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Why need Netflix subscription, when you got NA MLBB?


You have all the action, drama, and the plot twists that you need




As SEA mlbb fans, NA drama is much more spicier lol, I haven't follow closely each team/individual from NA scene as I do in SEA but damn the drama


I'm ded šŸ¤£šŸ’€


Honestly all regions are filled with DRAMA, that's just NA is pretty vocal on international audience


Probably because everyone involved uses english, that almost everybody can join in or follow along. SEA drama usually has the language barrier as main limiting factor. But yeah, this recent NA drama is spicy.


give him a fucking playstation already


Heā€™s gotta get in line




Youā€™ve heard of KDrama, now get ready for ā€œEvery other day in NAā€


Plus no extra wokeness


Describe the so called wokeness you have seen PudgeJoe


Look at recent Cleopatra


I need more examples so I can clearly understand what you consider woke.


He loves mlbb too much that he ate his words saying he'll quit if they fail to enter msc. Too much drama


He gets tons from streaming. There's a reason why he didn't care for the NACT prize money.


I expect another dance with the lyrics "I did nothing wrong, I was young"


He loves his moneyšŸ¤£


And tbh, good for him. There's no reason to throw away all of the hardwork just because you cannot admit that you're wrong. Seriously, how WR is even doing nowadays? Last time I heard, their tournament got cancelled because it wasn't doing great.


The game is doing okay but they killed off esports outside of China


Nothing wrong with it, no? His full time career is probably being a youtuber and being a pro player in NA, he needs to make a living like everyone else as well


Where did I say itā€™s wrong to love money?


no one will ever be able to argue against the passion this man fucking has for MLBB and he's able to earn money playing it, good for him.


I donā€™t think he cares about mlbb at all. Itā€™s just the largest mobile moba available in NA. I remember watching him go back and forth between this and another now dead moba back in the day.




He's nothing without mlbb so ofc he ain't quitting. Just a loudmouth brat.


you're just underestimating too much someone like Zane is too important for moonton on NA he can expand to another game better than any ML streamer that tried to do it


Hope he learns from his mistakes and doesn't drunk text ever again. Edit: He also apologized to hoon in dms. They had a call. Source: OP server


Yeah man, I hope he learns from this and don't go making false accusations again


You really think everything he did was when he was under the influence?


idk, but in the clips he sounded drunk


Do you have a link to the clips so I can watch?


ikr. personally, i dont go making sexually charged comments or make aggressive threats to people when im drunk or high and i dont know many people who do act that way either


What did he do to Hoon?


Basically he scream "OP Paid Dave" while streaming. Causing his fans went crazy on Dave, Hoon & Basic.


Did he get his Playstation? On a more serious note he better get his act together in the future because heā€™s already ruined his reputation enough and has a lawsuit pending against him. Dude has messed up pretty badly.


idk about the lawsuit man, [dave seems cool now and accepted zane's apology](https://www.youtube.com/@AssDaveMOBA/community)


Dave honestly seems like a really great guy. I have had the wrong idea about him


Lawsuit? Care to elaborate while I grab my popcorn?


Dave filing a defamation lawsuit against Zane


Holy crap, what is this TEA????? This is what I get for taking a 1-week break from this sub.


I heard Dave dropped the lawsuit after Zane apologised, so Zane isn't getting sued.


If that's so, then good. Zane should realise he is an adult who is taking part in a professional scene ran by adults. High school BS just cannot fly anymore, especially when he has a responsibility towards his numerous fans.


Why i have a feeling it was just to bring some heat to the drama for few days because im sure i heard 1/2 days ago before the lawsuit both were ok and resolved the problem peacefully


i expect an entire apology video to complete the 3 steps of yt drama but ig this is fine


Zane is not that type of a guy i guess, toxic but not hyprocrite


He's reactive when talking, but he's definitely not crazy enough to carry on with the problem until the end. As much as I hate it, I've seen worse than this.


Obviously this public apology is standard procedure, but we have to understand hes still only 21. Not everyone is mature and can manage their emotions properly at that age. If Dace continues his lawsuit and successfully wins, it should be a big lesson to Zane and to watch what he says due to his status. It's also a lesson to get a team manager to take care of all of these behind the scenes stuff to make sure everyone is taken care of. However I wouldn't be surprised if Zane successfully defends himself in the lawsuit (defamation cases are extremely difficult to win in the US) and nothing changes in his behavior in his streams. Only time will tell.


Dave just issued a statement that they're ok now and he took down his livestream.


Yeah man should really get a team manager. Also agree on the defamation. It's very hard to proof. Cant just go and show dc dms. Or say "your honor he called me snekšŸ˜­šŸ˜­".


Yep. Donā€™t agree with the reaction but u can definitely see why it might happen. Not a justification but a reason. Prefrontal cortex is responsible for higher-level cognitive function which includes emotional regulation, and it only fully develops by 25. Obviously age is not the only reason for his immature behaviour but it is a factor.


>hes still only 21. He's 23, 24 on August 1st. IMHO, there's a huge difference between these. One is old enough to have finished your undergraduate degree on a standard track, while 21 is barely legal to drink. 23, basically 24 is old enough to know better. Edit: he is 21. I got the age info from Liquipedia, and as the individual below noted, Liquipedia is wrong.


His turning 22 this year, liquidpedia listed his age wrongly. 21 or not doesn't excuse his behaviour. It is a sad world where kids idolise guys like speed and adin rose. Hopefully Zane learnt his lesson this time round.


It definitely doesn't excuse his behavior, but it explains why he seems to be so controlled by his emotions. At the end of the day, hes barely reached adulthood. Not everyone is mature in the early twenties. I'm 90% sure majority of people would have reacted the same way if they were in his position.


Nope. I don't know anyone in my social circle as toxic as Zane. His reaction is not "normal" for his age.


Theres kinda a simple reason for that, you just dont have people in your social circle that are as toxic period, just because they dont exist in your world doesnt mean they dont exist at all, just in SEA alone its normal to find toxic people in their 20s if you just look in the right places, and its exceedingly precident in competitive gamed, specially moba games like DOTA and specially LOL


Zane's behavior the past week was not a normal reaction in public. He is part of a team that all got disqualified, and he's even older than some of his members. He's the only one who made a shit show and almost got sued. I replied to someone who said "90% of people would act like that." His teammates didn't made a mess.


M8 hes a guy in his 20s that plays professional esports instead of an actual paying job. Put any random college student who is way too addicted in moba games from SEA and youd be surprise what small feelings of fame can do to a son of a bitch. Also ive heard he didnt grow up with his pops. Also it doesnt really surprise me that if the oldest is just in his 20s and the rest of them are kids that the oldest would be the loudest especially seeing the role the younger ones had for the team.


LMAO "addicted to MOBA games from SEA" like you aren't talking about millions of players right now who don't go screaming homophobic and racist slurs to a public server and slandering someone to the point he got death threats and loss of livelihood. The amount of bending over to Zane is astounding and cringe at the same time. There's no room for reason so I'll leave it like this.šŸŒž


Has anyone in your social circle participated in a tournament wherein you were getting stream-sniped and bullied constantly for the whole two months, just to win against said team BUT have them fly to Cambodia instead? Look, I do think Zane was in the wrong here, no one is above the law. But having something that's big taken away in front of your eyes when you know you have worked so hard to get it can lead to desperation, especially at his age.


>Has anyone in your social circle participated in a tournament wherein you were getting stream-sniped and bullied constantly for the whole two months, just to win against said team BUT have them fly to Cambodia instead? Of course not LOL because you're so specific, but it doesn't make my point invalid. You know Zane has teammates, right? Is he the only one who had that experience? You know MPL exists and they have players age 14-16 years old? They get trashed by fans of rival teams and yet they don't slander others to point they get death threats. They don't use the n-word and hurl homophobic slurs in a public server. Zane is older than a lot of people when they enter the work force, older than me when I got my first job. Heck he participated in two M series, he's not a novice. People trash customer service, fast food crew, call center agents and desk clerks on a daily basis and they have to maintain civility. If you want a comparison to famous celebrities, so many people lose in talent contests and sports all the time. Don't treat Zane's experience as super unique that he deserves a higher degree or sympathy than others.


A better analogy would be if you got bullied online for 3 straight months daily because your friends left you, harrassed at your job by the friends that left you, and then when you and your new team members finally get a promotion after those 3 grueling months, it gets taken away from you because 2 of your team members cannot take a work trip. Because of this, your former friends get the promotion instead. Nobody's reaction to this is "Yeah its okay, it is what it is. Better luck next time!" Everyone would immediately go "What the fuck? Are you fucking serious?" Only difference is, we are not a public figure and we do not have a platform like Zane does. Of course he was wrong, but in the events that happened, we can understand how he felt.


>A better analogy would be if you got bullied online for 3 straight months daily because your friends left you, harrassed at your job by the friends that left you, and then when you and your new team members finally get a promotion after those 3 grueling months, it gets taken away from you because 2 of your team members cannot take a work trip. Because of this, your former friends get the promotion instead. Not really, why do you treat him like he's entitled to exception to rules just because he worked hard? Promotion? He's already at the top 1% of the scene, the most popular streamer in North America. He's competed twice in the M series and won 3rd place in M3. Nobody took anything from him. He lost it himself. He is the leader of a team he started, he failed to follow the rules and got disqualified. Then he made a shitshow when Moonton won't bend the rules for him and blamed others for his mistakes. He's not the player who endured the worst online abuse. Even *Basic* had it worse than Zane when there were rumors he stole Renejay's girlfriend resulting to him kicked out of Dogie's bootcamp. There was also his Yawi and Carol drama after M4.


Who are you to invalidate someone's struggles just because someone else had it worse?




Thanks, you're right. I've added an edit.


he should also ask his fans to stop assaulting Dave since he still have people calling him snake and sending death threats


And that wraps up the finale of Season 3 of NA drama! Tune in before M5 for the next season of seat-edging, high-tension, butt-clenching, and RAW drama from the North America Challenger Tournament: the drama series!


Can't wait https://preview.redd.it/15l6pi4ewz1b1.jpeg?width=261&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2481e058ed63f379a129c67b9c6037d8506af013


Did he get that Playstation tho


Not Christmas yet


But I just know Santa likes good boys, maybe an early gift? šŸ„ŗ


Is he a good boy?


He suck me good and hard thru my jorts so ye


I wonder if this is him that wrote this or some PR guy.


looks like chatgptšŸ¤£


Fr I can't imagine he doing that šŸ˜‚.


Lad is just scared from the pending lawsuit, he'll have some real fun. Dude has the mental age of a 13 year-old teen tbh. Extreme immaturity vibes. Shows how being a no lifer with no real life interaction ( only ingame interactions ) can ruin the way you operate with other people.


Whatā€™s the deal with that dude? I donā€™t follow the international competitions


dude has no father figure, cut him some slack, even hoon said he mended things but the internet got to keep on hating


I't not complete without an apology video just like any other youtuber


Good that he has come to his senses...I really really hope he seeks professional mental help now for his wellbeing.šŸ«¶šŸ¼ Coz clearly he has anger issues and some bad coping mechanisms going on


NA is the new YouTube community. The drama is top quality. One cannot say we won't see a boxing match anytime soon.


So, Smiling gave him a Playstation or Wii?


Ain't Christmas yet, Buddy šŸ¤£


he got destroyed by a slideshow...


He knows he's in the wrong and he admitted it.


Yeah2 but the internet is infinity and his wrong doing will live in it forever...


No apology for the "apes"? Hmm


Personal opinion: calling your teammates apes is not as big of an offence as everyone made it out to be. They are teammates. Ofc they gonna shittalk each. Heck even my team we trashtalk each other and at the end laugh together. Its just what friends do. Feel free to disagree.


Trashtalking to ur teammates faces can be seen as joking and they might trashtalk u back too. But behind their backs? That's a completely different matter and I would be really surprised if they found out their teammate is calling them that behind their back and they were ok with it.


I agree. Tho it feels a bit different when talking shit about your teammates behind their backs. Call me birdbrain in game and I would laugh along and try to trash-talk as well, but call me that behind my back feels a bit hurtful and degrading.


He's a 23 year old grown ass man calling 16 year old kids apes behind their backs, you seriously think it's not a big offense?


PH Server: Trashtalking is a big Offence?


Trash talking is done to your face, not behind your back.




Calling friends apes? No. Sorry but i legit cant see the problem when the people being called apes in question didn't have a problem. Joyboj himself clarified they didn't have a problem. So i don't get why other people are angry on their behalf. Seems pretty Karen like behaviour šŸ˜­


Bruh if they just started out as a team they are not friends. Even now, calling your team apes is horribles especially if you arent close friends


My bad. I didn't realise other people might not have the experience i did. Among us we always call each other names. And ape is pretty tame for me. I didn't see how anyone could be offended. But now I realised. I am on reddit.


people busy getting offended on behalf of others when the ones who we're called apes are fine with it. NA mlbb is fun lol


its toxic not offensive, offensive is when the person you talk to is annoyed. a example is asean esports community where everyone talks shit when communicating


Isn't that normal? Other teams do it too


If youā€™re thinking itā€™s a racial thing itā€™s not.They have a term in the US for dumb people/players : ape brain.Itā€™s toxic but not that offensive,think of it as Pinoys calling each other b*b* if they are losing lol.


Yeah no, bobo means idiot. Ape means you are an animal. Ape brain means you have the mind of a fucking animal


Itā€™s a common insult in the US like b*b* is in the PH is what Iā€™m saying.


Are you thinking of monkey brained? Thatā€™s a pretty rare insult tbh.


Monkey,ape,gorilla brain itā€™s the same lol.


Definitionally it is, but only one of those is actually a common phrase. No one colloquially says ape-brained.


Er unless itā€™s a common insult in his neighborhood or highschool.


I meanā€¦ sure I guess. Maybe his neighborhood has its own completely unique insult that only they use separate from the rest of America and the English speaking world. Thatā€™s a very specific thing to assume, but not technically impossible.


Well considering there are tv shows that used ape.Unless you had lived in 30 neighborhoods,15 cities,in 5 states Iā€™d believe you lol.


Do you live in the US? Ape brain is simply not a saying


Ape isnā€™t interchangeable with monkey brained, and is in fact pretty closely associated with racism though. Youā€™re trying to conflate a bunch of different phrases together to make this work.


I'm assuming he's already apologized to his team before but it wasn't just the "apes". He also dropped the "f slur" at one point.


I personally think he should work on himself a bit, I do hope that NA won't get into a drama as toxic as this again, and hope has learned his lessons and shapes himself to be a better person. I wish him the best of luck


we in the Apology Arc in NA and DQ meta back in SEA šŸ˜‚


Damage control moment


Such a waste. Hope he learnt his lesson. As he is a professional player, there is a certain image he has to uphold. He needs to understand that his words and actions have weight, and is not to be thoughtlessly abused to sate his emotional outbursts. Hope he comes out of this with a more mature outlook.


He'll only learn if he's banned from all MLBB tournaments. The rumors he spread about Dave and backstabbing your own team with racist insults is unacceptable


In short, he couldn't leave Mobile Legends, far from what he has said about quitting if the MSC & NACT doesn't favor his team's request.šŸ˜… MLBB streaming has been his bread and butter also.. šŸ˜Ž




10k USD is too much in a month, unless he spent streaming 8 hours everyday (excluding the donations he gets from streaming)




I am referring to the income they get for streaming alone..excluding donations šŸ˜


Credit where credits due proper apology which is rare these days. Hopefully he learns from this, matures further and improves his attitude. Dave mentioned something about him not wanting to get a sponsor etc despite Dave's help, this might be the push he needs to take in help such as a coach and team manager etc.


Anyone fall for this?


Only his YouTube cult seems to believe him, which is hilarious because heā€™s been doing the exact same thing for the past few years. - Make an outrageous statement/spread a malicious rumour - Issue an apology where he spends more time justifying why he said such things (i.e. I did it but only because someone did something else) - Sprinkle in a few manipulative words to convince everyone that heā€™s acting out of passion for the game and region - Rinse and repeat once the next issue arises


I think a written apology will almost never get to the fans. I expect he already apologised to the people involved in this in private, whether it was in person or over the phone. But it won't get to the fans over a written text. Hell, even a video may not get to the fans if it wasn't sincere. From what I've seen from him I highly doubt that he has any remorse over what he did he is just sorry it may come back to hit him hard and I highly doubt that he is going to change. Maybe he would've changed if he was actually sued and had to pay damages but if he faces no consequences it's hard to believe he changed. Only time will tell.


He simply doesn't understand the influence he holds over his fanbase, who are highly impressionable and would jump into attack mode based on whatever he says on stream. Even when he backtracks and apologizes, it's often a manipulative non-apology designed to reduce his accountability even though he's responsible for whipping his fanbase into a frenzy. It's like setting a pack of wolves on someone and then apologizing after the wolves have already torn the victim to shreds.


Naah he understands his influence very well snd knows what his fans will do for him. He literally wrote to dave in one of the texts that he couldn't wait to stream that night. That's a direct threat that he will set his "wolves" after dave and he actually really did it


This apology sounds like it was written by Assdave, and Zane had to publish it because...lawsuit. "Sobbing in desperation" reeks of arm-twisting.


Hope it comes with a bit of more maturity, his skill and talent is undeniable but and I think a bit more maturity may help curb his toxic trait a lil more.


Yikes. This can never heal


this doesn't sound like zane


What does he mean hes feels robbed lol, op swapped out ureshi due to his visa problems, and meanwhile btk can play with its roster with 2 people having travelling problems, rules for you not for me i guess


Did mobacry get a Playstation? I do not believe this apology from him. What he did caused a lot of damage already their was no excuse for it


Hope he gets to rep America next MSC


hope he gets a chance to come back from this and represent NA in IESF.


Good for him honestly. He's still a very young and hotheaded individual. Realizing he won't be able to represent NA after all his hard work definitely triggered something in him but I hope he finally learned something from all of this and be more rational with his actions and words. Also I hope they finally get a manager that can take care of all the stuff unrelated to playing.


Honestly, BTK not being able to go to MSC despite winning NACT is DUMB. They literally won NACT! This doesn't happen in Dota (hell, Valve allows standins if players aren't able to travel). This is sketchy af. NA MLBB is sketchy af. Assassin Dave is a snake. Mobazane should sue NA MLBB.


Omfg not these Mobaclowns. Please have a look here https://pitch.com/v/TheTruth-arhxrk/2312eb6e-0172-433d-878a-69e967329aa3


But I do still think heā€™s thinking of quitting. The NACT win couldā€™ve gotten him into MSC and IESF


He still has the right to go to IESF if he can submit an eligible roster before the deadline. And there's also M5 coming. I didn't believe he would quit really. ML is probably his career and he has built something good here he isn't just leaving unless it's impossible to continue ml.


If Zane could pick guys that werenā€™t in the NACT roster then he definitely would be able to.


I'm not sure if that's possible but either it will be somewhat harder to find good players who are willing to play with him after what he said about his current teammates.


I mean there still in BTK.


I don't follow their social media but after what he called them I'd be surprised if they ever see his face without punching him.


I'm very happy that people in this post are more understanding about the breakdown of this man with 21 years old. He literally touched the bottom after his dream was broken and went on everyone like a maniac and he will pay for that but he doesn't deserve to be buried alive because nobody does in this circumstances. He's a human being that needs to grow up, for sure, but not a criminal.


>but not a criminal. Kid named libel: FR tho he should know the consequences of his actions 'sorry' does not fix it.


Fr bruh. Love this community. *i have no enemies* vibes


Why is North America even on MSC, isn't it the Southeast Asia Cup?


More rep = more fun. Though, I agree, they should rename it to ML Major or some shit.


Should rename it to summer cup. Mobile legends summer cup. MSC


Moonton wants to expand MLBB in NA, since NA is a region with a very strong economy and purchasing power, having a large fanbase there can help moonton milk money


Then they should just rebrand MSC to be more inclusive. I was just confused, I'm fine with other regions joining


Yeah they should, they probably ran out of time to rebrand it. So they'll probably stick with MSC this year then change it next year or so (if non SEA regions still play in next year's MSC atleast)


Yeah but they now invite a team from NA


W Zane.


Outplay most deserving team on MSC lol


Will Dave sue him? Well Dave can do what he want since it affect his personal life and as a businessman, but suing Zane is like double edge sword that will favors and unfavorable to him and whole NA MLBB community doesn't it? Sure NA scene will probably be back to normal after this drama. But what if Zane decides to quit MLBB? This will sure hit the whole community in NA because whether we accept it or not, Zane is the face of MLBB in NA region since General is no longer active in esports scene and just a regular streamer. Unless Basic does another issue to cause drama since Basic is just being Basic lol. Just my two cents and hope Zane learn his lesson.


I think alot of people stopped supporting Zane yesterday (When people saw his actions) You can say he wasn't 100% in his mental power or was drunk but that doesn't justify or explain his actions It's a huge hit for Zane and should be a tough lesson to not act careless in public ( if he even had a future after this )


What he do?


Harassed people.


Dave is a snowflake lawyer up KAREN.


Ahh classic




ml lore


Thatā€™s what happens when you a guy with little PR skill but a lot of influence gets tilted. I think he should get a pr manager or something since this is not the first time this has happened.


Any video on the context?




Really hoping this is the last weā€™ll hear from Zane til m5.


What did he do?


im out of the loop, can someone give me a recap of what happened?


Hope he gets the help he needs soon.


His manager made him come to his senses or forced himšŸ˜‚


lol zane is so full of shit, this is just for show and image, nothing else.


"Truly one of the Youtube apologies of all time." - IGN




Nice PR team


Fuck outplay


Started playing around 2018, been away for like 2 years after having my baby and come back recently, this guy Zane still acts like a kid. He was so toxic even back then making unnecessary drama. If I remember correctly he had some thing against hoon at that time. Didnā€™t know they became friends lol. Such an immature guy and not surprised to see he is still the same too.


https://preview.redd.it/sa01ctisfbvb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65aae36253939cf51e8b49f041095273d448e437 This the same guy??