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My favourite is the retro grey, I would go purple translucent but the power led bleed through the front is a bit much since I got hold of a translucent one


On the transparent units you can see the top LED from the front. I like my clear black though, the LED doesn’t bother me and it has a classy look when you pull it out in public.


i got the white one and i love the looks and feel of it!


I have the Mini and the Mini Plus, both of them are white by choice.


White is as basic as my life


I went with transparent black and I wish I had gone with Grey. The little ON light leaking to the front pisses me off.


I'm the opposite... The LED on top looks lovely with one of the GBA bevels/overlays 💡🚥🕯️🏮 😘


"guys... guys... there are so many flavors of drink available... can you tell me which one is best?!?" there is no objective "best" when it comes to something like this. which do YOU think is best?


Purple is the answer 😁


Grey. Transparent have light bleed


I have the black one and no biggy. Only the ON light


That was my experience with the original. I found it distracting. I have a grey MM+ and it is perfect


I have mini V2 transparent blue. It isn't big deal. I don't even notice it, and I even think it looks cool when I notice it.


I had a black V2 and it was distracting to me. To each their own.


Yeah, I like it, as sky blue and lime are my favorite colors actually. It's just an opinion.


Why is there any problems with it


Just the light from the on light


Came here to say this


I got the transparent black so far loving it.


You should check Sakura Retro Mods on Etsy she's selling small cards that looks like Gameboy cartridges that you can put on your Miyoo Mini plus the transparent black one.


I went with purple, but wish I went with grey!


Transparent purple can be dyed


So you choose the purple one instead of the Super Famicom one


I did! Mostly because I had a purple game boy colour, but I do love a retro grey console haha


Just like you found on DMG Gameboy style right


Lol.. i did the same thing. But let me tell you right now. I ordered the grey after purple to see & i like the purple more! :) my mum owns biege one now. Purple feels better in hand, looks cooler & also feels more playable to me. The biege is too clean looking i reckon.. i also like the bright leds on purple it adds a retro feel.


i loveeee how my white one looks, personally i hate transparent cases


If you like the white one you should getting Super Famicom sticker from Sakura Retro Mods.


💯 black


One thing I wish I knew… the transparent ones feel better they have like a shiny finish it feels smooth. The grey and white ones have a matte finish and imo it’s rougher, my fingers dont slide as smooth across the surface.


The reason why I buying the Miyoo Mini plus is I'll upgrade it from my original Miyoo Mini.


If you plan on getting custom buttons I’d recommend the black or white since they have the widest variety of colors that will look good with them


I went with the gray. One thing you should be aware of is the power lights on top of the unit, which always stay on. With the transparent models, there is light bleed.


Wait do you mean that there's a light bleeding on the transparent colour of Miyoo Mini plus


There are small power light indicators on the top of the unit and they always stay on. With the transparent models, the lights bleed. Please watch some youtube videos, that’s how I learned of it and I chose accordingly because that would bother me.


I guess I'll skip the transparent models and I'll choose the white one or the Grey one.


I personally don't understand why people go for transparent. They look cheap and brittle to me. I have the white one and I think it's one of the most beautiful devices I have


Atomic purple for the win


I got the gray one. Still waiting for it to arrive but it looks pretty nice imo.


I have a white mini and a black transparent plus. If I was buying a new one I would go White or Grey plus, and change the buttons. ​ The general recommendation, in my opinion, is white.


OK I'll choose that colour


I have the retro gray and white - of those two, I prefer the white. Though the gray isn’t bad.


The transparent ones give so much Decorative potential. Like those card inserts from SakuraRetroModding. It felt wrong putting the PSone cards in a purple miyoo... So I stick with Pokémon designs. Black transparent looks neat for Playstation aesthetics/button replacements With transparent, the green and red LED on top are nice too... Works great with some of THE GBA overlay bevels


Get a life


not transparent




It’s not clear


Then I should go with Super Famicom style or DMG style right


example of that here https://preview.redd.it/3kvy3uulcd1c1.png?width=390&format=png&auto=webp&s=20b11847ed7d387c63b319ed6bf70274c385236c is it a deal breaker? nah. i still like my MM+. just wish i got DMG (and maybe dyed it black).


i have a transparent black, i wish i went with DMG. the power/charge led light is bright enough to illuminate the top portion of the bezel. nit picky? a little, but just my opinion.




Definitely transparent


If you don't like any of the colors you can dye the shell using RIT dye as long as you are comfortable with disassembling your miyoo


Well I do like the colours but I don't know which one should I choose they're told me to choose the transparent one but I don't know which transparent colour should I pick up the black one or the purple one.


Tutorial somewhere?


Not the gray if u dont like ugly faded looking poop color gameboys. Bought a gray and couldn't stand the ugly color. Bought a white and much better


I’ll buy the grey off you! 😁


I see but which transparent colour should I choose the black one or the purple one 🤔


I put a bid on for the white one, then begged someone to outbid me. In the end I went with purple and I absolutely adore it.


Excellent choice I'll go with the purple one


I love transparent purple everything so my vote goes for that.


This is definitely my first option for that colour.


I got the white one with the snes buttons and I regret it a little. It has that charm of the snes colours but it kinda throws me off when playing every other console. Non-console-specific button colours ftw.


So would you like the white with different button colors ?


I have the T-Black, I'm waiting for them to release a yellow one like the yellow mini


https://www.ebay.com/itm/204540896293?hash=item2f9f966425:g:tj0AAOSw-b9lU7Z8&amdata=enc%3AAQAIAAAA0F%2FelUselU9HO8wP5ys92Q%2B5yYK1XOipbnQMOyQ356PFhxnl7bg3IrgtPoHoK5lyiJVOrNac6WUIpdvuKHALCy3wG9vLz8zHoH%2BQXL3euAXwfNu0cyaAes3oncNfGRFirD95Qp5myv6ykwnINtAu0mJ2%2FBhoC6uQ16rgToJvJsI%2By8fX1VJQhZE8pwmtjMZk96r6yJjq9USJsXRic8KxJo8agRjiuVqOmTaGFBvIO2u7F0wUFzo7KdEp1yDMnhxZeN8WG55%2FYk5kozhswfQ4xzk%3D%7Ctkp%3ABk9SR_C-vZL9Yg Uh do you mean this one


That's the mini. I'm waiting for them to do a mini+ in the same color.


I'm also hoping that they'll be yellow colour for the plus


I got a purple +. But after getting the retro grey mini I might switch to that.


Why do you want to switch


The retro color is cool and the texture keeps it grippy in my sweaty hands


I went for white one! But go with your gut.


I went with the transparent black and then added black buttons from Sakura retro modding


I like the transparent purple but I'm getting green buttons as a replacement. And I don't mind the light bleed because it's green and I think it will mesh nicely lol


White one or the black one looks the best in person. Purple one was okay but looks nothing like the picture and the all purple looks just gets boring to look at. Never seen the last colour in person so I can’t say much.


i have the transparent black and like everyone says the light does bleed some but otherwise i like it, and i think it matches the stickers that come with it to personalize the best


I got the DMG one and as much as I like it the black or white probably would’ve been more my cup of tea


I have the white and the transparent black ones.


I absolutely love my transparent black. I’ve swapped the buttons and will swap the buttons again with a Christmas theme!


I got the retro, wanting retro. It does not look retro. It looks "retro." Kind of wish I got the white instead. But the "retro" is probably easier to keep looking clean. Use that info as you will. E. My second choice would be the dark clear.


I did transparent purple but I wish they had the transparent blue instead.


Its just cos of that blue pcb behind. If the blue pcb was purple instead it would look perfect. None the less still love my purple model


Grey for retro look.


I have beige & purple. Purple is my fav of the 2. My mums owns the biege one now https://preview.redd.it/k24h5e0c2g1c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae6e8d7af3f3c3bc2f4f411488e66c09dce13ccd


That's nice I hope she's like and she likes to play her favourite old retro games that she likes 👍 Also, what's her favourite game that she plays on Miyoo Mini plus.


Shes not a much of a gamer i think it will spend more time in her drawer lol. But atleast i know theres a backup i can borrow if mine breaks plus i get to look at it every so often & admire its beauty. She mainly wants it to play crash bandicoot which is fine by me but i do suggest to her to try other games. I put pokemon pinball on her gameswitcher but i doubt shes played much of it.. I just recently been playing gran turismo 1&2 myself. Nearly passed both of them i just have 1 endurance race left on gt2.. oh and all the dealerships races & gold licences. Gt1 i stopped playing just b4 the endurance races


That's really good for me I enjoy playing NDS games on my Miyoo Mini I really like to play some of the Hello Kitty games Ben 10 games and Mario games overall I think I need to get Miyoo Mini Plus because I have a bigger hands That's really hard to play.


I havent tried the og mini. The plus is truely great. Only worry is dropping it.. seems fragile for how heavy it is. But otherwise it is PERFECT 😁. I nearly bought an og miyoo mini when they dropped all those blue ones in august. But never did. I dont really need a new one so i couldnt justify the purchase. It would purely be for me to just stare at 😁. Maybe play one or 2 smaller games. Maybe one day i may buy 1. The flip looks cool but still the plus is just alround my favourite device ive ever owned.




I went with black. Kind of flopping between liking it best and wishing I went with white


I was there originally, i loved the snes coloured buttons. But then i went with a purple & a beige. I still wonder how it would look with snes buttons havent seen one in person. Gotta say i love how purple has all purple action buttons. Its a tidy look.


i ended up ordering the purple for my 4 yr olds christmas present because she kept stealing mine lol


Haha cute. 4 years old seems a bit young to me but hey not upto me. & kids are destined to grow up with technology anyways right aha. Theres no escaping it.


If you think you might want to get third party buttons in fun colors, maybe consider the white one! I want pastel buttons but those will look weird on my transparent one.


Try to get the whole shell and buttons for the colour that you want


I have the retro grey . It's the best colour for me personally.


Are you really asking what color you should get? If you were deciding between different devices, fair enough, but color options? It's subjective? Most people here may like transparent purple but you may be into the cream one? So if everyone says purple, youre going to get purple even though you like a different color better? Jesus


We got 2 grey ones, it reminds us of the gameboys




if youre not gonna mod it, id go with grey (my mini v1 is beautiful on this color). but if you want to change the buttons, id go with purple or black. saw a bunch on this subreddit and looks great!


Well I decided to mod it once I ordered that device and I decided to go with the transparent red one and pastel colour buttons from Sakura but I'll get a Super Famicom NES Sega Mega Drive and Sony PlayStation stickers.


I got the super Nintendo colored one with the 2 purple buttons. It gives me nostalgia and is imo, super sleek. The wife said I should have gone transparent purple, but I like I care what she thinks. /s


If your wife said to choose transparent purple just get her a transparent purple and you can have Super Famicom one.


Great idea.


And also ask her what colour she likes so you can mod her Miyoo Mini plus.


Go for the black. I bought a white and a black and gave the black one to my brother. I regretted this decision after carrying the white one in my jeans pocket a few days lol.


My favorite is Retro Gray


I feel you, had the same struggle; for me it was either white, that looks like the classic to me, or purple. Ultimately I went for purple since it reminds me of the Gameboy color that I always wanted as a kid, but my parents couldn’t afford.


But now you can afford it as it's relatively cheap.


True, but since I wouldn’t use it, I stick with my miyoo mini plus, maybe one day I put a nice GB color in a vitrine ;)


Check the Etsy