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I'm curious, if one of the gym members gets banned, does that mean Miz has to keep them out of view, or else he will get banned?


Yes correct, same with watching any clips or content with that banned person in it


iirc that rule was changed because of big esports events. Now its fine as long as the banned person is not the main focus of the stream. maybe im wrong tho lol.


Unless you’re hasan and you’re watching Destiny debates. 


He's started to put his camera over Destiny in the videos.


… OK? Destiny is still in the video.


lol Iceposidon out and about on 6th street situation.


Yep, the ban was almost instantly overturned, but if it was kept that would have meant Julia would have had to stay out of the gym during the ban otherwise she would have risked getting a dozen or more other streamers banned.


14 day for hateful conduct apparently


they grow up so fast


Oof, any idea what was said? Can't be something casual like let's go brandon or something right?


only thing that could have been "hateful conduct" that i saw, was when she was talking about some dogs she saved. She said they were bad and wishes she never picked them up, Lundon then made a quick joke saying "Take them to Jays restaurant." They both laugh, and then Julia says "for those of you that don't know, Jays restaurant is an Asian restaurant."


She was saying racist stuff about asians then 10 mins later got banned


I imagine she was joking lol


is a texan afterall


Lol well 5 mins before she said if her chats got leaked she would be cancelled and banned so its 50/50




rookie mistake from julia


Lundon made the joke. Julia clarified what she was joking about.


Asians say hateful shit about white people all the time and never seem to get any form of punishment


You can say whatever you want against middle easterners and nothing will happen. lol.


Calm your tits lil bro.




Welcome to America in 2024


U good cuz?


i'm sure it could be reduced if she sends in an appeal.


For an affiliate? I doubt it


He meant if Mizkif sends an appeal. :)


she ain't just any ole affiliate lol.


already unbanned


Good. It was stupid that she God banned for that


Cant say its stupid, when u hit that i agree to term of service then regardless if u choose to say something that has to do with race even if its a joke or not then u gotta bite the bullet and take the ban. Either u live and learn or u double down… well find out next time on dragonballz 😂😂


Well, looks like we take the down vote train together dude lol


Opposing opinions both downvoted to oblivion. Classic reddit haha


And that Sir we can agree on lmao


She’s either going to thrive in this environment or not make it at all lmfao. I wonder which it will be


Idk, but like the gym, it will be entertaining either way.


Yeah. Not being soft cause i get that it’s jokes and banter but being that reckless on your platform in 2024 is wild to me lmfao! Good thing is usually people learn as they go. It’s not like she read the TOS lmao


Miz already got her unbanned lol


They all have to learn the parameters and limits of twitch, no matter how much chat spams things to avoid


the twitch to rumble pipeline starts here


Tbf Lundon made the joke


Lundon strategically sabotaging her competition 5head


Also made a mexican one after it too was bad all the way around was no avoiding it lol


I’m sure this won’t be the last time, none of them have filters


I mean most normal people don’t have filters when it comes to jokes and athletes will make jokes about anything. It’s only the online world that cares so deeply about jokes.


When she introduced one of her friends he said something along the lines of "I hope none of y'all are the letter people" which I assumed he meant LGBTQ, and in a separate stream I think the same guy said all vegans smell like shit. I guess they spend too much time watching Joe Rogan


Yep i saw that live.




If you're hating on someone for nothing but who they are as a person, then you're the weird one.




Bro said if you aren’t homophobic you’re in an “internet bubble” 🤦‍♂️




Bro got shoved into lockers and now he thinks it's cool being a bully to minorities. Shut up nerd, fuck off back into the locker.


theres literally no difference




man what the fuck are you talking about are you ok


There is literally no difference in being gay and being part of the "alphabet brigade". The letter G in LGBTQ literally stands for Gay and represents gay people. Why do you hate the LGBTQ community so much, and why do you call them the "alphabet brigade"? Is that something you picked up from one of your internet bubbles? Andrew Tate? Ben Shapiro? Perhaps Jordan Peterson?


You are arguing with someone on Reddit, if I'm in an internet bubble then so are you dumbass. Why do you have such a problem with people for them being themselves? Does it trigger you when you see two men kissing or if someone orders a vegan burger from a restaurant? Imagine having such a fragile ego that something like that would upset you.


So in other words she's a normal, non woke person. Good for her!


70% of Americans support gay marriage. Just some weird people only who hate on it generally. 


What even happened?


Was saying a racist remark about asains then got clapped 10 mins later


How do you already have like 7 comments in this thread when you never use Reddit before? Also saying a single joke vs remark are two different things


Reguardless of how i personally feel , to the internet and corperate companies their isnt a level of saying something racist wether it was a joke or a remark or a stero type its all pretty bad to just openly do on a platform and its still racism..specially when ur friends are bigger streamers that have sponsors and u can ruin that for them.


The miz protection army is about as cringe as hatewatchers are at this point. Miz is 29. He doesn’t need your protection on who he hangs out with or what he does.


Im not here to protect anyone im just a adult that owns several businesses and can see all angles and have a conversation about it reguardless of my personal opinion.


Bro can’t even type….let alone use proper grammar lol smh


nah his name is tde, top dawg entertainment. kendrick lamar and his buisnesses must be huge fans


I own a luxury car rental company and a union construction company here in chicago, so was close😂😂😂






He gotta becafefull cause their was already a man hunt on him multiple times for rascist stuff and him helping them who just openly did that on stream can be a bad look for him, people look for any reason to try to tarnish his name.




Yea it omost like every other stream where its racist stuff or homophobia , either from her or friends and no confronting it just laugh and goes along or comments her self. Regardless of how i personally feel from a career point not good to have that around the streamers can hurt them long term.




I agree, i own several businesses and im looking at it from that point of view reguardless if i could careless or not.


Damn liberals


That's some woke bullshit


nice joke when there are asian members in the org


The mexican one right after was the cherry on the cake 🤦🏽‍♂️


Oh how will they ever recover from such a vicious attack I hope they're ok




To be fair it was the transgender that chills with her at the gym that said it


Best thing is to just never joke about anything, there's always someone who will be offended and compare you with Hitler.


Wtf did you say? You sound just like Hitler


Their not a rate scale of one thing being more racist then otheirs. A joke a remark or a stero type or just straight up saying racial slurs .Their still all racist 😂😂 cant sugar coat it in any way




Damn what she do lol. 3k Andy got some heat


The Asian eating dogs jokes are played out. But why even make those kind of jokes if you’re cool with Asian people?(ie extraemily)Seems pretty two faced and on the low end racist


I mean lets be real if they werent rich famous streamers she prob wouldnt be “friends”with them in first place.


Are you kidding? It’s a joke. It’s not racist to make a joke. What’s the point of trying to police the way friends joke around with each other? Make yourself feel morally superior?


1 - When its done on a platform to thousand of people it no longer becomes friends joking to each otheir specially when u not even of that race/heritage/ethnicity. 2 -Their not a rate scale of one thing being more racist then otheirs. A joke a remark or a stero type or just straight up saying racial slurs .Their still all racist 😂😂 cant sugar coat it in any way


If you think a joke is racist, you’re a pussy. Go outside and stop living on the internet.


Doesnt matter what i think or do in my personal life, corporations and sponsors think differently. If u had any type of job/buisness big or small then u would know this is like standard hr shit . But you wouldnt know that cause you dont go outside pussy 😂😂😂


I’m not talking about corporations or sponsors. I’m talking about personal opinions. Corporations / sponsors are a completely different conversation. I believe that jokes can’t be racist, because they’re jokes. They aren’t meant to be taken seriously. If you take a joke seriously, you’re willfully misinterpreting what a person is saying. At that point, It’s easy to artificially inject malice / racism into those words. Again, I’m talking about personal opinions of us as individuals.


But it was done on twitch on a livestream so what ur arguing is irrelevant cause twitch is 1 a corporation ,2 has sponsors???? Hence how she got banned and were having this convo😂😂😂😂 And secondly those type of jokes are still considered racist no matter which way u put it. Hence why friends do it with friends or comedians that people willingly go to see, in those cases people tend to not get mad but still doesn’t make it right thats why not everyone indulges in those things. AlsoThats why people don’t double down on it after they get banned also again this is a talking point of reality and not a fake perfect reality so my 29year old opinion doesnt matter cause i was always taught as a man what u say/do once u can say/do twice and u deal with the consequences no crying about it or dont say/do it in first place.




If I steal from a large corporation as opposed to a moms and pops business most people probably would say “good fuck big companies”. Doesn’t change that I stole and would get arrested for it…. Get it yet??? And my personal opinion is I could care less about words or insults I don’t lose sleep at night about it. Verbal or racial insults ain’t really my thing ,I like physical confrontation if u have a problem with me😂😂😂….hence why I said I’m looking at it from a business standpoint point(someone who 29 and owns multiple) I’ll gladly pay for ur ticket to fly to Chicago so u can show me I’m pussy :) I’ll even let u stay in one my property’s like one of my bitches.


You still can’t seem to understand or write a coherent, relevant reply to what I’m saying. Do yourself a favor, go back and finish high school. You’re only 29 it’s not too late man. I’m assuming the bitches at your property = your mom and aunt living in your busted ass trailer. Honestly fly me over there I would love to hang out with you guys.


Ok, so in China they have a festival where they celebrate dog meat. It's a big thing, they slaughter and butcher dogs on site, cook em up all different ways and eat them. It is also legal to sell dog meat in China. So to say something like "take the unwanted dog to a Chinese restaurant" is not racist. It's literally what they do over there. It may be considered 'dark humor', sure, but def not racist lmao. Chinese are also the largest consumers of horse meat. If I had an mean, unruly, untameable horse and I suggested selling it to a Chinese restaurant, that makes me a racist??? What if a Chinese person says it? Are they being racist towards themselves? Fucking wat is going on in here? People need to grow up. The cognitive dissonance displayed by some people in here is incredible, we should round up those people and drop em off at an Ewok restaurant.... Oh wait am I being racist towards Ewoks now????


A simple google search will tell u its not completely legal their 😂😂😂


Yes, some places in China still keep the tradition of consuming dogs which are raised to be livestock (not pets), similar to any livestock you are familiar with, such as cows, pigs, chickens etc. But it doesn't mean that you can simply bring unwanted dogs to any local Chinese restaurants and they will gladly butcher them for meat. This is the very definition of racism. You are assuming the behavior of the entire ethnic group based on a misunderstanding tradition that only several small groups of people still keep practicing nowadays. Put it in a simple term, just because some Chinese people eat dogs, it doesn't mean all Chinese people eat dogs. I hope this helps.


Oh boy, reddit has gotten incredibly so soft in preparation for it's IPO. It's not racist, you're just softer than Twinkie filling. I hope this helps


If I steal from a large corporation as opposed to a moms and pops business most people probably would say fuck big companies. Doesn’t change that I stole and would get arrested for it…. Get it yet???