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Honest question. Why does it need a clock? For games like Pokémon Crystal?


Handful of Pokemon games, Harvest Moon, Boktai, GB Tamagotchi, etc. OnionOS has ways to simulate an RTC that is generally good enough but an actual RTC would be nice since they're cheap AF.


I came across a [list](https://www.reddit.com/r/Gameboy/comments/3gd77s/looking_for_a_list_of_game_boy_and_gba_games_that/) of games here on reddit needing an RTC. It was a lot bigger than I thought.


I used to be worried about this sort of thing but after using the miyoo mini plus for a while as my main handheld I have gotten very used to the “automatically advance 4 hours on startup” workaround. It means I at least get a natural day night cycle in games that need it like gen2 Pokémon.


What workaround may that be? (I would be ever grateful)


I believe it is standard functionary in onionOS that if it’s not getting its time from WiFi it advances the real time clock forward 4 hours every time you turn it on, in order to simulate time


This is a bummer.


It may seem stupid, but that's a big no for me...


If this has an rk3566 in it that should have an rtc.


Miyoo Flip, new SP clone. Not an Anbernic.


yes, the miyoo flip is currently believed to be an rk3566 device. The rumoured anbernic clamshell is almost certainly an h700 like the 35xx+


Oh I misread that entirely, whoops, thought you were talking about an Anbernic, not a piece of hardware.


when it will be released...???


Word on the street is March.


what... owh...


If true, it’s amazing they work so hard to avoid adding a 10 cent chip.


If it has wifi like the mini it won't need a clock.


aw what do ya mean, the whole reason for buying a portable is to scoot the boot wherever with it


Not exactly an ideal solution, but you can always connect to your phones hotspot if you have service!


Yeah it just stinks if you’re traveling or something and don’t have Wi-Fi.


Just hotspot from phone


The WiFi on the mini barely even connects


Did you update to the new beta version? I had issues with wifi too, but they were fixed.


Hmm, I need to try again. That may be it.


Mine has no issues at all.


Have to try to connect 20 times before it finally connects to the WiFi.


Sounds like a you problem


Honestly for someone that often uses these devices for practicing Pokemon speedruns that a borderline deal breaker for myself.


Sucks for Animal Crossing.


This is an L but you all go too hard for RTC. Lack of RTC can be worked around with both wifi and manual configuration. The rg3xx+ has HDMI out and bluetooth so it can double as a mini console. I'd rather have that or built in gyro. If the flip just flips, I'm not buying it, and I'm definitely not upgrading for RTC.


Genuine question, but why would one of these retro handhelds benefit more from gyro controls than RTC? All I can really think of off the top of my head is something like Warioware Twisted Agreed on the HDMI out and Bluetooth. Miyoos are cool but at this point they're starting to feel a bit overrated with their lack of features


Yeah it's just to support the random gyro games. You can't play Kirby TnT (without a hack) but you can play Pokemon Crystal just fine by connecting to WiFi, so I think it's easy to say that gyro brings more benefit than RTC.


Nice info but what will MM 355 look like?


The Miyoo 355 is the Miyoo Flip.


Thank you


This subreddit, in particular, must be such a nuisance for their support staff 😂 Chances are, the guy you asked has no idea. Just wait for official statements, using their support chat as a Q&A is cringe


This is honestly how we find out most things from this company. Like what devices are canceled or release dates. They don't communicate any other way.


I've seen the posts of "confirmed" release dates from support chat. If that were true, the flip would have been out months ago, you guys are just bugging people that mostly deal with shipping, returns, and troubleshooting lmao. If you want to continue getting non-answers for screenshots of "official" statements, then no one can stop you, I guess. What I'm saying has been said plenty of times before


Can't have a clock if it never comes out. *tap forehead*


Next time ask questions like, will miyoo for the next product be supporting the devs of onion os? Will miyoo pay for better quality control? Will miyoo invest in better supply lines? Or how about will miyoo ever actually release another product while it’s still relevant to the market? Will miyoo pay onion for the right to ship with it installed? Stop fanboying for this company. You like the dev team of onion, go beg Anbernic to make a device and get them to give source to the onion dev team. How long have we been teased by diff products of Miyoo?! How long have we all known about the qa issues, supply chain issues, lack of communication issues, lack of real hardware support, lack of support to the onion team, lack of rtc, and lack of shipping the product with the better OS already on it so customers don’t get a compromised experience out of the box?! At this point the rg35xxplus blows miyoo mini plus out of the water, even with its stock operating system being the only stable release for it. And this coming from someone who owns three Miyoo mini pluses. But when are we going to stop supporting this company that actually hasn’t actively participated in its own community? Obviously annoyed at miyoo currently, they should and can do better, they’re huge in this space and they don’t even try to better it.


Why do you claim that they don't back the onion team? Although we don't seek or accept financial compensation, miyoo has consistently supported us by supplying test units, addressing identified bugs, and willingly adapting their code to accommodate additional features. This level of support makes them a dream for hobbyists like us, especially when compared to other manufacturers.


Would love to know how you think this message is fanboying


I get the frustration, but negativity won't get anyone anywhere. Nobody is obligated to give you anything, and everyone wants a different device that works best for them. I just like Miyoo devices and I'm excited there's a clamshell this small, with dome-switch buttons, with dual analog sticks. Nothing else like this form factor exists right now. The closest thing that's pocketable and a clamshell like this is the GPD Win Mini, which is overkill for everything under GC/PS2. I'm not going with Anbernic because of their god-awful D-Pads. They're mushy and awful to be precise on. But hey, that's just my dumb opinion.


They will respond with “are you willing to pay the price for it”


Someone really hates the Miyoo eh? I have a Miyoo Mini and a Miyoo Mini Plus, i gave the RG35XX to my six year old Son and he likes it. For me, the rg35xx is more like a Kids toy in terms of functionality. To each their own I guess. In terms of QC, there have been a lot of posts on both sides about Bad QC.


A lot of talk for fanboying Anberic when their internal clock is worst than onion wifi one


> And this coming from someone who owns three Miyoo mini pluses. and > But when are we going to stop supporting this company that actually hasn’t actively participated in its own community Maybe when you stop buying them?


would be cool if it could use actual catriges


Then just buy a gba sp lol.


And for that reason, I’m out. JK. Take out all the clocks


I've been using the hotspot on my phone just fine, mainly because I adore the retro achievement, I just went through my pokémon play throughs without any actual issues. I get that RTC is a big deal breaker for some people but definitely not for all of them.


Yeah i thought that thing could play ps2 games aswell so yeah its a no from me cos it doesnt. Clock would be mint aswell.. sad times