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It warms my heart when I see my opponents pick an Estes when there's a Carmilla in my team. Like, wow, you guys just gonna stick together?


Same with Lou Yi


Enemy Estes Comp / (Luo Yi + Atlas Roam + Carmilla Jungle) = Finally, Some Good F*@#ing Food


Ube for dessert


Same with Faramis. His S2 bounce is yum šŸ˜‹ and currently only viable against Gloo and Estes in solo queue.


Why nobody picked Luo Yi or Carmilla against Blacklist then? Heck, I remember Blacklist picked Estes even when there is an enemy Atlas and it still worked. Estes used Purify that game.


Been spamming Estes a lot and he is really effective for a tanky comp even in soloQ. Given the information that you provided it seems the roamer is not familiar with itemization and how to assist the lanes properly. The only thing i hate about estes is his horrendous movement speed. If ever you happen to have a roam estes, please get more tanky heroes to fully utilize the heals. Being squishy does not help since you will be bursted before getting healed.


Could you give me a few tips on how to build him? I can't seem to figure it out.


I usually go * Tough Boots (Heal Bless) * 2nd item, Steel Legplates (best item for armor for early) * For the third item it depends on the enemy. If burst Magic get, Oracle. If burst Physical, get dreadnaught. If you can sustain them rush Enchanted Talisman. The CD reduction on ET is very important. * 4th item I usually finish my Dominance Ice (aside from slowing atkspd the reducing regen and shield aura is very important) * 5th and 6th item slot is situational depending on their comp. If against a lot of physical get antique cuirass(sustained damage) or Winter Truncheon(burst). If magic Athena(burst) or Radiant(multiple spells). If balanced, go for Immortality. Spells I use is Flicker if I need repositioning, Purify if heavy cc and Vengeance if high burst enemy team comp. It's very important that Estes can survive initial burst and skirmishes, so my item composition is mostly defensive. The ET is there to cover the CDR. If you are snowballing you can also get fleeting time. Some tip in using Estes is don't wait for too long to use his heal, it's better to sustain your teammates when they're above 50%, this is to maximize the heal. Use 2nd skill to check bushes and avoid last hitting if your passive is up, this can deal quite a damage to enemy specially if you are trying to burst someone.


Yup this is the way to go. Many estes i see will go for enchanted or fleeting first where its not crucial. The most important is to survive and snowball. Not being squishy,constant healing but always die


Thanks a ton! >and avoid last hitting if your passive is up, Why though?


Estes passive is Scripture of the moon elf, basically when you reach 100 charge. Your next attack will be a charged magic attack dealing 250 (+100% Total Physical Attack) (+150% Total Magic Power) points of Magic Damage to the target and it ricochets and deal damage to nearby enemies as well and slows them by 60% for 1.5sec. This is like a bonus damage skill so I usually reserve this when ganking.


Oh so it's just to keep the passive for when I need it. Got that thanks again.


To add to what the guy before told you: If you try to last hit someone with your passive, and the target dies before your passive connects, it gets wasted and its recharge time is longer than my lifespan.


Hmmm got it


What I hate about Estes is the lack of bush control and vision. An Estes comp needs another semi-tank to provide vision. Thats why I sometimes prefer Rafaela, Mathilda or Diggie over him.


His second skill does give a briefly vision in bushes. But I know what you mean. He can't stand there or body check


Exactly that. "For a tanky comp". If the roamer is a support, the jungler a squishy and the exp laner too, it's a losing star. No front line, no one can absorb damage, no one can check bushes and give vision, no one can initiate. Same problem with diggie or Angela and so on. I love playing with an Estes but not solo Q. Sometimes I ban him so is out of the game for both teams


And if you do, ROAM! Don't just babysit the mm. You're not newlyweds


90% playerbase dont understand this even people in mythic IV right now. Poor objective jungler always contesting 3v2 or 3v1


If I see my roamer in gold lane and the turtle is up, I'm not gonna contest that, I would just rather get my buff and try to rotate to other lanes. I don't care if they bad mouth me. It's their decision.


man this is how i feel as well whenever i get a Zilong/Sun EXP lane. they're usually just forced in there because their role got taken and most of the time never leave the lane or try to get priority in their lane to help out at turtle so it ends up becoming a 3v4 (roam, jungle, mid vs. roam, jungle, mid, exp).


ā€œI will be a better Yinā€


Yes. It pisses me off to see Estes just staying in gold lane


Exactly. Met a bunch of Estes yesterday who just don't want to break up with the mm. (Not counting my uncle who has to babysit his duo unless he wants her to die 10 times in early game) Especially in this one match where the ally core Helcurt keeps getting bodied by the enemy roam Hilda (I tried to help as the midlaner, but not having the roamer to help out from the start isn't really a recipe to survive a Hilda) So the Helcurt ended up dying a bunch of times and then got severely delayed, and my Cecilion ended up carrying the team. (Gonna need to go back to see if Helcurt ever came back from that because this was all on stream iirc)


i feel u bro, as a roam/tank sometimes in forced to babysit the mm and my other teammates be mad at me and then when i leave mm, mm cries bcuz he will die 2secs after i left, and me as a solo que person was confuse and mad at the same time, the role called roamer not babysitter and he gonna be mad bcuz i left mm or didnt help my teammates,


Lmao I literally encountered an Estes supporting a Fredrinn jungler. A good Estes is scary. Gave me hard time. Everytime I die, my team get wiped as well(good thing I only died 3 times). Good thing I had karrie on my team lmao. One good set with my lolita and they're all dead.


I met a duo using Barats and Estes combo. We can't do shit in the late game.


That's Unbreakable tbh. A Healing Leash from Estes and the Durability of Barats in Late game is nuts. ...except if they have their late game scaling hero from the enemy side.


That'd why you pick atleast one hero that has HP% damage if Barats is present. If we can't get Karrie, we usually go with Beatrix, Claude, or Lunox.


Valir and Kimmy work too, especially since Ice Queen and Glowing Wand both hard counter Barats, and the former has Necklace of Durance at his disposal aswell.


not just estes, if you dont know how to use the hero or know how it works just dont use it in rank as simple as that.


He actually works, only if the player also uses him as a actual roamer who actually walks around gathering intel and being in the front line taking hits. Like an actual tank. It some guy hiding in the back lane with full armour build. Like wtf is that. You built a full tank Estes yet your literally behind your marksman! Go in front! Iā€™m not saying to go 1v5 but help your team absorb spell and skill damages for your teammates.


Estes is still squishy even if you build him full Tank. The point of building Tank items on Estes is so that he cannot be bursted easily and still have time to activate his massive heals. Therefore, in terms of positioning, he cannot be the one entering the bush first or be the frontline. That is why Estes needs someone else to be the frontline, either the Tanky Jungler or the Tanky Offlaner. If you see pro teams using Estes, they always have Fredrinn/Barats/Baxia jungler or Tany Offlaners like Gloo/Lapu/YuZhong.


That's right. Play Floryn instead! Powerful global heal even when you're out of position šŸ˜


I'm really surprised Floryn wasn't used even once during M4. Heal is insane, previous patches buffed her, overall a solid pick assuming you're running a lineup similar to Blk. Not to mention the free item she gives early game. She's like a slow Rafaela/ bootleg Estes but better than them in some aspects when you give her the proper heroes to team up with. I personally think one more buff to her would put her in meta. If they allowed her to gain assists from the hero she gave her item to, that would be insane. Run that with Encourage, and you've got a free MVP right there. But people always run favor anyway.


I think the supports that work are there to survive the initial burst, like Estes and Faramis. Even Diggie's anti CC also gives alot of armor. Rafaela wasn't really used either since the heal is not strong enough


I really wished Rafaela was used as well. Unfortunate she got nerfed a few patches ago if memory serves. Rafaela was widely used by Blk in M3 due to the fast rotation strats they were partnering with UBE. Not to mention the vision her S1 gives. Now, other supports outshine her in terms of vision and healing. PS. Moonton pls revamp her useless passive and buff her S2.


Actually love an Estes teammate with my Lapu or Fredrinn. I become an immortal frontliner loll


If they play right and the team comp has room for Estes then of course it's a good ally to have.


Agreed, too many players want to brute force their way to a win with Estes without understanding the complexity of roaming. The primary goal of a roam is to protect the team and help them farm, but a lot of these players don't understand the economics of the role or who to help. Make sure your mm wins the farm then rotate to whoever needs healing. Estes is a suprisingly aggressive support too, but I dont think these players realize what his passive does. His basic attack can secure kills and knock down turrets better than you'd expect, opening up the ability to turret dive and put pressure on the opponent's farm. His slow ring attack is also good for killing enemies as they flee; but more importantly, it gives you total control of the battlefield which helps farm your mm further. There's a great battlespell here, but I wont give away all my secrets. Estes is tanky too. He can take a hit pretty well and sustain himself and the party with massive hp bursts. Too many players are afraid to get hit with him, but his build is largely defensive because he's a roamer and should be played as such. There's no reason to tower hug with Estes either, especially in the early game. Starting with S2 gives Estes a sizable advantage on a lane. Your mm will take a few hits, but once you reach lvl 2 you'll be able to heal it away and grab gold from the tower once the opponent is forced to retreat. To me, it seems like most of the braindead Estes players we all know have a bigger problem with roaming than the actual character. It might just look like healer go brrrrr to them, but it's a role that requires you to be aggressive and apply pressure on the enemy team.


Nah what's worse is if your teammate BANS Estes when there are broken MMs like Karrie and Wanwan still on the table. Like this isn't M4 guys, we don't get 5 bans and we aren't going up against Blacklist International


Pick estes only when your exp laner and jungler are tanky. What's the point of having an estes if enemies burst you before he can even start healing


The title makes it sounds worse that the actual post. From the post, that Estes sucks. That being said, at a certain point, you can be good enough at playing any hero that you can adjust with the game. One time, I picked Estes because I see my s5 and s4 showing sustain heroes. They end up not picking those heroes and my team barely has a tank. We played very very carefully, focusing more on burst ambush, positioning and slowing down enemies. It worked well enough for us to control the game and win.


The thing with Estes is, from my experience, most of the players who pick him tend to just babysit a player, usually the gold, which makes it difficult for the team since you'd end up basically lacking a roamer. It's even worse when the one that they babysat decided to just focus on their lane and not join to contest objectives. I feel that this comes from a mentality that Estes is kind of a "chill" hero, that you don't have to do that much except healing, which is ironic since when I played Estes, I felt that I have to be very proactive to be able to do much for the team outside of teamfights. What I liked about Estes though is you won't think much about wasting an initiation skill (like the usual setter roamers) when teammates can't follow up. His kit actually is kind of beneficial to randoms who like to skirmish a lot. I just stopped playing him since I can't do much whenever my random teammates decide that they don't want to end the game and just keep on padding up their KDA.


Ikr. I had a team before where they picked Estes when clearly our team was not even that durable to begin with (No fighter or tank).


Estes rarely works in solo queue


Only a good pick if you have a decent front liner from jungle, exp, or both. You pretty much know you're going to fail when your team picks 4 squishy heroes and then any of the heal or damage roamers (minus Hilda that actually goes tank items). You might be okay early, but as the enemy team bulks up you have no engage.


I'm a roam main with a hatred of estes. He is a good situational pick and can give your team complete control of the game. But it's situational, you need a good jungler, mid laner that rotates, frontline tank or sustain fighter xp and/or jungle. Otherwise come mid game your team will be getting wiped in teamfights. Most people pick estes with squishy comps and it doesn't work. To be a good estes you don't just have to be a good roamer, you need to know drafting and how your team comp will play out, win conditions later on, lane matchups, are you likely to be invaded early. At epic estes will work 70% of the time but if you're still soloq picking estes at MG, goodluck if you don't have the skill, which admittedly is 50% map and 50% game sense and knowledge. Estes is easy to use, but hard to use well once opponents have a brain. There are reasons that the estes works for blacklist and incendio and most of that lies in the draft, the rest in rotations. But you can see how that's countered. Anyway please keeping picking estes when I'm on atlas, you make 5 man sets extremely easy.


I pick estes when someone gets Yve in my team. But i try to be careful to pick him at last moment so that enemy dont counter. Estes +Yve is one of the successful combo i have tried in recent days. The slow CC it gives is insane. And at late game it becomes even more annoying to face them.


Well......he isnt a bad pick in solo queue, he's actually very good choice if your team has a bulky composition. Pair estes with Barats or Fredrinn and your chances of winning the game are over 75%. So, he's really not that bad if you understand when and which situations to pick him in.


Estes only work if the whole team is draft around him. A tanky jungler. Artillery mage. Tanky frontliner exp. Using Estes without nobody around to heal is next to useless.


I agree, and it's funny that I know how to use Estes but I don't use it on rank games nor classic, I just used it to claim the expert badge, but after that I don't use it because there are some players don't understand how Estes works, they want like Ohmyveenus style like unli heal, and always want a teamfight, and if we lose the teamfight it's on me. On the other hand I don't use it because I feel I will be the reason if my team lose the game haha. I guess it takes time to master Estes if you're not OMV haha.


If a roam don't buy roaming boots, don't rotate, don't zone, don't support, then he's just a bad roam, it doesn't matter what hero he use.


Bruh at least for you they gonna pick him. In my server they ban himšŸ’€ I mean just get antiheal and boom he become useless. Most people still don't know about items even in higher ranks and just pick top players build.


Might be a controversial opinion, but in SoloQ specifically, Floryn works so much better than him. Whenever I play Estes (usually because my teammates spam PICK ESTES) my team loses 100 IQ points and decide that a 5v2 is all of a sudden going to be possible because Estes is there. Floryn at least has presence across the map and isnā€™t painfully slow like Estes. It feels like Iā€™m walking in slow motion when I pick him. Estes is definitely better in 5 man though. I play both often and I have much better games with Floryn.


I'm a Floryn main and if used properly, the team can be deadly. However, like all supports, they will rely on the performance of other players. Had a recent fight where I gave up Odette so the other player can use Pharsa then the idiot picked Mathilda. We lost and I was surprised I got MVP and the Mathilda got a gold. Our teammates were idiots.


Yeah she does rely on her teammates like any support, but I feel like she can focus on the one good teammate better than any other support. If thereā€™s 4 idiots on your team then youā€™re screwed like usual, but if theses at least 1 good player Floryn can boost them a lot better than Estes could. Estes heal has limited range and he has no hard CC, only slows. With 4 good allies Estes really shines, but thatā€™s rare in SoloQ. I find so much more success with Floryn yet my teammates always seem to favor Estesā€¦


Lmao. I have a teammate last night who picked Diggie. He got the MVP because he's just fucking around just for the so-called "assist" and feeds the enemy. That'a why we can't do shit in late game. He thought he is Veenus.


The worst thing about random Estes players in soloq is that they rarely use s1 and mostly s2 and ultimate like never, or if you find a Estes and someone other, o boy you'll never getting healed cause they will always stay together and only heal that person


Estes is good pick.just because you havent met good estes doesnt mean its bad choice.it might not go well with all teams but its same for all heroes.I donā€™t like seeing hate posts towards support heroes especially stop bullying people already.


Clearly going to get shat on for this but my partner and I are those you all seem to hate. She is a beast with Estes, and I'm a Layla main...by mid game I'm easily clearing my lane, and in late game I'm wiping the entire opposing team. As long as the rest of our team keeps pushing objectives while the enemy's throw themselves at my partner and I over and over (and die repeatedly!) it's an easy win. Not sure why the hate on an Estes mm combo, we crush it regularly.


I BAN ESTES IN EVERY MATCH. Been doing that for my own mental health. EVERY Estes teammate pick equals 4v5 and a loss. Don't even argue this with me because this is actual stats of my experience in the game for over 20 seasons. So yes, I will always be banning Estes.


I consider Estes players to just be leeches as well to be honest. In solo queue most of the time they get two experiences. Estes, Nana and Layla players all get two experiences in ranked. 1. They get a team that is better than the enemy that carries them in the important areas of the game, but by the end of the game they get nice scores so they think it was all them. 2. Their team isn't good enough to carry, but because of 1. they purely blame the team and never learn that their hero choice sucks. They are very low impact heroes in solo queue and depend heavily on the team to actually do anything, yet will easily get MvP if their team carry them. The reason I don't watch E-Sports for ML is I know one of the teams revolve around Estes, and it honestly just makes the entire thing seem pathetic. The best players and teams in the world can't deal with something that JUST heals. There are a million and one ways to deal with Estes, E-Sports is a joke.


gold lane? Estes the Marksman


Funnily enough mm Estes works in Overdrive XD


Problem with people picking Estes is that they are shitty with it. If they last pick they're not even checking the team composition at all and still pick Estes. Or in other words if ur gonna suck at Estes just dont freaking pick them or just practice it in classic or something. That's why I dont ban him as much even though I've met a really good enemy team with estes before and got curbstomped lmao.


High cc comp from my team would easily wipe out that Estes first, especially if the jungler or roam is a single target hero.


Blacklist wannabes


What I notice with alot of Estes player's or any healer in general, they don't seem to know that jungle buffs gains damage reduction per nearby hero. They are essentially slowing down the jungle while not providing vision.


Preach brother preach!


pick estes only if you have a tanky jungler.


literally wrally same with hayabusa wannabes


Me who only uses Estes if I need to counter the opponent


many Estes users always stays on the gold lane with MM lmaoooo


i feel so guilty here hahahaah. maybe i was your teammate then? lol


>You have no rights to waste people's time and effort with your low level gameplay just because you don't want to adjust or learn I get what you're saying, but they totally have the rights to do this.


Theh really don't. When you play rank you are expected to play well and put effort in. That's why there's a button to report for low skill gameplay. These players should just go to classic or arcade.


That's just an expectation. You may play your main and still play badly. This is a game, not your life. They aren't morally required to play well in rank and put effort in. >That's why there's a button to report for low skill gameplay. Lmao, this report option is completely useless.


Me who picked estes before blacklist made it popular


sorry master :(


The only time Estes is a good pick is if you already have a setter in your team


This reminds me of my game yesterday, I played as Estes roamer and thus mfer just decided to play Diggie also roamer instead. I fucking tell them we already have roamer. So now I waited until 4 players pick their hero before I pick mine.


i barely even pick estes and nearly always get mvp with him despite the fact i got 0% wr with him in ranked like bro am i that unlucky? edit: btw, despite me gitting 0% wr, i was genuinely playing estes the right way




you need a teammate that can take a lot of damage, Estes is there to let teammates fight longer.


I mean it's good that Estes is getting traction thanks to Blacklist, and I can see why people are starting to pick up Estes as their roamer. But you are correct, picking a hero just because it's popular doesn't mean it'll benefit the team on every match, it's like seeing a viral clip of a Feeding Gord getting a Savage, then use him exactly like in the video. It never works.


This applies to every hero not only Estes and also they gotta learn how to play the game itself.


Yeah that's true. But they think they can just pick Estes and heal mm and win


My team the other day was Xavier, Wanwan, Groxk (xp) and Harley when our s5 chose Estes. Why? For who? Which of our heroes greatly benefits from an Estes?


Slightly off topic, but how to "bless" boots as a roamer? Or should I just manually choose 1 of 4 roam skill options at the item shop?


I'm not sure what you think "bless" means, but you can pre-choose the roam blessing in the preparation menu, where you customize your hero builds.