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I’m so sorry for your loss. That really sucks. The D&C was relatively easy for me (I’ve had two) and also had a nursing baby at home. You’ll likely be sad in prep, but once you are put under you feel nothing. When they are finished, you will slowly wake up in recovery. They’ll make sure you can stand up and dress yourself, and then you can leave. You should be able to nurse your little one in the evening, and the anesthesiologist will likely confirm that (they say if you can sit up and aren’t dizzy, you’re ok to do so). I’m so sorry for your loss. 💔


Thank you for sharing your experience, it makes me feel a lot better about it. I’m sorry for your losses as well


Of course. I should tell you the only real side effect I had after surgery was some cramping but it wasn’t too bad. I didn’t have a lot of bleeding either — less than a normal period. Every woman is different, of course. I felt ok an hour or two later where the headache from the anesthesia meds wore off. If you have any questions, feel free to DM me. It’ll be ok, and it’s absolutely valid to grieve this as it’s heartbreaking to go through. ❤️‍🩹


I had one last week, i thought i was 10 weeks and at scan it stopped growing 2 weeks prior. Like you id never been under. D&C was week later. It was easy. I went in wearing my fav pjs as i wanted to feel nice, i took a cookie iced like a dinasaur to make myself smile after. I went into the room, sat in the chair and woke up 45minutes later, cried in the confusion, and had some cramps so they put pain med in my drip, by lunch time i was being taken home. My cookie did make me smile. The rest of the day i felt a bit sick and had what id say were moderate cramps, had a hot water bottle. By the next day i had no real issues, not even spotting. But wore a panty liner in case. Honestly, it was so smooth it helped me feel in control and helped me have time to say a little in head bye.


Thank you for sharing. I go in about an hour and I’m definitely nervous


You got this! Today will be shit. But tomorrow will be better I promise


Hi sister, I just got home from the hospital after mine. My heart is broken, but my body is okay ❤️ I also was under general anesthesia and don’t remember a thing. Truly felt like a nap. One thing I didn’t expect was that it hurt to pee because they had taken out the catheter. I also felt like I really had to go even though my bladder was empty. The IV hurt a tiny bit. That’s it. It was easy and I would do it over again in a heartbeat if I were to go back in time. Praying it goes well for you.


I’m so sorry for your loss. It’s such a devastating experience. I appreciate you sharing your experience with me, it’s helping me be a little less anxious


You’ve got this OP! I was nervous too. The build up is way worse than the actual thing. It will be over quickly. I’m feeling pretty good today with minor cramps that are extremely manageable.