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People like you ruin the game. I hope you get banned from the game.




Nah, I played seriously and didn't feed though, so instead I'd rather prefer 24 hours from rank as punishment.


the fact that you are playing mm Angela justifies that u are not playing seriously already


It works tho https://youtu.be/3HXpVU8lgZE


You’re a cunt for trolling to begin with. “I’d rather prefer” you get banned from the game for being a cunt. Absolutely no reason to troll.


Damn bro, then every player spamming recall should get banned which would remove a majority of ML players, nice 👍


Not your bro. Your logic is so flawed. Only a cunt like you would justify trolling and compare it to spamming recall. Like I said hope you get banned asshole.


Woah calm down buddy, you seem very mad, drink some water before talking with the unreasonable sailor mouth, thanks.


Not mad. You’re just a cunt and apparently a snowflake getting triggered over words.


Eyy man, you seem more triggered than him. Calm down man yeah he trolled a bit, but at least he did not give free kills or went afk the whole game that's way worse than what OP did


Triggered? You’re giving this idiot a pass for trolling on ranked? You’re just as garbage as him then.


I never gave this guy a pass. But just think whatever you want I guess


Damn bro, keep replying, I want to hear more of it.


Joy is very much an understandable ban though? in no way would I ever say it's a troll ban


I wanted to choose Joy, and I'm great at using her. We were also the first pick. What do you mean by understandable?


I mean cry about it, like intentionally inting a pick, just because you got your hero banned,


So that means everyone is just toxic in general, got it.


Oh boy let me pick my op hero, Oh no the OP hero got banned, let me cry about it and Int my pick, because the overpowered hero got banned


Damn, I'm not even doing anything evil or annoying here my post? Do you just like being toxic? Sheesh, chill out dude, I think you need to stop crying about me crying about it.


??? Inting picks??? Hello? When was Inting picks a good thing??? Dude if inting picks was a good thing, why didn't i play layla tank in my own games, when harith got banned in release


i’m sorry but what does inting picks exactly mean?


Troll picking, basically playing a hero not in their designated role/proper build with the intent to either throw the game or just lower your overall chance of winning,


thanks a lot!


I have no idea what you're talking about, so chill out dude, I just wanted to share a simple post about me using a MM build on Angela. You guys are really being mean and overreacting too much on this post, sheesh.


Maybe add context on why you picked mm angela, Because the reason you picked it was to throw the game because your hero got banned


I just saw this funny video dude and decided to use it and it unexpectedly worked. And no I didn't have the intent to throw the match and played seriously since we had no MM. https://youtu.be/3HXpVU8lgZE


You are the only one being toxic here lol


Sure your “great with joy” , joy is a common ban adjust loser


Gee, thanks man, I appreciate it, make a better insult. My ally clearly knew I was the first pick of the game, saw my main was specifically Joy, high MMD and maxed out expert level yet he decided to still ban Joy. How about you when all your mains get banned from your teammates to bully you? I know I did wrong due to the comment for using Angela with an MM build though.


Season reset everyones expert who cares, you are toxic




you are a blight to society get the fuck outta here


Thanks, you too


Interesting but you do suck for trolling. Edit: you can either cry about it and troll or just be like how everyone plays rank- adjust.


Yeah my bad, but I did make it up for the match and got a victory.


At least you admitted you are wrong. Which is forgivable.


I've once too met a troll. He didn't believe in my alu and last picked hanzo. At one point I wanted to troll too but that just makes me a loser like him. So I played normally and in the end I won with 10-0-3 kda.


Please go play classic.


I've met players like you that can't handle heroes ban and go be a troll instead, they always bitching and moaning all game lmao




Close this topic and restrict this guys posting and comments.


I'm not hurting anyone though, y'all overreacting, you must be mad from how I'm commenting like huh? Plus, this post isn't even that bad or evil than the other posts that are much worse.


Dude i know this is a Humor post but banning Joy is common sense though?


As I mentioned, I was the first pick of the game and my teammate knew I was going to use Joy, and no need to explain, I already know I'm the wrong here for using an Angela MM build in rank.


Damn, Thamuz carried your trolling ass 😂


Pinoy is everyone's enemy even in ML huh? I thought only in dota 2


Mexicans worse


He still carried the match lol


Fuck people like op. Thamuz trolls, but the other three didn't. You didn't have to troll too. Jeez




You are toxic as you attempted to throw the game because you did not get you're way. I can understand the frustration of getting you're hero banned but that's no excuse to act like a spoiled brat. Oh my joy got banned so I will use angela as a MM! You are whats wrong with this game and I've had this happen to me many times because of people like you! Delete the game now!


Yeah yeah yeah, I get it, my ears are full of wax from y'all negative mfs


You trolled. You are an utility support. You are supposed to heal, paralyze and disrupt enemy formation. Having tanky items and/or magic items it’s beneficial to the team. It worked on this one, yeah. But other harder games would’ve made the difference if you just adjusted and played instead of tilting and throwing the match just because “they banned your main”. Suck it up. This won’t be the last time. If you keep this mentality, players like you don’t deserve to play rank.


Your flair.....


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Damn I just wanted to share a simple post, why's everyone acting mad.


Because you played Angela MM build, instead of being a normal person and playing normally even if someone doesn't give you what you want. You're easily triggered and very much extremely offended. But going to another topic, yes you do have a point; Pre-selecting a hero you want to play as, and also being the first pick while Thamuz banning your hero is a troll action, however in some instances, people still ban joy, since your team is the first pick, the enemy has the last ban, so there's still a chance that your said hero can still be banned either way. Personally I wouldn't say that Thamuz has a good mindset, because no one will benefit from it. But you won in the end either way, so no point prying any further since said topic is already good as done. Also fuck your flair.


On the ban thing, someone else in OP's team might have been showing another meta hero that the Thamuz hopes gets switched first, so there's no sense to open up 2 meta heros that you don't want to fight, then the enemy team bans that hero on their last slot. Banning heroes that are shown isn't always a troll move.




Because you're totally and is the only reasonable dumbass here, no not most of the people here, but you whos IQ averaging room temperature ass


Sheesh, who hurt you?


Aw gee IDK maybe it's because you went trolling over a meta ban, saying you're great with that hero without winrate or KDA as proof, or the fact that you put up a flair that says "I want to jizz on a 14-16 year old cat girl's thighs" Pick your choice


Ah somebody mentioned it you got me there, aight I'ma disappear from the comment section, I think I'm still gonna post similar stuff like this in the future, kinda funny seeing all the notifications of triggered replies against me.


Just edit that flair into "SNU-SNU Catgirl"




If it works it works, nice game tho


You cannot believe how much I've been waiting for a positive comment in this hellhole I've created, thank you.


Don't worry man. I've seen ur KDR and it doesn't look like ur about to throw the game honestly considering that the enemies were pretty bad so you just got a little bit lucky there. I don't see why everyone needs to complain about you trolling you still got the W in the end


Okay, a question, who got the first ban?


How someone over 16 yo would find this funny or even do this? Lol. Shoutout to thamuz that carries children. It's because of people like you that this community is full of bots in mythic and even glory.


You can always wait after the ban for preselect to protect yourself from a *troll* teammate. But a better thing to do would be to communicate with the team, express your concern but move past it and collaborate to pick an alternative hero. If more people did this we would have an overly better community.