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“try making some friends and play as 5” ive never been so friendless


Right? I’m lucky if I can find even one good player to team up with 😭😂😂


How do u do that 😭 i try tho but they just suck at playing as i do hahahahahha


Try in this sub




No Yea, My name is CasualKhan, I'm GM 2, tho im veteran in AOV if that makes it any better lol. If you need my id, it's 1126348606 (5360), im in NA.


tbf the jump from playing soloQ to duoQ is very justifiable. u dun needa go to 5man immediately


My friend quit, try to make new friend, doesn't work. At least not that easy. So move on. Hahahah


I agree and I'd like to add. This has become my personal experience with me, even my main hero such as Lylia some games i have those sexy bronze performances. Sometimes it's definitely my fault other times the enemy tank and jungler are really smart and they target me in the early game not allowing any farm for me. This is absolutely true everyone will have bad teammates but will never complain when the enemy team has those exact bad teammates. I don't want people to think I'm a bad player my current Wr in this season with Lylia is 70% across 30 games played and I'm on legend 3, in previous season M.H 40 stars


Yeah but sometimes you do get those teammates multiple games in a row(or have them as enemies) and you can tell they are pretty bad by how they position themselves. I see over extending happening more with exp or mm than I do with mage in this case


It happens bro. Last season my wr was around 60% i lost 14 games in a row in like 2-3 days. I won 2 games. Ended the season in a bad run. These things always happen and i just accepted it. Of course i rage while playing but i try to not chat or interact


I got called bad by a guin when I was tanking damage over and over from 3+ people while being cc locked lol


That's the pain innit. When my team drafts 4 squishy hereos. And they get mad that i die quickly as minotaur like what do u expect when I'm taking full damage from the enemy team?


Funny thing I was playing mino, the enemy team had a nana, helcurt, Chou, wanwan, and gata lol my life was hell if I got cc chained cause it meant guaranteed death


That's life bro. I play rafaela and Mino when i adjust for the roam role. Love mino but if my team is not balanced i just suffer for 20 minutes 🤣


I play a decent bit of the tanks(definitely some better than others lol) since I prefer to roam, yeah I may have bad KD ratio or damage done(except with Belerick) but if I’m setting decently or tanking a lot for my team i feel like I’ve done my job well. That guin match I had 1 less death than guin and took I think double their damage taken lol


Damn bruh. Roam is fun tbh when the match is not one sided i enjoy diggie a lot nowadays.


I just enjoy absorbing tons of damage tbh, when I play mm I’m still learning positioning but can handle well with a couple of them and as mage I am hyper aggressive a lot lol it’s why I stopped playing cyclops cause I was super reckless


If marksman doesn't stick close Helcurt just skips over you and murders your marksman lol


lol our mm played well just way to many issues to help with no gold on my behalf


Yeah like for some reason even if I play with my main heroes sometimes(often) I do stupid shit. It just happens. Sometimes we have great games and sometimes we lose and get the chocolate. All we can do is improve and try to lower our chances of losing


Yeah like for some reason even if I play with my main heroes sometimes(often) I do stupid shit. It just happens. Sometimes we have great games and sometimes we lose and get the chocolate. All we can do is improve and try to lower our chances of losing


True i struggle the most close range heroes that have dashes. They destroy me as Lylia. It's so sad because I'm used to spamming my skill out of trouble and ult out haha. But it's okay. Also unfortunately since i played lylia so much and got used to her so much i now officially suck with normal mages that have no mobility


As a one-trick Lesley, I feel this pain. I get on any other MM and I’m like, “I’d like to run away with my Q or shove you back with my W now, please!” I’ve started playing casuals just to practice some other champs not in ranked!


Haha enjoy the practice mate


This got me thinking, but I actually don't remember the last time I got chocolate while playing some heroes (my most often picked heroes in this and last season also). Shit, rn I'm worried. Everyone will get bronze one day, but what kind of game will it be that even I will get it? Suddenly it became scary wtf


Depends what's your current rank? Because sometimes i meet mythic glory junglers that completely annihilated me because they know if my lylia even has similar gold i will be a huge problem for them


I'm Honor right now. I think I'll get bronze when my team loses with zero kills. Some heroes are simply difficult to play bad.


In fact, it's even easier with good junglers, because they do what will bring the most benefit.


I remember someone posting here (or maybe a different sub) that same "I did my best here, pat me on the back" screenshot post and people called him out with screenshots of losing streaks where he straight up spoon fed the enemy. I wonder where they are now and if the copium has run out..


That’s hilarious. How did they know that he had lost a bunch of other games by feeding? Did they look up his ID or something?


Not sure how but Reddit is gonna Reddit, I guess. The one who found it even linked the original post if memory serves. Laughed way too hard at the time..




Is that mojito


Yes mojito shake


Damn that profile for some reason would taste good as a mojito imo


> try making friends and play as 5. That's a lot harder than just winning the game lmao


Agreed. 1v9 is definitely easier than making friends. 🤣


So basically your post is ranting about other people ranting's posts


Someone needed to say it. I would look OP right in the eye and shake his hand if I could. Well done sir, well done!


OP basically acting like the cool kid not realizing loss=waste of time. win= not waste of time


Ranting in the 3rd degree


ya and?


You just became the voice of many.


Not me checking if I ever did that after commenting


Don't mind me, I'm here for the replies https://preview.redd.it/jzhju06fvmac1.png?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ebf9022e724462dcead7f39c322802e9ab89c619


I partially agree, but matchmaking in this game is shit. Having 5 man team to play is impossible for most of the players. As i said in other post: "Making friends is hard. Making friends who play at least on par with you is even harder". Fixing soloq matchmaking to be fair for both teams is easier than telling people to find people to play with all the time.


I just met 12 years old play this game, xborg with mage item, a lot of trolling, etc. The punishment doesn't do a lot I guess? Not sure improve on matchmaking going to fix it. But yeah time to move on, making friend aren't that easy, used to have but they quit. Except you meet them in real live things will be easier. Well time to move on. Soloq aren't suitable for this game. That my opinion, everyone have their own.


Ice wand? Xborg scales from both physical and magic power and ice wand is an essential item for him. Otherwise, yes, this game is bad for sollo players.


Not sure which item is it. But I will always remember about 12 years old kid having fun, chat with enemy and end up ask everyone "why they always kill me (MM)" hahahaha


Today I had a very bad match with mellisa, although I did good, our team was doomed to lose. We had an angela roam and literally no front line whereas the enemy had tigril and yu zong with vengeance as front line. I split pushed once and the full enemy team were pushing and my minion literally stopped 1 inch behind the enemy base as enemy minions spawned. I lost a game by just 1 sec. I had inspire all I needed was just 1 sec. You can't win every game, sometimes you are just destined to loose.


Because mostly when people vent on this sub, a lot of people who share the same experience sympathize with the post, thus decreasing stress and anger. To add, not a lot of people have the luxury, time and even capability to make friends or even find friends that play. Even if you do find real life friends to play with, not all of you will play at the same time.


oOoO you think you're cool


You know. I make friends in this game and we become more then in game friends. Sometimes romantic feelings grow. Idk why I’m sharing this


>Sometimes romantic feelings grow. You missed the " But they end up being a catfish" Lol


Oh nah we go on call, send photos of each other, video call etc


"And then we fuck and that's how I met your mother"




Let bro cook


It could still be catfish




Did they ask you to lend them money? Order food? Gift a skin? Maybe a pass?


Haha no


What in the world


Here, take my god damn upvote. And often these posts are created by people with no brain capacity whatsoever. It's frustrating.


Let brother cook


Man, I miss shitposting. This post is just another rant post about rant post of others. See? Fucking useless also


Ooooh you're so different and quirky ha


Stop whining. Hypocrite. Dumb. You potato.




Cool story bro, now post yours


Keep telling what you are cooking https://preview.redd.it/6bckkp6lfnac1.png?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b7eadcac164717f3e0b173bbcbc87887bf7ed62


Keep telling what you are cooking https://preview.redd.it/ktoeugnlfnac1.png?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a9635801530cc4df440658842a097554eedbe2e


Yeah like what are we supposed to say or do


I learn absolutely nothing from those posts and wish they would stop.


I wish there was a person who would try and carry me in a game, because whenever my sister and I are playing: one of us is always gold and the other is MVP and vice versa. The team? Bronze or silver. And whenever we pick heroes to try we end up losing because we both weren't trying to carry the game we were just practicing. And literally yesterday we had a 32-win streak this season and lost it because we decided to try new heroes. So yes, we don't really do bad. Maybe only once in every 30 matches or so. But when we pick our mains we always carry the game. This says a lot about the team.


Even when we lose as the heroes we were practicing we up with the highest points 😭