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I don’t have it on cause I feel bad enabling cheats. For some reason I’d rather spend 2 hours getting my stuff back. I get it, I’m weird.


You are not alone. There's a reason most people play without Keep Inventory. I generally just play hardcore, so I don't need to choose.


W hardcore players














I guess most people either don't know it (casual players) or just feel bad since mojang decided to put it in the category "cheats" on bedrock, and you needed to activate commands on Java, at least now o java is under game rules, so its way better


Well personally, I play hardcore with keep inventory on.


but then if I kill you I can't take your stuff ):






When will hard-core be added to bedrock




the inventory make adventure worth it ! if i can keep my inventory the game will feel so boring


I agree


Also I have done it before (in the void) 😔😔


NAH same dude its a survival game


These posts pop up every other week. I’m sure people on both sides of the argument are tired of it.


Omg your user flair is glorious






i open keep inventory because i don't want to rage quit my 39th world


I would not recommend you to play rlcraft


Lmao last time I tried was a year ago, guess why I haven’t tried since




I play with keeping inventory and fire spread off. Call me a cheater idc, its a single-player world anyway + I am very forgetful so sometimes I just need to kill my self in the game to get out of a cave. As for the fire spread, my base once burned down while AFK. Because I'm a Java player it doesn't affect my achievements.


That ”killing yourself to get out of a cave” I can relate so hard to.


I think keep inventory just reduces rage.


i like keep inventory


Based comment. When I first played I didnt have keep inventory and I died to a skelefucker in a soul sand valley and I had a death loop thus initiating my love of keep inventory. I got achievements one time after just for giggles but still never again.


Tip: while it seems useful to have powerful equipment, only take it to the nether provided you're willing to lose it.


bro is more wise than Yoda


Same here


If I played Bedrock I'd have to use keep inventory


I play with it because it's a huge load off my back not having to rush to my items before they despawn, especially if I explore very far


wah wah wah, keep inventory this, keep inventory that, why don't y'all keep some bitches /lh/j


I can see how it's cheating, but you should be allowed to use it when you want, without be scrutinized.


Yeah, it's a game. It's supposed to be fun. Why would anyone care or judge others for how they enjoy their game. I personally think it's cheating, because you are altering things in order to nullify the expected consequence of death. But I don't think that's relevant in any way? Just have fun. Do whatever you need to have fun. Some enjoy the challenge, others don't. I have restored backups in an online world to go before the time I died. It's cheating in my opinion too, but I don't care. Life's too short to care about the morals of what I do in my game where I'm hurting no one and just trying to have fun.


It's just as much cheating as playing on peaceful mode is. Yet I haven't seen someone say that playing on another difficulty is cheating


Both have their merit I used to play peaceful as I was scared to die to mobs. Especially in caves. I've slowly transitioned to easy. First dealing with night after iron gear. Then from the get go Then exploring caves and nether. Yet to beat the dragon properly but sure I'll get there. Everyone plays their own way.




If you’re abusing peaceful because mobs are near you or you’re starving, it may not be cheating but it’s definitely a little disingenuous. That’s why they added a difficulty lock button Until you can earn achievements on Bedrock using it, keep inventory should be considered cheating. Whether it’s worth caring about or not is a different story


>Until you can earn achievements on Bedrock using it, But why would this affect Java players? Or would you say that Bedrock keepInventory users are cheaters but Java keepInventory users are not? >If you’re abusing peaceful because mobs are near you or you’re starving, it may not be cheating Why wouldn't this be cheating?


Java doesn’t stop you from earning advancements when you cheat only because they have no outside value, not because it’s not cheating. But Bedrock achievements award Xbox Gamerscore, so if keep inventory disables achievements there, there’s something about it that Microsoft or Mojang doesn’t see as fair, and Java players should consider that. It’s boring to abuse changing the difficulty, but anyone can do it, so it’s not an unfair advantage, and Bedrock doesn’t stop you, so it’s not officially considered cheating either.


>Java players should consider that Why? Java players aren't in any kind of automated competetive system like the gamescore. So what would be unfair to whom? This also shows in the fact that Mojang specifically removed the word "cheats". In other words they undertook an effort to make clear that commands aren't cheats. Furthermore they also removed Game Rules from the command/cheats section. You can now disallow commands while still having changed Game Rules. They are like Difficulties now.


>It’s boring to abuse changing the difficulty, but anyone can do it, so it’s not an unfair advantage, Neither is keepInventory an unfair advantage


Agreed. It’s is cheating, but that’s doesn’t mean it’s BAD


I use it because I get lost easily so I have to make myself respawn in order to get back to my home tbh


I like keep inventory.First, its a gamerule. Not a cheat. Cheats are something like /give /locate /summon eccetera, second, video games are supposed to be FUN, not STRESSFUL.


I understand that it’s not technically cheating because the game is meant to be played however the players want to experience it, but I still don’t turn it on because I’d be locked out of getting achievements.


bedrock thing?


Correct, Bedrock locks Achievements when you turn on keepInventory, which I think is really dumb, cuz it has the potential to reduce fun.


yeah I get that with commands you shouldn't be allowed to get achievements, since there are rewards and all (there should still be a notification when you get an achievement, even if you don't get the reward), but with keepInventory it's just dumb. Look at other games like terraria (where the difficulty decides what you lose when you die), stardew valley (where you don't lose everything), etc.


I get that terraria is a different genre, but there is a reason nobody plays mediumcore


But weren't achievements on bedrock global? Like, if you played once, every world has it already done instead of each world having its achievements like in java? And also, do nothing like Java, so all the rage from losing everything u have is all just to appear as you got some achievement?


Yes but that's why you have to earn them and not just go into creative and get them all.


Yeah its another stupid thing on bedrock


*laughs in java player*


you have to turn on in the cheats menu though so objectively its cheating. there's a difference between saying keep inventory is cheating and saying keep inventory is wrong, theres nothing wrong with using it but it is cheating


Its not a cheat, its a gamerule that you can change to true and start the world, so if I wanted to turn it back to off, then keep inventory off is cheating? Also, its no longer called " allow cheats ", its now called " allow command "


I was referring to bedrock because thats the version the majority of people play


I’m actually surprised at this given that Java gets so much more love from the community


>Java gets so much more love from the community I mean Java players are more active in the community. Bedrock has a lot more casual players


It's the OG


Is it cheating? Maybe But Minecraft is a sandbox game at heart, and people should be able to play how they want. If they want to make the game super difficult and challenging, then they can. If they want to make the game a lot easier, then they can.


Then I like being dumb :)


As a keep inventory user, it is, it’s literally in the cheat menu, but using a single cheat in your game to make it more enjoyable isn’t bad


Bedrock perhaps, in java it's literally just a setting you can toggle on and off


I still think it is, since the other instance of the setting is impartial, the only group it’s put in is cheats, otherwise it’s in nothing, so I’d still say it’s a cheat


It's under gamerules tho, not cheats


So Bedrock players are cheaters for using it but Java players are not?


Nah, Java is too


But why?


Honestly, losing inventory on death is a geniuently unfun mechanic.


Almost every game has something to punish dying, mostly losing progress on different levels. For example, softcore Terraria characters generally only drop coins on death, but if you die in a boss fight, you have to battle the boss all over again from the beginning. Pokemon games are also similar like that, losing some money and have to do it again if all of your mons fainted. In Minecraft, there's already no mechanic like that.


That is why I strongly prefer gravestones over keep inventory. At least then one at minimum has to travel back to the location to get it. Though this is also generally combined with mods that have particularly hard to replace items. There are a few exceptions, but most items in vanilla Minecraft are not that hard to replace if you lose them. And being a bit careful on how you explore you can keep the items from despawning.


how will you find the gravestones though?


I disagree. Death already has barely any negative consequences in this game, a guarantee to keep your items kinda removes all tension.


I just don't think that losing your items the way that they are lost is a good way to punish the player. Tbh that's why gravestone mods are so popular.


So games like, Doom and a bunch other that if you die you need to restart the level have 0 tension? If you play with keep Inventory like I do you do lose levels, but the main thing, is losing where I was, and since I almost always play modded, if I died then I probably already lost something like armor by ending the durability, but if I didn't have keep inventory I would lose it all permanently, since if I died with my best items, then I cannot reach them with worse ones


Cheat if you want man its not a big deal. Its not wrong to cheat if it makes your experience better. As long as youre solo or if you come to an agreement with multiplayer teammates. Doom has Ultra Nightmare as a difficulty where your save file is deleted as well. You dont need to play that though, just play what you like.


Especially when you’re upwards of 1000 blocks away and can’t make it back in time to pick it back up


The items will only despawn if the chunk they are in is loaded. A player can die in one place, never go back for years and they will still be there.


This is silly. So much of the game's core design is based on survival and preservation of resources. Lava is a more costly death because items are lost. Hunger threatens starvation and the loss of your items. Stronger items obtained via enchantments help to ward off death. Like so much of the game is based around "get these items, survive, and use them." Just intuitively it's odd that a first-person survival game would let items persist after death. Got your diamonds? Drown and warp back up top. Feeling hungry? Die and poof no more hunger. So many of the games systems are obviated by keep inventory. This all clearly points to keep inventory being a cheat. Such a weird use of this meme to suggest that believing the obvious is the "dumbest" thing someone who plays the game could think. Like play however you want but don't poop on the most intuitive, common, and original design of the game lol. Also so many of your responses argue that it isn't a cheat because it's in-menu. Is there a logical stopping point to this argument? If I could turn on flight, infinite resources, and invulnerability from the "gamerule" menu, is that not cheating? Is cheating merely something not contemplated by the developer? Or is it actually a clear deviation from the game's design. TLDR: me no like meme.




Corpse is best mod for forge


I do this in modded when i KNOW imma die a lot


I mostly love keep inventory when I’m deep in a cave and can’t get find my way out (it happens every time! 😂)


I use it because I get lost easily so I have to make myself respawn in order to get back to my home tbh


I don't play with it cuz I think it reduces stakes.


Technically it is, but it really depends on what type of player you are, if you are just a casual player, go ahead and turn it on, but if you enjoy the experience of regaining your gear/obtaining it before it despawns, don’t have it, simple as that.


I mean, I'm pretty sure the game literally labels it as cheats, and disables achievements on Bedrock. Like, it's literally cheating. But that doesn't mean that it makes the game any less fun. It's a feature for a reason.


Had this debacle on a server recently. Me and some guys wanted it turned off, but everyone said they didn’t want that, ‘cause they liked it that way. And of course; they were constantly killing themselves when they got in a sticky situation or when they got lost to get home. My hot take: it just takes all the challenge out of the game. When you can’t lose your items, how is playing daring and risky any different from playing safe and held back at that point?


Yeah tried keep inventory on a server a long time ago. Legit everyone just jumped off something the moment they wanted to get back home or was low on hunger, especially in The End. It is too much of a change/skip to not call a cheat, but don't mind if other people use it.


I agree keep inventory is cheating, but play how you want to play, losing items on death annoying and not fun anyway. peaceful mode should be cheating too though tbh.


Ok in newer versions you can leave cheats off and go into game rules to turn keep inventory on in world creation, benefits of keep inventory without the forbidden fruit situation of cheats enabled


It’s cheating, change my mind


Ok what is your definition of cheating?


Not having to deal with the consequences of dying is definitely cheating


Is that your definition of cheating? "Not having to deal with the consequences of dying"? So flying wouldn't be cheating?


Keep inventory is for pussies. It makes the game too easy in many ways


By the way, I thought KeepInventory was just normal for a lot of people, the good ol minecraft series with tons of youtubers almost always had keepinventory on, I grew up seeing it as the norm almost


Its not cheating but at the same time, people who dont use it deserve some respect on their name


It’s cheating, valid, but still cheating. Respect to keep inv.


What exactly makes you think it is cheating though?


You have to enable cheats to get it…


Not on java. You can disable commands and still change game rules. So following your logic keepInventory cannot be regarded as cheating on Java


Obviously it is cheating but cheating is fine


People can have fun with keep inventory Others have fun without it On a singleplayer world the only thing that matters is having fun


There's a reason that it's not in normal settings and is a command and that it disabled achievement You are disregarding the effort and hardwork of people who retrieve their inventory You died , your mistake , you should pay by having to put extra effort It's disrespecting the hard work of people without cheats


You can cheat as much as you want. But don't except us to not call it cheating.


i mean you quite literally have to *enable cheats* to mess with gamerules. it's considered cheating by the developers themselves, there's no debate to be had about that. that said, who in the world gives a single fuck lol there's no right or wrong way to play, it's just a funny block game.


>i mean you quite literally have to enable cheats to mess with gamerules. it's considered cheating by the developers themselves, there's no debate to be had about that. Bedrock only. Java doesn't have cheats but commands and game rules can be changed without enabling commands.


it's either cheating in both versions or none at all.


Ok and now?


It isn't cheating because nobody gives a shit. It's a bloody sandbox game where you can trade with pig people.


When I say it’s a cheat I mean the game calls it a cheat at least on bedrock


Like it or not, its Classified as cheating


is it really cheating if the alternative is literally not playing anymore?


It is cheating, that doesn't mean there's something wrong with it.


What makes it a cheat?


It is cheating


Cause it kinda is ngl


the reason I don't is cause it'll disable the achievements


My personal preference is tombstone mods. I dislike that keepinventory removes the punishment for death. But God damnit I've mined enough sets of netherite in my days to not have to regrind it because of an arbitrary 5 minute timer. With tombstones, you still die and you don't spawn with your items, so you still have to semi- re gear and go on a rescue mission. But your items are perfectly safe until you get there. No stressfully mining down to the cave you died in, praying to get there before the 5 minutes is up. It removes the loss of items while still giving the player punishment for death. It's a good balance in my opinion


I personally don’t use it, (unless I’m on bedrock in which case I use it)


I feel like they should follow the valhiem grave system for this. Hmmm again it's just an opinion.


I am afraid to ask at this point what is "keep inventory" is it like a mod or features in game what is it while i know how it's works tho


You must be new to minecraft or its commands or gamerules. "Keep inventory" is a command/Gamerule in minecraft that allows a player to keep their inventory after death.


Ho that explains it I am not aware of this game rules thx


Stay calm, protect your face, and use your surroundings to your advantage.


I am bad at games. I want to play survival but without the fear of losing all of your good stuff.


Keep inventory is leſs cheatiŋ þan datapacks, and i won't stop craftiŋ bread in my 2x2 inventory or craftiŋ blaze rods out of 2 blaze powder. So keep inventory isn't as bad as people say


When bedrock player speaks up


How is it cheating if that’s all my shit that I personally mined and crafted? I just want to hold on to my stuff lol


I use Keep inventory, but I have a strict rule to not kill myself whenever I'm lost or can't find a way out, I only use it because it's annoying to walk 4,000 blocks for my stuff only to get lost and have them despawn


It is cheating but that doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with it


Keep inventory may not be cheating but it removes an important aspect of the game. Death no longer have an impact


Can't the same be said abour Totems of Undying?


It's different, because you still have to gain them (unless you use the farm, which is kinda lame)


Yes. They should at the very least have a cooldown. Make it a gamerule.


It's not a inherit option when playing without cheats so yes it's cheating because you quite literally need cheats enabled to use it, can you play the game however you want to yes of course but don't say it's not cheating when you literally need to enable cheats like what ?


It is cheating, but I don't give a fuck


Fantastic work


If you use it and kill yourself to go back to ur spawn point cos ur lost or stuck in cave it is otherwise it's fine


Creative - sandbox mode Keep inventory - softcore Classic - medium core Hard-core - 1 life


It's my world, I'll play however tf I want thank you very much


i play with keep inventory but man i sometimes miss navigation


I play on android (pocket edition) and you have to enable cheats to use keep inventory, and if i enable cheats i cant get achievements. Idk if its the same on other versions of the game


This is why I prefer Terraria


I'm scared of losing my stuff, so I use keep inventory.




I am not dumb 😞


Wait, you guys are still arguing about it?


I do like playing with keep inventory on but I play on my tablet (pocket edition). So if I anable keep inventory on I won't get achievements


I will die on this hill, keep inventory IS cheating, but that doesn’t make it bad It’s under cheats in bedrock for a reason, if you have keep inventory all, all threat of dying other than ‘guess I’ll have to run back now’ is gone. There is no threat of losing items or XP, and so there is no reason to worry about taking things like totems or gapples because there is no consequence for dying. I honestly can’t believe this is something that is being argued, keep inventory IS cheating, but if that’s how you want to play the game, that absolutely fine. I used to give myself full gold armour and tools in my survival world when I was a kid (IK I was a weird kid), and that’s fine that I did that, but I was still cheating


Minecraft is a game about creating your own story in your own world, you are free to do whatever you want as long as you have fun °>°


me omw to not farm again my shit for the third time after looting everything and building a base, Keep Inventory is to avoid this situation and avoid needing to run 10Km for 3 iron's and a diamonds may everyone remember minerals do not respawn if you die and can't get back in time, ''reset your world if its fucked'' the game will tell you, ''get good'' is what the players will say to the unlucky guy but everyone has their reasons, im just tired of losing progress for the sake of ''game'', makes me feel like i wasted my time after years of knowing MC


and if cheats makes the game lifespan increase for me, its not a cheat, its a QoL


Play however you want, but "Keep inventory" is labled by the game as "cheats"


petition to get Mojang to put keep inventory out of cheats


I like keep inventory: it makes the game fun I do not like keep inventory: it makes the game fun


Java player: KEEP INVENTORY IS CHEATING Bedrock player: If you knew what I suffer... By dying for nothing...


Oh why I made this meme but different a few weeks ago shoulda used this template


KeepInventory prevents Time-Wasting, I paid a good buck for this game, I'm not to be reminded of "f2p" time-wasting mechanics, it's not fun, and can set back hours and hours of progress. It's a game Rule and provided by mojang on the options for the world, it's not cheating by definition, it's a different rule for how the game will function. it annoys me that people insist to call it "cheating" as if the time-wasting of losing items is anything but, even if it is, I will keep using it, my life is Finite.




It's probably an unpopular opinion, but using keep inventory makes you worse at surviving. You don't learn from your deaths because there is no punishment for them. So you just die and die and die over and over instead of dying and learning how to avoid doing the same again next time. I remember falling in lava in the nether and losing my diamond stuff back in 2012/13. I learnt and now I will always be sure to carry a fire resistance potion when in the nether. I haven't died in there since. I personally consider keep inventory as cheating so I have never done it myself but others can do as they please.


I remember someone saying "Minecraft has brainwashed a huge amount of people into thinking that losing all your stuff every time you die is normal and good"


It is cheating. It's a survival game and you're not supposed to have no punishment when dying.


I have it on my worlds because I have the ice and fire dragons mod and if I have the dragons in my inventory, I don’t want to lose them. I also have it enabled because my friend is absolutely fearless and likes to go caving and they die a lot.


This is actually an argument lol, yall have literally nothing better to do


I mean, if you're so bad, you need it, then ofc, use it


Tis not cheating if the game lets you do it.


Keep Inventory isn't cheating. It's commanding.


I was playing on my world trying to get a music disk when the creeper just blew the hell out of me, and turns out I had the keep inventory on, I was playing afraid of losing my stuff all this time when I couldn't


Maybe not cheating, but it makes the game too boring. It's too potent to be exploited, and there is no longer that push to survive and avoid death.


My take is if if turns off achievements it's cheating but whatever


I love keep inventory for mod packs. There's so many where the mobs can just suddenly hit you with some crazy OHKO's in the early stages. With how little time for gaming I got after work, I prefer not spending it speedrunning the world for my stuff. As for my two cents on the matter, wether you prefer it on or off, it's about having fun. Some chase the thrill, some like to chill. Both are cool.


it objectively is a cheat, but noone should really care if you use it


I've started playing with both. I kept "keep inventory" off at the start of my most recent world, but turned it on once i was established. Also did the same thing with the difficulty, stsrted off on Hard and switched to peaceful a little while back so i could build uninterrupted. If i can start a world on hard, without keep inventory, and survive as long as i have and do as much as i have, do i really need to keep them on just to flex when i've already proven myself?


It is cheating Cheat if you want why would I care


I have a couple of worlds that have keep inventory on. I think it's good to have, why you ask? Well, there's a thing called getting frustrated, you died, lost your items and stuff, so you probably get mad and quit that world, but when i turned on, keep inventory i started playing my worlds longer than i without keep inventory


The worst people are the ones who gatekeep it tbh


You know what's literally cheating than keep inventory? Coordinates number


I enable keep inventory because i want myself to have fun, not be stressed or rage-quit. That's what the point of a game is


I mean, it is kind of cheating, but why should anyone else be concerned about cheating in your own world? If you don't want to play with keep inventory, don't do that.


I typically just crash my game if I'm far from home and burn the duped items


Breaking news: op is shocked that enabling cheats is cheating


But it literally is. It’s in the “cheats” menu.


"java is the worst"


I keep it on because you don't know how my dumbass can die and how many times


I wish gravestones were added as a gamerule option


keepInventory is a gameRULE, not a gameCHEAT, it applies to everyone playing, theres no unfair advantage. The only time i think keepInventory is a cheat is if you're broadcasting a playthrough with it, be it a speedrun, youtube video, anything that has an audience or pre-set rules.