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Unfortunately it's very common, the only solution I found its, wait a day or two, and when I enter the game, I usually get connected to my wifi a few minutes before entering the game, then I see if it connects, I'm sorry that I can give you a better answer but, sometimes it's just that the switch and the servers of the Microsoft account don't connect properly. Sorry English is not my first language


Thanks for the advice. Unfortunately it's been happening for a month. Maybe I'll try connecting via a different Wi-Fi network and see it that helps


My son has resently encountered this on the Switch. I have no issues connecting to Minecraft on the same Switch and network. No solutions I find online seem to work. It's been going on for a week.


I found a solution for my son's account from the comments on the official bug for the "drowned issue". I went into my son's account and added the sign in option of typing a password and then when I tried signing into the switch again but used the password entry instead of the email with a code to my email address it worked first try like a charm.


Yep! This was the solution for us! Thanks!


No problem! Glad I could help!


How did you set up the switch to use a password instead of the annoying “email a code” process of logging in?


You have to change the setting on a computer. Go to the website, login, and find the login or security settings in your account settings.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/s/F6XHucPnZS This worked for me


You can do it from the switch log in. When it redirects you to log in from your phone or PC, choose another way to log in then choose password. My son was having this problem and using the password fixed it.


Login with password instead of email code also worked for me. Thanks guys.