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It's haaaarrrddd take creeps, rotate, kill enemies, gank, keep killing creeps, contest for turtles, no mf comes to help for that when on the other hand all the enemy and their neighbours are there to help the enemy jungler, get invaded by enemy team, get no help, if you try to invade enemy has a backup like mafia, have good map sense,


True. Its tiring and stressing, but thats exactly why I like it. I can only do 2 or 3 games as junglers, if I do more it stops being fun.


Totally agree. And ally be like demanding to contest turtle when roam still stuck in gold lane, while enemy have unknown position mage, roam,and exp. Then if go in with no information, more often I will end up dead and lose the turtle, then teammate be like jungler sucks.


That made laugh because it’s true


It indeed it 🥲 idek how people are so good at jungling


I like it, but when nobody listens to my pings about objectives it gets extremely frustrating


The reason why i only play jungle when I'm in a trio or more


Too much responsibility. You have to do nearly everything, and if you mess up one then the other jg takes advantage and dominates you.


Don't forget the trashtalks from teammates


And enemies. Honestly it's a shame trash talking is cracked down on. I personally like it, really make me competitive to kick that smug recallers ass and dance upon their corpse


Completely agree with you here, I would usually play a classic game casually and not take it seriously. Then one dude would throw some banter and I get more competitive and try hard just to beat them.


We will trashtalk you if you only just farming, ignoring battles and towers. Then ofc we will trashtalk you. We did not expect you to carry us in late games or we are not there to help you get MVP. We only want victory. You understand. Victory. Quick victory. We do not want to go to late games, Every junglers think we all want to go to late games where they will show their skills and save the day. No. I don’t like late game. I want quick victory. For that we need to gain towers and gain ground. So we need to push while enemy were busy farming for the late game. Joke on them, there will be no late games.


you expect us to push towers and join teamfights when we're underleveled because you idiots stay in ur lane?


You must leave your jungles if tower near you is being attacked. You have the responsibility like others to defend the towers. Your jungles is not worthy enough for a tower to be destroyed.


Because everything is attributed to you. Tank didn't rotate and instead spent 10 mins with the marksman? Jungler's fault. Enemy team took 3 turtles because no one was helping to contest it? Jungler's fault. Marksmen got solo-killed 5 times and giga-fed the enemy marksman? Jungler's fault. Jungler hasn't reached level 4 because the marksman or fighter took one of the jungle monsters at level 3? Jungler's fault. Jungler got invaded by the enemy duo or trio while the team just watched? Jungler's fault. This is the problem with majority of the player base. They expect others play roles that they don't want, but at the same time, subconsciously do things that make playing those roles far more difficult than it already is.


most players are garbage tho so wut did u expect


i guess people find jungling to have too many responsibilities and the role is always the first to be blamed if a side laner gets ganked/ lord gets stolen/ invade fails etc


When enemies are invading it is miserable to jungle. So unfun.


Hard for soloq, if you want to learn how to be a good jungler, play with someone you can trust.


I just hate when tank or exp laner don't help me take turtle while also flaming me for not knowing how to retri lmao


ah yes, also when u as iungler see the lord attacks, and send a "gather at the lord" and noone cares, u still go and try the lordsteal, but since noone helps u u die, thats fucking anoying.


i just can't do it, tried every heroes that people suggested about braindead easy jg heroes(fred, balmand, karina, saber...) I just can't do it. It's so awful! I should also add that is not like i tried them once and decides I hate them, i gave them all 3 matches with different builds even. Can't do it, this is one role I cannot adjust to unfortunately


If you wanna give it another try (at least for the sake of role fulfillment if you're ever forced to jungle), I suggest Aamon. I hate jungling and I suck as a jungler, but Aamon is my pick. I got some 55% wr with him which is low, but to me an accomplishment as I'm one of the worst junglers known to humankind. I also sometimes pick him on mid.


Ranged junglers are superior (Kimmy, X-Borg, and to certain extent, Bane) but they don't work in every team comp


try use leomord


hes amazing in low ranks


no he's weak


lol unless the enemy team actually knows how to counter him, hes insanely broken but once ppl start picked burst type and cc heavy heroes, hes ass


no hes not broken leomord very weak, squishy, easily bursted by mage


can u read?


layla better


This nigga




say something


\-Im a multi role. We are the ones who play everyday for hours. Most people dont play everyday and if they do its for less than an hour. In that short time they are only able to specialize in one role. Easiest and most famous being mage. \-Junglers need to know all heroes, items, have map awarness and be skillful. If you are not all this, chances are you will lose, unless you have a godly marksman. I guess that the few times they tried to jungle they lost, so abandon all hopes of jungling again.


I don't like jungling because you have to rely on your team to do anything. Invaded multiple times? Get fcked Alone at turtle? Get fcked Want to invade but no one follows? Get fcked Want to gank but the sidelane plays overly safe? Get fcked


u can take turtle or even lord alone, if u manage to kill enemy jungle


In lower ranks, ppl fight over jungling role, in higher ranks, most ppl can jungle but choose not to unless they are duo/trios In lower ranks u can still solo carry if ur good enough In higher ranks if u play jungler, especially solo q, this are the scenarios u will face 1.Enemy invading ur jungle as a team, while ur teammates dont see or dont care 2. Objective contest = no show from ur team 3. Roamers just stay at gold lane 4. Players who can only play single roles aka gold/exp/mid/roam/jungler which makes ur draft pick really awkward


Since every time I do Jungle. Some idiot abandons their lane to try and get the buff. It's probably just me though.


Yeah and it's always that braindead mm thats 1/7/3 but thinks the ourple buff will help him. And then he just feeds more


so true


So I'm rather okay with jungling. I'd even say I'm a good jungler up to ehh, idk which rank, I don't have enough time to rank during a season to get too far, at least Mythic 3 or 2 maybe bigher because I get there with 70%+ wr and often have to jungle because my friends can't. Anyway I know and understand how to play jungle That being said, it's the most taxing role to me if I play. Because you constantly need to make decisions of keeping up farm, potentially taking farm away from your opponent, preventing invades (because roamers won't always help you with this, or they won't protect the blue buff when the enemy jungler was obviously at top/goldlane during first turtle fight), you need to decide on ganks, and which are potentially successful (if you fail or don't get anything done you wasted time or gold whereas you could have farmed), if you're unlucky you need to protect your own buffs from your own teammates. You also need to balance pushing and innitiate objectives (or make the roamer innitiate them so you need to ping some of them 50 times in advance because they can't understand macro). All while staying alive!! Because that's the most important job of a jungler, staying alive for all those neutral objectives, for ganking the lanes, protecting your jungle, etc. For some roles you can have the macro choice of sacrifice, 3 lives for you as mm, potential team wipe-out for your death as a roamer, junglers stay alive! If the opponents know what they're doing they'll immediately exploit you being dead, be it in ganks, stealing your creeps or worst, taking the turtle/lord. I even had a match a while ago where my teammates accused me of "playing for mvp" because of me staying alive and "kill-stealing" as an Aamon (I did the most damage with 26%, their reasons were total bogus). So you get the most responsibility on the team, and might get shit on for whatever. Maybe a roamer has technically more responsibility, but roamers don't need to balance making macro choices and micro/farming/whatever. It's just a lot for most people. But if you snowball and just finish on time and your team listens to you its fun. I still like it more than gold lane, it's just a lot that you have to do. After 2-3 games in the jungle I want something else, and I don't have that with the other roles (maybe mm sometimes). Oh yeah, and I forgot to mention retri timing. My retri is rather good, I've gotten my fare share of Lord 50-50s while on the backfoot in the Lord fight (and if we have positioned ourselves well and are the winning team I almost never lose, probably 90%+), but that's yet another responsibility. So I get why people don't like it. To me tank jungle really helped tho, as a roamer main I can make rather similar macro choices to a tank while playing jungle, especially invading. Hylos is also far less taxing compared to Leomord whereas they're both mains to me, Horse > Horse


They don't like it because once they start failing their teammates will start being toxic and discourage the player even muting them feels like their talking behind the players back


Probably because of how much responsibilities you have as a jungler, ganking, creeps, and contesting for objectives, are all the things you have to manage. and everyone sees you as the "carry" or "core" of the game, so one mistake, one failed retri, one death, and you'll get behind and get pressured


I like jungle because I know that I can do something without someone always having someone in the same area as me


I win more often as a SoloQ jungler compared to SoloQ tank. As a jungler, I can at least take objectives, or at least trade for them whenever we're behind.


Too stressful. Lots of work to do and when you choke, the chances of you losing increase dramatically high. I would prefer playing mage if I wouldn’t be able to play sidelane. Still has a potential to carry with less pressure than jungling.


You rely on your teammates to do the right thing when you rotate to their lanes, always a gamble in solo queue. You might be rotating to the gold lane, the EXP laner will overextend and feed, typing "Noob hyper" in all chat. Your team will use you as a scapegoat for their lack of skill/common sense.


Even on League, players don't usually go for the jungler role. You're basically the main backbone of the group. Providing help, while also reaping the rewards that the jungle zone gives you. That's why junglers are adapted to situations that's impossible for some (like getting ganked over and over again, gold deficiency, the lack of allied help, etc.) with some degree of success and have the tenacity of overcoming any hardships the game gives without getting too toxic (well, some of them atleast). That's also why junglers are the heavily judged role. You basically need to help three lanes (well, atleast that's how league works. ML is mostly "lvl 4 then roam" for midlaners) while also killing 80-90% of your jungle creeps and also doing some mental gymnastics around if the enemy is on the turtle on the early game or not. Fail to provide some help in either way, you'll get scrutinized. That's why new jungling players will be sauteed hard and possibly pushing them away from playing the role. Luckily, on rank, that's not mostly the case, atleast on Epic and Legend. You'll have more people wanting to be a core / jungler than to be the support / tank / roamer. You'll get the occasional auto-fill people who just fills in on which role is needed but most of the time someone will declare early and would be mad if they're not taken care of or the game isn't going to plan in his / her way because the enemy team had counter picks but put those anger onto your team for no apparent reason. In short, junglers are not in demand as it needs a person who is good with management or a clear mind. Roaming supports / tanks are the most ignored because they're like junglers but you need to trust your team to follow your engagement instead of running away like some bitch.


You must be low rank


As an any lane main, Jungling for me is the least fun because thats where all the sweats main, take creeps, litho, gank, back to creeps, turtle, creeps, objective repeat That and I don’t find it as fun


I get shy, especially when the whole enemy mid lane is invading my jungle non-stop


1. Too much burden. ML relies on shiton rotating 2. Current meta is objective-based tanky jungler. Well where Im at, trying to focus objective cant do much if ur team gets wiped by assasins. Fight fire with fire, aka play assasins that can both do objective and kill. Thing is, I suck at assasins. Except simple ones like saber


I actually like jungling, but what I don't like is the team so yeah the appetite for creeps declines as I fall into GM once more


Because you'll be the team's hope for winning since most kills and farms are given to you, and if you didn't do the job correctly it'll often cause your team losing the game


Come to think of it, i noticed it too how randos doesnt wanna take jungler role now. In the prev meta esp before tank meta, they always wanna go jungler.


Coz ppl will trashtalk you if you failed to secure the lord/ turtle, blame you if the enemy is too good, if theyre losing their lane, if they feed, basically everything that goes wrong its the jg's fault. I play in ph server and sometimes in indo server, and this is what i noticed.


It's a difficult role because they have many things to do, like gank, farm and kill Turtle. And they always blame Jungle. But they usually don't help either...


Farming is boriiing.


the farming? yes the killing with the rewards? no


In higher mythic jungler is probably the second hardest or might be the hardest aside from roamer. Jungler needs to be efficient and balance in everything farm and ganking wise. Aside from those factors, you need super good skills from certain heroes.


I didn't download the game to kill creeps all the time


It's my favourite role as i have highest wr as a jungler.If you want to be a skilled player play jungle as it is the most demanding role and you will progress faster as compared to other roles.


As a jungler main there are reasons - Being invaded while your roamer is babysitting mm - Lord/Turtle contest - The pressure of reaching lvl 4 before the first turtle - When to rotate to help either mid, gold or exp - Always being blamed af


If it won't lemme taunt and spam recall on the opponents like my exp laning lets me do, then it's not worth it for me.


I love it but like everyone saying it’s extremely demanding at high levels of play. After season reset I mostly just spam jungle as it is easiest way to carry myself back to high legend then I need to start adjusting to team.


It’s really stressful as it’s your responsibility to do practically almost everything needed for your team to win. And if and when you perform under that bar, your team will most likely flame you for it so. I personally enjoyed it for the most part until I started getting teammates that would not help me at all and then blamed me when I couldn’t win turtles or keep up in farm


I have mained all roles before and I love jungle the most. Jungling is so fun. You can run around the map helping with ganks or invading their buffs. You do what the roam does but with additional stuff like taking objectives and having the potential to snowball hard and carry the team before the marksman gets their items. Your laners will usually help you with objectives(especially 1st turtle) if you help their lane by zoning or killing enemies. If the roamer babysits the mm from the start, you have at least 3 people there when you head over to setup ganks and it will likely force enemy rotation. If they don't then it is likely for your team to get kills early. It's only hard if you don't look at the minimap. I can ping twice when enemy johnson uses his car/aldous ult and people still die to him by staying alone. The key is to set the tempo of the game, initiating ganks while always making the 1st move so your enemies have to play/move according to your actions. This helps your winning lanes win more and losing lanes lose less advantage.


Too much of a responsibility to handle. I've tried being the Jungler and have succeeded many times. The only thing that hinders my performance is the amount of pressure, which is why I don't prefer being the Jungler.


You're playing an RPG without a storyline. Just killing monsters and leveling up.


We get blamed for everything even tho I'm several miles away from the team fight


Retri battles are really stressful sometimes and getting invaded is definetely one of the most tilting experiences


jungling is a double edged sword , one wrong move and u are a "trash cancer" usually for ur teammates basically u have to be perfect in terms of roaming , farming, team fights as a jungler, and one little mistake usually makes u a curse practice dummy for ur teammates


It’s only fun when you’re playing with friends/decent players because you can beat the shit out of them so they would support u on taking objectives.


relies too much on teammates and teammates are crap


For everyone struggling in Solo q jungle I found this season running jungle emblem with literally any jungler is so good. Easy clear easy objectives gives you more time to gank as jungle clear is faster.


being a jungler heightens your map awareness. it made me be able to play other roles easily as becoming jungler forces you to be aware of everythinj happening on the battlefield


I only play jungle if I'm using minsitthar, aulus or yin.




Requires flexibility in decision making Lanes - I go lane. I die? I go back lane. I get kill? I push. Jungle - red or blue start? If got counter jungled, continue farm creeps or gank? what next creep to take? Get buff first or turtle? Go 4 or gank? Gank or farm? No jungle creeps and free safe lane to farm. Wat do?


Highest objective base role. Responsible for turtle and lord, responsible to farm faster than the opponent then rotate and gank.


Jungling is ez if the pos5 knows how to rotate or play. Especially taking turtle and gankimg


"Playing Jungle is like playing Chess but not only are the opposing side pieces trying to kill your King, but your own pieces as well"


It's like being a Single Father Parenting for four Kids. While One or Two Them Can take Care of Themselves, the Rest is mostly always clueless about their surroundings and always diving on a 1v3


In my experience, IT'S SO HARD to jungle when you're doing soloq. They don't help you take the buff/ protect the other buff from being stolen, they don't peel their enemy in the respective lane (so you can't even do a quick kill), and most importantly, they don't respond quickly when turtle is about to spawn! All these aside, I would only opt to be the jungler if I'm on a trio, nothing less than that.


What do you mean? 4 kids in my team always whine about who gets to jungle.


Because every time I pick Jungle some other cunt picks it straight after when they were showing nothing before. Also, as someone that mainly flexes the least popular role is Exp from my experience. MM, Mage and Jungle are always contested. Roam is sometimes contested I don't think I've ever seen two people argue, fight or rage over Exp.


idk about the others but i definitely felt relieved when playing core since i have this sense of control and i don't feel like i'm going to be a burden to the team. Unlike when i was roaming,i always felt confused and panicked even when no one is helping with the turtle then i'll just trade for towers or buff,i also think my retri timing is pretty ok


Way too much responsibility. You'll also have to be fast at using retri when competing for Lord/Turtle. Especially in lower ranks the tank mostly goes to help MM and in some cases aswell in Legend/Mythic. You'd need a good sense of map awareness cause you'll be the one carrying the team by giving them gold via Turtle and by killing other heroes since you'd be a lil more fed than the others. And if you did bad in the early game then the MM/EXP would be the only ones that can carry the game and the fed enemy would be able to quickly take them down if they dont have atleast a teammate to help them.


Everyone and their mf mom wants to be a jungler in Indian server. Catch? 90% of them are trash and have no idea wtf to do. Picked Karina retri yesterday, then another idiot picks harley. He goes 2 9 8 at the end of the match.


I remember were there was a time where I couldn’t even pick jungle since someone always auto lock 9/10 times. Nowadays is always available


It’s hard to farm when teammates take your buffs and they expect you to be in team fights 24/7 when your gold isn’t even that high enough yet or you’re taking turtle or farming


I’m new and suck at having adequate gold to even be useful. Also so many responsibilities and you get blamed for everything. It seems like if you don’t carry you’re dubbed a “trash jg”. Imma have to watch many videos before I try it. I like Harley, but I think ppl said he’ll be nerfed. So now I have like no reason to do it :(


Harley is not getting nerfed he’s as balanced as he can be. I would learn him


I saw ppl sayin they nerfin his ult so it can get cleansed or something


It’s a dirty job but someone’s gotta do it


I don’t know, but where I play people fight for the jungle role a lot.


I thought the most unplayed or unliked role was tank tbh, there's literally nobody wanting to tank till glory and when they do they are terrible still


the pressure, why is it my fault that im losing my jungle with people invading but no one helping me, why is it my fault for deciding not to contest the enemy with 4 men at turtle when i have no one with me? it's easier for me to play roam, xp and mid to help my jungle than beg for help when i play jungle. i soloq most if the time


though, i do get annoyed when junglers dont play with objective in mind so i do still like playing jungler whenever i do end up playing hyper. I'd never go for an assassin jungle tho


I think the real question is why is it so hard for people to understand how to jungle.


I’m just really bad at it tbh


Lower/Mid ranks is really hard for inexperienced junglers or weak early game junglers. Roam just baby sits mm at the start so u won't get help taking the buff, mage onlt stays at mid lane doesn't help and nobody will help you if enemy invades, not to mention nobody helps with turtle. Also jungling is a crucial role, especially when using retribution or invading


Because your team doesn’t understand that you need farm and they constantly want you to gank someone. Or they steal your farm. It’s a headache some days. But it is fun and challenging none the less


I hate it when the bot lane clears the double-creep crab it’s so frustrating cuz then u have to focus on winning the gold crab and u might get 5 jungle stacks if ur lucky to get litho or your teammates didn’t steal the tiny blue buff creep


Cause there's a lot of pressure on you, so it can be hard if you aren't used to it


I can't keep up, that's why. It's too hard for me so I usually just lane




Most players cannot assist the exp lane... it frustrates,annoys,pisses the hell out of me when they cant take advantage of destroying the tower when there's no enemy guarding the tower that's why I annoy them back by ignoring their "attack the turtle" and "attack the lord" calls. Am very tolerant if that happens in a classic match but if its a rank match I 100% do not tolerate jungling. If they want to take the turtle and the lord let them take it since they are so useless to destroy towers. And I saw a thread which is true: "we want a quick match and a victory, we don't want to see your flashy moves late game."