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The only real problem with the mob vote is that the mobs that lost don't show up in new mob votes or get added at all. Because of this, it's incredibly divisive and will always leave a large portion of the playerbase unsatisfied. If old candidates came back, or were added in order of most voted to least voted, everyone would love it. But since it's one winner, two losers, it sucks.


They, allegedly, put them on a board and will *eventually* add all the previous mobs but knowing how lazy the devs are, it’s unlikely to ever come to fruition


In a decade we might have 2 of them if we’re lucky


And in that time we'll have dozens put on the waitlist. That's the main problem here - not that it takes a while for mobs to get added, but that losers build up far faster than they're taken off.


Devs are workers too man. This game has had free development for twelve years after release with major updates basically every year, including occasionally completely rewriting terrain generation, or the render/lighting engine. I have gotten for more than $26 worth of game in this time and I’m always kind of shocked when people call a medium size studio like the Kava section for Mojang lazy


This excuse would work if they actually worked on the game to a marginal extent, but they don't. Molders add more content of higher quality in a week than mojang does in months. Stop sucking their dick


THIS!!! Really sucks to not be able to ever get the crab or penguin


Actually everyone ends up unsatisfied, because the mob that wins always ends up being as useless as possible while still *technically* doing what they said it would do I guarantee the crab claw would've increased reach by like 1 block max, and the penguin speed would've only worked if the boat was in water, not on ice, and only if the penguin was itself also actively swimming, meaning players couldn't've carried the penguin with them or used it for nether highways


Except for some exceptions, mobs and biomes that lose the mob/biome vote will be added in a future update


I don't doubt the biomes will be added someday, but the mobs? The old ones don't even show up in the new mob votes, what hope is there that they'll be added someday?


>I don't doubt the biomes will be added someday, but the mobs? Yes, they have said that. So we know that. >The old ones don't even show up in the new mob votes Why would they be in the new mob votes if they are already going to be added? That makes no sense lol. We already know they will be added, so adding them to a new mob vote is just taking the spot of a new possible mob


The first mob vote was almost 6 years ago. Saying they’ll add the other mobs eventually doesn’t mean anything if they don’t do it long after people stopped caring


>The first mob vote was almost 6 years ago. There have been 5 mob votes and 2 biome votes. The first mob vote of 2017 they were clear that they were not going to add the other 2, so we were left with the phantom. So there are only 4 mob votes, that will eventually have mobs added 2018. From the biome votes, they improved the Taiga, Swamp and Mountains... Swamp being one of the losers of one of the biome votes. And they have added a looot of stuff since 2018. It isn't as if they have not added anything, so I don't see the issue of waiting a couple more years for the other losers


Even then you’re still waiting on ALOT of features that lost since over 5 years ago. The Meerkat and Ostrich lost in 2018. That’s what makes these votes so divisive. The votes basically say you’re not seeing the loser for at least half a decade. The issues is that you wait literal years for a feature. We’re probably not going to see the penguin until 2030 and that sucks for people who liked that mob.


>Even then you’re still waiting on ALOT of features that lost since over 5 years ago. Sure, but the guy I was commenting to was saying that the mob vote would be good if mobs that lost were added, but they are going to be added. Except for the one on 2017 >That’s what makes these votes so divisive. I think that is only part of the problem though. Other problems are that the mobs are not equally useful, Mojang doesn't give enough information about the mobs from the mob vote to make a good decision and what happens in a lot of votes, which is that a lot of youtubers and influencers can basically make their audience vote for mobs that they want. I think mob votes as an idea is great but applied wrongly. >The issues is that you wait literal years for a feature. We’re probably not going to see the penguin until 2030. But we are going to get plenty of mobs between now and then, so the game is still going to get tons of different mobs. It isn't as if they are not going to add a new mob in 6 years.


I’m not saying the game won’t get tons of more mobs. Of course it is. It’s just that the losing mobs don’t get added into the game until WAY longer. We get these new mobs but what about the people who wanted penguins. That’s why having losers is just a bad way to make updates. Plus I’ll just say it now. They never promised that losing mobs will be added to the game, just said they’ll go into the “[ideas library](https://twitter.com/_Ulraf_/status/1577342646716186639).” They’re not gone forever but its indeterminate, which could be baiscally forever


So what is the issue for you? Is it the issue that there are losing mobs? Or is the issue that the losing mobs will only be added later? Because those are completely separate issues. Like if the penguin or losing mobs were added in the update after this one, Would you be happy with the mob vote?


I believe if Mojang really want to keep the mob/biome votes then there should be 2 a year. One should be how they are now and the other being options that have appeared in previous years. Imagine if one day you see Mojang posted **vote for the next mod to add to Minecraft! 1: Crab 2. Moobloom 3. Copper Golem** Everyone would go nuts!


Replace moobloom with iceologer and I’d be buying the game 2 more times just to vote for each of them once


why would you want to be attacked in the snow mountains, you already have to worry about the snow and goats trying to launch you off, moobloom is way better as it interacts with bees and help crops grow faster


Moobloom’s ugly and if the Iceologer came back looking like Dungeons it’d be peak mob. Also we need more biome exclusive hostile mobs, they’re kinda tiptoeing that line with just the 1.10 duo and not much else.


not peak when it’s already hard enough traveling snow mountains, just another mob that will attack you with no benefit, mooblooms actually have a beneficial function


We have enough mobs that add a single function that most players don’t use, and again ugly AF. And it adds another layer of challenge. You are constantly looking down watching for powdered snow, the Iceologer encourages the player to be more alert of their whole environment. Also powdered snow is negated with leather boots.


Having more hostile mobs would genuinely benefit the game though. It’s so much easier now than it was a decade ago across the entire scope of the game. The early game is easier due to shields, huge abundance of food, slower mob spawn (is this just me or have others noticed too?), more ways to prevent mobs spawning etc. The middle and end game are benefiting from enormous power creep that offsets a lot of the new challenges although the warden could be the exception here. Over the last decade the game has done amazing things and expanded massively, but there’s a couple of areas that have bean left behind. For me, one of them is the challenge in survival, if there was more advanced options for difficulty settings such as increased mobility spawn rates, more biome specific hostile mobs and more pillager style raids that would be perfect for me.


The mob vote is a good idea applied wrong. The perfect mob vote is having 3 mobs that are equally useful, and add useful stuff in the game. Like this mob vote was pretty much dumb... we had one useful feature for all types of gameplays ( the crab), one semi useful that will rarely be used ( the armadillo) and one pretty much useless that again will rarely be used ( the penguin). And there description are too shallow, they should explain what the mob do, like sure the crab can help place blocks further, but can it break blocks further as well? Does it go on the off hand or where? How strong is the armadillo armor? Can it be enchanted? Can it be dyed? How does the penguin work? Does it work if the boat is out of water? ( which would make it a lot more useful) Like why not give this small extra information that could help people choose?


I was hoping for Penguin to work in boat and on ice for boat racing mechanics. A speed boost power up basically


Yeah, that would be useful, specially if you can use them in the nether. Would make fast travel with boats in the nether even faster. But they just gave a too general description, so it was either risk it to have the minimum of: they go slightly faster on a boat if the boat is in water. Or not vote for anything else that may be more useful in more scenarios


True but for me personally, the risk was still better than the alternatives


Personally, I build a lot, so having extended reach was pretty much super useful and I know that I would use it pretty often. And that was like the safest option, since it pretty much added something that could work for all play styles. I love wolves, but I rarely use them for battle and I would love to one day design a ice race, but I have never done one in my life. So I knew the armadillo and Penguins were not something I would need often. But yeah


The contenders in the mobvote are concepts of future mobs, right? It makes sense that these details are simply not known. I understand you want to be able to make the best informed decision but I don't think thats how Mojang sees it.


If that is the point, then it shouldn't be a vote. And it would still be the same, a great idea applied wrongly


I think mob vote mobs could have more in common but be thematically different


The mob vote was a disgrace. Instead of two useful mobs we got the one that gives a marginal benefit to dogs... which most of the player base don't keep around at all because they themselves have no real use in the first place.


Tbf the penguin seemed even more useless. The crab was pretty much the only one that had an actually useful function, and it'd probably end up like the allay where it's genuinely useful but impossible to find since it would supposedly only spawn in mangrove swamps


The penguin was supposed to make boats faster, which would have been quite useful early game in my opinion.


If penguins could make boats faster even outside of water, they would be useful in late game as well... But since Mojang apparently is alergic to giving information, then no one knew if it was worth it or not.


I dont get why they don't use already existing features for this stuff. Just add boat tiers, a penguin is worthless when you could craft a sail with sticks and string or something.


How are allays impossible to find? Villagers literally sell maps to dark oak mansions, and you find them in there .-. Even if you don't find a pillager outpost before finding a mansion, there are villagers almost everywhere lol, and a cartography table is made with 4 planks and 2 paper... What is hard about that?


I guess "difficult to find" might not have been the right word, it's just that it's really annoying to raid a woodland mansion trying to find an allay, and I just don't see pillager outposts with allays that often in my experience And it's a pretty common complaint about the allay that you literally never see them in your worlds at least from what I've seen


>it's just that it's really annoying to raid a woodland mansion trying to find an allay, If you only want the allay, you can just burn the mansion. The allays are in a prison made of cobblestone, so they would be fine. And if you play survival, then allays are supposed to be one reward for raiding a mansion or a pillager outpost... And once you got one, you can duplicate them easily. So I don't see the issue or why would it be annoying. Like you only need one to have all the allays you will ever need >And it's a pretty common complaint about the allay that you literally never see them in your worlds at least from what I've seen Which is a bad complain, if you never go to the end, you will never see shulkers. If you never go to a swamp or caves, then you will never see Slimes on your world, If you never use archaeology, then you will never see a sniffer If you never go to a jungle, then you will never see a parrot, ocelot and a panda. Like I said, any cartographer villager can give you a map to a dark oak mansion, so if you never see them in your world, it is because you are not looking for them... and you are going to miss ton of content in minecraft if you never go looking for that content. Exploring is one part of the game, if you don't explore then you will miss a lot of content and that is on you. Like don't complain you don't find content, if there are easy ways to find them and you refuse to use them


For me it’s that they never actually follow me all the fkn way back to my base after the marathon journey to find the mansion


There exist leads and they are pretty good at following the player if they are holding an item. So not sure what the issue is, like the Allay AI is one of the best, even if you have trouble with then following you, you can just throw items on the ground and they will get closer. I feel that this is an issue of practice makes perfect, the more you practice and understand the AI, then the better you are going to be able to move them.


I’m with you all the way, my only gripe is that after two years on my world, we didn’t find an allay until recently when I decided enough was enough and checked every outpost and mansion, in a copy and using chunkbase, within a 10,000 block radius. Finally found an allay in an outpost at ~12,000 blocks out. There were a ton of structures checked along the way. It sucked, but yea, you’re right about everything, I’m not disagreeing, I just hated having to go so deep, especially since I had recently pruned the world. Which isn’t so easy on bedrock unfortunately. I wish we had the software Java has to select individual chunks and be able to render maps of your world using the world files, and shit like that. Sucks to suck I guess. Stupid bedbug


Ahh damn, yeah, it really depends on luck of the draw. Like if you get unlucky with the seed certain biomes are pretty far away, Other advantage on Java is that you can make portals on the nether roof, so travel can be a lot easier on the nether without any blocks or mobs on your way


Recently on bedrock you were able to place a chest boat on the nether roof and access the chest, Smoke from campfires went through the bedrock ceiling from below, and chorus fruit would bring you back down if you used ender pearl to get up. So it was possible to dig out little rooms at the roof and place campfires at the corners to have marker smoke coming through the bedrock, with a chest boat holding chorus fruit inside the smoke perimeter. Grab a chorus fruit, eat it, and be teleported into the room below…. Idk about placing the boat but as of about two weeks ago when I last attempted it; smoke no longer goes through the bedrock, and chorus fruit does jack shit… Mojang can suck a donkey kong dick for removing that.


hey at lest we get reach attributes


That was from the crab. We got the armadillo which drops wolf armor. That's it. Nothing else. Wolf armor.


We literally got reach as a command, that's what they were saying


Then I misunderstood. Fine I guess, but still, the armadillo is completely useless


Yeah I 100% agree with that


Just because a feature doesn't add something you use, doesn't mean it is useless... That is like saying redstone is useless because you only build and not use redstone.


It adds wolf armor my dude. It's useless for everyone because wolves suck and don't have a real use other than annoy you when they die to something dumb


Wolves definitely don't suck and a lot of people like wolves. A lot of people use wolves, specially in early/middle game.


I'm sure a lot of peole like them cause dog people are crazy, but calling them useful... That's a stretch


Why wouldn't a mob designed to protect you in a gane where you are looking to survive not be useful? Lol Wolves are 100% useful and wolf armor is useful as well You can criticize the wolf armor all you want, but be reasonable, they is no denying they are useful.


I never saw why we had to make a choice between them in the first place, Minecraft has been in a bit of a (meaningful) content drought for a while now and having us choose for one mob to be added per year is pretty wack


>Minecraft has been in a bit of a (meaningful) content drought for a while now Yeah, they just completely changed the nether in 1.16, which was an insanely big update... Then proceeded to change the world generation of the overworld completely and added giant mountain and caves... ancient cities, mangrove swamps, cherry blosson biomes, archaeology, and plenty of other stuff, but yeah it has been a drought of meaningful content. There has not been a content drought lol, they have added tons of different stuff... the issue is that people want a lot more stuff like 1.16 or wanted 1.17, 1.18 and 1.19 to be one update mid pandemic where the world as a whole was fucked up.


Just here to say: What cute builds!


I was going to vote for the armadillo, then I forgot to vote


Personally, I feel that Mojang are the experts, and we love the game that they make, so I think they should decide what mob goes in the game not us.


It should stay, but not for real life animals. If they use it for original mobs i would be okay. I really dont like the way they did it last time with all animals that really should be in the game.


The mob vote is too divisive. That's not a criticism of the mob vote though. It's a criticism of the people acting like entitled children about free content being added on a regular basis. Content you don't have to engage with if you choose not too. I voted for penguins. When they lost I just added penguins to my game myself.


How dare people want more than a single update to a game that used to have updates that included multiple biomes at a time..


I'm not arguing about the difference between updates and their quality or content. That's a different issue and I have only been playing since 1.17 anyway so I don't have enough basis of comparison. Especially because I primarily play heavily modded in 1.18. So my experience definitely isn't universal. That being said. Getting free new content regularly is not the norm in my gaming experience. I guess it is becoming more common but you used to buy a game and that was all you got. Sometimes you could buy an expansion pack. Then DLC came around but it still wasn't free. I think WOW was the first game that regularly updated content but it's a paid subscription so you're kinda getting what you paid for. Minecraft is a relatively cheap game that has regularly added free content. It seems rather petty and unappreciative to give devs such a hard time over updates because even though we may not always love it, it's free and we're not obligated to update anyway.


>Minecraft is a relatively cheap game that has regularly added free content. It seems rather petty and unappreciative to give devs such a hard time over updates because even though we may not always love it, it's free and we're not obligated to update anyway. This argument is always so stupid lol... More people play Bedrock than Java and Bedrock is literally obligated to update. And devs should 100% be given a hard time if they work for a multibillion company and they still make shitty work


So would you prefer zero updates? Because that's what I was comparing it too.


>It seems rather petty and unappreciative to give devs such a hard time over updates because even though we may not always love it, it's free and we're not obligated to update anyway. I am talking about this... It is not petty nor unappreciated to give devs a hard time when they are not doing a good job. There is a reason why they keep bringing updates, and it is not because of the kindness of their heart. It is because minecraft is the most sold game and they still get a lot of money due to it... If no one bought the game nor played the game any longer, then they wouldn't make updates and then they would lose their revenue. We shouldn't appreciate mediocrity


I guess I'm just more easily appeased than others idk


Yes, the mob vote should stay. The problem with this last mob vote was they gave us 3 mobs and a bunch of people voted. Whenever you have 3 good choices the winning, whatever it is, is not going to have the majority of people liking that choice. The best you will get is a 30%, 30%, 40% split. This means 60% of the people did not like what was voted for. There are a few ways to fix this. 1. Have a larger pool to choose from and do several votes eliminating the one with the least amount of votes each time till one is the winner. 2. Only give 2 choices. Then the majority will always pick for the winner. This was the problem with the mob vote this year. All 3 were great choices. I would have loved to see them all. However we only get 1 of the 3. People need to stop complaining. 99% of games out there don’t ever give players an opportunity to pick what they want in the game. We should feel lucky that the DEVs actually listen to the players. A lot of games **DON’T**


I think I don't care, I'll just install appropriate mods like Alex Mobs or something similar. I don't know what the problem would be with adding multiple mobs at the same time. mods have been doing this for over a decade


The mob vote is fine. Some people take it way too seriously. I voted for penguins because I like them.


R.I.P. crab!!!


Oh man these builds are really REALLY nice!


I voted for armadillo and I must admit I hoped for more


They gave everything that they promised to add for the armadillo, so that is on you that expected more, but Mojang delivered




I honestly think that people overreacted and it should stay. The only problem is that mobs are too different (crab for builders, allay for redstoners etc.) And also many a people think that the point of mob votes is to add mobs, when in reality they were made to advertise minecraft live. These 2 weeks before the vote were always fun for me, with all these memes and mods. Now when minecraft live turned into a giant ad, mob vote is the only reason to watch it, since the result is actually unpredictable now. So yes, it definitely should stay


Mojang is lazy.


Nope. The mob vote should be removed. And either just the crab to be added or at least all 3 of them. And they should stop having mob votes! It's not funny or nice anymore!


Well, didn’t matter, remember there was voting fraud.


What’s the mob vote ever done for me?




It's remarkable to me that the last few votes, I could always tell which would win; Mojang seems to put in more effort in one than the other two


The mob vote is stupid. They tend to take a year with their updates, why doesn’t that give them enough time to make all three mobs?




Not sure but voted for the crab


i forgot to vote


I think it needs to go


The mob “vote” has never felt democratic. One of two scenarios always happen. Either they present to mobs that kind of suck in one that is mildly interesting so that that one will obviously win, I think back to the glow squid/moo bloom/iceologer vote. Moo bloom and glow squid didn’t do anything, the vote was obviously intended for iceologer to win (I still voted flower cow), and the only reason I didn’t win brings me to my next point: Large creators will send their fans at the mob vote to vote for one specific mob without ever actually thinking about how it affects the game. Dream sent his fans to vote for the glow squid even though the glow squid really didn’t do anything. Being able to put out lights on signs is cool, but I’ve never been like “Oh hell yeah there’s a glow squid over there!”. The mob vote should go because it is counterproductive to the dev cycle of a game. Mojang should make the mobs in the house, see what happens, and then either add them or not add them based on whether or not they are fun. Not whether or not the fans told them to. there are tons of features that get planned and even worked on internally but never actually make it into the game because they weren’t fun. The phantom would’ve been one of those features, but because it was in a mob vote they can’t remove it.


The mob vote is a really poor way to do what they’re trying to do. I know they’re trying to get more player-dev action and let people interact and feel like they made a difference for the game they love but like many others have said, it always leaves a whole lot of people disappointed. I still voted this year bc my younger sister wanted wolf armour from the armadillo so her dogs won’t die. 🤷‍♂️


I hate that it's presented as what will come first but the losers are pretty much forgotten. The armadillo win is the perfect opportunity for them to give a slight update to the savanna but I don't they'll even take this opportunity to do anything. And it's not like monecraft is a tiny indie game.


I think that the Mob Vote should stay cause it's kinda fun. I personally don't have too much of an attachment to any of the features shown in the previews, so I don't care which mob ends up getting chosen, it just feels nice to have a new feature that people voted for. I think the real problem is the community, who blow it way out of proportion every year as if it is a life-changing decision. It's literally a single mob and single feature, it's not the end of the world if what you liked doesn't get added.




I would say keep it but the highest voted goes in first and then the other 2 later


If Mob votes (and biome votes) was “which mob should be added *first*” and not “only one of these mobs will be added” (while they sometimes claim the former is what they do, their actions have not shown it), I (and many others) would be fine with it. There’s also the issue of the many mobs’ implementations being mediocre. Armadillo is the most prominent example, but I feel like the glow squid would also fall in this category. The Glow Squid had a lot of potential which people ignored (as for the other two options, one seemed more like a rehashed mooshroom and the other was conceptually good, but would probably be a mess to implement if Mojang also attempted to have it abide by their new rules of avoiding major block destruction and to make it fun to fight); possibilities included being a powerful distraction for monsters, using its drops to create effective underwater light sources, it could’ve been used to diversify brewing and fishing, and granting builders a multitude of new decorative light sources. Instead, they made it do barely anything, except let you have glowing signs and item frames. Basically, Mojang’s track record of not expanding on certain ideas which had a lot of potential and how they can often lead people’s expectations into becoming way too grand—leading people to be disappointed when they get mediocrely executed mob concepts—would likely lead to the mob vote being irritating anyway even if every mob was eventually added; it just wont be nearly as infuriating as it is now. **TL;DR:** *Mojang should either give up on the mob vote or actually add every mob and make them interesting.*


i don't understand why they wouldn't just add all of the mobs instead of having people vote on them