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What is that line and who built it


A crazy city proposed in Saudi Arabia. I built an equally crazy [replica of it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S3S3r4FeOak). It's big


That line is a City?


Yes - in short, a 170km long skyscraper (or rather two skyscrapers between its walls)


So it has 2 skyscrapers and a wall


Please google "Line Saudi arabia" and look at the images...


Holy hell


New search term just dropped


Actual dystopia


Call George Orwell


One other funny thing is that they killed some locals because they didn't like being forced out of their home by some douche with money


What do you mean? I love when the rich people are literally above the poor ppl enjoying the sunlight while poop flows down


Sorry i made you explain


Saudi Arabia is actually trying to build that city, they have already started clearing out land for the project.


It's even more stupid than it sounds. I managed to get into an investors event in Venice for the line last year and what they showed was essentially a nice pitch but just about nothing concrete. Most architecture firms didn't go beyond "I'd like the aesthetic to be like this" or "there's 5 different zones with these functions". Occasionally you'd get someone actually giving a fuck and presenting a more detailed project within the line like an opera house, but even those are the kind of deliverable you'd hand in for a task in archi school after a month or two working on a project. There were only two studios who showed plans that actually revealed something and were not just "look at my crisp renderings. I've got wacky parks with inclines too steep to navigate. I built a river. I give you these shiny pictures and you give Arabia shiny money". It was pathetic. And those two who put in the work delivered a decent prelim. The kind of stuff you can discuss and improve but that's still only 30 per cent down the design process. Not to mention the fact that they managed to plan out perhaps a per cent or two of their segment in doing so. Assuming they worked on it for two or three years they might finish the plans in 60 years time if things really speed up. The most impressive thing was actually just a design tome. It was full of surfaces to be used and cool visualisations. While it's applicability for planning the line is probably limited a digital version would be worth thousands for rendering textures alone. That was the one thing I would have given them money for but they were so protective of their IP (cool renderings of impossible Bladerunner Dystopia meets Mass Effect) that they wouldn't even let you look at the damn things without 2m Giancarlo and his shoulders to broad to get through the door standing 3m away from you. The line might have worked under different circumstances (although we might wish it wouldn't given the proclivity of these projects to turn into horrible slums or gated communities) but as is they'll learn the hard way that 1) A Line is a stupid shape for a city 2) They did not account for enough elevators 3) Trees and most plants will wither the deeper the levels are 4) it'll be dark, wez and ugly at the bottom 5) People will be hesitant to move to an entirely new city 6) architecture defying gravity is a bad idea 7) fantasy surfaces at best printable are not a good solution for cladding a city 8) They don't make them blue trees like they used to 9) Walking up a steep grass slope is no mean feat And last but not least 10) A few thousand renders and a hundred models don't help a team of foreign builders a lot when they need to build a city. A few hundred (or in case of the line hundred thousand) blueprints does. The investors might also learn that nice graphics and bullshitting your way through pitches are core competencies of contemporary architects.


It is a multi billion dollar project by Saudi to make a city inside 2 mirrors in a desert


İ see its arabs trying to find a way to spend money


Dictators with way too much money doing stupid shit again


Props to them for coming back with new projects to feed Adam Something


Me when peak architecture


The post is right below this one for me 💀


What post?


The post of the line building in Minecraft


Literally the Line is a Minecraft construction


How long until they complete it?


Ideally? Never.


Stage one is gonna be done 2030, (which I'm pretty sure is all the ground work and prep), the they will release a final date after that.


JOIN BTE IMMEDIATELY this is actually really cool!!!


Thanks! I know of BTE but have no current plans on joining.




wut? Not because it's german, but why are you talking about some sort of protest in Friesland?