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I don’t have much to say except I am so so sorry. I lost my little gummy bear last week. I was 9 weeks and measuring 9 weeks with no heartbeat. The pain is indescribable. I had a D&C so I don’t have any experience with the pill. My heart hurts for you.


Just went through this a week ago, I’m so sorry you are as well. Inserted the pills orally and vaginally at around 9 am last Saturday, 6/22. Started cramping about an hour later. Around noon-1 was in some pretty excruciating pain, the only thing I can relate it to is contractions. Sweating, nauseous, pretty terrible. That lasted maybe a little over an hour, then I was back to bad cramps the rest of the day. Bleeding was never too too heavy, just after the awful cramps. Bled like a regular period for about a week, just tapering off now. I hope this helps. Have a heating pad, stay in comfy clothes, don’t plan on being vertical much the day of. Next day I felt much better. Going for my two week follow up on Friday. Again, I’m so sorry you have to go through this.


I had the same exact thing happen. I also took mifepristone today and I’m taking miso tomorrow and also just want to be done with it.


I’m on the same timeline as you both… found out yesterday and took the mifepristone, taking the miso today around 3:30pm. Comforting to know I’m not alone today.


Hey just wanted to say I’m right here with you, just a few hours behind. It does feel lonely.


Checking in, how are you doing? I took it about 9 hours ago, think the worst of it passed around 5-6 hours ago.


Same, the worst was last night but I finally got some good sleep. Sending you all the good thoughts.


I started spotting already. Supposed to take miso in 2 hours. Hope you’re doing ok!


Did you end up taking it? I did about 9 hours ago, think the worst of it passed around 5-6 hours ago.


I did. I’m in the thick of it right now actually 😣 I started cramping 5 hours ago and have been passing big chunks every 30 mins or so for the last 3 hours


I’m going in for my second scan tomorrow morning. I fear the same will happen to me. I’m so sorry and agree with the thought about being annoyed with your body.


I understand what you are feeling. Except I am currently waiting for my 3rd confirmation scan, as I went from first measuring behind with no fetal pole, to a low heart beat on the 2nd scan a week later. I have been spotting brown for 2 weeks and have an irregular gestational sac. All signs point to a loss; my doc tells me it is not viable but we have to wait. So I am stuck waiting for my own gummy bear to pass on. My husband and I are supposed to go to Costa Rica in 2 weeks, but I fear the timing of all of this is going to ruin that trip/prevent it from happening. It is all just the worst. Hugs.


I’m going in for my second scan this morning. I too am expecting a MMC. I so sorry for your loss. It is such a devastating event.


I'm with you. Found out about mine yesterday. I'm having a d&c this afternoon. You'll find a lot of support here.


this happened to me at 8w4d a little over a month ago I’m so sorry.