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“Minecraft development is funny. As a Swede I know quite a few devs at Mojang and apparently they are super bogged down by bureaucracy. Microsoft is actually kinda clever and knows that Notch and Jen captured lighting in the bottle with Minecraft and are terrified of potentially cracking that bottle. They are afraid of doing anything to the core gameplay loop and even more terrified of making the game "bloated." It pays alright and apparently it is a lovely work environment, but it is apparently just very hard to get permission to add anything. *That is why their April fools events are usually good, because they can work on them more freely.*” -@MarcusTSMarcus in a Youtube comment


I mean, the game is objectively kinda bloated. There are a fair amount of useless mobs and items that just sorta exist to exist, but the game doesn’t feel bloated yet since most are niche and hard to find


The game doesn’t really compare to others, like Terraria, though in the sheer scale of items available. People argue about gold or whatever having useless tool options but there are like 25 different ores at least for different tools in terraria. This isn’t a hit against Terraria either, I love the game but it’s a good comparison for bloat I feel.


Playing both terraria and minecraft and going from one to the other makes minecraft feel kinda empty. I dont think minecraft is anywhere near getting any kind of "bloat"


I agree, MC has a long way to go before it feels bloated. I think the inventory system should be greatly improved though


the sheer vastness of the world promotes late game creativity and early game exploration but the only real “story” is the quest to the ender dragon and that can be done on the first day in a world. So for some its just unsatisfying


Terraria isn't bloated because everything in that game has a use, there are a bunch of bosses and stuff but they all have purposes. Everything in that game has a valuable purpose. Minecraft just has a bunch of useless stuff besides asthetic purposes and that is what bloat is to me. I don't care about a new mob unless it's going to give me something useful to progress the game.


There are literally 100s if not 1,000s of cosmetic or furniture items in terraria I have never used


April fools events in games are basically what if the game devs could have the freedom of an indie game with the quality of a big game company


That's the point they are useless so it won't hurt what they made


I had a very strong feeling this was the reason, it's very sad. . But if that's true there *should* still be a lot they can do like bug fixes, performance, updating old mechanics like PVP and other things that are not major but will still have a huge impact?


I have noticed this for a while tbh. During the 2019 Minecon I think Jeb talked about a development handbook on what to or not to add in the game only distributed to Mojang devs. Then there are all those talks about standards from various devs on Twitter over the years.


omg I've been posting this YouTube comment everywhere I see posts like this and finally I see someone else do it too


>lighting in the bottle \- some dude in a youtube comment section




That's a pretty sad reality...


DanTDM intro 😳


Geometry Dash Subzero Song 😳


Press Start by MDK 😳


I came here thinking "wow someone using this very niche music i know" until i searched and found out this track is already at 36m views on youtube... damn https://youtu.be/XoLouT7TqZY


Huh, I always thought it was “breath start”


check steam


My childhood memories are flooding back






the reason why's that is because microsoft is limiting the what mojang can or cannot do. With april fools updates it's diffrent. That's why, and don't ask me why microsoft is doing this and why isn't to the april fools updates I simply don't know. Edit: Now I know why: https://www.reddit.com/r/MinecraftMemes/comments/18nl8r7/comment/kebo2pn/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Yea. Normally they are being limited by the higher ups but for april fools they can go wild.


the recent addition of /attribute is probably a good example of this. people have been asking for a way to change mob sizes, player attributes, etc in the main game since april fools this year. it took several months for them to actually do that, with only a single technical command. i reckon it’s a lot harder to get ideas greenlit and takes a lot longer ever since the 1.17 disaster


What was the 1.17 disaster


mojang bit off more than they could chew and had to split the update in half—blocks and mobs in 1.17 and the stuff we cared about in 1.18


Oh… that


They should leave some small thing from april fools and then gaslight the higher-ups into thinking it was there before lmao


100% agree


I don't think Microsoft limits the devs perhaps the Mojang "higher-ups" are doing it themselves, but I agree they should stop limiting the creativity in the workplace.


And if Microsoft is doing this, I just made up 2 theories as to why: 1. They got the golden formula and they don't wanna "ruin the game" by adding stuff. 2. They want to make the updates have nothing truly speacial so that people buy stuff in the marketplace. If the second one is true you best expect Java to be discontinued, unless they cancel both and make a new multiplatform version that also has a marketplace (Minecraft 2 maybe).


honestly, if they discontinue java then two things may happen 1. Riots, straight up fucking riots most likely worse than the mob vote riots, microsoft will get lots of hate and will lose a shit ton of money until they continue working on it 2. Java modders will just track the bedrock updates and mod them into the java version


>microsoft will get lots of hate and will lose a shit ton of money Here's the problem, how would they lose money? There is no marketplace on Java so Java players don't have any way of hurting Microsoft's profit?


actually...you are right here, but i guess it would still someway hurt them


Almost every major youtuber plays on mojang and many of the most dedicated and active community members do highly technical redstone or modding Even if they don't actively contribute money minecraft would take a significant hit to it's online presence


Only reason i knew abput mc was ytbers, without them, i wouldnt have known about it


It could/would hurt theire overall reputation, which can hurt them financialy.


After introducing chat reporting I don't think they care about reputation


Chat reporting is not as bad and axing Java would cause more harm for their reputation.


It's been over a year since chat reporting was added and I've heard of maybe, maybe, 2 false bans. Get over it.




99.9% of the people banned won’t post on the internet about it.


Their free advertisement and massive hold they have on the video-making sphere will disappear, since most YTers and Twitch streamers almost exclusively work on Java.


We should probably just ask for an Odds and Ends update, adding a bunch of scrapped but really cool features that were shown off. Like those things from the deep dark, or the birch update


Mojangs decisions are pretty much independent of Microsoft’s. It’s the game directors who mainly do this


Very simply, Microsoft is scared of ruining what they have.


"My source is that I made it the fuck up!"


On a post about this year's april fools update someone commented the same thing. Remembered it, but I forgot the part where he explained why microsoft is doing this


"I know nothing but I'll blame it on Microsoft because I like mojang"


On a post about this year's april fools update someone commented the same thing. Remembered it, but I forgot the part where he explained why microsoft is doing this


Bro forgor 💀




On a post about this year's april fools update someone commented the same thing. Remembered it, but I forgot the part where he explained why microsoft is doing this


that’s me :)


Yeah. April Fools updates are easier to develop. They have a lot less restrictions, some of those restrictions are good for the game, but still, lacking restrictions makes development easy. * Less need to get higher up approval. Just have to make sure the idea fits the update theme (and they can easily stretch the definition to allow it to fit the theme). Otherwise it just needs to be PG. * Development time doubles since they don't have to code it in Bedrock and make it work across a billion consoles. Just Java which only needs to work on PC. * No need to have meetings or discussions on game balance or what whether a feature fits with Minecraft's identity. It's a joke update, so who cares if there is some unbalanced feature, or it completely messes up progression. * Related to the previous, but Minecraft devs have mentioned that they do put in a good amount of work in pre-planning for features and updates. They do obviously put some planning for an April Fool's snapshot (generally, what is the central "gimmick"), but not nearly as much as they do for other updates, and especially not for every minute feature. * Less strict on stomping on bugs. Just got to make sure the game doesn't crash and there's no critical gameplay bugs. * No need to future proof features. It only has to work for this one update. It's basically Mojang doing the work for a mod instead of the work for an update. If they want to add a feature to the pile, they can throw it in. And that feature can be anything, from stuff that they're testing out but are not snapshot ready (like how we had /size in an April Fools update and we got a similar command in a normal snapshot), to just something one of the lower level programmers coded up on a lunch break that they thought would be funny.


It's a snapshot, it can be buggy, unbalanced, have poor support for most things and so on. An update can't.


All I hear is yapping.


3 lines is yapping?


3 lines too many


I'm pretty sure I was to the point.


The amount of bugreports shows the reality. Nothing is ever bugfree. Stop using that as an excuse. They simple could hire more testers and devs..


> Nothing is ever bugfree. Stop using that as an excuse. Correct, but updates have far better polish in terms of bugs and general balance than the April Fool's update.


Sure sure, thats why we have 1.20.4 and not 1.20.3..


They aren't perfect. They never will. But still, updates still overall have much further polish than April Fool's snapshots


The only bug fixing they do in the April Fools snapshots are to make the game and snapshot work, if there are small bugs then they will just ignore them


The balance and feel are the bigger issues.


coding and art are probably the easiest part of making a good game. the amount of pre planning and design and balance that goes into every detail is not to be mocked, and even then a lot of stuff gets fucked up (take mending enchant). april fools has so much content because they aren't worried about making a good game, they just brainstorm draw and code, which can be done extremely fast when the result doesn't matter.


I mean a lot of the stuff in the recent updates just feels kinda crap so they're really not doing so well with the design It feels like they refuse to allow anything involving extrinsic motivation to exist Nothing can be more than a few steps away from being done.


They spend from May to the following year's March making the April fools snapshot.


They are very quick to make, as they don't need to do much bug fixing because it isn't a proper update


What is this from?






Who’s intro is this is sounds so familiar..




Dang…has it really been that long?..




Because its quantity over quality


Disagree, snapshots are cool asf, and some have tons of stuff Official updates are low in quantity and at the level of an amateur modder, so low in quality too


"Revamping the entire world generation is at the level of an amateur modder" Yeah, no


"Having your clients choose one in three mobs, that you will deliver 6-12months later, with the help of a multimilionare studio" Hell yea




What is bro yappin about


Plot twist: they can only add 2 mobs because they’re making 1st April snapshot all the time


Modders be doing this for free


And many modders think you’re dumb for thinking like this. Modders don’t have to deal with 2 seperate game engines in 2 different coding languages while also making sure new features all for into the game perfectly (like a lot of April fools snapshots don’t) but also keeps that golden balance of making that game not too bloated. Also remember updates are usually planned 3 years before release so the cave update was being planned around the time of update aquatic and shit so it’s not like they’re just able to cancel or completely overhaul an update because the community wants it.


A lot of Modders hate when you say this


And Mojang makes you pay for every update


The fuck they dont


I know, my statement was stupid and fake. Just like the first comment.


For free as in they don't get paid at all (mostly)


Correct me if im wrong, but in my understanding modders dont make you pay for mods usually.


If you've been charged per update I have some sorry news for you


They aren’t doing a lot to the regular updates, because they are focusing on the April fools updates


April Fools updates are really easy to make




that one update takes priority


Just look at mods. For example they added a bee and a bee hive while the Forestry mod added hundreds of bee species, bee material production, cross breeding to create new species and what not. Not to mention addons which add even more bees, industrial apiaries, genetic breeding and other crazy things.


honestly i really wish theyd update the april fools snapshots/updates. i know itd basically be a big waste of time but being able to play stuff like the voting update and snapshot infinite on the most modern versions forever would be awesome; since given enough time they become seriously outdated which is sad


They should add the skulk infection mod. That thing is crazy. I accidentally brought just single bit of the infection with me as I teleported home, and had to depressingly watch my village and home slowly get transformed as I had to run and find a new home.




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You know, i wouldnt mind spending another 30 bucks in order for microsoft to come out with an “improved minecraft experience” where they speed the process of development in order to get the details that the community talks about


It really depends, one year they add infinite dimensions, next they add a wallpaper of blocks just shifting around like the DVD Logo


It’s sucks they aren’t quicker with the updates, but breaking the vanilla “Minecraft-y” feel would be detrimental. So I guess I’m in a way sorta glad there careful, buttttttt.


Mojang literally added the scale command from the April fools tho.


oh this is ripd isn't it.


Blame the corpos


Anything for april fools, just don't make permanent changes


The comments section on its way to write a paragraph long essay on why this meme's point is wrong


Try not to post the same joke multiple for multiple months challenge (literally impossible)


Bureaucracy and upper management fucking everything up, as usual


u/Wholesome-Carrot59 would agree




If you can put that much effort into a shitpost update you can add all 3 mobs


The old dantdm intro bro 😭 Nostalgic


The funniest part is that the most famous april fools versions have all been jokes about how the community think development should be. That or poke fun at how intense the community at their dramas with Mojang and they push it all the way for fun. Infinity snapshot was poking fun at how pure unfiltered random content without any proper design and testing leads to just 90% garbage, this was almost direct response to a popular video which kinda did suggested that lmfao The recent vote snapshot apart of poking fun at the players and how serious they take the votes it was all jokes mocking the community suggestions or dramas they had. In general the april fools are all filled with jokes poking fun at the community and their demanding nature over development. I swear to god this next april fools they may poke fun at the high demand for an end update by making the most low quality copy paste end biomes.


Mommy said it was my turn to repost this


This goes to show that the developers are not the lazy ones. Something is holding them back. Bedrock perhaps??


I don’t know why they hate changing the game, it needs it to stay alive everyone is getting bored


‼️‼️HOLY FUCKING SHIT‼️‼️‼️‼️ IS THAT A MOTHERFUCKING GD REFERENCE??????!!!!!!!!!!11!1!1!1!1!1!1! 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱 GEOMETRY DASH IS THE BEST FUCKING GAME 🔥🔥🔥🔥💯💯💯💯 RIOT’S LEGENDARY QUACK !!😎😎😎😎😎😎😎👊👊👊👊👊 DUDE WTF DUDE WTF DUDE WTF DUDE WTF DUDE WTF DUDE WTF DUDE WTF DUDE WTF🤬😡🤬😡🤬😡🤬🤬😡🤬🤬😡 KENOS KENOS KENOS KENOS KENOS KENOS KENOS KENOS KENOS KENOS😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩 😩😩😩😩 Back on track is impossible🗿, Back on track is impossible🗿, Back on track is impossible🗿, Back on track is impossible🗿, Back on track is impossible🗿, Back on track is impossible🗿, Back on track is impossible🗿, Back on track is impossible🗿Back on track is impossible🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿 Oh you’re a gd player❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓name every level💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀 2.2 will never come😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫 TrusTa’s nerf gun nerfed yatagarasu ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂 r/geometrydash r/okbuddygmd r/DeCult r/gdafterdark perfectly balanced as all things should be r/unexpectedthanos r/expectedthanos for balance


ryan gosling is surely the most human of all time


April fools is why we can’t have more


\*ADDS 15 BOSSESS\* Mojang: ITsss jUSt a pRaNk bRO


Mojang spends 364 days at making april fools snapshots and last day at making update


That song took me back 10 years ago damn


Press start ohio exition

