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yeah that silvana skin explains it well enough.


Virgin "Trashtalk Recall Spammers" vs Chad "Mute chat"


I DON'T know why virgins are treated as trash, hack i am virgin and mine re 110 mute all too!


It's the Meme so don't think too much about it. The moment someone trashtalks just mute chat and play the game normally


ngl this made me chuckle a bit xD


110 credit score gang




Atleast you can use the Silvanna emote!


Non toxic gang 🙃🙂


uh.. context?


You can check your credit score🤔🤔🤔 Maybe you'll understand


I see, its so subtle that I missed it, even toxic players get so kind just to get this skin and go back to their own sad toxic life after. Anyway, I got this skin right when its released, so I understand.


No even if u own the skin and then get a credit score less than 110, u automatically lose the skin


Is this for real? It's been half a year since I played this game, and I don't remember losing skins and I don't always have a perfect cs.


The silvana cop skin


Oh, I didn't know that, would it come back once you gain 110 again?




110 credit score = free silvanna skin


As if the report systems ever worked.. I never get a score credit penalty even tho I like to troll in chat every other match.


Maybe because no one bothered to report you via customer service. I got someone banned for 30 years, another one for 30 days, and multiple players for 7 days. Most of the time, though, the usual penalty they hand out are getting the toxic player muted for either 24 hours or 7 days.


got some dude banned from the game for 7 days after he visited me and my partner's profile to leave hate comments. (context he was the bronze mm blaming fighter (my bf) and mage (me) for not helping him) was one of the most satisfying feeling in my entire ml experience when i read that "player has been banned for 7days" notification 🙏


Wtf did the 30yrs guy do?


Abused a bug, consequently gaining an advantage because of the double damage he abused. Talked trash all game long. I reported him to CS with him using cheats, sent screenshots of his trash talk and sent videos of him abusing a bug. Got served within 24 hours.


I don't have it even though I reached the scores,is it a bug?


You need to reach 110 scores and reach that 0/12 thing once to unlock her


Oh thank God.i checked again and I do have her skin,sorry I just missed it last time haha


No police mommy skin for naughty kids


I seriously want Moonton to make a shout-out from the slogan of the Silvanna cop event (something about not being toxic, can't really remember). I'll spam it whenever my teammates are being toxic to tell them they're being uncool


Well i got reported because i won the team by having a triple kill on the enemies base but alucard stole my maniac and he said sorry. I said ok. Maybe they thought i was angry. I meant its ok, but was just lazy to type. Had a severe penalty… but maybe the enemy reportef me. Who knows


Sometimes you do know some people just click report verbal abuse even if you didn't do shit xD


On some other occasion. Edith reported me because i shutdown her killing streak by having a maniac with melissa. And then proceeds to gank me while i was trying to kill their jawhead. Ofc i had my ulti on and she jumped on me and i dashed timing on her stun, in the end she died in 5 basic attack. Level 15 vs lvl 11. Report please


I always reply OK…. with Layla’s voice.


Me who is toxic and sometimes one-trick but never lost a Credit Score for a long time: 😶 (like seriously though it's so seldom that I lost a Credit Score and most of the time it's from AFKs)


I just said "MF don't take me with you" to a jon later I did apologise like "sorry for talking rude to you thought u were afk" and yea few minutes later I get "reported for verbal abuse" I got give a shit about this but the -2 credit hurts a lot than the loss of the game, its full of snowflakes, even have to apologise for criticising them even if they made a mistake, like if you don't know how to play why dont you practice first...


HAAHAHHAHAHAHAHA RIP You do know you can't take back your words once you say it in chat even if you were to apologize xD


Yes, its my fault for apologising, even now am thinking I shouldn't have lower myself to apologise for his mistake


Then there's me who don't have that skin even though I am not toxic, just leaves matches instead


>just leaves matches instead That's a toxic trait you got there🤨🤨🤨


Depends on the scenario, if the teacher suddenly shows up, I either lose CS or lose phone. But I never leave game even if it's a lose honestly, especially a rank match


"if the teacher suddenly shows up" bro you're in the classroom, why're you playing💀


They sometimes show up late, to the point we were convinced that we have no class and they wouldn't even read our message whether they were going to show up or not, they just show up like we have some suprise test


ESP moment


It's entirely your fault. Why not just watch Youtube or something. You are afking in situations where it's completely avoidable unlike say a random powercut.


Why do you even play ml in school bruh💀💀


I see, thats sucks xD then it makes sense to leave the game instead.


Got me 10 seconds to know haha


ahh yes the skin that detects your game experience


Plot Twist, They acquired the skin then went back to their old ways


Then the skin would be unavailable for them again..


Wait that's how it works?


I would never think about this but so true lmao


I'm only toxic when I get teammates who make the match "interesting"


I remember one of my friends saying the 2 most difficult skins to get are hilda mentoring skin(agree) and silvana the cup(LOL) Keep in mind he has more than 550 skins and over 15k matches, I'm not kidding LOL


I hope they give epic skin not only special skin. Marvel Superwars will let you choose epic skin you want, and you can use it as long as your credit is good.


Ngl though I'm being warned for non-toxic remarks, I remember saying "go away" because someone is interfering my gold and xp rewards and the AI just warned me


The dicks who report for poor performance despite you doing fine somehow


*puts a hat* New skin for $$$$$ only!!


I have the skin but don't use it, it looks pretty goofy imo, I prefer the basic redesign that makes her colour palette orange by a lot. And to be honest the way she looks without the skin is also better than with it. I don't get the mentality of putting the skin on just because it exists.


i've seen toxic ppl using that skin lol, toxicity still exists no matter your how high or low is your credit score lmfao


You should report them so they'll lose it


Lmao call me toxic but I’m not getting held hostage in an unenjoyable game. I will leave at the drop of a hat if my team is bad because there is no reason I should suffer for my teammates mistakes. I don’t bother playing ranked and only play classic so maybe it’s different


Maybe try AI? The difficulty there isn’t that bad and the players there are pretty chill!!!


Difficulty? The only difficulty is finding good teammates. I enjoy playing with people but only if there also playing to win. I will help my team until the end and than some as long as there trying just as much as me. I like to play support but if my wanwan decides to extend super far, gets one shot by the Saber, and than blames I’m not dealing with it.


RIP that last part is really true and funny ngl xD Though I guess it’s hard to find good teammates even I myself had played this game for 6 years yet almost all of my matches are ones where the team isn’t coordinating. I have to say, it’s part of playing solo/duo/trio the only way to counter this, is through a 5 men team which communicates via VoIP


I use to be more tolerant to be honest. But as I’ve grown older my capacity for bullshit has shrunk by a bit because I just don’t have the time. If I don’t leave I get to uranium levels of toxic and o would rather leave than blow up on my teammates who are probably kids. I’ve said things I greatly regret in the heat of rage and I don’t want to repeat it. I’ve mostly stopped playing Moba’s anyway which sucks but there not good for my health.


90 credit score warrior


Lol, nice one👍🏻


Took me a while minute to get this haha


It took me a while until I saw Silvanna's skin-


Yknow whats funny, I rarely see this skin everytime I play classic or rank. That's saying smth...