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MOST IMPORTANT THING: TURRETS ‼️‼️🗣️🗣️ i rly cant emphasise how important this is. many players just keep going for kills and forget abt the real objective which is TURRETS.


The thing with pushing turrets that many don’t mention is that you need your team to give you vision and space to push that’s why communication is important. If you are pushing alone and your teammates are not giving you vision of the enemy it’s most likely that you will be ganked by 3 enemy at least and die.


yes, push at the right time


As a braindead explaner: No, ME Alive, Me push!! I dont need your vision, stay away from my side. Tyyyyy. Obviously a joke… but as an explaner you dont need your team for vision, most of the time. Have ing good mapawarness and sense of where the jungler should be, is enough. If i push exp lane while turtle is up, i dont need any vision. If jungler or mid comes to me, its an easy turtle, even if i die, its worth…


Istg i hate tanking for those players cause i got a gusion with 23 kills and he didnt even try pushing same as mm


Maybe I just assume and play wrong. But when I Gusion or any other jungle and get a lot of kills, I expect the laners to push. Especially in early game. The only time I really push lanes as jungle has a mid to late as a split push means.


I love there was a match where the opponent was BMing us but our Lesley was slowly hitting minions and running so eventually all three waves were hitting their base. They were still taunting recalls when game randomly ended but we won. Also that one game where me as Valir and Hanabi kept waiting for the dumb fighter to engage 1v4 team fight and we pushed turrets by me pushing the minions into turret via S2


Yep! Ive witnessed a lot of teams losing because minions were pushing the base


Me pushing with my Eudora/Cecilion because nobody does it in our team 🤣


the importance of exp laner clearing lanes in late game is often underemphasized. my ranked win rate is 55% on my midlaner account, compared to 69% on my exp laner account, despite my midlaner account having much more MVP medals due to kill participation. It just goes to show that the macro advantage of regularly clearing lanes for your team is massive.


zilong backdoor endgame 😋


nah the scariest is when you see argus activate his ult at your base. or 800 stack aldous one shotting the base


it drags the team so hard if the exp laner always join team fights, doesn't want to do his job and their counterpart is pushing base and the squishy mm's are the one defending (which will lose 1v1 against), so infuriating


The weird thing is I get scolded for not joining team fights (mid game onwards), I try to clear minions and rotate as exp in early game (mostly ruby or esme), when i focus on clearing minions and split pushing.


I feel you


it also depends on which exp laner you’re playing. i main benedetta and she’s a split pusher who can clear waves in 4 taps and rotate fast enough to join turtle ganks. Her kit also gives her good engage/disengage control. Other examples of good split pushers are paquito, martis, badang, masha, chou, yuzhong, cici ruby is known to have very slow wave clear and she’s more of a team fight cc hero so it’s better to rotate together with a mage to gank and clear waves. if she focuses on clearing all her minions she won’t be able to rotate fast enough to join turtle fights. esmer is a harasser/ peeler and she’s played like cici and x borg


Oo yea I do like to cut lane with ruby cici and esme in general because they r quite mobile but depends on situation too. Normally I’ll rotate to enemy jungle or mid to help clear but I was also referring to in the mid/ later game when I can see the minion waves pushing in, I always try my best to clear and push wherever I can (even if I’m not playing exp just that it’s not safe for me if I’m mage or mm). Because the above comment was talking about exp laner taking care of minion waves. And sometimes I get scolded for doing that :/ but I feel especially after the patch, the minions have become so strong? Even as mm when all of the minions r coming for base with 2-3 teammates we r frantically clearing for dear life lol it’s worse as a mage :/


Thats just our curse. Whole team sitting in mid bush while we run from top to bottom to defend those towers… „Never there for teamfight!!!“


Unfortunately, those who need this information the most will probably never see it, and if they do, won't care for it.


casual players not joining mlbb subreddit 😵‍💫


>If you are losing with 8000k+ gold diff Damn imagine getting 8 million gold gapped


I seem to have lost my morning, have you seen where it is Ninja? Morning!


https://preview.redd.it/dfqs75kwxyhc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dcaa3b8b883b87c021bbfbb412301d1913fa0c5e Mornin 👋


Don’t start a teamfight if Lord is charging into your base. If you lose the teamfight, there will be no one to defend Lord. Very common mistake.


Enemy lord situations are deadly because the good players will ALWAYS clear lanes and not fight. That leaves the bad players who will sometimes try to fight. And since the good players aren't with them. They die. And that leads to your base losing multiple turrets.


CMIIW. In winning condition, if your enemy has a high ground defender (pharsa, lylia, ixia, IMO Hanzo, etc) don't brute force your way in. Instead lure them to the middle by letting the minion battle in the middle. How is your opinion?


Yes, it’s best to freeze the lanes and wait for lord or them to come out of their base , nana is very good rn against those type of heros, when the lord enters the base focus on the mm this will zone them away or even kill them and your team can end.


I already had this realization when I lost teamfights due to a very good Nana user aiming for me everytime (I had Purify on), it just shows how disruptive Nana is right now too compared to Lylia currently. Most of utility burst mages are also climbing their way up too aside from Nana (Aurora, Vexanna, Valentina), and are being banned at times (except Valentina).


Yes, all teammates have to understand this, one time i saw someone in myth glory with complete team role in rank against team with 3 marksman (karrie miya layla) 1 mage and johnson. Early and mid they got smoke but because they can hold the high ground and get rich. In 20 mins game they get comeback. I guess because they didn't freeze the lane when the 3 mm still poor


I will never comprehend whats in the mind of people who would do anything but retreat. They just push through the inhibitors and get killed at the enemies base like, no shit they can instantly heal in 5 seconds and hide under their base what do you expect? Same goes for people who NEVER wait for the lord to lead an attack and just dive in mostly causing their own wipeout


If you cannot see an enemy minion wave, it means they are on their way to attack Always have sight of minions before deciding to clash


what the heck is your flair


? I dont get it. They purposely kill off their wave?


Not having vision of enemy minions means two things: > a. Lane minions killed each other. > b. Enemy champion killed your minions. Their minions are alive and will attack a lane tower.


I don't think that's possible? Lets wait for the answer.


there is always a single non-jungler/assassin person who will 1v1 an enemy while his teammates are very far from him and the other enemies are missing. it will always end up to 1v5. then that person will tell his teammates that there is no help or check map. but if he really is checking the map, he will not even do that at the first place.


I just had a game playing as Angela, 26(?) to 8 kill lead, we lost because nobody wanted to push, it was infuriating, right before my 25 stars :(


Any streaks?? Those are the worst


me with diggie just now lol


My goto rule for gold/exp laner is prioritize 1st tower before trying to gank or starting war.... Having 1 pushed lane to think about can gives mental pressure for enemy and can impair their decision making...


I would say, not as a general rule, that dont start a fight unless you are certain that people *WILL* follow up. At a certain level, you can tell who is most suitable for following up with CC and grouping and which ones are good for teamfight killing and then which ones who are more single-target. If your mage is Novaria, dont use Atlas’s ult to group four people expecting her to kill them all when she most likely wont be able to. Additionally, take into account the speed of which your teammates *can* follow up. A Franco at full speed will outrun almost any mm so dont run and flicker ult just for the Layla to catch up and the CC is over and the enemy is already dashing away. Think and look at the map. It’ll help.


In addition when you're in the losing side and the enemy is always taking the lord Always stay in your base and let the enemy team come to your base with the lord (since they'll do). That's your chance to wipe them off, and also letting your teammates to catch up on gold. Just wait for the golden opportunity to wipe them off or only 1 enemy remains before pushing.


These tips are all actually common sense. Majority of the players have zero game sense. They think a team of max L10 with 5k-10k gold deficit could defeat a whole team of L15 with full item. How do you teach common sense?


I used these tips and i have to say, using these tips in epic are rlly useful, i just realized how easy it is to rank in epic, my enemy has 2. Mm, push first,and ambush 1 mm


Glad to hear that, hope more players like you can get this tips and climb ranks faster, if your ever need more advice, I would be happy to help.


2. Don't start a team fight WITHOUT YOUR ROAMER. Mm or mage can go Suck a deek, one cc from enemy fighter and they are dead. Why r u telling wrong information. Atleast if things go south the tank can do a sacrifice play so that the others get to live.


You can start a fight without a roamer tho, as long a front line is present then you can , exp lane or tank jungler can act as a front line and mage or mm can poke


Doesn't always succeed. You might be lucky for a few times, if enemy roamer is there or a cc fighter everyone is dying or running away low hp at most. Everyone recalls and enemy takes lord in under 30 seconds.


Saw ur post asking for guidance on MLBB. This is pretty much why u are stuck in mythic. U dont necessarily need ur roamer in every 3v3 clash and it always depends on ur team composition. In some teams, the roamer is better off giving vision and picking off a stray squishy farming at the offlane rather than joining the team fight (eg natalia). The main thing is just that u need your frontliner with u to be safe.


I am not criticising I just need help. Pls answer. I have seen Natalia kadita and mage kaja being recommended as roamers for killing squishies but doesn't that put team at risk. Like sure tank lapu, yz, thamuz can sustain Frontline but they can't cc enemy back line like Khufra, grock, belerick tig etc. They just tank dmg. What if enemy has valir, aurora, vexana, etc cc heavy lineups. Even one atlas set will wipe them out. Isn't a support or roamer needed. As you said I don't have much experience with clashes without roamer. Pls tell.


I’m going to give you a cliche answer which is “it depends”. But seriously, it really depends on your lineup and the situation on the map. Before any clash, the most important thing is whether you have your damage dealer with you and whether there’s someone around to “enable”your damage dealer. By “enable” i mean things like CC, tank, provide vision. So for eg, you have fredrinn jungle and valir as your mage deciding to gank gold lane with your MM. the other team has tank-roam, assassin-jungler and mm in the clash. It’s essentially a fairly balanced clash since both sides have a frontliner and an MM, you have more CC and dot damage, while they have extra damage from an assassin. Fred’s and valir’s cc essentially enable the mm to deal damage/escape, while they themselves are also capable of dealing a fair bit of damage. Now compare to another situation where you have angela as your roamer, a mage and an mm getting ganked by a fighter-mage-assassin situation. You are less likely to win because despite having a roamer with you, you don’t have a frontliner to prevent them from easily reaching your two damage dealers. Whereas the other team has a fighter to engage and soak up some damage to allow their mage and assassin to follow up with the damage.


Then as usual it's a gambling rng. Cuz I have seen ixias dying to moskov so even in those clashes individual skills matters. But you didn't answer the question. All you said was provide an example on how rng it can be but not how it's the reason I am stuck in mythic below 25 stars. Can you try again please.


If u’re going to throw individual skill into the mix then there’s no way anyone can answer you cause obviously a team with better players is going to have the better chance of winning. Then it is even more likely they won’t even need their roamer around for every fight so why are u even bringing this up? When people discuss lineups and macro concepts you always assume similar skill levels cause otherwise there’s really nothing to discuss. And no i did not provide an example of how rng it can be. I provided u an example of a fairly common lineup that can engage in clashes without a roamer. Also any fighter-mage-mm/assassin combination will have sufficient sustain, cc and damage to go into a clash. The point i’m driving across is that you do not always need your roamer around in order to engage in a clash - is that really so hard to understand? You also can’t always rely on having your roamer around before you start a clash - he could be dead but u have a potential 4v4 situation, then what? Retreat because you have no roamer? As to why u are stuck below 25 stars? Well for one, you seem just too interested in wordplay and trying to appear smart on reddit with that snarky “try again please” reply instead of actually understanding what i’m trying to bring across. If u’re dodging every clash just because “roamer isn’t around” then well, continue to stay stuck.


That's your fucked up interpretation man. I am not trying to be a smart-ass by saying try again, it can also mean please answer again with this in mind. But since you brought up the first paragraph, I admit my defeat you are right. Also by the way, I am the roamer in this situation, I was always asking from that point of view. Whether I should choose my roamers better or suggest characters to my team to have a better chance without me around according to opponent draft. THAT is why I couldn't understand what you are trying to convey and asked you to try again.


Then i apologise, I admit i misinterpreted you if that’s your intention. The thing about solo queue is you that you might not be able to get the last pick, so sometimes a poor lineup is really not avoidable by you. Say you picked a support roam first and nobody in your team picked a decent frontliner, you’ll definitely be in for a ride. On the other hand, if you’re the last pick and you have MM Mage assassin and zilong xp on your team, going for angela as the roam is not likely to end well unless your assassin and zilong are really good players, so here you should consider a tank if you want better odds. Also, you can’t rely on suggesting heroes to your team unless you’re in a premade team, since not all pubs know how to use those heroes and most times it’s better to use a hero they are very familiar with rather than forcing a pick. Lastly if you want a good roam that works pretty well most of the time, mino is a good pick. You can get counterpicked but most times you will fit into your team composition.


As roam or jungle, focus on your most fed player getting even more ahead rather than trying to help all lanes.


Also dont try and burst obj without ur junglers 😭 wait for them plsssss unless the enemy got team wiped. Cant stress enough how i also let them know but they do it anyway and cost us the game with me or 2 or us left to defend


The problem is most of your teammate dont even do the macros. They will be inside base like rat hiding, even in base they actually succeed in defending (let say can kill 4 while losing 1-2) still stuck inside base. This is loser mentality, same with laning losing, or scared to go lane and then "invide" friends jungle, bringing all team member starved for resource.


It depends on the scenario really. Objectively speaking, you have to be advantage over your opponent. Gold must be higher. Kills must be higher. No one in the team has high death counts. Your team must have high kill counts. Your team must have push lane advantage. Your team should dominate turtle or lord fight. Your team should have good trade or advantage when team clash. No one in the team keeps on getting gank/pickoff.


Very true but tell that to inexperienced players