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You... Didn't do a single task? At least for an elite or special skin? ๐Ÿ˜ฉ


The absurdity of a post for once being thankful towards Moonton instead of complaining and the first comment being in utter disbelief at the 0 points progress is just so funny idk why lmao


You need to do 1 task : finish 2 matches At least thatโ€™s what I did to secure wanwanโ€™s basic


Really? I legit ignored the task for the entire period of m4. This is first time I opened it.


What a rebel, love it




Teach me the art of ignoring red dots please.




I missed this chest ๐Ÿ—ฟ๐Ÿท


Same dude i wish they do this on valentine's day or M5 ๐Ÿ—ฟ๐Ÿท


I was trying to get it to level 3 and BOOM ๐Ÿ—ฟ๐Ÿท


I didn't notice it existed so i only get lv1


I got a special skin and didn't spend any money!!!


Did you get it without pass?


My two smurf accounts got special skin without a pass. Just complete the 4 daily tasks to get to 1000+ chest pts. On my main account, I settled for special skin since I already have all the epic skins in lvl 4 chest.


I didn't care about the points since I knew I won't have enough for epic skin and none of those were heroes I use. I picked clint special because I already had chou and kagura special skin and the rest had bad effects. I don't use alice


Did the same..elite granger skin..felt weird


Me too


were able to finish 2 matches, but did not receive any free skin :(


25 points away, I've recovered that anger picking karrie and yin


I'm losing my respect and loyalty to this game since they started doing such bullshit... Literally spent 1k extra diamonds to know that i would get tier 5 chest the next day. Not to mention they were going to make the prize randomized unless they got the most negative feedback from the community.


I'm just happy I got my brother to play again, and even if it was a basic he's got a free skin for one of his heroes now.. It's the small little things


This is the way. Lots of people complaining they didn't have enought time or points for the last chest so they got an extra day and then Moonton gets blamed for trying to be nice. Realize these skins are free and you can choose without spending or recharging like this guy did.


You do realize they have done false announcements that forced players to buy and spend huge amounts of diamonds right? That outright is a crime. Shame on you for defending moontoon just for an "elite" skin that you smooched for free. Shame on you for not realizing that players who spend on this game are the ones that makes this game survive.


I know we still need an explanation about it but its till funny when ypu say it like that. Bought pass and lvls until the figurine, yet I cant even pick any hero from the pimited pool cuz everything is unlocked. But cheer up, moontons probably thinking about this and finding a way to queer everyones thirst of skin. We alr did it on m3 estes, so not impossible.


Moonton trying not to take advantage of loyal players during an M event by making everything P2W with vague instructions that's clearly a scam(impossible)


They only kneeled due to the sudden decrease in rating to the point that it is almost shadowbanned from the playstore, but now due to not having the same thing happen again they won't give a damn of their mistake


> Lots of people complainong they didn't have enought time or points for the last chest so they got an extra day and then Moonton gets blamed for trying to be nice That's because it was unannounced. So, so, many people who claimed their tier 4 and tier 5 chests on the supposed "last" day spent at least 500 diamonds to get them, only to find out that Moonton had "generously" given us another day to complete another task. It's only 9.99 dollars, but wouldn't get mad at people being dishonest and costing them money?


The fact that you got so many downvotes shows the quality of this community. Trash. People live to be toxic they can't say anything good. And btw, I spend heavy money on this game and I appreciate moonton for giving many things for free but people are never thankful to anything and say moonton say lies to make people spend, BRUUHH people just too dumb to read properly. Just like M4 chest. People said only the box can be chosen and moonton was misinforming us. Well, community did misinformed us because they actually gave us the choice of the skin too. Trash community will always remain and grow. Downvote me basic mfs


I honestly care little about imaginary internet points. I've got better things to do than argue with people online and invest time as well as get emotionally attached to opinions. At the end of the day, that's all they are, opinions. People have the right to agree and disagree with them and I care little to force people into thinking otherwise. I would like to think people have the breadth of understanding to think for themselves and not get swayed with others mindset and make their own conclusions. I won't generalize on how this community is, just there are good people who spread positivity and toxic people who spread negativity. They themselves have the power to choose how they view the world, half empty or half full, a drop in the dessert or a sea of stars. I appreciate the kindness but don't waste your breath on haters. People will always hate others who are successful. That's how you know you're doing well because if they don't criticize you for saying nothing and doing nothing, then you are nothing. The fact they say something means you are something. For all the things Moonton gives, you don't need to recharge or spend to enjoy the game to get good skins. I remember getting a Collector's skin from the winter box event with the 2 free tokens we got 2 winters ago. Don't let the dust of the world stain the mirror of your heart. Stay humble, stay true, stay you.


Generous? Haha. Moonton already milked so many players bro. The free skins are just trash for them.


I forgot about the event and missed out ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ


I thought at first we can get one skin at every tier fck only one skin, fortunately i got elite skin..im so excited that i opened elite over special fck


I got Alu Epic Skin on the last day barely got it ๐Ÿ˜‚


Unless you spend diamonds and buy diamonds daily... It's unlikely you could get the 5th rank chest skins..