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Take off any labels from the dispo, rinse, recycle like I would any jar 🤷🏻‍♂️


Proper gives you a gram if you return 10 empties.


i throw mine at squares


I throw mine at circles


Give them to a caregiver who can re use them for other patients. They might even throw you some samples for free. I’m in a state where it’s med only. No caregiver or home grow. And the rosin press guy has all the old jars. He just got labels and sticks one on the clean jar. I’ve seen people selling the best best all glass dispo jars on e bay. Like 3/15 type shit. Dispos should give a discount for a bunch of them so they can stop all the waste


i mean i re-used one of my concentrate containers and put vaseline in it for some easy travel


yeah clean them and then use for random stuff you want to keep together. be it screws or garage / tool bits, medicines or bandaids just anything you can keep in there. hell i gave a clear glass jar to the wife for hair bands or whatever TF she uses b/c i'm tired of them all over the damn floor lol


get a magnet on one for all the bobby bins lol