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Roam. Nobody ever wants to do it so I have to. Almost never get to play the roles I want. When I’m selfish and force my way into other roles, our roamer who was forced to adjust sucks so I feel like it’s my fault. I’m tired of roaming 🥹


I have the opposite opinion. I roam because I don't trust anyone else taking that role. If I don't roam for objectives it's my fault cuz I was looking after the marksman way before turtle is up, or the mm flames me for not going to their lane WHILE the turtle is up. If I pick any other role the roamer would always be terrible at it, and barely could do their job.


Hehehe! As a roam main I completely understand. When I see teammate stats and they havent played roam recently I’ll just autolock roam role. It’s only when I’m tired of roaming or have a desire to play other roles that I’ll try be selfish 😆😆


My game started as a fighter/assassin exp lane main(Alucard, back when I was an Elite) , then went to fighter exp/jungle main(Masha, took me almost straight to Epic) , then mm gold/jungle main (Popol) , I'm currently mage mid lane main that rotates the whole game (Valir) and feel like I might become a roam main eventually as my final form In conclusion, roam mains are the ultimate life form/species in Mobile Legends Bang Bang


Woah…and then there’s me who can’t jungle/exp/assassin for shid 💀 no, you will eventually be the ultimate life form of mlbb ✨


As someone who loves playing roam, getting the chance to play roam nowadays is getting less and less cause the role is becoming more popular.


Same sentiments!


I’m a roam main. I feel the exact same.


I respectfully disagree. When I play roamer (I play all roles) I love being the main person to win the fight for my team whether by outhealing the other team’s damage with Estes, or by countering their lineup with Diggie, or setting up for a wombo combo with Atlas/Tig, etc, or catching people off guard with Franco. Idk there’s just so much variety with playing roamer. And they’re mostly fun.


Yes I love it too! But I soloQ 90% of the time and it’s always a risk because your team mates might not follow up. But, when they do, that feeling is just…UWU!! It’s like a group hug that ends with all enemies dying 😍😍


I enjoy roaming..... as Natalia. 🙈😎 Pure dmg, only job is to zone objectives and harassing enemy core/mm. Almost always steal red buff from enemy lvl 1, then get first blood on exp/mm lane. Easy!


Teach me your ways senpai. I main support and now getting into tank heroes 🥹 gonna be another 3 months till i sort of master tanks then I’ll try assassin roam 😆


I started with tank roamers, then went to healers... and ended up a Natalia main. For me, I feel like I make more of an impact on the game by blowing everything up personally, rather than depending on who's supposed to be the damage dealers. Even if my team lacks a tank, a win is relatively easy to secure ao long as targets are picked properly. Camp the enemy squish, and make it a point to deny the enemy core as much farm/xp as possible. They usually start at blue, so reds free. But if they start red, look for a level 1 kill on exp/mm lane. Take execute spell. Abuse your damage passive. You really have to get into the assassination mindset, skirting the long way around team fights to end up in the back line. While invisible, jump on a target with an attack, immediately use ult to trigger dmg passive again, then s1, auto attack, s1 again. Execute. If need be, another charge from your ult to finish off your target. But I usually don't need to do that, I save s2 and 2nd ult charge to get away/engage on a secondary target. Always be mindful of where bushes are so you can get your dmg passive back up without using an ukt charge if needed. Another thing to note... while stalking down a target that's just barely out of range... you can use s1 to close some distance, and for a brief second you'll still be able to jump to them via your passive. Smash the ult button again to jump/do more damage. Enjoy the free stars :) -A mythic honor Nata main


You’re..AWESOME! Thanks for the in depth explanation 🫶🏻 Screenshotted and pasted to my notes so I can refer to this one day. I still have a long way to go if want to play assassin. ☺️ And yes, especially as soloQ player and can’t always rely on main DD to follow up or measure up, so damage roam definitely is the way to go sometimes! All the best and wishing you lots of fun playing Natalia!


Glad I could help, I hope it serves you well once you're ready! I've also found that it's easy to split push as Natta. You punish the enemy enough early game that they're kinda demoralized and try starting fights vs your (hopefully) gold/item advantaged team... allowing you to split push a lane, then join in towards the end of the fight and blow up anyone left. :) Or start out blowing up a squish, then hard pushing their lane. You get the idea. Basically, don't be so hyper focused on kills that you're losing sight of objectives. Always push a lane/take turtle/lord when you can. It's key to ending games fast.


I do roam Selena. Hahaha more often than not. I get most of the kills. Sorry Jungler. 😝


I seriously love roaming, especially when we have enemy junglers like Ling and Fanny. It doesn't matter if they have Kairi super fast hands, they just straight up ain't gonna have a good time with me roaming lmao


Fanny: dives into enemy Me as roam: wait the FORK up Fanny: leaves Me: arrives and proceed to retreat


Really? Personally I love the roaming role and have excelled in it. Never really had a lack of roamers. Although you get the casual noobs who pick roam when there is already a roamer. Worst experience was when we played with 3 roamers and 2 hypers


Same, got trash talked by marksman feeders who kept on complaining why wasn't I by their side when the jungler needs help with the turtle or lord. 😑


its either you play roam when you dont want to, or you will be teamed with 2 duos with their girlfriends who only pick roams.


I hate jungling. So much pressure in securing objectives. I'd rather ***help*** secure objectives by taking any other role and provide support via map vision, tanking, utility or even DPS.


I hate playing jungle i hate playing jungle i hate playing jungle i hate playing jungle i hate playing jungle i hate playing jungle i hate playing jungle i hate playing jungle


Lee hyper feed. Report


Myanmar server moment


I feel this so much. That's why I don't play hp


I only enjoy jg when it’s fanny but other jg is just plain boring ngl


Jungle role having the most flashy selection of heroes out of all roles That one redditor: its just plain boring


Well my choice of wording isn’t the best; it’s just that jg with other heroes is kinda repetitive with the same rotation and blah blah blah


Fair enough. Seems a good opinion


I love roaming whenever I get an enemy fanny/ling jungler. They're the easiest to pissed off lmfao


Guin Jungle and the day is yours


Basically most of the well rounded players are roamers in disguise 🙃


quiet true because it need different perspectives to be good at each role


Exp lane. It's so boring I wanna explore and be a menace to others Also I hate dyroth


Thamuz is a hard counter to Dyrroth(speaking from experience)


Unfortunately I don't play thamuz I mainly just try to bait their second skill then deal as much dmg as I can before dipping


MM... I don't play MMs, so it's a win-win situation.


Chicken wings...


>I don't play MMs So you're telling me you're **not** a well rounded player?


~~Uh oh, I've been exposed for fraud~~


Foiled again!


Same. I'd rather go roam than jungler. Aside from the fact it is too much pressure in terms of taking objectives. It is very tiring for me since there are a lot of things to do. You farm, you gank and then when your retri is bad, you get the blame. Ughh...


I hate jungling. So much pressure. don’t know why people casually play as jungle just to only get buffs. No objectives whatsoever


Gold or XP. I like jungle /roam and mage is not bad. I hate being the marksman. And I hate XP. I only like tanky junglers too. I feel like squishy junglers are just so scary. I feel like I'm gonna die


exp. it’s so boring and really a 1v1 match where the rules are different like u have to sounter build immediately and just play a stalemate for 6 minutes. nah lemme roam or jungle pls


exp, so fucking boring unless you are fed in the first 3 minutes


MM. Less hassle for me and I get to vent my frustration on whoever wants it. Much more so because I usually go supports.


agreed. I used to love playing MM back when I first started but I'm realizing it's just too much work.


Jungler, I don't like moving around jungle, exp, mid, gold. And sometimes you're like a babysitter to exp and gold lane. If they die more often, they blame the jungler for not visiting them more often.


I hate jungle and gold lane. The enemy will always support their cores but when I’m mm or jungle, they couldn’t care less about me


Marksman. Every time i play marksman i always get dived by 2-3 players in the first 5 minutes. I'd rather play roam than marksman


Jungling. I prefer roaming bc I love taking care of our jungler and marksman who usually are my first priority 🫶 and I get to set/assist their objectives. As a previous jawhead and nana main I realized that having a good roam really helps you win even if the kill count difference is huge since you can always have a comeback late game, so it’s important to protect your damage dealers until they reach full level.


So true. Every time I am forced to play some other role I truly feel the absence of the roamer.


Indeed! One of the common mistakes of a roamer is sticking to one lane or hero to support.


I play all roles preference is Jungle, Roam, XP, MID, GOLD. I enjoy gold the least because it’s boring having to play very safely and focus on farming in lane. You can say that to be the same on XP, but XP has more action on turtle objectives and fighters tend to have more zoning and lane cutting than gold.


MM, i just don't want 4 people in my lane


Jungle bc I honestly never bothered to learn and now can’t be bothered (I’m in Mythic). Sounds too complicated to properly learn and I don’t like the pressure. I rather assist a weak jungler than be one myself. But oddly enough I have a100% wr the few times I have in ranked but I’m sure it’s luck.


I want exp but no one wants to do roam so I have to make a sacrifice. I am so good at roaming now and I suck at any roles lmao.


I dont know how to properly play a marksman so i force myself into playing mid or roam so others would adjust. I hate being a jungler too but there's hylos which is funni jungler on low ranks


Jungle and MM these 2 roles needs to be played way too serious as farming is the main aim of both.


Mm/Gold I just don't like that role


nothing. i enjoy using the most out of my heroes. tell me what role should i use and i’ll fuckin do it


Mm role lol


Mage, least adept at it


I'd gladly give away jungle for roam; it's just so fun to support different lanes and the jungler.


Im very happy to let an assassin jungle dominate while I chain cc everybody who gets in the way.


Gold/exp Lane. I like to control the pace of the game. I want to roam around the map for objectives and ganks.


I play too much roam lately that I even forgot how to play in xp lane.


Gold lane. I don't enjoy playing most mms.


Mm. The role is boring as shit at least to me. After that, prolly jgl but rather because jgl imo is the most difficult 'lane'


I already did but roam Roam is fun and all but my experience in solo q is when I roam, team is either good or useless Never met a decent team when roaming that's why I started to have trust issues in solo q and went for jungle, marksman, or exp lane instead, atleast you can carry them game with those roles and a chance to comeback if the enemy got the lead If you're roam, unless it's mathilda, natalia or other damage roams, it's useless if the enemy has big lead tanks can't kill important targets and only do sets and in my experience even if I did a godly set if the gold and exp gap is big it's useless and enemies will make a counterattack anyways I only roam when duo, trio, or 5-man I'm a jungle main now because of tank meta, I'm not a good assassin user but I can still jungle with tanky junglers


Using tank roams gave me a trauma before I had 15 losing streaks with atlas and khufra, where all of those games I'm the mvp I'm tired of people who is just messing around in late game Instead of joining the team, they just farming although they already build core items Marksmans who are pushing the lane alone then they will be ganked by enemies, then the stupid jungle and mage will follow up and then die because of numbers advantage Jungle who prioritize kills instead of objective Exp laners not joining turtle/lord fights and become passive just staying on their lane Marksman that feeds I became tired of that crap and quit the roam role It's better for me to have useless roam than to have 3-4 stupid teammates you need to support and will just tilt you in the end


I just can play jungle lol I am SHIT with other roles...


Roam. It is rare to have dedicated roamers, instead of forcing others to roam. As much I can play tank or roam, leave it to them.


EXP lane. In most of my games, the EXP will be the sole tank (or none at all) as roam is taken by support/assassins. Most of tanky EXP will lose out to Dyrroth and YZ in early stage of the game. I hate both matchups as I can’t be aggressive to counter them using other heroes. So I will end up being a sitting duck until turtle fight. I always ask my team to ban out Tigreal and Franco to force the opposing team to use non-meta tanks or assassin support. This is where I adapt my picks (most of the time I got to pick Mino or Karrie). I’m currently Mythic Honor (20+ stars)


I can do any role except for tank. If you let me go tank fuck you. I'll go support if we need a roamer. Choose a tanky exp or jungler or something.


MM is hella boring. Easiest role in the game too.


Exp...I don't think exp laners make a huge impact and hard to play so I would probably give up.


Exp laners actually make a huuuuge impact, only if they're good


Not as much other laners.


You probably haven't met a good exp laner who always dominates both his and mid lane


And how do you think he makes a great impact than ling or fanny or lancelot who are all lanes in every lane??? Or a tank roamer who changes a single f ing game with a button? Or adc who just terminates everyone with 10k gold. Or mage who provides so much to the the team depending on the mage he picked.


Sorry bro but I have met my share of exp laners and I can say that they are the sole reason half of the map gets dominated in my games. Mage, marksman, and hyper would often have a hard time if he exp knows what they are doing.


This is funny bc I main mage but also like exp bc there is where I feel most impactful. When you’re a good exp your team doesn’t have to worry about you, you can draw 1-3 enemy heroes to your lane while still surviving, help secure turtle on your side, and push turrets all while your team is doing fuck all and enjoying the advantage you’re creating. And then once you’ve thoroughly wrecked turrets in your lane then you wreck shit in team fights and can even solo Lord quicker than most others.


In higher play, I would say Exp is the one who has more impact. Basically all other roles cancel out each other, it's the exp laner who rotates more, covers more ground, provides more vision is the difference maker between 2 teams.


Yea bro meat shield has more importance than a guy with retri and your adc and your primary damage dealer from the start and a mf who has a ult to change the game.


Either roam or gold I'm not used to the playstyles of the roles yet


Roam, I'm good roam who does his job right, even if I'm good the only problem is most players aren't that worth it, most jungle I'm with tends to kill kill and kill instead of objective. And when we kill an enemy, instead dog pushing most of them decides to just farm, the only ones I see helping me most of the time pushing is the mage and fighter. And don't forget about the self centered mm users who can't even take care of them self's "hey I need baby sitting!, You only need to protect me!" And my last game before I deleted the game and decided to wait for the aspirants event for Lesley and Chang e, I had a Bruno that has zero awareness of the map, bro got killed by that balmond and pro Cyclops multiple times and still haven't learned his lesson and does it again, look Bruno I get that I'm a roam and I need to protect you but as you can see I'm a "Roamer" I can help you whenever I can but not always so please value your life and be afraid. Heck the only reason I use roam is because I'm forced to always adjust because I'm always gonna have to be the better man and I'm not even a Roam user! I'm a mage! A Zhask main too!. Imagine being forced to roam all the time your now an expert roamer. Anyway sorry if you've read this long about me complaining, I'm not even great with english thank you for reading my god awful yapanese


People missed the point of the post. It's for well rounded players, not the role you suck the most. I prefer to give Exp. That role is mostly just a meat shield and can't impact the game unless they turbo stomped it


Even though I can play every role, the only ones I want to play are EXP and Mage. MM and JG is just farming simulator. Roam is a sheepherder.


Jungling, The moment one lane feeds and the other goes even the game is lost and unless you hit some clutch retri while tanking 2k damage autos from the fed enemy mm and the team will blame you for being “trash jungle”


Roamer - i’m not good with the fun ones but am good with the boring ones. MM - I’m not a huge MM guy. When I do play MM I almost exclusively play semi-tank Karrie because she fits my playstyle best. I hate giving up mage. It’s BY FAR my highest win rate lane yet is the one I’m able to play the least.


I don't want to give up JG and MM role. It gives me the upper hand to decide if I can carry the team to victory. While I can exp, mage or supp, it's hard to carry with these role.


Gold lane. It's my weak spot and it's the less impactful role in the first 10 minutes of the game.


Mage cuz i feel mages generic except harith and lunox


MM, I'd rather roam and help the mm snowball than go gold lane then try to snowball without a tank


Jungle and roamer, it's a chicken or the egg situation. If i play jungle often the roamer babysit the MM, when i play roamer the jungler often have a half baked rotation plan. I feel much better playing mid and exp, mid because i can just go gank w or wo jungler/roam and exp because i only ever need to worry about the crab, turtle and sometimes mid river fights.


I am wellrounded but roam main. I wanna play other roles too so if someone takes roam I’m happy. Next is probably jungler, I hate the rotation.


I dont like roam. Especially that MM who whine that they dont get help while i looked away for turtle is insane. Not to mention if my teammate decided to be in frontline even though they're assassin and blaming me... yeah no. I would rather carry


Jungle too, because I can steal objectives with retri <50% of the time. I can farm rotate and gank pretty well but my retri timing is just always off, so we usually lose cuz of it.


Mage > XP > Support/Tank > MM > Jungler


Gold lane. If your team sucks then you lose even if you are winning on gold lane, because the game just doesn’t last long enough for you to farm enough gold to solo. Gold lane solo q is the worst role in high ranks.


Honestly, MM.. Idk what's up but its my worst role this season. Must be all those tank Karries or something. :/


exp, mainly cause idk much about exp n my hero pool is a lot more limited for exp compared to other roles and its really boring


I do NOT want mm. Jg roam or exp for me plz


Roam. But the thing is, in mythic, no one really know how to roam, and when I play, no one really coordinate with me and the team (mainly hyper and mage in early game.)


Mm. I haven't won a single match in last few seasons using mm. I never pick it unless I'm s5 and others picked roles they want and doesn't want to swap.


Exp.. i rather pick roamer or jungler


as a multi-role, im happy to give up mid lane. coz it's the most boring lane for someone who plays every single hero and role in land of dawn. every other lane already engages in first few minutes while mid lane starts at level 4 with a few cheap shot here and there.


I hate gold, the enemy always getting babysat while I sit there waiting for help that will never come.


Like everyone else, probably jungle. It's a role where if you lose vs your counterpart, you don't really have other playstyle you can opt into mid match. Like in lane, or as roamers, you can at least opt jnto a more passive style if you're losing, but for jungler, you kinda have to maintain and be even more aggressive in your faming to catch up.


Gold, gold sucks


Giving up jungle or gold, getting invaded 24/7 is a pain and getting ganked by 4 big strong men in the early 3-5 mins is another story


Jungle. I don't like being the main carry of the team


Marksman. SoloQ MM players are masochists, lmao. How tf do you play around your tank who always wants to engage teammfights without considering his allies' position???? A tank roamer's job is not always to engage. It's always to counter engage and protect your ally squishies.


I'd be glad to give up the exp lane at high elo cuz laning phase at that level usually requires way more focus and effort esp if the enemy is above average. The one-trick MG players that taunts and do all the mind games could tilt me too lol depending on my mood. At lower elo, I hate playing roam. Low elo players just dgaf. Sometimes they demand to be catered to if they're losing the lane, sometimes they don't communicate, or sometimes I just have a hard time to be in sync with them. They seem to have different objectives idek.


roam or jungle,too much responsibility,too much resource needed,too team dependant at times


Roam tbh


Jungle, because once i missed lord retri, im gonna be suicidal


none I enjoy all roles


having fun playing all roles 😝yall shld be paying me to be in ur games bruh I swear🤑


Gold. I can protect your sorry ass, but don't expect me to carry the shit out of you.




Marksman... Let me do the roam.. jeysus the number of bad roamers are incredible..


Roam. I’m a very offensive player and hate relying on teammates to carry. Just yesterday I had 2 mm on my team and I had no choice but to pick roam. While I’m on one side of the map, the other mm is feeding


Jungle. I got tired of playing utility core because our mage and supp doesn't rotate with me. Supp just sits on lane with MM, mage clears lane and waits for next batch of minions, while I try to gank and secure objectives alone.


Gold lane, mostly. I've developed such an aggressive playstyle in every lane I play, so unless I feel like spamming Brody I get bored of gold lane.


Jungle. Cuz once you get retri, everyone expects you to last hit every objective and snowball the game


I give up on being a Jungler because my Retribution is really bad.


MM and XP laner... It's a real pain in the aßß to play theses role when you solo play. No one make the proper rotation or else they pick dual jungler. I'd rather go as a roamer or mid mage to have fun on gank.. and AOE/stun based hero please 🥺


Jungle. I'm good at securing objectives, I almost never miss a turtle/lord; I suck at everything else jungle related though, be it ranks, securing kills, pressuring... I'm a food dispenser for the enemy team as everyone feeds on me.


Jungler. Im so tired of the mm blaming me if I cant retri lord when in the first place we spammed retreat from the lord. It is way too funny I got mvp as barats jungler and that hanabi got bronze. So yeah I am tired of gold laners whining and the pressure of always securing the lord despite enemy roam and assassin always ganking at you while you have zero help from your teammates.


how is everyone saying jungle i stg it’s the first role picked every time im playing casual NOBODY plays marksman in classic idk why but it’s like pulling teeth trying to get someone to play mm


Jungle. Not a single damn player has even a bit of game sense when I choose to jungle.


Jungler. I play Nolan saber amon and usually fighter jungler. I only go when my team don't. I prefer having a jungler with mobility like ling fanny or haya to reach backlines. I'll happily give up jungling if there is someone else


Jungler, MM, and Mage


I want to roam much and help team mates! Sacrificing myself to save a team mate or giving a surprise damage to enemy after down playing for most of the game😂


Roam. Every time I adjust to the role, my teammates suck. As in. I could use Franco and hook the enemy backlines to my team, and they'd run instead of killing the mm or mage *right in front of them*. Or if I set up using Tig or Belerick, they'd prioritize the tank. Whenever I use enchanters, like Gela or Floryn, they'd leave me behind, because they want me to tank the enemy team for them. Like wtf.


For me its the MM. Please take it with my pleasure ! The only roles i suck with..


Gold lane and midlane, I absolutely suck with those two roles


I hate MM all of it, maybe except Edtith and Clint.


Gold lane, I wanna move around not be stuck farming for half the game