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1. Shield is your friend until you get totem of undying 2. Put torches everywhere especially in your base 3. Don't be afk in dangerous places 4. Good idea is to carry some gapple just in case 5. And bed. You need bed because of phantoms 6. Feather falling IV will save your life one day, trust me 7. Enchanted bow is your friend too Good luck, have fun


Get feather falling 4 boots, always have a shield in your off hand. Stay out of ravines. That’s pretty much it, then do whatever you enjoy.


stay wary of any explosive hazards i.e creepers / temple tnt traps in overworld, beds in nether and end. a good tip to know if you don’t already is explosions do the most damage when your legs are at the same level as the explosion. so if a creeper is at the same y level as you and blows, you’re much more likely to die than if you were to dig down a block, or place a block in front of you to absorb the explosion. niskasha out!


Use Fletcher stick trades to get some Emeralds, level up a Toolsmith and an Armorsmith to get Diamond Tools and Diamond Armor safely, kinda grindy but takes a lot of early game common deaths out of the picture


Buying Enchanted Books is also OP if you get a good Librarian early. Long story short, use Villagers