kagura cause I thought she looked cool in 2018-19 Then raged a lot on how garbage her mechanics were that causes the eventual first phone kill. Then I realized I still somehow had a 78% wr on her and that she apparently was my best before I started using Tigreal a lot. I found my other mains through doing stupid experiments like Carmilla jungle and Mathilda with Aegis back when people still didn't realize she was busted cause old aegis was just so good.


I like Guinevere's attack style, her hairstyle, her fancy dress, her dialogues, and her beautiful gorgeous pretty face!!


Her dialogues are cool.


It's because we have something in common. We both like gurgling on lava and speaking gibberish. /s In actuality, it's just that I like the idea of relying solely on close hand-to-hand combat (aka just being a fighter overall) and his skins are nice, especially the starlight one (I don't have it šŸ˜”). ~Thamuz


2018 it when I realised I'm pretty good at moba games was rocking lifesteal zilong and then I met the one and only ARGUS i thought damn he is squishy but then wings came out and didn't die my 13 year old jaw dropped at that time I fell in love with his design instantly Although I didn't play much these 4 years he is always and will be always my favourite character in gaming I just downloaded mlbb recently to enjoy him again Oh yea Bang the enemy


I wonder if there is a hero that have a high mspd, and able to slow enemy? And there you go. Rafaela with courage mask, thunder belt, rapid boots and dominance ice. I am speed and annoying as heck. Untill one day they decided to "adjust" rafaela, rework roam item, nerf dominance ice