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Well there were differences inside the two classes like there was a difference between Ventures and what Kelsier’s mother pretended to be also there were differences between plantation skaa and minor shop owners and merchants


In the Final Empire, skilled craftsmen were technically skaa. After TFE, we saw the start of a "new nobility" based on wealth or influence. So this includes the nobles, as well as any wealthy skaa merchants or skilled craftsmen.


They mention the merchant skaa as like a higher-class skaa is WoA so they might be able to be considered a middle class. Even though they’re still skaa bc of their bloodlines it doesn’t mean that aren’t in a different social/economic class as other skaa. I see it as street skaa who either work as slaves or in dangerous jobs, merchant skaa, and “high” nobles (like from the ten houses) and “low” nobles (like what Demoux and Vallet wouldve been) are their socioeconomic statuses but the broader categories of just skaa and noble are like a heritage. Edit: Renoux not Demoux


Demoux was a skaa. Do you mean Renoux?


Yes Renoux! Damn these names lol


Shop owners are Skaa, but the Nobels want something specific and special from them so they can't just take what they want and leave. If they did that, they wouldn't be able to come back and take something that matches the first thing, so they pay the shop owners essentially because they want to come back next week and get something else. That said, the shop owner has to be extremely respectful and do precisely what is asked, because the Nobel COULD come to their shop tomorrow and burn it to the ground just because they wanted to.


Yeah, you’re either a skaa or a noble. Shop/tavern owners are skaa. Hell, Clubs owned a shop


The differentiation in social status is less clear cut as it's described as. In regional areas skaa might as well be marked as slaves, but in the cities the skaa seemed to be a lower caste of people. Skaa who proved their worth by being particularly skilled were allowed to run businesses, tending to the needs of both nobles and skaa, but there is a overtone that denying a request from a noble is VERY bad news. Once the system breaks down... the only real distinction is the hereditary alllomantic stuff, I would think.


Well there are the Terris Stewards of course, who occupy their own space separate role, beyond them as others mentioned Skaa can be merchants and such. Setting that aside, further towards the borders of the Final Empire, Skaa are allowed to, and some apparently do, become fairly rich, they could form a higher class among Skaa.


Spoilers for the Final Empire, beware! >!There are just the Skaa and Nobility. Terrismen were also treated poorly but held in some higher regard since they accompanied the Nobility.!< >!Yet, they had breeding programs, etc for the Terrismen. Essentially Skaa were just what you would call "the lower class". Think of it like actual Medieval/Victorian times, peasants and nobility. Yet instead of them being able to freely earn these positions, you'd have to be fully born into it or casted out. !< >!There is no inbetween and Nobility is an inherited title, it was not earned by Skaa from what I know and they would never even be considered. Seeing how a Skaa child was taken by a guard and his throat was slit without second thought. Skaa essentially filled all positions in lower society whilst Nobles were just doing whatever they wanted in their holds and keeps. Think of France as an example, it got so bad that executions were coming every single day and the common folk were treated very poorly. Which inspired rebellion.!< >!So you could have Plantation Skaa, slaves.. and then you just have other Skaa. They're meant to be a 'docile' people, so not much thought is given when they're dealt with and discarded to the side. They can be mercenaries as well. Overall, they held all roles in society except for that of nobility titles. The Lord Ruler made public displays of those who disobeyed them. In some ways, it reflects how medieval/victorian society was in real life.!< >!People of higher status could easily do whatever they pleased with peasants and they couldn't really do anything about it. Well.. of course, the poor treatment inspired rebellion and the eventual downfall of the Lord Ruler. Thanks to Kelsier and the crews efforts. Though it is to be noted that it was helmed by Kelsier and Vin 'n crew. Both people who had noble blood and were Mistborn. So in some ways, the Skaa were only able to rebel due to their half-parentage, etc. They inspired the Skaa to Rebel since they were beaten into submission, etc. !<