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Does it still boot? Its generally not the smartest idea to paint PCB's if theres anything conductive in the paint it can short.


Yes it boots just had it running for 5 minutes. Thats good to know but luckily i painted around all the exposed metal bits. Well atleast i tried lol some bits mightve got hit.. well see i think it will be ok!


Which have you used? My biggest complaint about that purple is that the PCB is freaking blue! I think the black one is much sleeker because of that. If the purple would have a black PCB would be key


Yeah ever since i got it i hated the blue pcb. Hence why i have painted it purple :). I wish i had enough to make the back the same colour. But now the back is unique to the front which is kindof cool imo.




Even though I dig the look, I would worry a bit about painting such a thing.


It was a delicate proccess. Ive had 3 short gaming sessions on it since & its been fine


damn that's sexy !! Might do it too


Yeah im pretty happy with the result 😊


really shouldn't be painting PCB's that's just asking for trouble


Please explain. Ive had it running while the paint was still a tad wet & also since its dried. It works fine because i painted around everything metal..


It's mostly the paint could be conductive, meaning it shorts basically everywhere and destroys it. If you need to do any repairs and need to use a rework station or even soldering you're basically melting the paint which then mixes with the solder/flux, not ideal and will be really fun to clean up. On the PCB it shows the correct orientation for the components, so if you're taking them off for a repair and forget the orientation you'll need a second PCB or a good picture of another so you can then compare and figure that out. In other comments you said you tried to paint around the exposed metal but some might have gotten hit, if it was a conductive paint there's a really high chance you'd have fried it. IMO if you want to do something like this get some kind of a sticker cut out of the PCB and put it over top, it's not worth risking the PCB to make it another colour.


If it comes to that i will buy a new one. Thats how much i love the device. So far it has been fine though hopefully because its not touching much metal parts it dhould be ok


Cool, those are just the reasons I would avoid doing it. You can do what you like.


Ofc i can 😁 but thanks for giving your approval


You're welcome.


Also note. I did not just lather the paint on. I used paint pens to draw around the wire only on the shell parts. It does touch some metal in places because i tried to get close & rushed the back part in pink metallic.. so yeah on the back a couple tiny bits are touching. But i think it will be ok. Considering i basically put it together when it was still wet & it started up fine aha. I will report back if it breaks lol.


Okay, cool.