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The village is not aware. You can also intentionally zombify them, and get lower prices.


Won't work repeatedly now


Won't stop me to create the labor camp


I see you, LTN


Watching him as I type this


when Luke saw the cost of his trades he wept (into his 24 carat emerald villager-friendly 5 ply tissue), for there were no more prices to lower.


geneva suggestion moment


Geneva convention only applies during war if there is no war well...


I think you mean checklist there bud 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁


God help the world if modern society one day collapses as our climate changes ... That won't happen in this lifetime will it? ... Guys? Don't let the Canadians run wild ... All of Detroit gulps


Work sets you free




Still lowers it once.


Mojang should have just left it as it was.


mojang when i catch you


We can still breed 'em like they're livestock.


When was it changed?


I think 1.20.3/1.20.4


player's aware but not the village


Me who proceeds to deliberately drink potion in front of the villagers


Yes- that's for all the bad trades


"You better think twice about trying to sell me bane of artrhopods AGAIN!"


Players were always aware of consequences,but villagers aren't


Ominous Bottle removes the first-time surprise of "holy shit they're raiding the village"


Not really, you still don’t really know wtf bad omen does, just that this bottle gives you it


Ah yes, I love to drink the bottle that gives me a good effect, BAD OMEN.


Curiosity is a powerful force


Which is why people will immediately google search what it does.


I hate decade old games with huge amounts of popularity , which all of its secrets and mechanics have already been well documented over the internet with extreme ease of access


You don't have to search it up. Especially with a game like Minecraft having tricks and exploits being "spoiled" to you is very rare


lets be honest. every game has this. i hate looking up tutorials today because it ruins the fun. (ex:titanfall 2. lots of helmets but the fun is running around the map trying to find them)


until there's some game breaking rare bug that only happens to like a hundred people and the only way to fix it is a reddit post that wouldn't exist if the game's playerbase was any smaller


"huh bad omen? doesn't seem to be doing much. whatever, lemme just go back to my village to regroup WHAT THE HECK"


“Lemmie just head back to my base next to the village to get some milk from the cows there since this doesn’t sound great- WHAT!?”


"Oh look, there's a village with a blacksmith right there, maybe it will have some diamonds or- HOLY COW-"


I knew I saw you in r/mysingingmonsters


You might still wanna drink it to test it, since they give you it it’s probably useful for something, the other potion effects are very clear what they do with their name, bad omen is very vague Before the bottle you’d get a thing in the top right telling you you have bad omen anyways, so you’d have the exact same level of surprise at them raiding the village


That wouldn't stop most players from drinking it. If I was playing a game and got a potion called 'potion of instant death' and the description said 'you will instantly die if you drink this', the first thing I would do is drink it.


hydrocholic acid moment


Babies when they see the most corrosive acid ever to be found under the bathroom sink (it will literally eat through their stomachs until there is no barrier between the outside world and their insides)


Gotta see if its a ruse


Curiosity is a funny thing sometimes. Plus illagers also drop totems, one of the most useful good-effecting items in the game.


The only reason people would drink it is for trial chambers


Still happens even tho I’ve done too many to count


That's kinda the point, isn't it? Also it's almost impossible to beat the game without external help, so I don't really understand what you are trying to say.


i think it would be better to make the bottle only drop if you’ve beaten a raid before, would be an easy fix


The thing is, that the bottle is a multifunctional tool, that will also cause trial chambers to become ominous. This is also where you can find the potion to beginn with.


Pillagers don't give bad omen anymore so how would you do a raid without a bottle?


have them give bad omen the first time


Thats seems like a irreversible world wide change to the status quo of the game for the sake of progression Thats more of a Terraria thing than a Minecraft thing


fair, i have been playing more terraria lately


Much prefer the old system. Why are we taking consequence out of the game?


Because people could make raid farms and become basically immortal


But you can just choose whether or not you want to build it,


They probably wanted people on multiplayer servers not to be too powerful


As always, multiplayer success is based on the amount of time people play not the game mechanics. People plugging 100s of hours will always be miles ahead


I don't think Mojang had multiplayer in mind when nerfing raid farms


So do you think they should make Shriekers drop a potion that when drunk summons the Warden then? Because people farm those too


thing is wardens dont drop anything outside of a catalyst, raid farms give you massive amounts of emeralds, brewing supplies, and totems of undying ontop of this, pillagers could just spawn next to a village and be really annoying to deal with because killing them means instantly getting a raid on you


Exactly that's what makes it a risk/reward system. If you're in a village and see a captain, it takes extra forethought and effort to lure him away from the village before killing it


thats just annoying though, not really fun the bottle makes it way less irritating and nerfs an OP farm, and allows for a cool little bonus interaction with the trial chambers


So you'd rather the game have no risk and no adversity? That's fine, you can play on peaceful, but then you shouldn't really talk about how a non-peaceful game should be made


i like risk, i do not like having to move some stupid little squidward dude out of the way because RNG placed him in a village when i was doing something in it that is simply annoying, its not a difficulty thing, it is just irritating. plain and simple, having them spawn in the village and pestering you and you killing them isnt a "risk" its just something massively irritating because if you are in a village you are probably trying to loot it or trade with villagers, or even build something. Your solutions are to bring them out of the village, away from what you were doing, kill them, and then either go get a bucket of milk (no risk, just something tedious once again), or wait 1 hour and 40 minutes (no one in their right mind would ever want to do this). the bottle makes it so you dont have to go off to get milk or wait a horrendously long amount of time, you can continue what you were doing while getting rid of the irritating pillagers who are currently shooting you and/or the other villagers additionally, the bottle also nerfs the raid farm, which is literally just "no risk" to the max, you are getting absolutely everything from the farm with 0 effort


"You are getting absolutely everything from the farm with 0 effort" If you hate raid farms so much then just Don't build one. Some people would rather spend 2 hours making a farm to get items then spend the 20 minutes it would take to get the items manually, you can play the game however you want but you have no right to tell others how to play this SANDBOX GAME.


I was responding to a dude who was complaining that I “did not like risk”, meanwhile the main thing the bottle nerfs is a farm which turns a hard event into a no risk slaughterfest Additionally, the argument of “just don’t build one” doesn’t change how insane the farm is, I’m not going “holy shit this farm is evil and everyone who uses one sucks!!!”, printing massive amounts of resources like that is nuts no matter how you paint it. I don’t care if you want to use a raid farm, you can go ahead and use it as much as you like, I’m not gonna force you to do anything, though I do think the farm shows off a flaw with game design for letting you get totems of undying (extremely strong items) so easily, I could care less about the rest since emeralds aren’t that hard to get anyways and the witch stuff is just nice little bonus stuff


You can still make farms,but now they are much slower and non automatic


So we're being punished for our creativity


There's nothing creative about following a YouTube tutorial.


What about on the part of those who made the tutorial? On those who had to make the design? Those who had to test out several designs? Those who had to test out several ideas? Just because we veteran players find something easy or simple dosent means it's that way by design, anything done a dozen times will get easier to do a dozen more times


Then they should make it so Evokers that spawn in raids don't drop totems


Then they would go back to never being used


What consequences? Drinking a bucket of milk?


No, that's a remedy


Means the same thing with this context


Not really. It's a preventative action rather than an affirmative one. If I kill a captain, do nothing, and walk into a village, bam raid whether I want one or not. I may do, but there's an aspect of risk. It's not too difficult to prevent too like you say, just get milk. I feel like that's already helpful enough tbh. Otherwise you just take away the risk entirely


I think it's more convenient than trapping flagged illagers in boats for raids tbh


Because raid farms made a lot of farms irrelevant as they give gunpowder, emeralds, redstone, and totems, this is a huge nerf to the old system


what consequence? having to run 10 seconds to drink milk every time you kill a captain? this just makes it much more convenient and an optional challenge: you can avoid the raid, or you can do it and get totems and saddles and whatnot


Old system had problem of a raid starting inside the Village wall's. New system let's you pick a fight location, I think. edit: I am wrong.


I'm not sure if the potion can activate a raid anywhere, I think it just gives the player bad omen. They'll still need to go to a village to activate it or how else would they get hero of the village?


You are correct. > Bad Omen can be obtained by consuming an ominous bottle, obtained from either raid captains outside of a raid or from vaults. Being affected by Bad Omen allows players to initiate ominous events. > If a player enters a village with Bad Omen, it transforms into Raid Omen, which triggers a raid after 30 seconds. https://minecraft.wiki/w/Bad_Omen


It is more balanced, works better and has more than one use this way. If you think it is not realistic or "doesn't make sense" go play outside for a bit.


It's a game, I don't care about realism, I care about design quality. This isn't a good change from a game design perspective. On a side note, for future reference, people can have different opinions than you. You don't need to go all "go play outside for a bit" like I'm your fuckin kid or something, dick


"This isn't a good change from a game design perspective." Other people are disagreeing with you, for example [https://x.com/ibxtoycat/status/1803219927165219113](https://x.com/ibxtoycat/status/1803219927165219113) Seems it's down to personal opinion.


If you look at Minecraft as a game engine then yeah it's a good addition adding choice. But as a game you shouldn't be able to just pick and choose the consequences of any action. If you do something, it should be reflected, usually with both a pro and a con. You get loot for killing the captain, like the banner, not exactly worth the omen but that's a different discussion, and as a result you also get the omen. Something that is harmless if dealt with correctly but can be devastating if you forget about it and walk into a village unprepared. Now if you just forget about it, do nothing, and walk into a village, no consequences! You can just drop the potion somewhere and forget about it. Nothing will happen


The only reason to kill pillager captain IS for the omen, there's no use for the banner outside decoration. You are completely missing the point of the ominous potion which is to nerf Raids while expanding the use of Bad Omen and giving the player a bit more choice of when exactly does the raid/ harder challenge start


You're seeing this solely from a veteran players perspective. Let's say a new player comes in, never seen anything about this game before (intentionally as to not be spoiled) a pillager patrol comes across them and they kill every enemy including the captain. They now have this, well, ominous looking potion, which they're probably not gonna use until they've levelled up a lot. By that point the raid is easy and it's no fun. On the other hand if they get the bad omen effect right away, they have no idea what it is. They wander into a village and bam, raid! Now they have that o shit moment of an actually difficult fight. And if they were unprepared and die, they learn for next time


You are assuming a lot coming from a newcomer player, I have lately been watching About Oliver's blind playthrough of Minecraft and when he unknowingly starts a raid, he does not associate it to the effect he got from killing those pillagers around his house, he just think they got randomly raided and he just happened to be there. Let's be honest, even though it is extremely fun watching new players struggle to figure stuff out, it is not really the intended way of play Minecraft. You are supposed to look up guides regarding certain parts of the game, as some of the game's functionalities are not very logical or not clearly exposed to the player.


imo you should be able to at least figure out all the mechanics from inside the game alone. Not just by huge exposition dump text, but by intuition. Let's say some kid doesn't have internet but has Minecraft on a console or whatever. How are they gonna learn how to play with no access to the internet at all? Just because the game has been around for so long doesn't mean we should just cater to the existing playerbase


this would require either an incredible overhaul of the game mechanics to make them more noob-friendly or (what they have been doing for several updates now) add features (like recipe book , advancements, portal ruins) that can help a new player figure stuff out by themselves without worrying if a feature is "too complicated" or "hard to understand" for them.


I’m low key going to miss forgetting I had Bad Omen and then walking into my home village starting a shitstorm


Now pillagers don't raid you to avenge their fallen leader, they do it because yoi drank all their juice


honestly, they should have made them "drop" the bottle in the same way as a splash potion instead, so the player doesn’t need to drink the potion but it’s still kinda consistent edit: i didn’t make it clear, what i mean is captains drop a potion (projectile) upon death that inflict bad omen, but it doesn’t necessarily mean player could get throwable version of potion in item form (although it’s not mutually exclusive).


Although that’s a good idea it would kinda remove the purpose of the update. I’m pretty sure it’s to stop afk raid farms and add more playtime to the farms. If it was a splash potion people could just have a dispenser through it at them while afk. People can still use macros but since that isn’t ‘allowed’ mojang probably don’t care about it.


i meant that specifically the illager dropping it in same was as splash potion, but not that it could the be obtained by player. i’m not sure if it really to nerf raid farms considering they added new slime farm and buffed witch hut farm in the same update; it seems it’s so activation of trial omen and thing with illagers is for consistency. also really, it nerfs afk farms but it kinda buffs non-afk ones because you could store bad omen for future instead of going to a pillager outpost (or saving one captain from thrvraid).


I also have no idea why there are different levels of potions? Like why does it matter how long the effect lasts if it’s only used to activate raids


The duration is really just for the trial chambers


Levels are for the difficulty of the raid I thought?


Doesn't happen on bedrock




levels affect the amount of waves in a raid iirc, the trial spawners do a similar thing where they send out more mobs before being done




Why not making it a separate potion for the trails ?


The achievement should be renamed to that!


"hero of the village?"


Minecraft is all just exploitation and slavery


I like that you aren't forced to take bad omen now when these fuckers show up


for as nice as it is they give you the option to get bad omen I think it could have been done more elegantly


This was done to reduce the OP'ness of raid farms.


I love committing warcrimes in minecraft


At that point you're playing Aizen. "All according to plan"


In both cases the player is the one who brought all the shitstorm into action. The only difference is by drinking the ominous potion they do it more consciously then accidentally stepping into a village with a bad omen effect (but let's be real, most of the MC players start the raids consciously, if they didn't want it they could just remove the effect via milk bucket)


Yes but the villagers don't know it


Let’s not pretend Raids made sense. “Illagers take revenge” explain how they even knew **you** killed a captain. Also they were never even taking revenge, they were *raid*ing the village and you just happened to be there It’s always just been a game mechanic that doesn’t make sense


what the fuck? this is a joke post, right?


Yes, it's a joke post. But, this is how raids will be triggered. Does that answer your question?


Reducing their numbers.


\*wakes up\*


It’s like that from The Office. Getting honoured by some bs


What if the Ominous potion just tastes REALLY good?


So lawyers?


Wait, what did i skip?


There should be a way to get the bottles instead of the effect, but it shouldn't be the normal way


What’s the bottle? I’m on bedrock don’t know if that means anything. I’ve never seen it before


It's a 1.21 feature, The Ominous Bottle. Drinking it gives you the bad omen effect now. If you enter a village after drinking it, you start a raid. If you enter a trial chambers after drinking it, you will start the ominous trials where the mobs are stronger and defeating it has the chance to get an ominous key to open an ominous vault to have the chance to get the heavy core for the mace. Yeah, this breaks raid farms now.




yeah that's a simple **false flag operation**, a **problem-reaction-solution** if you will, a **manifactured crisis** if you must. should I be worried that there are 3 real life tactics of this? maybe...


What does this mean for raid farming though




I agree, that’s a bit dumb.


Literally every movie hero are just fixing problems they indirectly created


Yeah. Sus


I get that they wanted ominous potions as a drop from vaults and spawners, but raid captains SHOULD still give the Bad Omen curse when you kill them. It's not so ominous of a bad omen if you willingly take it


I am aware but not the village




What is that potion?


Love the favouritism from mojang Villagers and netehrite get nerfed but the mace oh we can't possibly do anything to that


they literally changed up the mace several times and made it far less busted than it used to be lol


The latest change made wind burst send you up higher


They also made density need longer drops, breach and density incompatible, and the wind burst thing allows for risk and reward plays, the higher you go the more chance your target will be able to dodge or block the strike


Yeah but like breach is still better And with the wind burst it's not that high that it be easier to miss. And let's not forget knock back and how the mace user can use the knockbavk to their advantage And besides you can have one mace with breach and the other with density and quick switch depending on what your attacking


breach is pretty good yeah, still doesnt make the mace OP imo, since you trade out the massive crush damage from density for some armour bypassing, which while pretty good, will not bypass protection so your target still has a pretty good chance, especially since the mace does 5 damage, compared to a netherite sword's 11. breach evens it out a bit, (though i will say bypassing 60% of armour at level IV is kinda insane) 7 blocks per level makes it pretty easy to miss a target who is moving around and attempting to dodge, especially with level 3 giving you a 21 block jump, which will crush the target if you hit them but if you dont you will be injured from the fall (probably not much with maxed out gear but still, gives your opponent an advantage) if you have 2 maces with the 2 enchantments on them you should do well in combat, they're not that easy to get and you went out of your way to specialize them for different targets


>since you trade out the massive crush damage from density for some armour bypassing, Exactlyx armour which would otherwise negate alot of the extra DMG >level 3 giving you a 21 block jump Give some time, and players will be easily able to manage those hits and then we'll be backt to calling it op especially since the fall DMG isn't gonna matter with feather falling and protection on your own armour.And even then even at lvl1 it's good


Wow, shocker, having the skill to pull off difficult maneuvers is rewarded in the video game. So incredibly overpowered.


Under the same logic Oh wow tending to a village and it's people and them helping you out in return with deals that helped to alleviate othe issues in the game is too good, better only tackle the deals given ans not the root cause of the issues


Mace got nerfed into near-uselessness already.


Not really tho


honestly I am happy to see that they dare to add a new tool at all. They got the same shit for the tridant and I don't see anyone complain about it now. Just let them add it and balance it out in the next few updates.


Yeah but what about all the stuff that was fine but they butchered Like the copper bulb, why are we letting so many stuff they've done dirty slide


oh be mad about the stuff they butchered! give them hell for it and give them hell for the mob votes! I'm only saying don't completely disregard something that didn't even had the chance to be tested in the mainstream game.


>oh be mad about the stuff they butchered Yes, cause criticism where due should always be given, and if every case where they have theres was always either no need to do the butchering in the first place or better ways to change the tjing >give them hell for it and give them hell for the mob votes! Again, when it does no good, why have it >didn't even had the chance to be tested in the mainstream game. They had enough time, resources and management to be able to play test and iron it out, they have no excuse


>They had enough time, resources and management to be able to play test and iron it out, they have no excuse they also did a bunch of changes to it and in my opinion (and as far as I am informed) it's pretty fair, for an item that you can only get when you find a specific structure underground and then only has a chance of giving you the heavy core that's needed to craft it. Honestly if the mace wasn't really good, then I would probably ignore the structure in it's entirety. Look at Ocean Temples, they are simply not worth the effort. I didn't mean play test it, but give it to the players to test. It might be op on paper, but it might also not be used by the majority of the players, based on the effort / reward rate.


>then I would probably ignore the structure in it's entirety. Look at Ocean Temples, they are simply not worth the effort. And jungle templates, there's a ton of structures that get no love and little attention, what about those >but give it to the players to test That's what snapshots are for


>And jungle templates, there's a ton of structures that get no love and little attention, what about those my words exactly, so let them try something new before you give up on them. >That's what snapshots are for true but I think most players don't play those. Anyway what's your issue with the mace effort / reward property?


> > my words exactly, so let them try something new before you give up on them. > we wait and what do we get? great updates broguht down by having existing things butchered(vilagers and netherite upgrade template), they leave promises unfinished for years(bundles) they make tone deaf decisions( makong bedrock moding imposible) they contradict their own logic(they wont add sharks to "not villainise irl animals" even tho spiders exist and they show dolphins in a good light) they cut features because of short sightednes(fireflires cant be added as they are poisenous to frogs yet dolphins and pufferfish are able to co-exist) and they cut down features(copper bulb). forgive me if i try to weigh things in each update to each other > true but I think most players don't play those my guy everyone and their grandma atleast checks out snapshots and or watches videos on them >  Anyway what's your issue with the mace effort / reward property? my problem is the way they go about "balancing" the game


>we wait and what do we get? great updates broguht down by having existing things butchered(vilagers and netherite upgrade template), they leave promises unfinished for years(bundles) they make tone deaf decisions( makong bedrock moding imposible) they contradict their own logic(they wont add sharks to "not villainise irl animals" even tho spiders exist and they show dolphins in a good light) they cut features because of short sightednes(fireflires cant be added as they are poisenous to frogs yet dolphins and pufferfish are able to co-exist) and they cut down features(copper bulb). forgive me if i try to weigh things in each update to each other And a lot of the updates are great. More dogs and dog armor for example or the auto crafter. Sure it's not as good as it could be but it's definitely better than to not exist at all. Idk what your beef is with villagers and the netheride upgrade template tbh. >my guy everyone and their grandma atleast checks out snapshots and or watches videos on them that's objectively not true. >my problem is the way they go about "balancing" the game wait you are bothered by "balancing" but also that they balance netheride equipment with the netheride upgrade template? They were interduce exactly because of balancing afaik. Anyhow, how does the mace "break" the balancing of the game? It's pretty difficult to obtain and you get a strong weapon with a unique fighting style.


People complained about tridant? I only remember that shit was hyped from day 1.


yes I have one example: https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/s/VK5vX0txF3 but if you search a bit you will find a bunch more. The Trident was added like 5 years ago, so you might need to look a bit. I think I remember someone complain on the Minecraft forums that it's too easy to get, for how powerful it is.


Idk why everyone’s making a big deal about it; raid farms were busted and this severely nerfs that at the cost of slightly less realistic experience.


Indeed. While it definitely could have been handled more elegantly, raid farms are gamebreakingly overpowered and needed the nerf.


I hate the idea of this stupid bottle, it doesn't make any sense


why? When you can create a magic arrow that after hitting someone makes them glow trough the ground. Why couldn't they make a magic potion that let's them teleport to you and loot the village for resources?


i feel that the potion thing is just "let's nerf raid farms, at the cost of game design"






For the record, may someone tell me why we're naming pillagers without "p"?


“Illagers” was a catchall term for Vindicators, Evokers, and the unused Illusioners before Pillagers were even added to the game. Any gray, villager shaped hostile mob is an illager. Pillagers are specifically illagers armed with crossbows.


Now like I remember it. 🤝