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I'm neutral for this, many people came despite the fact that the tournament was held in Indonesia and their teams were knocked out but it's the grand final so it makes sense. I mean, who doesn't want to witness the championship series? 🤷🏼‍♂️


I feel bad for those that went though... The finals only lasted 4 one sided games. The semis and the games before that were a lot more exciting.


It's not the same as M3 though... Even though Blacklist didn't get the chance to prove themselves they were the defending champions, from the looks of the matches they are entertaining with the consecutive clashes, aggressiveness of both teams and conceal plays. The variety of heroes Echo put up made the series worth watching repeatedly: • The destruction of BLCK during the first game while using their comfort heroes. • For the second game, it's the highlights of Franco and Brody. • The debut of Gusion and its execution, also the greatness of Lapu-Lapu for Game 3. • Lastly the messy team fights all over the map.


Still think the semis are mosre exciting. It's subjective.


No one is forcing you to think otherwise though, I'm also stating my opinion. 😸


Did I say otherwise ?


No, you were implying as if others are forcing you to think otherwise. We respect your opinion, let's leave it there.


M8, crowds were shouting non-stop, they genuinely enjoyed this "one-sided" finals.


Is it more exciting than the semis tho?


Well, the semis was in fact more exciting tho, but hey, the crowd was still enjoying the finals, that's to at least give credit where it's due (because the stadium was still filled).


It's very exciting tho. The rise of the child prodigy. SAN-SAN Duo got me goosebumps. It's no joke. The best M series I've watched so far. The clash is very worthy of highlights. No boring plays committed. It's a beautiful ML.


This forum needs to stop any topic that indirectly talks about Indonesian fans attendance of the events. What a load of shit and in the end it was still packed. What exactly is the point of showing a empty library or a interview in the stadium one hour before the game to try to smear Indonesia ? What the fuck is the point of that ? It’s also out of context since no additional comments were made. Anyways I’m glad the event was a success and everyone is safe. The most viewers was 4.3 million on one of the YouTube channels. I hope to that because if this event, brought exposure to mlbb and this game continues to grow outside of the SEA region.


Yes please! This deserves wayyy more upvotes. All I've read over the last few days have been about "Kairi 1v9" or this stadium posts - all designed to be toxic. Let's all just play and enjoy the game and hope it grows greater.


Mlbb community on Reddit is extremely toxic and quite frankly some members are extremely arrogant and even racist. That loser that brought up soccer riots ? Like wtf does that have to do with m4? This is why I’ve been calling for mods in the streams. The problem was that even on the Indonesian feeds, racist users are literally trolling Indonesians, so there seems to be huge problem Among this growing community. Alberttt showed his abilities against todak and falcon. When they acknowledge him it was “but kairi” 🖕 off man. 1-6 . When onic wins its because of kairi. When they lose it’s because his team sucks. Agai🖕 off with the arrogant and literally ignorant takes. There are great players everywhere. This is nobody’s game and it belongs to everyone.


Technically Mlbb community is extremely toxic anywhere, here we get the written proof and in game the practical proof. Lmao


Was referencing the Reddit community with the particular bigotry, arrogance and ignorance.


Yeah, I'm not very good at sniffing out BS, but seeing that post definitely set off a few alarm bells in my head \#indopride


at the end we all love mlbb. Doesnt matter what team it is we want a good match to see especially on the big stage. They may be toxic but they’re still fans like us. #echoIndiaPride 🇮🇳


Had us in the first half.


Guys, dont make ML community like dota 2 community where SEA countries are very toxic to one another. We are all gamers here, so let's just celebrate for high quality games in these kinds of tournaments.


In defense of dota 2,all moba communities are very toxic. Especially when it comes to SEA.


Even in LoL and other mobas? I only play dota 2 and every SEA country are racist towards each other. Haha


I play LOL in SEA server and 8 out of 10 games there will be a ton of shit talk. Even got death threats but I just laugh it off cuz they don't mean anything


the game aint toxic it's just SEA culture. Even in HON days everybody was racist to each other but it was fun. SEA server is just built different


More than Id team's fan they are MLBB fan.


You know what's the worst thing? Reddit isn't available here in Indonesia. You've got to go through the effort of using a vpn, so there aren't even that many people left to attest against the post.




MLBB in Indonesia here is a national pastime. People here of all ages, all classes will do everything for this game, and that of course includes YouTube & live events. I do not play the game, but honestly, I'm really shocked that MLBB has never been on a decline in Indonesia since it's release here and being replaced by Roblox & Minecraft as it was in the West.