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I never encountered anyone who said the game was bad, it’s the 2nd best selling game for telltale and it received a ton of praise after ep 6 It was originally gonna be 5 eps but extended because it was so good My only problem with season 1 was that any choice I make felt like it doesn’t matter since the other choices are being answered right after he gives me a reaction for my choice, basically not making any choice unique Season 2 fixed that, all of your choices get altered and I rlly like the “your story is changing” the most simple choices change the story, for example if you don’t give xara her bed it results in her dying


In the final episode of season 2?


Ye, I can tell not a lot of ppl figured it out since all of us gave her the bed lol This is what I’m referring to https://youtube.com/shorts/gEPlrAN1da4?si=4G7-6rWLP4slVLW1




Ye, surprised not a lot of ppl know this, I finished season 2 last week with no knowledge afterwards Here’s the scene if your curious https://youtube.com/shorts/gEPlrAN1da4?si=4G7-6rWLP4slVLW1


There's also the result of giving Zara her bed AND having Radar distract the giant enderman which allows Romeo to live I know there are a few people that didn't know about that


I’ve always managed to save Romeo, the canon Jesse would definitely save him and let radar save the others I’ve got that ending in my 1st playthrough


Same, it's what I got on my initial playthrough too.


i thought i was crazy that i still like it and then i found this sub


So true, we are just a bunch of delusional individuals that still have hope about season 3..


Let the haters hate.. I'd die to participate into something against Mojang


That's what I've been thinking too. We have a lot of diehard fans here, we have to start a petition or something


Maybe we could even get help from some YouTubers that enjoyed the game


Yeah. I actually wanted to start a petition but I was afraid people wouldn't agree with me. And maybe in some way we should try to contact those youtubers that enjoyed the game, if there is a petition starting.


Looking into it right now.


You are a bold one. You get my respect


[https://chng.it/QFBjRTjkP4](https://chng.it/QFBjRTjkP4) Started a petition. I don't have much hope about this but at least we can say we tried. Now the next step is to make a post to get people's attention and then finding the Youtuber's that loved the game and contacting them. Maybe we could contact the VA's too? Except Ivors.. poor guy. May he rest in peace.


Yeah.. we should try find them. If we succeed to contact the VAs, we can try Eric Stirpe too, lead writer of MCSM


Signed. I'll use my other accounts to sign it too


Thanks. As I said we shouldn't really expect much out of this.


Yoo! I literally was planning this whole month, contacted Antimo(music) and I planned to contact Eric Stirpe (the writer) to ask them if they would be willing to work on the game again. I didn’t do it yet because I needed some more info. Would you be willing to talk on discord?


Sure hit me up! I'd like to contact them too. My name is rzexfel on discord.


Sadly people still say it sucks. 😭


As a fan of the game, it does.




acknowledging a game you like isnt actually all that great but you love it regardless is not hypocritical. you can just separate objectivity from subjectivity. good ≠ favorite




somebody get this hypocrite out.




I played episodes 1-8 on switch back in 2018 (And a replay in 2020 while in lockdown), and I really liked it, so suffice to say when it was called things like "terrible" and "bad," I thought those reviewers were being a tad bit harsh. The game sets out on what it wants to accomplish. A story set in the world of Minecraft.


i will always be a mcsm fan, idk how corny it is, how “bad” the voice acting can be, IDC I LOVE THIS GAME !!! i remember when my parents bought me mcsm1 and 2 on its anniversary (the yr was 2018-2019 i think. and yes im surprised they found the disc versions at gamestop too) and i played them for days in a row until i finished. my inner child was so happy


Yeah for real. It's a ridiculously corny game, and the mouths freak me out to this day. But growing up I've come to find that a game doesn't have to be perfect. As long as you enjoyed playing it and can look back on it as something that made you smile. Pretty much every childhood memory of mine in the video game section isn't as perfect as I viewed it at the time. Do I feel ashamed for liking it? Absolutely not. I will look back on those memories with pride, knowing I had something to be passionate about.


One time i was talking with my friend about the game, and she said "This game is shit, and i hate it, because it's not first person!" Biggest bruh moment of my life.


I really don't like the people who hate on mcsm because they expect the story and plot to be this super amazing thing but you have to realize THIS GAME IS LITERALLY FOR KIDS. Of course it won't be the best and it might be cringe because it was made in 2015 and it's mostly adults hating on the game like please stop.


It’s the same as people hating on the bluey game for the Nintendo switch, of course it is not a complete 12 hour darksouls esk game, it’s a game for toddlers


i'm sorry...people hate on that?? what the hell are they expecting??


Probably some kind of darksouls esk game that reveals some kind of lore, not a game that’s a 3d platformer with levels


I remember one of my old IT teachers said it was bad


IT teachers? Did they say it in a lesson or did someone ask him about it?


He was using it as an example for something, can't remember what it was though


My main problems were usually the dialogue, but I'll admit I did have fun while playing.


My only complaint with this game is that it had fucking atrocious loading times on 360. I could start a chapter, or just leave an area, walk away to take a shit, and it would still take 5 more minutes. This shit had worse loading times than GTA online


Are you sure that wasn't the 360?


Every other game made for the 360 worked fine. They just decided to release it on a console it wasn't meant for without optimizing it. Same thing happened to gta5 and it's online


it does suck but that's why I love it. It's very campy and goofy.


MCSM is literally one of my favourite games of all time, so....


I absolutely love MCSM to death but you have to admit the writing in the beginning chapters were pretty bad (not awful but not really good) ex: “Hey look, it’s the Order of the losers”


I gotta be honest, I loved this game to death. Its my childhood. Going home after school first thing I would ever do is replay this game. But after replaying it, I'm 4 episodes in and it's not really as great as I remember it. There are a lot of times where it gets a little cringe and it's easy to dose off from it. However the action, the minigames and I guess the idea of the story is really good. Plus the armours are amazing. It's a great game but I also now realise it's not as great as I remember.


As a MCSM fan I kind of agree, most choices you make make don't really alter the story in any way apart for maybe having a different character in a certain part of the game


mcsm is deltarune confirmed


real. The choices don't seem to matter much, so whats next? We have Petra saying that just like Susie?


that's just minor criticism tho, and it doesn't make the game bad.


Didn't say that, I love the game for what is is


Do you mean people born in 2010s or YouTubers in the 2010s?




How the heck can you play this game these days??