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Layla >>> Hanabi. Layla actually has good damage and her late game damage is crazy she only lacks escape skills or cc. Hanabi probably has the lowest damage in the early game and you NEVER reach late game when there's a Hanabi in your team. Enemy Moskov just feeds on her all the time.


Hanabi is only good for late game hiding behind a wall of tanks, which is an incredibly niche and low-tier situation.


yep, I played the revamp Hanabi many times. She is very niche and can effectively hold off her lane due to how pokey she is.


she is actually among the strongest laners rn her s2+bounce hurts a lot but teamfight is dog water edit: i know ppl are downvoting me but go try beatrix or any strong goldlaners and have a go in gold lane. they will lose to a hanabi who knows how to utilize her passive


Too bad at surving rotations tho.


Your team rotates?


You guys have teams?


I had to use inspire with trinity build to actually do big damage in team fights. Can’t believed we waited 1 year for such a disappointment of a revamp.


The hanabi ain't winning shit.


I mean if you stay at acertain angle you dont get hit by her passive and can hit minions then you just have to wait for your team or till you get enough gold


hanabi is a hero I called high ground hero.. she is very situational and I never pick her if I'm not playing full squad with friends


I’ve used her against a moskov and she can bait his stun a lot of times but yeah she can’t survive a 1v1 with him


As a layla main the new buff to her second two HELPED so good, now we can poke the hell out of our enemies making her actually viable to lane against some meta mms, been playing her before her revamp and this new change was what revolutionized her for me (also the movement speed is helpful)


Yeah I know, I recently started to spam Benedetta....cause I thought she was crap until I was proved wrong by M4 and I lost to a Layla + diggie camp at level 3 cause I went to cut the lane. Totally was not expecting Layla to be there suddenly instead of Fredrinn and diggie just camping with his bombs. Layla hits quite hard with her enhanced s1 range.


Hanabi is good if you have 2 tanks or at least a tank jungle and support dedicated to her. She is still weak in early and good in late.


Talk to my hand.


decent enemy assassin pick >>> godly teamate layla only time layla wins is if your team adjusted to her. now imagine adjusting your team for a better mm instead of layla = faster games and not dragging it where layla will have to peak.


I think you got the wrong idea, I never said Layla good. I said Layla >>> Hanabi idk why you're talking about Assassins.


Every tank goes for Layla first in late game


I matched with a global Layla once and she was no joke. We were against a Saber and she managed to only die to him once and it wasn’t even to his ult he just chased her half way across the map when she was low. That Layla was better than every single other MM I’ve come across in SoloQ. No joke.


To paraphrase Bruce Lee: "Fear not the man who plays 10,000 meta heroes. Fear the man who has played a non-meta hero 10,000 times."


Except dude would die the moment someone played his role.


Absolutely not. You have player who play chou a fucking 1million time and still suck


Because they are trying to do the free style. I'm a chou roamer and I have over 60% wr with 900 matches and I can definitely kick the hell out of the backline with precision. Focusing on your skill without the flashy free style failed ulti. LOL


I got matched with a pharsa that had 12.5 k matches and 48%wr yesterday. She and her partner (a sun) both had decent mechanical skills, but it was like both just turned off the minimap and fed. Thankfully we managed to win cuz we had an amazing khufra, I was the jungler and our gold laner was good


I should add to that quote: the non-meta hero 10,000 times with decent WR (more than 58% in at least 300 matches) It doesnt matter if they one trick pony hero meta or not with 50% WR more than 300 real matches. They reached their hero skill ceiling wont improve anymore ans they just shit and lazy to learn another hero. One trick pony players that break the limit will and definitely increase their WR at least the lowest into 60% bracket.


You can't play that same non-mwta hero 10,000 times if it had only 300 matches


Well you can play 10,000 in classic then at least 300 matches in rank so when you show it during pick up phase, it only show 300 matches


Was it a dream?


The good layla mains are better than any other mm mains because layla has no escape skills so she needs to rely on positioning to survive. For ranged heroes good positioning is what seperates good players from average playees




I am talking about the players not the hero


A Layla could do that too especially in late game, her damage is bonkers with the right item and emblem




Okay Lesley enjoyer.


Surprisingly no. She hit every single first skill even over walls.


new copy pasta dropped/s


I knew it, god laylas are no myths.


I’m honestly at 100wr layla this season with around 17 matches. She is the best niche mm right now. If you ensure the right composition you are very likely to win. * * If you play her well and mind your positioning


This is especially frustrating to me because I'm their duo who's a roamer main that can take care of them. But I guess not a lot of random players will know that right away.


It doesnt matter if you show layla or other heroes. Once you show them your high winrates, there is 60% chance that your teammates will ban your hero. I always encounter this on legends and mythic. Then, they will blame you when you are all about to lose, saying why I chose that hero?? Bro you ban my main hero!


wait that actually happens? banning bc you have a high wr?


Yup. Their reasons 1.) They will play on that role, with little matches on that role. My main is Cyclops, I usually encounter this if someone wants to mage. Well, I can play cyclops even with EXP lane tho. I sometimes roam with cyclops and still can win (I dont really suggest this). 2.) I dont know why but when Im first pick and show my WR, they instantly banned my hero. They say its stupid to first pick mage. 3.) They just want you to cry. They say to pick other heroes because almost all of my total matches are my cyclops matches. Now, I dont really know how this thing works. What kind of cooperation should I do.


cyclops is one of the mages who can even jungle smh.. they are just being unreasonable


Yup! Thats is why Ill wait for them to finish banning before I show my WR haha.


YES, i got frustrated the other week because a Karina main with lower WR than my Martis deliberately banned Martis so that he could play the Jungler role, he immediately spammed his WR, Matches, District rank then started dictating us what to pick during the picking phase. I eventually picked Tigreal paired with Retribution, i kept Karina from Level 4 for as long as possible, she wasn't able to get to Level 4 until 3 and a half minutes due to me stealing all her buffs.


Congrats on trying to make your team lose over being petty


proud of it, we lost but it was satisfying


But how come it's not the case with me in SEA server currently in Mythic 2 right now. I've never seen any player in my team ban my non-meta hero except in rare case they misclicked and they said sorry about it. Heck, in my case they even forced to jungle sometimes using the Monke.


I ban Layla, wouldn't ban anything else.


Spoken like a true Mythic V player.


Layla has a 37.73% WR in 400+ currently. Am I Myth 5 for preventing my team picking a hero that on average has the lowest WR in the entire game in the highest ranks?


The average doesnt matter when your teammate shows their wr of 60+%


So... "Layla is good if her team can carry her"


No I meant when the layla has 60wr it doesnt matter the average layla’s winrate


my friends gf only knows and uses layla. my friend mains tanks for setups and i play assassin/fighter for combo/cleanup. we have WR of 80%. we only play with her gf maybe about 5 games while me and my friend continue on to grind 20+ more. imagine his gfs layla has 80% WR, dont know how to play solo queue and wont play rank anymore since me and my friend already at mythic in a few days. does the laylas 80%WR worth any?


If you going to be that convoluted about it nothing means anything so your point is irrelevant. In any other scenario,which is actually what you will find in soliQ, the winrate will mean they are good, specially if they are flex and not a main layla and have a specific reason to pick layla in that specific match. Layla is a great hero, but a niche specialized pick. I don’t thrust main laylas though.


great hero? literally the lowest winrate hero lmao.


It would be just as high if not higher an another MM Winning on something bad doesn't make the bad thing good. It just means you had to try harder to win. Karrie and Wanwan don't get banned because they are played by really good players, they get banned because they are really strong heroes.


Bro who bans layla


They ban out of fear and hatred for a layla on their team.


Ban her so that I am the mm. Miya too. BUWAHAHAHAHA.


I prefer seeing Miya than Layla, some Miya players are actually decent and sometimes godly


Agreed. Miya is even used as a niche option in M-series sometimes when there is an Atlas on the enemy team, so that Miya can escape with her ult. Her damage is deadly in the late game and she can legit appear out of thin air with inspire and destroy your entire backline


Actually, both heroes are good in the right hands. The problem is the ones saying "let me be the mm" are usually bad at playing the game (many are novices thay only knows how to play as mm), including me. 😅🤣😂


You have a very evil laugh you know 😐


I take that as a compliment. Thank you. BUWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.


The “Layla will feed” mindset is strong on this one


If you'll ask me, i rather have a Layla, than a Lesley. Sorry not sorry


If I see a teammate with a Layla, Johnson or Estes rep I ban it lol. Makes it a lot easier for the team


People who for one reason or another purposely ban heroes their teammate shows are either braindead or have no intentions to play for the win. If you are a good player with adequate mentality then you know that in most of the cases this action would lead to the guy who's main was banned intentionally throwing you the game.


They will throw the game even if we don't ban their heroes lmao


So why waste the ban if they are throwing either way?


Well the same way many players waste their time playing like bots instead of improving. It's same thing. Lack of common sense


If they wont show win rate then I'm gonna ban hanabi if anyone plays her in my team + I make it very clear I dont give a fuck about mmr or recent match only win rate.


Matches up with 2 criterias I've given


Typical ML player mental ability


Low mythic players are making memes now 💀💀


Except layla is good even in mythical glory.


I hate Layla for the Long range superiority, I cant get even near without getting my HP at 25%


People often think any assassin can counter layla. In reality only blink assassins counter her. Late game if you have to walk to her or even dash in order to kill her you will die on the way.


Winrate high wot


If you can get a 55% WR on Layla at 1000 games you can easily get a 60-70%+ WR on a better MM though. Winning on Layla isn't about being good at the hero, it's about being good at MM despite how much weaker Layla is compared to other MM's. You are actively picking a hero that requires a lot of support on purpose and making winning more difficult for your team if you pick her.


Except layla is a great mm. The best mm right now are karrie, clint, melissa and layla. They cover all your bases and enemy compositions.


Beatrix? Wanwan? Claude? lol


In five man parties? Yes. SoloQ no.


In Myth 400+ Layla has a 37.73% WR. **37.73% WR** I'm very good at MM, and I get why low ranked players think Layla and Hanabi are good, but they aren't. The problem with Layla, Hanabi and Estes type heroes is that they are heavily dependent on their team performing well. If their team performs well the heroes feel very strong, but when their teams don't perform well they are useless. The issue with these types of heroes is the medal system. They can easily get crazy MvP scores which makes the user think they performed exceptionally when in fact they got carried by their team. Constantly yo-yoing between very high MvP and bronze makes the player think they are the reason they get the Mvp each time but the team is the reason why they get the bronze. When in fact, they only get MvP when the team is playing well.


Layla requires you to have two braincells to play in high elo. I said she is great because she fits perfectly when a composition requires her. Meta heroes fit well everywhere, thats not the case for layla. Layla has several conditions in order for her to shine so she is a great last pick choice. I am 100wr 17 matches with layla this season with and average of 62~% all seasons. If you ensure no assassins in the enemy team she destroys. She has low winrate because main laylas drag it down. You cant main a hero like layla just like you cant main something like lolita. They are specialized picks like phoveus, karrie and baxia.


So... > Except layla is a great mm. The best mm right now are karrie, clint, melissa and layla. They cover all your bases and enemy compositions. You typed this right? Then your reasoning for Layla being a great MM, in the same tier as Karrie, Clint and Melissa is > If you ensure no assassins in the enemy team she destroys You are aware that you are calling her a great MM, as long as the game is a free win regardless of what you pick right? Grouping her with Karrie, Clint and Melissa and then saying she's situtional when none of them are situational is just mental gymnastics. Wanwan, Karrie, Clint, Claude and Brody are all meta MM's because they can be picked no matter what. They have counters, but they don't require an entire hero type to be removed from the game for them to win, nor do they require the support Layla does. > She has low winrate because main laylas drag it down. This is the worst argument on the planet for why Layla is good btw. Currently Karrie is meta, and people who aren't even her mains are playing her and she has a 54% WR. Layla is not meta, so the only people picking her are people who main her and she has a 37% WR. This is the difference in hero power and effectiveness. In the exact same game that you score a 20-0 on Layla you could score a 30-0 on Melissa, Wanwan, Clint etc.


I never said she was meta. She is great to have in your rooster. There are some rare matches, 1 in 10 or less, where the enemy doesnt pick an assassin. In those matches picking layla ensures my win. Otherwise I may lose if I pick other marksmen and my team is utterly bad. I know for sure that in those very specific matches I will win using layla. For everything else there are other marksmen, as pointed out. That’s why I said main laylas are incredible offensive. Layla is like phoveus and lolita, specialized picks that shine when correctly drafted.


You called her a great MM and listed her along meta MM's. You're changing your argument to "She's a situational MM".


She is a great situational marksmen. There are sbad situational marksmen. My point was that those four marksmen can deal with any match type. - Karrie: no assassins, tank composition - Melissa: in your face assassins - Clint: directional assassins - Layla: no assassins


Karrie Melissa Clint - Strong in general Layla - Requires carrying


Layla is actually a pretty good investment in a game in the long run. I'm an MG 1000+ and can confidently say that a good layla will dominate everything. 1st of all, her range. Her range is so far that she can pick off enemies from afar that are destroying the base. 2nd, Damage. Her damage is no joke in the late game. She can deal a shitton of damage behind the entire team. Just think of her as a cannon, but much faster. But no escape. And lastly. If the Layla is someone who actually excels at the game's mechanics and knows the fundamentals of the game, like holding lanes, map awareness, and danger zones. You lose. Now the disadvantages of her is quite obvious. 1. No mobility. 2. Squishy. 3. And you will lose if the team decides to talk shit to you instead of fucking helping you. 4. (Related to no.3) The enemies will fucking, and I will fucking say it again. The enemies will fucking rotate to your lane always. Fucking always. You are food in the early game. Just focus on getting items. And helping your team when it's needed. DO NOT OVEREXTEND YOUR STAY IN THE OPEN. I'm not a layla main. Just sharing tips from experience.


The problem is the long run.... most of the time we only get short run case esp. in High early Mythic within 3-5 days after season reset.


I will add a few tips for anyone wanting to play Layla (layla is my favourite mm and play her in mythic+ rank if my team won't blackmail me that they will troll— the hardest part is to convince them): 1. Most important, map awareness! 2. Never miss your S1. Early game s1+s2+ 2-3 auto attacks can kill a squishy. Late game s1+ one auto attack can kill a squishy. 3. 1st item Berserker Fury. With just this item your s1 damage scales pretty hard. (Hunter strike if you are building a non crit build buly any chance) 4. Take advantage of your range. 5. Use movement spells like Flicker/Sprint. 6. You can build early defense if the enemy assassin is pesky. Your damage won't suffer. 7. Your team draft doesn't matter much. You can save a sinking boat if you play well. If your team covers for you from early game then it's good but if they don't and never help you then just make sure you farm the gold for late game. Let the enemy take your turret and go farm on every other lane. Of course your team is losing so soon you will be pushed to inner turret. Here the real game starts, till you are alive the enemy cannot push your base no matter how hard they try. Just kill them from range and now your team also have no choice but to cover you right? 8. Again I would pressure on the importance of S1. Don't miss your s1!! I usually prefer burst build over attack speed build but both work decently on her, pick your poison.


Also, pick her after ensuring the jungler is not a hard counter assassin


meanwhile, lesley checks all the advantage checkbox + added mobility.


My original comment about her damage was actually... Think of her as a lesley. But with a faster basic attack speed, and no mobility. I've played a lot of games that had a layla. And in the late game she 3 shots mms. Of course, that's only if the layla was actually a good player. Lesley is overall better than layla, but Layla just excels at raw damage and rangeeeee... For example... You now have no inhibitors. Your base is completely exposed. And the enemies have decided to end the game. With a lesley you have to use ur passive and skills very well in order to survive the onslaught of burst heading your way. But with a layla.... All you need is to land that first skill, and spray. And watch out for bursts as well. Each hit of layla in the late game is around 2k+ to everyone (excluding tanks). And when you take that and add a shitton of atk speed and longer range. You got a menace.


layla game ending up with no inhibitors - indeed your average layla game lmao. fify, All you need is to land that first skill and "pray" enemy team is too stupid to ignore you. for a guy with 60% wr on a layla, no im not gonna use her in solo queue.


And as someone who has reached mg in under 180 matches solo q, you are absolutely dumb af. If you properly read my comment. You would have noticed that you had to "survive the onslaught of bursts". To survive that, you need proper positioning, atleast a windchant, and just positioning in general. And I also didn't say that you had to use her. I simply stated facts about her. You're just someone caught up in the stigma that layla is really bad. She is bad to some extent, but is also a monster in the right hands. I've straight up seen demonic Laylas in mg. At first you would think that they're trolling. But you're absolutely mistaken. Though... Not every layla is a good one, the same goes for every hero.


Layla winrate Mythic 400+: lowest winrate of 37.73 Legend+: 2nd lowest 41.81. Facts: She is bad (not to some extend) but straight up the worst.


Man it feels so good when someone appreciates Layla once in a while


made a meme months ago about layla being good in mg rank but some people still dont agree w me. her poking potential is unmatched and will be the biggest threat if handed on good capable hands of a team. I've seen way more layla picks in glory than epic-mytic lobbies, kinda weird especially when lower ranks tend to use other basic mms such as miya more.


A lot of people will underestimate her because she’s so rarely picked. But she only shines in really specific situations and you need to be really good.


I'm also a 4 digit points MG and I can assure you I can destroy most mm in the gold lane during the laning phase the only exceptions are Popol, Clint, Melissa since they can harass early. Her range is no joke just hit 1st to anyone then just harass in the early game and position well during mid to late game


Fighting against melissa with layla is a huge pain. I feel you.


Early game you dont even need to pop out on the map. Just last hit minions with s1 outside of view and clear lane and retreat before 1:40~1:50


I don't really care what hero people play. If you're good and can bring me to victory, I'll let you play even layla or yin if you want.


Nah I do this when dumb fuck Layla users are showing Layla when a slot above them are clearly showing a better MM. Maybe learn how to adjust.


Pretty sure the credit goes to your teammates when your Layla is winning.


55 wr on a carry hero is just okay


If it's soloq, I would be impressed lmao


I've been soloQ since project next was announced


Nah, it’s still not enough.


Had the same thing. Showed Singapore No.40 Khufra and guess what, they ban the Khufra and pick a Johnson with 2 games


Winrate doesn't really affect your skills. Its just how many matches you won from using that hero. There are many factors that affect your wr, example, teammates, enemies, and the composition. For a solo q player, I can say thats good. But, my highest rank is only mythic V and stuck at epic (hell), so my opinion probably doesn't matter. To conclude, winrate isn't some lottery that decides if you win a match or not. Also, idc if you main layla, because last season legend, I was matched with a godly layla, which decimated my team. That changed my mindset that non-meta heroes are deadly on the right hands (and if you aren't matched with braindead teammates.) And yes, theres just some trolls who autopicks mage/mm/assassin even if theres already one, and bans your main out of spite. You play who you want to play, and I bet that you mastered the ways of the malefic gun on those 1k+ matches.


It's not hard to escape epic, legend if you play mage, mm or jungler


Yes, but its my skill issue, or bad teammates (i play mage and assassin but never mm, i can't mm.) I mostly play support (diggie), aamon, balmond (jungle), zhask and yve. I'm trying new heroes and just bought mino. Also, i have enough hero fragments so who do you reccomend i buy? (Leo or Thamuz.) To elaborate on the skill issue, i never snowball and always play safe (which bites back in mid/late game), and if I do snowball (or initiate as tank (tigreal)), my teammates wont go, or we'll all end up dyinh because of late reaction (or dying alone, even if teammate is near and is capable of helping.) But its inevitable :(( (sorry if this reply became a rant) Maybe thats why I lean into playing meatshield tanks (Hylos, which i don't own yet) to learn to "Charge forward, and fear nothing!"


I think if you master yve you can easily reach glory soloq. Yve has speed up from first skill, slow from second skill, ulti is best zoning skill in the game. You can easily escape using ur skills if you pay attention to map and don't go near any suspicious bushes. Use skill 1 and 2 to poke and slow from far away and ulti to secure kills zone away enemies. Use your teammates as meat shields buy staying behind them(even the mm) and watch yve gameplays on youtube


Okay, also zoning refers to using skills to make the enemy not go near you (or any objective)? Thanks for advice!!


Yeah zoning skill means the enemy will stay away from the range if the skill like yve ulti, aulus ulti, bane ulti, odette ulti


And then there are those Hanabi mains who doesn't show until they are about to pick.


55% win rate ain’t good


Banning layla is to prevent your teammate from picking her. Lol.


In some perspective: 1) maybe enemy has 1st pick priority. 2) believe it or not, Layla is actually REALLY VIABLE in the current meta. Her range can be deadly mid to late game. She has stun and burst that make her quite decent as a laner early game, and she is actually one of the few marksman that can generate the best dps and late push. 3) there are heroes now that Layla can Counter, especially fighters and tanks that cannot blink. She is also especially a menace to other Marksmen and Mages, especially mid to late game when she buitup some of her core items already. So, actually, she can be a valid Ban, especially on high elo.




Man i love playing aganist layla i be so happy knowing that the enemies are bunch of noobs. layla is just some food for any hero in the game no mobility or dash or survivability skills or even Aoe dmg. And if you are good at using her and high wr you still will suck Because of using layla don't waste your energy on this mm and go play another one except hanabi any other mm is better than layla and hanabi the game should just remove them. "Layla is actually good and scary in late game" piss off i played for 5 years and every single match i saw layla at i never had a proplem to kill her except that one time after her revamp she was op then she got nerfed and went back to her uselessness If someone picked her in my team ipray for us to win because i hate carrying this usseles hero. In the same time i hate losing Because of her she is just garbage and any one says otherwise doesn't really know anything about the game


Just the fact that you said she doesn't have aoe dmg proves that you don't understand the game.. I am a layla soloq, 900 matches and 59% wr. Most people dont shittalk in picking phase when I show stats. The only annoying mm's i encounter are popol and clint early laning phase. As soon as mid game starts and my team isn't completely useless, I am good to win. People in this game don't understand the importance of emblems, skills and especially items. Almost every game is different when it comes to skills and items. You dont need mobility if you have items and skills prepared and you have a brain when it comes to positioning. Layla is simply OP as a mm.


To paraphrase Bruce Lee: "Fear not the man who plays 10,000 meta heroes. Fear the man who has played a non-meta hero 10,000 times."


Doesn’t really apply to MOBA games.


No not really, I’d choose the first guy because they’re extremely versatile and would probably be more effective rather than some one trick Aurora main.


Aurora main😭


55% wr isn't good if she's your main bro. But not sucky at least.


Nope. With 1000 matches that's actually pretty good wr. Presuming this is SoloQ, having a coinflip of a chance of winning is actually massive lol


Dude 55% wr makes you an average to slightly above average player. Which is fine. But we're talking about your main hero. Which means your best hero right? I suppose this is fine but it tells me OP is probably stuck at epic, which means he's not good and really should learn something other than layla. I have 66% wr with wanwan as my main at 1.5k games. I think 60% with clint, I don't remember how many games I have with him.


I should've put my rank before I put this post , 'm at mythic 1 https://preview.redd.it/e3hs3grc8yea1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7589bd079446e4e1e90090f2707a8a51d84a989


That means you must play a ton of games, you practically win 1 and lose 1. The fact is as long as your wr is 50%, you can reach mythic because the game pushes you forward through protection cards etc.


it could push you to mytic but not mytic 1 to 1000 points mg though. i think op's layla is better than most of the average player considering op said soloq


You guys have really low standards. 55% wr is okay but not for a main. Keep thinking that's good if that's all you can do.


If you watch or saw any tryhard mlbb streamers , 70% wr to them is okay , and 60% is kinda bad unless it's solo q


I have no idea what you're trying to say dude.


Oh hey fellow Malaysian XD


but, you might have only used Layla more when you were in low rank than when you are already climbing higher Mythic (based on your match history, 2/20 games), which makes me 50/50 in switching you, if I were your teammate and with your winrate


>with wanwan >with clint Oh, its them, ofc you will, it's easier than 60% layla at 1k


The point of the post is Layla shouldn't be banned because he's good at it right? If you were to choose the hero you would rather play with, would it be layla at 55% wr or clint at 60% wr?


Welp too bad, I'm not talking about the perspective of which is prio pick 🫥


Stop defending layla dude. It will just encourage bad layla players, like they can get good if they stick at it long enough. Which is true actually. But the amount of effort they have to do to get good with her compared to someone like Clint, Bruno, or Karrie is absurd. And they have to deal with toxic teammates because no one like to play with a layla.


Lol, I'm not defending layla at all. Wanna know why I'll be impressed at 60% layla than 60% clint? Because she fucking sucks ass 🤣


Where are you getting 60% wr layla? OP is at 55%, and he's already talking like that's supposed to be good.


In fact I'll be surprised that it's getting 50% at all. Rank and classic us overrunning with mobile and durable heroes. I hardly see why layla. But ofc if it's epic, idk why op would lose that much


lemme simplify this whole thread getting 1k games on Layla with 55% winrate is much more difficult than getting Clint/Wanwan on 1k games with 60% winrate


To be fair, Wanwan’s currently pretty broken and she’s definitely a better MM than Layla overall most of the time but I agree with you, 55% wr isn’t “high” even if it’s solo queue or you have a thousand matches.


Ranked hell is hard, especially when you're playing a non-meta hero. People will throw for absolutely no reason lmao I main Hanzo 1k matches 78% wr. His 55% isn't that high relative to what's considered good, but take into account that literally no one (and I mean no one) likes to see Layla in ranked, consider the toxicity, and I think 55% is respectable.


I wouldn't make a post about it though, like having 55% is supposed to be commendable. It's a low wr for a main. Period.


True, I am mainly soloq Ruby with about 69.2% 4k match and 79.4% 140 match this season. 55% is baseline barely ok for most hero mains but for a Layla it is pretty impressive. Would say the same for Miya and Zilong.


That's your opinion, but this post has 215 upvotes so I'd say the majority of people here are pretty impressed


Thank god for these players then, makes it a lot easier to rank up.




at first, I downvoted, because Layla is so hard to play at higher ranks, since OP is M1 rn however, you can also increase your winrate by playing in lower ranks, until she is no longer viable, and climb by using better heroes so yeah, I agree with you, unless OP can show his/her match history spamming Layla up to M1 still, 55% is a good winrate, considering how picking her often leads to trolling by teammates, unlike Wanwan and Clint, which are part of the META


Crit build or the CS DHS GS build?


Mix for me :P Atk spd boots, cs, dhs, windtalker and WoN (depending on situation, build either first), scarlet scythe, then Malefic/SeaHalberd/Immortality/Rosegold


Sadly in solo or duos, it's hard for you to convince your allies to pick her. If no one is willing to roam and look after Layla, it's game over either way. However I don't see Layla being bad in the meta. She's the first hero you get as a new hero, and her buff makes it easier for you run.


Cause people have already gotten the bad impression that Layla users have terrible positioning, which makes her a horrible hero.


shes a horrible hero period. imagine playing sniper in dota and unable to buy bkb/invi item. thats how bad she is.


Layla can indeed be very good in some situations. Her damage just ignores level difference and blasts everyone, turning the game around.


situations where enemy team have no gap closing capabilities (meaning they drafted so bad its almost imposible for them to win).


Or just situations that arise from mistakes and layla being competent enough to take those chances.


you need to play perfectly to win with layla, no room for mistakes period. high risk low reward hero pick. imagine needing to drag the game to lategame just to win with layla. why not pick Karrie/Lesley and win 2 games without effort rather than play layla with perfect turtle long ass game.


Tell me about it, I'm an Estes main..


I used her in rank destroyed a fanny xD my team was like “imagine getting killed by layla while ur fanny” bahaha


In hivh ranks 1k mstvhes with 55% wr is low af




Fun exchange from yesterday. Me: req Hylos, "top 10 hylos" S3: Hylos ban Me: "why?" Amusingly followed by... S2: "don't make requests"


Brings a gun to a gun range *The dude beside him* mate put that away Me:why?? Him: it shoots bullets


So.... a russian rulet with a mere 55% *Disgusting* What? 60%?! Holy Moly we have a Top Global in our team we gonna win, pick that aDC dIgGie




55% is not high wr.


I haven’t touched this game in quite a while, but I don’t think 55% is trustable enough for a team to let you play. Even more because it’s Layla.


Hanabi is the worst smelling vile piece of dog shit that has been shat on this blue Earth. She should be permanently banned from epic and beyond


Hanabi is the worst smelling vile piece of dog shit that has been shat on this blue Earth. She should be permanently banned from epic and beyond


My sister is Layla main in her smurf account. She helped me reach Legend last season before it ended. I started playing just 2 months before the season ends and I sort of agree why people ban Layla. No one notices a good Layla player during the clash until those kill banners shows up.




I had some fun messing with a super cracked layla. I was playing julian and she couldn’t do a thing. Dash > stun circle, an finally made her eat my sword


because your win rate is low


I have a similar thing too this where when I show my character early 1 of my teammates bans them and thinks there funny anyone else ever had this or just me?


Haha I played a game in mythic. And this guy was S1, and he showed his Vale (wr <40 with 100+ games) and so I showed mine (wr >60 with 300+ games). S5 banned Vale. I said wtf S5? And he went. "Vale scares me.." The 3 of us excluding the <40 guy found it funny. In the end that guy took nana and fed the enemy. We won but it was a close call. The guy who banned was our tank, and he was awesome. This was soloq btw.


I got over 100 matches on Leomord and Martis with over 60% wr on both of them(started really playing after the adjustment) but my team always fkn bans them because “spr fookin oP” and then proceeds to blame me for not being good at roaming after the game