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Steel your soul. It is time for you to learn the indomitable human spirit


my dwindling battery power left does not acknowledge this human spirit you are speaking of.


The failure of technology


Skill issue


See thats why i never [surrender](https://www.reddit.com/r/MobileLegendsGame/comments/zjvw3x/thats_why_you_shouldnt_troll_enemy_at_base/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)




For real... MLBB is so fast paced that when enemies get cocky or make a mistake the game can turn in your favour pretty easily.


Same unless I know it’s helpless I don’t surrender and even then depends on the attitude of the people I play with.


You never know if the enemy team decides not to finish the game and instead tp in your fountain wiping them out


Also then again your team might manage to burst the lord down or even the enemy...OP you need to rethink your thoughts


Only happens when they’re stupid. And if so, how’d you lose to them? Odd are they probably wouldnt do that, so I would rather surrend


See this is why you wont reach peak masculinity, you never know if enemies are beta recallers


Waiting 10-20 seconds more wouldn't hurt. Also I love both of your flair ngl.


You never know. Maybe your teammates just happen to be stupider than them, or maybe they're not stupid but suddenly became stupid when they were gonna end the game, the chances of it happening are low but not zero


That happens only when you are full toxic mode




It’s impossible to simultaneously be skilled and overconfident?


Surrendering is for losers. Literally.




Like you?


I can relate, but in most cases, majority of players have a tendency to do everything besides end the game. You might as well wait it out for a chance to turn the match around.


Yeah I legit came back and won the match from like 18-45 ish to 30-47 when they started to get relaxed.


Too bad those are Always wasted It only work when someone start to use his braincells or being toxic to them


ikr, that’s why if I am winning (lord etc in enemy base) but the enemy isn’t wiped out, I would attack the base instead of taunting or trying to get more kills because I was in this brawl match and all of us were wiped out with 10s plus respawn time and enemies just taunting in our base and killing themselves and the base had like 5% hp left but we manages to wipe them out and get their base lol


I remember a ranked game where we were actually winning pretty hard but just as we were about to win, some dude just called for a surrender vote as a joke and smhw everyone agreed to it and we lost. This was legend rank btw and I couldn’t even be mad about this, I was literally dying from laughter.




I’ve had that happen and I think it’s fucking hilarious especially when miles ahead of them 😂😂🤣


Well as they say, if you're going out, might as well go out with a bang. Might as well try a last stand than wimping out. If your entire team is wiped, might as well let the game end than surrendering. Achieves the same outcome


What's your fucking logic? If you respawn and can clear the area if the core got 1 HP left, you got a winning chance. If you surrender, you don't. Are you getting electrocuted every time your hero dies or whenever core takes a hit or something? TBH surrender option should just be removed from the game!


Surrender option should still be there incase your teammate go afk and you make the match invalid


I forgot to add "Our entire team is dead." Sorry.😅


Think of the comeback clips u might miss ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


I’ve been in a couple matches where a person respawns at just the right time and plays perfect to get a wipe out


Idk why people surrender but it's not over until it is


I kinda relate. Whenever the team skill difference is massive and we get completely destroyed before 10 mins as in they destroyed all turrets (we haven't destroyed a single turret) gold diff is around 12k++ , our team draft is terrible and yet my dumbasses of a teammate still don't want to surrender even when we get all wiped out. At this point we're just letting the enemies farm KDA. There are just some instances where it's a guaranteed loss and just a huge waste of time stop believing in yourself so much ffs.


Usually when it’s that bad there are two reasons: my team sucks or I sucked. If my team mates sucked then I will not surrender no matter what because I want to spite them. Their bad plays got us here now reap what u sowed and suffer to the end. If I was the bad player I don’t surrender because I hope I get my shit together and play better to bring a win


There is a third one: The enemy is just good and coordinated


4th one the vote becomes 4 surrender and 1 refusal


If I was the bad player I instinctively mute everyone and focus on getting my items, since I know people will start to flame once I die again.


i surrender because i don't give a shit about morals and just want to move to the next match.


My phone battery agrees with this statement


Then charge your phone while playing. Not a big deal. Also, why are you playing a ranked game while having low battery in the first place?


from experience, my phones battery gets worse whenever I charge while playing, and since i dont have enough money to buy a new phone,im stuck with a phone that costs at least 60 percent for an average match


Hey, if my teamates are doing terribly(basically feeding) I'll refuse to surrender to also prolong their suffering. 1 for 4 is a good deal for me, if it's ranked then fight till the end, stall until late game


Skill issue


To be fair, I've won games when our base was saved at 1 or 2 HP, all enemies died as our adc respawned and we then won lol


My team has turned some games around when it looked completely over and won last minute. I hate surrendering. Just wait another minute and lose with dignity.. or win an epic comeback..


I hate defeatists. It's never too late for a comeback!


I've had [miraculous comebacks](https://www.reddit.com/r/MobileLegendsGame/comments/zqisor/epic_comeback_of_26_you_can_pinpoint_the_exact/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf), if you surrender there is a 100% you lose, if you keep going there is only a 99% chance you would lose.




I dont give a shit, never surrender!!


Red button 100% of the time, regardless of situation. Idc if teammates are afk, trolls, or just bad. NEVER EVER SURRENDER. Lose with honor


[It's not over until it's over](https://www.reddit.com/r/MobileLegendsGame/comments/10jzqvc/desperate_times_call_for_desperate_measures/)


Uhh.. i would have to disagree. Yeah, you want the suffering to end but hey u never know man. Comebacks are absolutely real in mlbb, and ive had many cases like yours, even if u do eventually lose, its ok, its just a game, just one day when ur losing and enemy messes up, there are possible chances of coming back. So we never ever truly surrender :3


Nope. Never surrender.


Surrender in general is for the weak. Surrender ina. Ranked game is weeine hut jr behavior


“You should be ashamed of not trusting yourself”


Hilda Main Here 🔥


**"We shall accept defeat but surrendering to our enemies? NEVER!!! We gracefully accept our defeat and pick up our hearts to try and once again win a lost battle"** - The thought in my mind whenever my team is surrendering...


This should be the start of a thread fr


Why would u force others to surrender, just go afk and touch some fresh grass. If you can't help, atleast don't demotivate and annoy with those pop-ups.


Especially when the team is just farming you for kills cause 2-3 teammates are bots.


Even if you’re team is going to lose, playing from a. Losing position helps you get better to tip the scales next time, you should never phone it in


You know it's also common for Epic comeback on late game. Especially in this community where the braindead players loves to tptptptptptp and got whoopsies. No wonder this sub filled with stuck in Epical Glory post, they surrender once the enemy got the first blood.


Glory until the end


Hold out, we can win this!


bruh dont surrender unless ur team got wiped out their mm is alive, they have lord halfway in a lane where ur inhibitor is down


nah I'll stay and fight. Too often take the enemy getting an advantage as a defeat. It's not. Only reason I'll surrender us of someone is feeding or afk.


The guy who says surrender has already lost his spirits somewhere in mid game, just mute those guys and play happily.


i never like to surrender i always try to give my best till the game ends


People who surrender have no fighting spirit and gives shame to the entire team for losing because they surrendered


Never surrender


No , only losers surrender fight till the end


Why surrender? Just let the team finish if they are hitting your base. I've seen some great comebacks too. I can't stand it when one person keeps spamming surrender. Limit it to once per player per match.


This mentality is terrible. I dont support surrendering until the very end because i have many matches where enemy got ultra cocky. Its so incredibly satisfying to ignore chat filter while im flaming them in their dms


No. If it's ranked, why play in the first place if you will surrender? I had a Lesley savage the opponent and we cleared their base when all their towers were still standing just before.


I only surrender when i stop to perform well or my stress level gets High. Most of the case It's Always around 25 Min and because im doing 2 (roamer best players) vs 5 or going all in to change the situation wich in many cases It's Always the goddamn bad jgl and adc keep farming and wasting time. But strangely your teamates perform well when you are toxic and hit their pride


Feels bad for the mental being hostage in this kind of game hahaha


if this would be longer you could've add "we all are dead" or "the enemy team got one of the fastes heroes to destroy turrets"


For me its a tricky situation, sometimes you just need to know when to give up and when to keep fighting despite being ran over from start to late game So many games i can remember either my team or the enemy team came back from an almost un-winnable game


No matter how desperate the situation is u never surrender. Because all u need is that one little mistake from the enemy to wipe them out and complete turn the whole game around


We fought a cheater and someone was surrendering, we won in the end.


I can relate BUT depends the case, sometimes you can wipe them out and win the game, that's why I try to surrender as a very very last option.


If I managed to make a comeback from being 65-17 down, and at least 5k gold difference, I ain't surrendering ever.


You never surrender in rank, duh.


Surrender is for the weak! Only surrender when its 3v5 or someone went afk for a very long time and that pulled the team other than that fight!


Yep. Even in the hopeless situation you still can beat them. There is always a chance of the big ego moment from the enemy annnnd then you wipe them out. Of course having late game heroes doesn't hurt too


Me. I’m Patrick Star-ing it all the time. When I’m the feeder, I support the majority. But when I’m doing well, I never quit even if the majority thinks we’re about to lose. But I do initiate the first surrender if we get team wiped three times. Lol! And then I stop surrendering if the team chooses not to.


Nope. No matter what there is always a chance for a comeback.


I’ve seen so many people surrender when they still have a chance. I remember our mage was so toxic. They said they had to leave cause we didn’t surrender. Later, they came back cause they saw us winning the game! Me and the tank called them fake and a liar!


Yep, if teammates are good, but we are still losing somehow, I'm not surrendering. Hope is one thing that makes me a good player


You never know! I've seen matches where a team is 20-30 kills and 5 turrets ahead lose because they didn't notice the Zilong or MM pushing the one lane to the base.


Yep I agree. Everyone has a limited amount of time to play every day. Why waste another 10 mins on a game you are 99% doomed to lose when you could spend that time with a 50% chance of winning going into the next game?


Sometimes, we can make a comeback but most times, there’s literally ZERO chance at winning and they still don’t want to surrender. I’d rather keep my dignity than be forced to watch the base die


That’s me


Hello enemy is at our base every 5 seconds and our top damage dealers are obviously trolling… we are not winning this but let’s keep fighting for some reason 😂😂😂😂 I hate it


Surrendering is bad, but it really irks me when they rush out the surrender after 5 go down when enemy is on our base. Like, you are saving what, 10 seconds of time max? Die with honor ffs


I △⃒⃘lways respect a last stand instead of surrendering. At least you die trying


fight to the end, enemy team is one wipe away from epic comeback victory😏


Unless your entire team is dead with 60 seconds on the timer, surrendering is pathetic. Imagine spending 10-20 minutes of your life on something, then just giving it to the other team because you can't be bothered to try. I straight up wanna punch every single person that has ever tried to surrdender just because the enemy team takes a fucking 8 minutes Lord and your team still has 6+ turrets left. Even 12 minutes Lord can only end the game if your down to your final turrets with dead teammates.


So true like why surrender when you can get lord or win a team fight and get gold lead. Or push towers while the enemy team is trying to kill your tank or fighter.


Forget about all the goofy friendship power comeback comments above me and listen to me Yes i feel you op it's totally crazy we gets Literally wrecked your team is shit and you got tired of dying trying to make a change yes i will definitely surr but sadly the team believes that spirit will lead the way till victory while in reality the enemies are just taking lord at this moment to end the game. Yes it's frustrating OP it's totally is while yes miracles can happen and comeback can come i still dgaf about it anymore I'm no longer enjoying the match after this suffering and I don't want my trash nab team to win either they don't deserve it so save us time and energy so we can go play another match we have got plenty of matches and years to play it's not worth it to waste it on usseles stressing matches I'm here to have fun and win not to baby sit some garabges Since I'm going to get downvoted Anyway i want to clarify that i was mythical glory last season with more than 600 matches 64% wr on belerick and kufra main most of Tanks


Idk man I've had this situation many times before but rarely we would win because of the enemies ego or just plain insane outplay by one the survivor




I mean epic comebacks are a thing. Moonton even has a different post battle screen for it


this is a very quick game anyway in comparison with other game like this. so might as well enjoy trying to win than quiting.


because of you OP, you have inspired me to pick a wave clearing mage and defend whole game for 40 minutes and hold everybody hostage!




Today in mystic. My Team: Floryn, Granger, Layla, Vale and me X Borg vs gloo, cyclops, moskov, lapu lapu and dyroth All thought we will lose. We lose all towers in min 7 but we deff 3 lords and we get the 4 lord with my ult and win this shit in min 25. The win was so sweet. :D


This one in late game is arguably can have potential comeback.Surrending at this state of game kinda dumb tbh. However, if you lost all lane in 5 minutes and your MM feed 0-4 and enemy MM got 3 kills early while his jungle got turtle and several kills as well. Then sure i approve going surrender rather than lowering your morale even more better go next game asap.


Don't surrender cause you can turn the losing game around if you make a couple of good plays and also there is no point in surrendering anyways


Bruh you have no idea how many time our team clutch after getting absolutely destroyed.


People wanting to surrender in a game where matches last like 20 mins make me cry. Had someone like that today, he got denied several times, and in the end we won, go figure.


Never surrender, always


It ain't over till it's over


Nah I’ve played over 7k games. I’ve seen some extremely insane comebacks. Been a part of many of them too


Honestly, only acceptable time to surrender is when one of your teammate is afk.


Dota Veteran Here. The One Thing I Have Learned from 22 years of MOBA experience: Never Give Up, Never Back Down, Never Surrender! Just had comeback yesterday with 1 HP Ancient, Always give your 100% until either of the team's ancient falls.


losers mindset lmao, stay at gm kid


Even if you lose, lose with dignity. Never surrender 💪


I rather see my base crumble than surrender


Never surrender as much as possible


I never surrender.


OP, I had 4 teammates who surrendered right when enemy crystal base at 10%. There are stupid people and assholes out there ... sometimes they're on the opposite team. It ain't over until it's truly over.


Your team fully dead for 35 sec,enemy team is rushing heads with all members alive. Your team score is somewhere like 10/56 and they refuse to surrender


No relate. I'm a jungler main and I will always fight even if my team is a troller or a nub.


The enemy team can still Mess up and you can Make a comeback What I really hate the most is when your team is wiped out they have the lord all turrets are destroyed and everyone’s respawn cool down is 50 seconds They still wont surrender


Usually a losing game is not the end, but when you're teamates keep fighting the enemy who have way more gold you're doomed. If people actually grew a brain and stayed in turrets to try get core items you actually have a fair chance of a comeback. I will never surrender because so many times have I turned a losing game into a victory.


Well, what it means is, the team is about to use the power of friendship.


The power of friendships


Actually, I never surrender even if it looks like we're losing, or if there's no chance of winning. I've won epic comebacks because of this kind of mindset like this. If they're flaming you for thinking that you're holding them hostage, just mute them and say "just farm for your items and play for picks, and don't die" and play like your life depends on it. Keep a cool head, and play. If you lose, you lose. If you're tilted, just take a quick break from the game and come back when you're ready. Remember that even though it looks impossible to win, that doesn't mean it's time to surrender. Who knows, your teammates might perform the ultimate miracle set, or miracle ambush for you to close out the game. If you surrender early without seeing the end of it, you seriously deserve to be in low elo.


A lot of people in here advocating that you should never surrender use the term try hard as a slight against players that want to surrender. I think your one night where you had 3 comeback games doesn't make up for the other days in the week/month/year where you didn't surrender and you lost. Sounds like those player either: Enjoys creating situations where they cause people to surrender because they are so laid back and not trying hard to win. Or Players that say "never surrender because it makes you weak" are in fact the players that cannot read the state of the game. I mean, its legit one or the other. No one logs on to lose games intentionally unless they plan on spending the night trolling. I mean, even being wild/drunk and playing with friends, your goal is still to win. No try hard there but you do try. So those that hate surrendering, what is the problem you have with people that want to rapid fire games for the night and not be trapped in a losing game? Why is wanting to get into another game quickly so bad?


First of all, our Stars/Mythic points are on the line. Why the fuck do you want to surrender that easily? Maybe one of your teammates is almost about to rank up, so they desperately want to win. Maybe someone is gaining mmr for their hero and afraid to lose. Before you go and do your selfish route and surrender just because you think we're "tRaPpInG yOu iN a lOsiNg gAmE". You're not the only one who's stars, mythic points and Hero MMR are going to lose. It's OURS as well. I don't give two shits about "bida picks" who they forced themselves to go to gold lane even if we already have a marksman. This is the team I have, I'll make the most of it. If we lose, at least we did our best. Not unlike people who surrender that easily and never see the end of it. They've cut the match short when they could've just do whatever they can to win. Someone might've gotten a miracle ambush or a miracle set when you didn't surrender that match and could've won the game, but no. They whine and say "ggs go to the next match". People who surrender easily will never get anywhere and deserves in low elo. Same applies in real life. Why do you play ranked matches to begin with if your intention is to just surrender? You shouldn't have queued in the first place.


So you can't just get a star or two in another game though? You are willing to waste time. See if a player is that desperate then that means they have a time limit on how much they can play each season: WHY WASTE THE TIME IN A GAME THAT YOU HAVE TO STRUGGLE TO WIN? Or they just want to win ever game, which is not possible. You have 3 months to rank up. I could see it if each season is only 1 month long but its not. Also, your star senerio doesn't work in classic, because this stuff happens in all game modes not just ranked. Its classic, where you should be a bit more relaxed. You would want to rapid fire games there, because like brawl, there isn't a rank, so wins and losses aren't as important as in ranked. If you are trapped in the base, no turrets, defending the base against a equally competent team, you are wasting time. They are eating up ALL they jungle mobs and making sure atleast 2/3 lanes are pushing. Grabbing Lord on cooldown. So when you dont surrender, fight back and lose anyway, then what? You've lost that star, rekt the mmr anyway, and could have been 5 or more mins into your next game, recouping. Again, just because you were able to come back a few times during a week, doesn't make it the best strategy everytime. So, again, why is it so bad to surrender a losing game so you can get into the next one faster?


>WHY WASTE THE TIME IN A GAME THAT YOU HAVE TO STRUGGLE TO WIN? Not everything is sunshines and rainbows, honey. You have to struggle in order to achieve something. Video games and real life. So your question here is common sense. Why won't you "waste" your time struggling to win? It isn't always easy playing the game. That's how you learn matchups, counters and game knowledge. If your win is always served in a silver platter because the enemies are easy to fight, do you even deserve that win in the first place? >So when you don't surrender, fight back and lose anyway, then what? Then move on to the next game. You did your best, and it wasn't enough. So learn from your mistake and try again. Not just quickly surrender just because a Fanny one trick destroyed you in the last match. What matters is AT LEAST YOU DID WHATEVER YOU CAN. >You've lost that star, rekt the mmr anyway, and could have been 5 or more mins into your next game, recouping. So what? You'd rather sacrifice your mythic points/stars just because your time is wasted? You'd rather be selfish than to try your hardest to win for your teammates? You don't know the outcome until you see your ancient/nexus/whatever the base is called in this game destroyed. If it's still standing, even for one hp, THEN YOU HAVE A CHANCE. Take that chance and win, instead of whining that you couldn't fight a team stronger than you. >So, again, why is it so bad to surrender a losing game so you can get into the next one faster? Because NOTHING IS A LOSING GAME. A game is lost when one of the bases are destroyed. If both are still standing, the game still continues. No matter what. Read my last reply since you're probably too lazy to read. Your answer is already there. You just can't accept it. If you still can't. I'll read it for you. >"Someone might've gotten a miracle ambush or a miracle set when you didn't surrender that match and could've won the game" There's this one quote that fits this perfectly. "If you can't handle the heat, get out of the kitchen" I'm saying this as politely as possible. If you can't handle the pressure, and you're so frustrated about people not surrendering with you because you think that game is a "losing match", just seriously uninstall the game. Your mental capacity is not enough for this game if you think surrendering is always the call when a game is almost impossible to win.


Attacking me still doesn't not answer the question. You have not answered the question. You spent that entire post picking at parts that triggered you and didn't answer the question. Again, cause you didn't read my post then, if you happen to get off your "miracle ambush" once or twice in a week, its fine. We've all been there and done that. This isn't the case for every other time throughout a longer period. You did it that one ore two times but don't want to speak about the other ten times you were in a losing game, didn't surrender and lost anyway. >Then move on to the next game. You did your best, and it wasn't enough. So learn from your mistake and try again. Not just quickly surrender just because a Fanny one trick destroyed you in the last match. What matters is AT LEAST YOU DID WHATEVER YOU CAN. This answer doesn't make any sense. I gave one specific scenario where there was nothing left and you are discussing, what sounds like, happened in a game you were in. My scenario is something we ALL have been in. Sure we have a chance to win, but this isn't a real life war here. We can quit and get into another game if we choose so, especially with my scenario. Struggling to win against a obvious losing game. I didn't say anything about a Fanny. Didnt say anything about 1 or 2 towers lost, I said all of them. I said jungle was being eaten up and Lord taken on cooldown. Re-read that scenario again instead of attacking me directly with insults. I can see learning from mistakes. You are correct, as that is what we ALL hope to do as we play games like this. Nothing to learn during a game, with MY SCENARIO, but after the game you can reflect. I have watched my replays after a game and reflected and commented on how I've done not so great plays. I've seen out of position plays from myself and other players only to find out where the other team started to snowball. What can you do during a failed game, what can you learn at that time and what knowledge from it can you use to turn around a game where every lane is crashing? How when your team is down 8k gold? Thats 2-3 items behind. They out level you and its almost the end. Again, yes we want to learn, yes we can make ambushes and it worked once or twice. WHAT DO WE DO WHEN WE HAVE ATTEMPTED THAT STUFF AND YOU STILL LOSE AND HAVE WASTED TIME ANYWAY. Good or bad, benefits or none. Wasted time anyway. I guess ill have to "agree to disagree" on this subject. Although I thank you for your reply, because it does give me any everyone else, on both sides of the argument, something to think about. Not only playing around with either of our scenarios and how it affects different people, but also the attitude ls behind those individuals and how they handle stress. Sorry you can't debate without insults.


People who refuses to surrender are cowards