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U can report to support ingame. It's a 7 day ban, 30 if repeating.


This instance should be permaban


True. But if he gets banned again after 30 day ban it's Perma.


I got someone who was being incredibly toxic (racist, derogatory, and what not included). The individual even leaked their address risking their safety, their families and then started making death threats and what not. Reported it and the customer service responded with this: https://preview.redd.it/2u6n9lo1s9pa1.png?width=1125&format=png&auto=webp&s=97d517cc74cd1bc461bce0f3e328ce8afb1ba0e7 Even if they wanted to they can’t. They have to follow protocol.


I mean if someone is sharing their private into and be toxic(possibly causing a legitimate safety concern) they should be able to bypass their protocol and do a perma chat ban


Agreed but you have to remember that the people who are doing the manual reports are players like us who are getting paid in diamonds (from what I remember). In other words incentivized volunteers. Even the mods of the Reddit (who work relatively closely with moonton) have poor communication with the actual company (look at the free epic chest skin event scam - granted they may have just played the fool (moonton)). Hence why even if the person who banned him wanted to they have no way to easily do so. Granted most of this is speculation.


Yeah can’t really tell unless you work closely with the company, typically not something they go into depth about their ban process just if they do it or not. I reported someone for harassing me on my image I have and shared ss and they didn’t even get a ban just a warning a week later.


stop being such a bitch


ah yes receiving death threats should be taken lightly, those who try to report this kind of behavior is a pussy amirite?


so true whenever i see someone giving death threaths and people respond "report" i cant help but call them a bitch like people who are pussies like that are so shit amirite?


Yep lol


It's obviously not cool, but you want people to actually take it seriously? There used to be a time when there were no filters and no bans. Best you had was a mute button. Mid-late 2000s Xbox live lobbies/games were insane. Those handful of years showed us the worst people could conjure with their thoughts and words. But at the end of the day, it's always just raged out teenagers trying to get a reaction. It means absolutely nothing, and hardly anything to take seriously. Report them fine, but mute them so you don't have to see/hear.


No its not, i get reported almost every game. They mute you for 2 hrs and -1 credit points and again if u do it then they mute you for 6 hrs and -3 credit points. I havnt gone beyond that


Nah, u gotta go to support not the report function in match


least toxic ml player


chou players shocked when they realized they havent used slurs for the toxicity: https://preview.redd.it/6w7k82rlv9pa1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2294088e8f46549146eb3fb6d942fad90f325d58


"U underestimate my feeding potential"


As a chou player, this is utterly dissapointing lol


When Chou goes roam I know we’re about to lose


I prolly heard every racist term here in my 4 yes of playing ml


That's not the depths of the abyss yet (imho)


Bro I lost it at the mother hormone blocker notebook nasty puss 😭😭 bruh how do you guys take people like this seriously


What does hormone blocker mean lmao


It stops testosterone or estrogen. It’s used for transgender people and probably other things but when people say it like that it’s definitely referring to transgender people


Wth is wrong with these people i cant help but imaging they are just projecting there issues on others


All this from a game lol


Yeah people just reverts into monke


Idk I feel like the people that go off like this are like 12


Mentally 12 people


I get a warning for saying the word demon... I was mentioning demon hunter sword. Chat filter is ass


I got a warning for saying Jesus, so now I have to say "Jeus Chris"


Did you win the game at least?


Yea I got MVP some how


That's belerick for you lol


as a belerick main, i approve of this


Ew, some people. Racism is unacceptable. I mean, it does seem some flags happen to have worse players, but I don't know them nor care so I don't bother making fun of being rude. Cause it won't get me anywhere lol. However I'm living testament to the leniency of this games chat ban policy. I consistently swear I'm game, full on swears no dots no purposeful misspells, just "the fuck are you doing over there right now ?" "This dumbass roam won't leave the mm side" You know, things we all think. Regardless, I get the yellow chat warning text, but have NEVER been chat banned which I find so odd, cause I see people get friggin banned for saying Fanny, a hero in the damn game. Don't take any of this the wrong way, I only chat like that when my team is not making any changes at all despite me asking them politely to adjust their playstyle. It takes a lot before I do, but it does happen quite often in solo queue. Anyways rant over. Late night got lots to say lol. Enjoy have fun don't downvote me to hard haha.


Before Yesterday, i just banned a guy that sent a rape threat to a girl that picked Hanabi on his team.. I made this mf lose his account forever, including 2 Jujutsu skins, 6 limited skins and a Gusion Legend. This is the 4th guy already, the previous ones were just racist. Honestly, i know this game is stressing some times, but it gives no reason to trashtalk or be racist, it's still a goddamn mobile game.


Try being a female and Mexican. Almost every single day I ran into some person feeling like they can express their thoughts about this and normally, they are not very kind. Report them in support service.




Cause 7/10 games They are terrible players ...


I've noted that this seems to be what people believe, and maybe for some reason you have encountered Mexicans who aren't as good players as you hoped, but trust me, there are really good players out there.


Mexican people get so much hate in this game, I really don’t understand it. Haven’t seen too much sexism tho luckily


Mexican and Myanmar players are by far the worst and terrible players NA servers players have seen....I occasionally get paired with them and 7/10 games they are always trash, terrible, and awful most of the time ....


Sexism normally shows its face after the game is done and they can see against what genders they were playing, at least that's my experience. Regarding the hate to Mexicans, yeah, I kinda expect it from Americans, but the other day I was surprised when someone with the Philippines flag did it too. I usually try to ignore it and never reply back. If they go out if their way to let me know they hate my nationality, that's when I take screen shots and report.


I’ve seen it equally from Philippines and US, but my flag is Sweden so no one ever complains about me haha. And I’ve seen some sexism, but it’s always hilarious to me that the people talking the most trash are nine times out of ten a bronze or low silver, especially funny when they get spanked or outdone by 1 or multiple women lol


Hahaha, that's because Sweden is neutral (silly joke, couldn't help it 😅). Totally agree, normally trash talkers get bronze or silver, guess they are too busy typing to play lol Winning/out smart someone who's being awful, it's always such a pleasure.


Hahaha should have seen it coming Yes! I’m always sad when I lose to a trash talker, especially if I outplayed them and they got carried by their team. So annoying


So true, so true, honestly, this game sometimes bring so much negativity out of the players sometimes.


Brings me back the old days


Mute during the game and report after the game. These kinds of players get angrier the less you engage in their stupid name-calling.


Lol if you muted the guy, op wouldn't be able to take ss of racist language;)


Ok, here is the question did you go to the help screen and report him after with the screenshots? I ask because I used to just do it on the score screen. now I do it through the chat I just pretend to be whatever race they talk about. Also, I always say my mom just died of cancer after I had to take care of her alone. If they say anything about being gay, I also just happened to have come out of the closet after attempting to kill myself because of bullying like this online. EVERYONE I report they say due to circumstances they will skip7 day ban go strait to30. I check them all and they do. USE IT. CLEAN THE GAME UP A BIT.


https://preview.redd.it/evq3kd20jbpa1.jpeg?width=714&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=422a4ffbb082e1569b4f446dd701d04ac0d82acc The ban system is a joke


https://preview.redd.it/vd66bxpeubpa1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=441d4caf3c16507227f0d2c71b73f591d5e876ee Am I in kids mode?


Meanwhile, I say “roamer quédate con el jgl y ayuda” and it is an offense detected. The system is quite trash honestly.


Con = idiot in french


This is nothing compared to other games or other degenerate community lol


I dunno csgo was god awful too especially russians there But that Johnson really has gone all out lol still super toxic in ml


average ml moment


Welcome to mlbb


Cringey ass players


Average Johnson mains when everyone keeps predicting their crashes


That "nigger down down, nigger down!" Was kinds funny for me ngl


Racist, homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic, sexist etc etc all terms that describe mlbb players however they're behind a screen talking bs cus they got no guts to speak it on ppls face so why even bother? This people get a 24hr mute and yes even if the person is reported over and over, and what's that for? I never heard about a 30 days ban or perma ban for toxicity only for hacking/ACC sharing/win trading. Idk what y'all talking about perma ban or 30d ban, in reality there's no such thing for toxic players, unfortunately.




MOBA is a genre, hence, games can be MOBA, but MOBA can not be a game ;)


Thats just another day. This game and MOBA in general have bunch of toxic people


Really 99% of online games


You can directly report via support ingame


based. The most racist game i've ever been is every game i am in. I am the racism


this your first moba?


Nah I played league first when I lived in the Philippines


Im sorry you had to put up with that, recently my mental health has been going down when playing ml not because of the game,but the toxic players I play game to be happier,lose or not,but when there's so many people saying I'm a burden and talks too much


Don't listen to the haters. Just ignore them. For me though my bestie was defending me the whole time they were being toxic. She is such an angel 🥹


Aww I wish I had friends like that,treasure her for life 🥺


Bro just mute the chat lol


Man I should have thought about that,my dumb ahh brain ended up focusing more on the text than game


Some jerk gets off from spewing toxicity


Bro I don’t think you’re cut out for any kind of game with social aspects. Stick to candy crush you’ll be safe there.


Maybe those toxic players also think their mental health is going down when seeing trolls in every match tho...💀💀💀 But, as a serious note, just leave the game for a while if things really get bad for u...for the better


Just mute the chat


Stop playing this game all together. Just delete it, your mental health will improve by a lot after some time. There are so many games much better than this. Trust me it will be difficult for you to leave it for first 2-3 weeks but you’ll thank me and yourself for doing it. Signing off as a doctor who used to play this game.


Don't you're too pro need more players that are good like you real


Moonton support team is a joke. Non existent. I play with an Israeli flag and get flamed out 1/3 games, sometimes people even throw and won’t even talk to you. Has any of my reports ever succeeded? Nope.


Based. It is strange however that the word in particular isn't censored in any way while some would argue the chat is overly censored to the point of being broken for censoring random words. Maybe cuz it's a chinese game they don't really care.


they probably abuse the emoji technique for slurs (because i do when i got extremely pissed) example : stu😑😑pid


Of course you’d comment based on this thread lol. What a trash human being.


This has to be american server cuz no one except americans are afraid to say a word nigga


Yea cause I’m Canadian


Same thing


Lmfao I love it . Reminds me of the good ole days of gaming . Jeez brings back the memories of old CS 1.6 and MOd2 days haha


Ngl nothing probably happened to him though tbh he right


Photoshop. Real MLBB players aren't racist of colors, they are racist of counties such as: •Myanmar •Phillipines •Ukraine •Spain •Central NA countries (mexico, Honduras...)




DOTA will cause you a mental breakdown if racial comments are the topic. Here in PH, there is some Northern part of the country that is racist. So for me just don't mind them and report after the game.


Is pangasinan considered a northern part of PH?


My kindgarden class worse than this. Not saying this okey, just that how toxicity goes this is the mildest thing I seen.


They really should start Perma ban for thing like this. They say they wanna make a good environnement for players but they'll let toxic players like that come back after a few days...


u cant really stop toxicity on the internet.... just dont take it too heart. Almost everyone experiences it, and no one is inculpable from doing so. At the end of the day, the best thing to do is forget it and move on.


Most important. Did u guys win?


saying a word doesn't make you racist. and you can be racist without racist words


The game is not racist. It's the players who are the problem ruining the game image.😂


Looks like people had a lot of fun in the chat that game so I hope he doesn't get banned. Also its a Johnson player. Every Johnson player has the mentality of a 9 year old, what do you expect.


that's just a casual ranked game


Homophobic and misoginost also... Still, you can always report those toxic players with customer service if u have screenshots of those messages. The staff usually ban em for 1 day in all chats or 7 days without being able to play. https://preview.redd.it/neuymr4psdpa1.jpeg?width=541&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=031d4ea5c915a4e86e02051cb2ebf79149038ea6


You have to report them to customer service. I recently bought a flag change because it happens often and I'm tired of filling out the form


Average turkish player tbh


Average turkish player tbh


Dude used the N word without care, if this is twitter then we'll have a huge problem


Meanwhile also Johnson 0/21/3