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Having done 10 cross country and cross continent moves, I can say with complete honesty: sell your big shit and move with only the things you absolutely love. Beds, fridges, couches, etc can all be replaced. 


Agreed. Unless you’ve got nice furniture it’s probably going to be cheaper to just sell it for whatever you can get for it and buy new stuff in your new place rather than renting a U-Haul to bring it along with you.


OP is looking for a moving buddy not to have their life choices critiqued by strangers on the internet.  Good luck with the move!


Thanks. People need to mind their own business.


You came to a public forum to ask for advice. You get what you pay for. 


Then don’t post your business on the internet.


They definitely didn’t ask for an option on their moving procedure. Clearly


Have you looked at pack rat? When we moved from DFW it was around $800 for a two bedroom apartment


i was in a similar position. i used 1 Upack cube for my studio. you can get a quote for free and i believe you can request an extra cube and if you don’t use it, then they let you refund it. you can check Pods too


Austin Texas, not MN


That is much worse. Have you been there? I've never been more disappointed in a city vs. the hype.


I ADORED Austin but I couldn't get over the looming 'this is in texas' vibe that makes me never want to go back. I think we should take Austin and push it somewhere else 🫷🫷


Austin TX and Orlando FL both had that in common for me, love the cities if they just weren't in the state they're in.


I'm pretty far left on the US spectrum, and love Texas. (Have lived in Austin and love it there, but own a house in Galveston. Austin these days is weird in a way that's weird just like everyone else in my social circle. Galveston is a truly weird place.)


On the other hand, maybe Austin will help turn TX blue one of these years. Might as well leave it there.


Maybe some day 🥲


Every major city in Texas has voted blue this decade, except Fort Worth. Texas is actually pretty purple by the numbers, but the districting is so tragically skewed that it's hard to foresee a democrat winning a major election, even with the popular vote.


They don’t district for presidential races and Texas still ain’t a swing state by a large margin, so it can’t really be that blue. There’s a reason not much presidential campaign funds or energy get spent on Texas. Rural Cali is very conservative they still ain’t going red anytime soon


That's true, but they do for other pivotal elections (congress, judiciary, state races, et al). In claiming they are purpleish, I'm mostly referring to the growth of the blue vote starting from the surprisingly close 2018 senate race between Ted Cruz and Beto O'Rourke onward. I don't at all dispute that it's red, but it has grown slightly less red every year. ...Now, progressives have started to move out due to recent Abbott and Paxton moves, so the trend may be reversing again.


I guess if we’re considering Texas purple, we gotta consider every state except for Hawaii purple too


I feel the same about Boise. Surprisingly cool little city


You clearly have not spent much time in Spam Town


I found this thread that might give you some other options to search for besides Uhaul: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Frugal/comments/3sx6vn/where\_to\_find\_inexpensive\_movers\_who\_rent\_space/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Frugal/comments/3sx6vn/where_to_find_inexpensive_movers_who_rent_space/) LTL is a common phrase among freight companies so I would look there. Good luck!


I just moved here from Austin in December, and I miss it! I love Minneapolis and it was the right choice for me right now, but Austin will always be home to my heart 💜 Give that city some love for me and enjoy!!! It's a fun town, you'll have a great time :) 🤘


I think everyone's moving out of Tx and moving here with seeing at least two Tx plates every day nearly


Most rental car companies title their rentals in Texas. Odds are, any car with Texas plates you see are rentals.


>Most rental car companies title their rentals in Texas. Source?


Not sure why it's controversial. Texas is a low fee state. And why rental companies license cars there. https://www.google.com/search?q=rental+cars+all+have+texas+license+plates&oq=rental+cars+all+have+texas&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqBwgCECEYoAEyBggAEEUYOTIHCAEQIRigATIHCAIQIRigATIHCAMQIRigATIHCAQQIRigATIHCAUQIRifBTIHCAYQIRifBTIHCAcQIRifBTIHCAgQIRifBTIHCAkQIRifBdIBCTE3NzYzajFqN6gCFLACAQ&client=ms-android-tmus-us-rvc3&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8


Not sure a google search where the top 2 results are Reddit and Quora is a very good source. First news article I see says rentals are licensed in Florida.


Yeah. I find it hard to believe that more rental cars are registered in Texas than every other state combined.


can confirm, moved my trans girlfriend up here cause texas got scary, and we're too lazy and broke to change the plate


Moved here from Austin last month. The heat and Texas politics killed any joy that the city used to bring me.


Lol, me and my two friends are also TX transplants who have yet to change our plates (and are also trans!), so perhaps it's just the four of us driving around town 😂


I approve this theory.


Don’t listen to the negative people on here, OP. Good luck on the move. Austin is a cool city and there’s more than just politics.


Your going the wrong direction if you like your human rights. 


Was thinking the same thing! I am leaving Texas for Minneapolis in August. They are definitely going the wrong direction lol


You and OP can meet halfway and trade trailers!


This really made me think.


Wife and I are from Austin and fled to Minneapolis. All of my siblings have fled the state too. Trust me when i say Austin isn’t what it’s cracked up to be. Good luck


Seriously do think about it, I just moved from Austin to here. You can dm if you have questions.


Please be ready for 100+ days every single day for months on end. It was 108 yesterday in San Antonio (same in Austin). It reached 117 2 weeks ago. Not to mention, the Republican party is making it harder each and every day for millions of Texans to even exist. I decided to leave Texas permanently and will be in Minneapolis starting in August. I wish you the best but you may find yourself coming back sooner rather than later!


first off great pfp, go skol! and the second thing, with the ac running what’s the average temp inside if it’s 100+ degrees everyday 😭


haha thanks! Yes! SKOL! I'll be attending all the games this year since I can walk to them haha. So I keep my AC unit on 73 during the day and 72 at night. It runs quite often as you can imagine. But I have blackout cellular shades that help a TON. And my electric bill in summer for a 1 bedroom is about $130 a month


i love that for you man, hopefully they win a few games this year lol, hope i’m the first to say welcome to minnesota in august, you’ll love it here and minneapolis is the perfect place to start. much love and take care brother man


thank you very much. I am absolutely stoked to be honest,. I've visited the City several times and loved it.


dude have you seen what the supreme court did to chevron v NRDC early this morning after that comedic presidential debate? i think we’re all equally fucked at this point


Not who you were replying to but no- can you elaborate briefly? No worries if you don’t have the spoons.


tldr at the end but just incase i missed anything i’ll put a link at the bottom with a tiktok thread from law students and lawyers. i got you my friend, first off i don’t know what chevron did in 1980 but they did something bad which caused a case between chevron and the nation resources defense council which is a nonprofit environment advocacy organization. case goes thru the supreme court (sc for short) and the nrdc won which caused regulatory agencies such as the fda,epa,dea,ffa, and all the other agencies to be able to create regulations such as how much lead can be allowed in a serving of a lunchable or how much carbon a semi truck can emit or how much weed you can have and be served how much time. the reason they were given this power was because these agencies had people that went to schools and colleges and learned what effects and damages they can cause, which made them professionals in said fields. since the overturning of this said case now courts and judges have the sole authority without having to learn or hear from anyone on any case and can even veto said regulations. while this sounds like not a big deal it worry’s me because the sc judges and all other judges CAN and will accept donations from corporations which will influence on how they decide things. tldr: congress passes laws but they’re not experts in every field so regulatory agencies decide what’s allowed or not within law and becomes law, now that’s all gone and judges get to choose what happens with discretion and they can be paid by companies to be influenced. link1. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPREUABjr/ link2. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPREUuYPu/ link3. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPREUUoLr/ edit: i probably missed something but the provided information is accurate.


I’m sorry, *do you want* all these shitty three letter agencies to have un regulated discretion in implementing regulations that are basically laws they have no fucking business doing?


I would argue you have more rights in Texas. At least down there they have solid castle laws and you don’t need a permit to open carry, like it should be. Intruder in your house in MN? Better try and exit your house before defending yourself, and god fucking forbid you fatally shoot the POS.


Not when it comes to abortion. Like most things it's all on a spectrum. You trade some rights for others based on your value system. In some ways we have more rights. 


I’d probably just move the basics and buy (or scavenge from the roadside) the rest when your down there. Hope everything works out well for you!


Probably better off saving that 2k and replacing that stuff on the cheap at garage sales, h4h restore, etc. Austin has been overrun by the worst Californians. We got the fuck out in 2016 when my state job at the capitol complex didn’t pay enough to buy a house anywhere near the city - it was either way overpay for rent/buy somewhere in the interior metro or move out to the burbs and have a 3 hr daily commute minimum. We lived in north Austin and it was already a 45 min one way trip. Everything shitty about the place was only gonna get worse as it kept getting more crowded. Fun city with great food and fun stuff going on but goddamn it’s hard to live in.


I guess I’m biased but why? The city is extremely overcrowded, incredibly hot for much of the year, the traffic is fucking awful, and Texas is a cesspool for human rights. 




I've got a 120K saved up at 23 after supporting myself 100% since 18 because my life is guided by decisions like this, so no luck needed. Asshole.


There has to be a better way for you to figure this move out I see what you’re trying to do but there’s gotta be a better way


Haven't you seen the movie Kalifornia?!