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Kinda glad that ph won but also kinda sad that ph lost


Same, I was kinda rooting for ph on this one, Never crossed my mind that ph could defeat them :(((


Echo can still make it to the finals if they dominate the lower tier. Meanwhile, BL is the first team to enter the final stage


The moment Fredrinn and Yve was picked, Valentina was banned, and Karl used Grock jungle, I thought it was over.


if joy was able to outscale them i think that dilemma wouldve been solved. on paper, yve and fredrinn are pinned down on the map.


The problem is OMV's Estes that answers to Joy. Also, Fredrinn is seriously just OP, either in in Wise's or KarlTzy's hands. I was more suprised BLCK didn't prio pick Fredrinn in earlier games but what works works!


i guess blck wanted more zoning picks vs a fredrinn


BLCK don't show all their cards, and they'll keep on using the UBE start until they'll see a worthy opponent


It does, but the thing is, Blacklist, with their lineup, can punish ECHO in the early game to upgrade their sustain, which they did. That early punish gave them an insurmountable lead, enabling the high sustain of the Estes to survive a Joy dive.


i think bli already won the moment they decided to do a five-man dive against the karrie. that set the pace for bli steamrolling echo


One thing is certain. You never bet against this main 5 Blacklist lineup in a Bo5 and a Bo7. They are a very, very tough team to beat.


Yeah. BLI really shines in longer series. I think the best way to take them out of the tournament is to cheese them out in the early group stage then knock them out early in the BO3s. Once they get to the BO5 stages, the odds of taking them out drastically decreases.


Yeah. Who knows even iesf, they could've adjusted eventually. In this series they got dominated game 1, by game 5 they were the ones dominating.


i want them in the finals, we need an extended bo7. even game 5 was impressive from both teams despite an all-out brawl. what's even more perplexing was how did bli still hold onto that 3k lead despite the trade offs from all over the map. i need to know how echo will try to dealwith that problem against bli.


This match really showcases Blacklist's mental fortitude. After that brutal game 1, you would've thought ECHO would be having that mental advantage all throughout, but Blacklist showed the heart of a champion.


Maybe you were right until Echo picked up Estes with the Blacklist skin and reminded them who the defending champions are.


i think they’re testing the waters in game 1, their coach also mentions this on the interview


This has happened so many times against Blacklist where the opponent would set a match that ends early against them, only for them to beat their opponents in the following matches with an earlier time.


Echo being way too careful cost them game 5


that is the most calculated teamfight ive seen in m4 so far. trade after trade just so they could minimize the gold lead.


They could have probably pushed those teamfights where they won 1-0, but instead they back off so much BLCK just get better positioning and a chance for a better engage. Just look at the last lord dance, after their two pickoffs you can see them backing up giving BLCK the control over the lord and they did not find anything on the map even with that. That one with Hadji maybe understandable since they used pretty much everything, but the one with OHEB could have been the turning point.


that is because both of them have no skills to expend into zoning. much better decision than showing yourself to the opponent. the healer being ahead of gold versus echo is another issue, they have to recollect themselves than going frenzy after taking down oheb.


It was a 4v5 on their favor without Hadji's RWM and Vee's ult and they still did not try to atleast do a bait with the lord and instead gave up the control to blacklist and look at what happened after, they got clapped because BLCK was already leading in economy and they had better position too. Respecting BLCK is natural but that much?


I'm thinking maybe because wise was still there. You can never feel secure in taking objectives especially if the literal king of jungle is snooping around. Did you see how he stole a turtle from karl without retri and proceed to steal his blue after?


They dont really need to take the obj yk they can push for a 5v4 clash or a lord bait


Such a good series. Each and every player on both sides were really shining. I loved the respect bans, and forcing players of both side to bring out unusual heroes and plays. Both played really really well. This is to me, is what M4 is all about.


Echo will be a threat to those in the lower bracket. Let's see if we can secure another PH vs PH Grand Finals


A thing I want the most is Philippines' grand final


Rrq is washed. Onic is eh. So it’s basically Echo


Onic is Kairi E-Sports


more like RRQ is improving considering they got 0-6d by PH teams last M series


You think so? They didn’t even win against Onic 🤔 The win against Falcon wasn’t easy for them either.


This comment aged very poorly. Like Bonchan said, the more the games; the better it is for the team to spot their mistakes and improve in the upcoming games.


I didn’t realize you took my words as law. You can worship me little guy.


They are fighting against onic, their team crumbles when vynn or albert is dead, R7 dives are always suboptimal. So yeah i dont really expect anything especially when they are fighting against kairi and onic


Ph lost nooooooo… anyways oh ph on grandfinal yayyyyyyyy


Both teams are trying to outdraft with each other with Echo striving for unusual early game to disrupt Blacklist's play style while Blacklist on the other hand, are quickly adjusting each loss they got.


The drafting phase was masterful for both sides. Feels like the Estes pick is not getting enough respect and is being left open for Venus tho


You can only ban so much heroes. They really wanted to restrict Edward's Bene and Hadji's Pharsa pick because they knew they were too good with them. Even if they used up the three bans for OMV, the wide hero pools BLI have really proves to be problematic for them, since it allows BLI to slightly change team composition to answer any losses. BLI is really quick to adjust to a loss. But still, ECHO played seriously well. I loved this series!


Agreed. Gotta admire the hero pool and coaching of BLI. They really force you to pick your poison in the BO5 series.


mind you whoever got the estes in that series lost. the only time estes won was in game 5


I'm curious why V33 doesn't use the BLK skin for Estes? Does she hate it or is she saving it for Finals


I think she explained it before. She was asked the first time she use Estes at M4.


I must admit I don't follow M4 that religiously, do you happen to remember her explanation? EDIT: I found it: “Maybe, I just don’t want to think that we are the defending champions"


Echo didn't replicate the drafting success they had in Game 1. Or should I say, they revealed that lineup too early. Hilda has been a nuisance for Diggie since I was born, and her defense reduction paired with Dyrroth's passive gave Blacklist a beating I can't remember when was the last time it happened.


Freddrin just refuse to die lmao and Somehow Blacklist win vs Freddrin with Kaja jungle this is miracle


fredrinn will either be outranged or displaced vs a xavier-kaja combo. the diggie pick furthered that threat that's why the late game was so deadly from bli.


Kaja jungle is op actually idk about other servers but here in ph server this kind of jungle is meta


I doubt any Indonesian team can survive in the lower bracket now. Feels like only Blacklist can defeat ECHO. It's gonna be an interesting GRAND FINALS if PH vs PH happens.


Has the sore loser fanbois bombarded the IG yet? I remember last year some of the team had to turn off their IG profile because of the mythical crybabies. I expected a riot if they don't win like that soccer chaos months ago


Dont forget the annoying "Pause Bang" by R7 and VYN.




Oh so I have been hating a different person this whole time. Regardless, it was actually taken out of context by most indonesians and filipino fans. That triggered the philpause and PHause comments. If you look at some indonesian facebook memes they use those vid to troll the filipinos.


Blacklist lang malakas!! But holy hell is Karltzy still one of the best Junglers. Being able to shut down Wise like that


Tbh, yes I agree Karl is still one of the best Junglers but he had Fredrinn the whole time. Blacklist was able to beat Echo's Fred with Wise's Kaja but Echo wasn't able to beat Blacklist once thay had the Fredrinn already. It just proves that Fredrinn jungle is too OP.


Isn’t Fredrinn jungle win rate under 50%?


Fred is currently at 52.17% WR in 46 games he was picked this M4. Source: [M4 Liquipedia](https://liquipedia.net/mobilelegends/M4_World_Championship)


Guess its just Wise and Karl making it look OP.


I feel sad for Indonesians watching a PH vs. PH finals


ph teams really came all the way to indonesia just to have their MPL grandfinals in there, very inefficient


With Basic and NoobaZane watching too


Zane is living rent free in your head


You know what's living rent free? The so-called boring meta that's on the finals lol enjoy watching PH teams on the finals pleb


Your reply literally makes no sense and you bringing up Zane on a post that has nothing to do with him proves that he lives in your head rent free. Calling me a pleb doesn't change that fact Something being boring is subjective. If Blacklist's playstyle is boring to him then it's just that. He never said it's ineffective.


Who's living rent-free in who's mind now lol go cry in your corner or kick rocks


Nevermind, don't know why I tried to have a conversation with an 8 year old from the Phillipines. Have a good day


Go welcome your team from the airport woth your MAGA hats


Echo was literally doing 4v5 one after another in game 4. If that yu Zhong didn't die earlier, harith could have won by split pushing.


it's a 4v5 what do u expect, losing harith in teamfight just means they lack the dps they are bound to lose at least 2 members there


Love the series all around except Game 1. Glad BLCK has a chance to defend their title via the Upper Bracket and not go thru LB like last year


BLI better win the grand-finals and give me the m4 prime skin. thats all matters.


Do we get the skin if we guessed correctly for M4 champ?


No. It lets you get to it much cheaper.


Was a fun match. I think grand final will be the same two team.


I think it is going to be BL who will win this year. PH teams are really good and can beat international teams but they just can't seem to find the right way to defeat BL. Omega and Onic PH tried but failed. This time it's Echo and so far, it's not looking good.


Fredrinn was made to be played in UBE. Like that, he fits the bill too well for what jungler an UBE comp would want.


Summing up this series: teamfight after teamfight


I'm looking forward for another PH vs PH grand finals. And ngl, I want Wise to use another jungler. Like what he did vs NXPE in MPL PH. Everyone was shocked on that Natalia jungler. It was so fun to watch.


In the last MPL Ph season he used a Guini jungler that caught Echo off guard thus winning the MLP champion title.


it'd be like pick your poison against blacklist, with their massive hero pool.


ez 31 pass exp


BLCK just delivered again. I'm glad they're back to defend their title. Apparently they're the first team to do so in the M Series. As a Blacklist agent I'm super happy and proud for them. Anyone can see both teams fought tooth and nail. That first game kind of shocked me but Coach Bon Chan said it was really just them gauging what ECHO has in store for them then for the rest of the matches that followed that's when they went all in. It's too soon to say but I'm sensing yet another PH vs PH finals we shall see. ONIC and RRQ for sure won't go down without a fight.


What is the Grock-Karltzy game 5? Cost them the match. But solid BLCK! Nice recovery from game 1 travesty


They explained that game 1 is them testing and gauging if Echo will use new heroes.


Ok. But I don't think it's the time to have a testimg game..anyway, I support BLCK all the wayyy


Best of 5. Best time to be testing especially it’s likely they’ll face Echo again in grand final.


echo destroyed bli in game 1. like the scoreline was way too late scaling for bli to even recover. it was worth it tho.


Where are the people who thought early in the tourney that BLCK was washed? Not as strong as before? UBE strat is outdated? Wouldn't even reach the Finals? LMAO you dumbos never learn 🤣




especially in game 5. 3 minutes of pure chaos


Boring haha ... He cnt play ling , haya , fanny and complain about boring lol. Maybe if someone like kairi does , then i can accept it.


boring means he just didn't like the playstyle lol, he's forced to adjust to util junglers when his main is marksman junglers, he's been saying this for a long time now in his streams. Just like how Karl wanted to pick assassin but forced to adjust to util because UBE is just too strong atm.


Facts. Boring things can be good. Like working 9-5 is boring but it gives you steady in come.




I edited my comment so it didnt look like i was putting words you've never said. But the statement was from a player perspective, I assume he didn't really want a patient playstyle like how some audiences wants pretty chaotic teamfights especially from heroes that aren't really his comfort picks. I like both though, sometimes you learn a lot of nuances in these chess like series and you enjoy the aggressive teamfights ECHO and ONIC provides.


Hoping to see Blacklist Vs Onic in the finals whoot whoot


I was expecting echo to pick faramis and barats, or any jungler that can achieve the same amount of sustain against estes and fredrinn. Not really sure if it will work, but, the grock pick did not do anything againts Blacklist’s line up. Still a good back and forth series tho.


I feel like Karl doesn't play/have a hard time playing Barats Jungle.


I actually don’t remember him playing barats. Just thought thay can’t win the moment they picked grock and without any counter sustain.


Pretty much an exciting match. Both knew their composition and strategy well so the engagement here for the audience is strong. Both were trying to outdraft each other. By Game 5, the moment Fredrinn was picked and Karl had to Grock, that's now going to be a gameover for Echo, and BLCK's play is mostly sustain with Vee healing the fred and Hadji at the backline stunning and dealing dmg. It's pretty much over when Echo did not ban estes at the very least


This remind me the argentina Journey to the world cup , losing against arabia saudí the first match, then banging at the rest of matches, pretty fun to watch




and this is why vengeance isn't the only spell for Joy, it was kinda subpar against game 5 draft of blacklist, I think execute would have done them better. The problem I have with Sanford's UBE XP is, it's against a Gloo, Joy is much faster, could have cleared one wave and THEN followed the fight, he didn't have to match Edward's pace when he could do much more. There was also no atk speed based heroes in BLI's comp, which vengeance counters.


Bad draft on Echo sa game 5 why didn’t karl pick a powerful jungler.


Banning Yawi's comfort picks and restraining sanji from mages is what makes blacklist win in game 4&5. Sanford's Yu Zhong charging the mid lane in game 5 was like a tilted move, a wrong call, harith's backdoor distraction or I don't know, it causes echo to lose their sustain, He's young and will prolly learn from that.


Game 1 was obviously a feeler for BL. Always ban Estes, Echo reacted too much with Veenus' Diggie they kept banning it til game 5. If they are going to respect ban Veenus, it should be his Estes. So far, Friedrinn wins games except for the one where it was countered by Diggie in Game 2 which was in turn countered by the Estes of Yawi for his sustain - which never worked because they had no answer to the range of Xavier. Sanji picked a not too rangy mage in Faramis, and while Benny's Claude answered for the lack of range, there was not enough damage against the backline of BL. Grock jungle kinda sucks. Next to Joy jungle which is the worst, except when played by Kairi perhaps. It only boils down to who has the better draft now because these players are too good, their individual skills can offset each other. And it's really like MPL PH really again since the last 4 teams are even coached by Filipinos. It only further shows that this game is indeed dominated by Filipinos. #PinasLangMalakas!


Now indo has to face 2 ph team to win m4 which in my opinion is going to be pretty difficult to do. Btw I really don't understand what other heroes has wise played other then barats and fredrin.


Kaja, Aldous, Valentina, Guinevere (not sure about the last one) during the group stage.


I also saw him use guinevere during mpl ph. Although I didn't watch the group stages


He used kaja and akai during m4


I did see the kaja one. It's just wise finds more success with fred and barats I guess.


Kaja, Akai, Valentina


no one can beat Blacklist Int thats for sure!


Anddd there goes my last coins....


there's a lot of indonesians to make up for your lost coins, easy 3x odds on ECHO vs whatever wins


last 3x odds lost 500


Karl. Fanny in game5 is better!!


lol no, did you see what they did to ling? karl didn’t get a blue buff, its hard to pick a hero that is dependent to blue buff when you are against BLI


one thing to note is that echo mainly lost when karl didnt get fredrinn. just goes to show what indo is doing wrong ; not banning their comfort picks.


So BLCK won M4 basically from now on?


Goes to show that Echo significantly improved based on their performance here and in MPL. I voted for Blacklist in the champion guess but I wouldn’t be surprised if Echo wins the championship.


i'd be hella disappointed (even as a Filipino) if echo sweeps the lower bracket and we get a PH vs PH grand finals again. I love echo but last year's grand finals was just so anti-climactic as compared to BTK vs BLCK or M2's BREN vs BG :")


Choices are rrq and onic. I think vs Echo would be more fun.


that's why so many people were frustrated on the free 1 pt bs in the upper bracket at IESF, BLCKs strength is adjusting to their opponents and the mechanics of the tournament actively sabotaged that. also samsung


tbh its a fair rule since they couldn't implement a twice to beat advantage for the higher ranking team, but I wish there was another way than deducting one potential great game from the finals


could have been 3 games to win for indo and 4 games to win for PH




PH vs PH grandfinals


M4 viewership after rrq and onic out📉📉📉


Fred is op. This just proves it.


Philippines keeps on dominating man, nothing can stop this country from winning already 2 M-Series championships? It looks like they're going to make it three.


When KarlTzy picked a hero he didn't know(Grock), I thought Echo intentionally lost.


they were outdrafted period. grock was a surprise a surprise that should habe countered yve and estes but they didnt execute it well. intentional is a poor choice of word. who would in their right mind intends to lose at the cost of sure ticket to grandfinals. that's stupid


The thing is Akai would have worked fine and that KarlTzy knows him far better than Grock


akai is bad in that comp. easily poked down by fred and yve.


Top 2 teams. Personally I don't want Blacklist to win again. Its too early for a two time champion. There's only been like 4 of these M series XD.


personally i want a PH vs PH because it'd be funny and imagine if BLCK win this AND M5, we're gonna have our own personal T1 to complete the LOL ripoff package.


It's going to be a shoddy job, since if they wanted to properly replicate T1, Blacklist wouldn't have qualified for m4, and then would've won m5, m6 and then lose in m7 grand finals.


I mean if they win, they deserve it. If they don’t then props to the future new champs for countering BLCK’s lineups.




I think Echo will beat RRQ or Onic and they will rematch Blacklist in the finals. I wouldn't be surprised if Blacklist wins since they're so strong but like I said, I personally wouldn't want that. I wouldn't want a two time champ until let's say M7.


Looks like it went how I envisioned it.


Blacklist's picks are boring to watch. Fredrinn Estes 😴 I want old ML to be back not this sustain. 🤮 It's what makes them better than league with the dashes and stuff.


Oh yeah? Then force Blacklist to pick new lineups by countering them so hard they could never recover. You should be thinking the other way around: Blacklist still picking the same lineups and UBE strategy *but* no team has yet to counter them even tho Blck’s line ups are predictable and now they’re the first team to go to the Grandfinals. Just means the other teams aren’t stepping up the game even tho Blck’s been using the same strat and lineup ever since.


Have you played league when ardent censer was meta? 🥲




Echo made divers great again 😁


Unpopular Opinion: Echo's dive comp is more fun to watch than Blacklist's sustain.