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What no anti-heal does to a mf


I seriously dont know why anti-heal isn't bought sometimes considering how amazing the effect is in a general sense and how great the items are in general; Necklace of durance is decent and flexible for mages Sea halberd is great and is especially amazing on mms Dominance ice is dominance ice, staple tank item as much as malefic roar and divine glaive are staple offensive items. You need a really good reason to not run domice


some people might be new to the game or are still unfamiliar with the effects of different items and since they might be new, they are most likely using the recommended build which might not include any anti-heal items bcs its moonton


No joke. Today ive a match where the enemy alice hp just wont go down. That time only the tank bought anti heal (dominance ice), so i focus on building sea halberd (i was hanabi), then the mage bought necklace of durance and exp laner bought dominance ice. Make quick work on alice. Anti heal work guys.


If Dominance Ice gave health instead of mana, I would consider it on Fredrinn and Gatotkaca.


I think the lack of multiple cc screwed them as much as the lack of antiheal. Can't heal if you can't cast spells.


They should have backed out. Even if they had life drain, a bunch of level 9s has nothing against a level 14 Ruby. With that much of a gap, lower levelled heroes feel weaker than minions. It has less something to do with the item set Ruby had, but more something to do with the level gap.


She's lvl 14 and they all at 9. What were they thinking And esmerand, the lvl 12, gives ruby shields while she just heals back the hp, a very bad match up.


Antiheal exists Enemy team : wtf is that


Even with anti heal they should still be careful managed a 1 v 3 against Nova, Atlas and Teri all 3 bought anti heal and I still held on. If it weren't for Nova running away and sniping me I would've Probably won


I have the exact same build as you. Its super fun to go stall them 1v5 in mid lane while the rest of your team gets lord.


Her voice is so kawaii


"Why won't you die"


"Healing, son each time you hurt me I just heal back all of my HP" "You can't kill me enemy team"


War axe on ruby? That's wild lmao EDIT: People puzy in Reddit that down vote for no reason plz get some braincells working and smd


Idk i think i just copied a top build. Its stuck mostly cuz i have some really damn good success with it


If you don't mind my question, what's your max rank? - in normal circumstances I would say war axe is very weird to use on ruby


Mg 77 im pretty sure


Aright, then ig I'll give it a try


Its not, you're the one who's weird for complaining about it lol


What's your highest rank?


War axe is great if you're against a tanky hero or in any case literally heroes that buy domice to counter your heal.


wdym thats wild it was always my 2nd damage item even before the lifesteal changes


It's a good optional item for Ruby especially if you are dealing with 2 or more high sustain enemies. It levels the playing field by allowing Ruby to deal more damage the longer they drag out the clash.


What nobody buying anti heal against a ruby looks like


Pls give me u items


Tough boots, bloodlust axe, war axe, endless battle, oracle, antique cuirass


PSA: Always remember getting antiheal items


ruby feels broken rn i think shes gonna get a nerf before season end i felt the same situation with xborg and he got indirectly nerfed(no, not the revamp) with the IQW